Esempio n. 1
   * Update the progress bar of the currently downloaded file in main window. Only update if progess
   * has at least increased by one percent of the total file size of the downloaded file.
   * @param downloadedBytes The current amount of downloaded bytes
   * @param lastProgBarUpdate The byte count at the last progress bar update
   * @param file The download file
   * @return The byte count at the last progress bar update
  private int updateProgressBar(int downloadedBytes, int lastProgBarUpdate, DownloadFile file) {
    int totalSize = (int) file.getTotalFileSize();

    // only update progess bar if progess has at least increased by one percent
    int diff = downloadedBytes - lastProgBarUpdate;
    int onePercent = (int) totalSize / 100;
    if (diff >= onePercent) {
      final String filename = file.getFilename();
      final int db = downloadedBytes;
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              mainApp.updateDownloadQueue(filename, db);

      return downloadedBytes; // prog bar updated, so return the new byte count

    return lastProgBarUpdate; // no update, so return the previous byte count