/* * Clean up the temporary data used to run the tests. * This method is not intended to be called by clients, it will be called * automatically when the clients use a ReconcilerTestSuite. */ public void cleanup() throws Exception { // rm -rf eclipse sub-dir boolean leaveDirty = Boolean.parseBoolean(TestActivator.getContext().getProperty("p2.tests.doNotClean")); if (leaveDirty) return; for (Iterator iter = toRemove.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { File next = (File) iter.next(); delete(next); } output = null; toRemove.clear(); }
private void restUseConfiguredCerts( final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean) throws PwmUnrecoverableException, IOException { final boolean value = Boolean.parseBoolean(pwmRequest.readParameterAsString("value")); configGuideBean.setUseConfiguredCerts(value); final StoredValue newStoredValue = value ? new X509CertificateValue(configGuideBean.getLdapCertificates()) : new X509CertificateValue(new X509Certificate[0]); configGuideBean .getStoredConfiguration() .writeSetting(PwmSetting.LDAP_SERVER_CERTS, LDAP_PROFILE_KEY, newStoredValue, null); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(new RestResultBean()); }
private void checkLdapServer(ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean) throws PwmOperationalException, IOException { final Map<String, String> formData = configGuideBean.getFormData(); final String host = formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_HOST); final int port = Integer.parseInt(formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_PORT)); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_SECURE))) { X509Utils.readRemoteCertificates(host, port); } else { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(host); SocketAddress sockaddr = new InetSocketAddress(addr, port); Socket sock = new Socket(); // this method will block for the defined number of milliseconds int timeout = 2000; sock.connect(sockaddr, timeout); } }
private void checkLdapServer(ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean) throws PwmOperationalException, IOException { final Map<String, String> formData = configGuideBean.getFormData(); final String host = formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_HOST); final int port = Integer.parseInt(formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_PORT)); { // socket test final InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(host); final SocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port); final Socket socket = new Socket(); final int timeout = 2000; socket.connect(socketAddress, timeout); } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(formData.get(PARAM_LDAP_SECURE))) { X509Utils.readRemoteCertificates(host, port); } }
@Override public void init() { try { this.debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getInitParameter("debug")); if (!this.debug) this.pageInfoCache = new HashMap<String, PageInfo>(); String routesParameter = this.getInitParameter("routes"); if (routesParameter != null) { this.routes = new Properties(); routes.load(new StringReader(routesParameter)); } String sourceParameter = this.getInitParameter("source"); if (sourceParameter == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing init parameter 'source'"); // automatically insert a reference to our PageServlet.js if not present String sourceDelimiter = ";"; if (sourceParameter.indexOf("PageServlet.js") < 0) sourceParameter = "jar:file:WEB-INF/lib/glasspages.jar!/glasspages/PageServlet.js" + sourceDelimiter + sourceParameter; this.errorPath = this.getInitParameter("error"); String[] sourceFiles = sourceParameter.split(sourceDelimiter); URL[] sourceUrls = new URL[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) { String sourceFile = sourceFiles[i]; if (sourceFile.indexOf(':') < 0) sourceFile = "file:" + sourceFile; try { sourceUrls[i] = new URL(sourceFile); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } this.contextCache = new ScriptContextCache(sourceUrls); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Creates REST request. * * @param cmd Command. * @param params Parameters. * @return REST request. * @throws GridException If creation failed. */ @Nullable private GridRestRequest createRequest( GridRestCommand cmd, Map<String, Object> params, ServletRequest req) throws GridException { GridRestRequest restReq; switch (cmd) { case CACHE_GET: case CACHE_GET_ALL: case CACHE_PUT: case CACHE_PUT_ALL: case CACHE_REMOVE: case CACHE_REMOVE_ALL: case CACHE_ADD: case CACHE_CAS: case CACHE_METRICS: case CACHE_REPLACE: case CACHE_DECREMENT: case CACHE_INCREMENT: case CACHE_APPEND: case CACHE_PREPEND: { GridRestCacheRequest restReq0 = new GridRestCacheRequest(); restReq0.cacheName((String) params.get("cacheName")); restReq0.key(params.get("key")); restReq0.value(params.get("val")); restReq0.value2(params.get("val2")); Object val1 = params.get("val1"); if (val1 != null) restReq0.value(val1); restReq0.cacheFlags(intValue("cacheFlags", params, 0)); restReq0.ttl(longValue("exp", params, null)); restReq0.initial(longValue("init", params, null)); restReq0.delta(longValue("delta", params, null)); if (cmd == CACHE_GET_ALL || cmd == CACHE_PUT_ALL || cmd == CACHE_REMOVE_ALL) { List<Object> keys = values("k", params); List<Object> vals = values("v", params); if (keys.size() < vals.size()) throw new GridException( "Number of keys must be greater or equals to number of values."); Map<Object, Object> map = U.newHashMap(keys.size()); Iterator<Object> keyIt = keys.iterator(); Iterator<Object> valIt = vals.iterator(); while (keyIt.hasNext()) map.put(keyIt.next(), valIt.hasNext() ? valIt.next() : null); restReq0.values(map); } restReq = restReq0; break; } case TOPOLOGY: case NODE: { GridRestTopologyRequest restReq0 = new GridRestTopologyRequest(); restReq0.includeMetrics(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("mtr"))); restReq0.includeAttributes(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("attr"))); restReq0.nodeIp((String) params.get("ip")); restReq0.nodeId(uuidValue("id", params)); restReq = restReq0; break; } case EXE: case RESULT: case NOOP: { GridRestTaskRequest restReq0 = new GridRestTaskRequest(); restReq0.taskId((String) params.get("id")); restReq0.taskName((String) params.get("name")); restReq0.params(values("p", params)); restReq0.async(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("async"))); restReq0.timeout(longValue("timeout", params, 0L)); restReq = restReq0; break; } case LOG: { GridRestLogRequest restReq0 = new GridRestLogRequest(); restReq0.path((String) params.get("path")); restReq0.from(intValue("from", params, -1)); restReq0.to(intValue("to", params, -1)); restReq = restReq0; break; } case VERSION: { restReq = new GridRestRequest(); break; } default: throw new GridException("Invalid command: " + cmd); } restReq.address(new InetSocketAddress(req.getRemoteAddr(), req.getRemotePort())); restReq.command(cmd); if (params.containsKey("gridgain.login") || params.containsKey("gridgain.password")) { GridSecurityCredentials cred = new GridSecurityCredentials( (String) params.get("gridgain.login"), (String) params.get("gridgain.password")); restReq.credentials(cred); } String clientId = (String) params.get("clientId"); try { if (clientId != null) restReq.clientId(UUID.fromString(clientId)); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Ignore invalid client id. Rest handler will process this logic. } String destId = (String) params.get("destId"); try { if (destId != null) restReq.destinationId(UUID.fromString(destId)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { // Don't fail - try to execute locally. } String sesTokStr = (String) params.get("sessionToken"); try { if (sesTokStr != null) restReq.sessionToken(U.hexString2ByteArray(sesTokStr)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { // Ignore invalid session token. } return restReq; }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType(XML_RESPONSE_HEADER); // Talkback happens in XML form. response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); // Unicode++ request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = null; // The talkback buffer. // handle startrecord Integer startRecord = 0; if (!(request.getParameter("startRecord") == null)) { try { startRecord = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("startRecord")) - 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { startRecord = 0; } } // maximumrecords Integer maximumRecords = Integer.parseInt(this.config.getProperty("default_maximumRecords")); if (!(request.getParameter("maximumRecords") == null)) { maximumRecords = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("maximumRecords")); } // operation String operation = request.getParameter("operation"); // x_collection String x_collection = request.getParameter("x-collection"); if (x_collection == null) x_collection = this.config.getProperty("default_x_collection"); if (x_collection == null) operation = null; // sortkeys String sortKeys = request.getParameter("sortKeys"); // sortorder String sortOrder = request.getParameter("sortOrder"); // recordschema String recordSchema = request.getParameter("recordSchema"); if (recordSchema == null) recordSchema = "dc"; if (recordSchema.equalsIgnoreCase("dcx")) { recordSchema = "dcx"; } if (recordSchema.equalsIgnoreCase("solr")) { recordSchema = "solr"; } // query request String query = request.getParameter("query"); String q = request.getParameter("q"); // who is requestor ? String remote_ip = request.getHeader("X-FORWARDED-FOR"); if (remote_ip == null) { remote_ip = request.getRemoteAddr().trim(); } else { remote_ip = request.getHeader("X-FORWARDED-FOR"); } // handle debug Boolean debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("debug")); if (!debug) { out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), "UTF8"), true); } // handle query if ((query == null) && (q != null)) { query = q; } else { if ((query != null) && (q == null)) { q = query; } else { operation = null; } } // handle operation if (operation == null) { if (query != null) { operation = "searchRetrieve"; } else { operation = "explain"; } } // searchRetrieve if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("searchRetrieve")) { if (query == null) { operation = "explain"; log.debug(operation + ":" + query); } } // start talking back. String[] sq = {""}; String solrquery = ""; // facet String facet = null; List<FacetField> fct = null; if (request.getParameter("facet") != null) { facet = request.getParameter("facet"); log.debug("facet : " + facet); } if (operation == null) { operation = "searchretrieve"; } else { // explain response if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("explain")) { log.debug("operation = explain"); out.write("<srw:explainResponse xmlns:srw=\"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/\">"); out.write("</srw:explainResponse>"); } else { // DEBUG routine operation = "searchretrieve"; String triplequery = null; if (query.matches(".*?\\[.+?\\].*?")) { // New symantic syntax triplequery = symantic_query(query); query = query.split("\\[")[0] + " " + triplequery; log.fatal(triplequery); solrquery = CQLtoLucene.translate(query, log, config); } else { solrquery = CQLtoLucene.translate(query, log, config); } log.debug(solrquery); if (debug == true) { response.setContentType(HTML_RESPONSE_HEADER); out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), "UTF8"), true); out.write("<html><body>\n\n"); out.write("'" + remote_ip + "'<br>\n"); out.write("<form action='http://www.kbresearch.nl/kbSRU'>"); out.write("<input type=text name=q value='" + query + "' size=120>"); out.write("<input type=hidden name=debug value=True>"); out.write("<input type=submit>"); out.write("<table border=1><tr><td>"); out.write("q</td><td>" + query + "</td></tr><tr>"); out.write("<td>query out</td><td>" + URLDecoder.decode(solrquery) + "</td></tr>"); out.write( "<tr><td>SOLR_URL</td><td> <a href='" + this.config.getProperty( "collection." + x_collection.toLowerCase() + ".solr_baseurl") + "/?q=" + solrquery + "'>" + this.config.getProperty( "collection." + x_collection.toLowerCase() + ".solr_baseurl") + "/select/?q=" + solrquery + "</a><br>" + this.config.getProperty("solr_url") + solrquery + "</td></tr>"); out.write( "<b>SOLR_QUERY</b> : <BR> <iframe width=900 height=400 src='" + this.config.getProperty( "collection." + x_collection.toLowerCase() + ".solr_baseurl") + "/../?q=" + solrquery + "'></iframe><BR>"); out.write( "<b>SRU_QUERY</b> : <BR> <a href=" + this.config.getProperty("baseurl") + "?q=" + query + "'>" + this.config.getProperty("baseurl") + "?q=" + query + "</a><br><iframe width=901 height=400 src='http://www.kbresearch.nl/kbSRU/?q=" + query + "'></iframe><BR>"); out.write( "<br><b>JSRU_QUERY</b> : <BR><a href='http://jsru.kb.nl/sru/?query=" + query + "&x-collection=" + x_collection + "'>http://jsru.kb.nl/sru/?query=" + query + "&x-collection=GGC</a><br><iframe width=900 height=400 src='http://jsru.kb.nl/sru/?query=" + query + "&x-collection=GGC'></iframe>"); } else { // XML SearchRetrieve response String url = this.config.getProperty("collection." + x_collection.toLowerCase() + ".solr_baseurl"); String buffer = ""; CommonsHttpSolrServer server = null; server = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(url); log.fatal("URSING " + url); server.setParser(new XMLResponseParser()); int numfound = 0; try { SolrQuery do_query = new SolrQuery(); do_query.setQuery(solrquery); do_query.setRows(maximumRecords); do_query.setStart(startRecord); if ((sortKeys != null) && (sortKeys.length() > 1)) { if (sortOrder != null) { if (sortOrder.equals("asc")) { do_query.setSortField(sortKeys, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc); } if (sortOrder.equals("desc")) { do_query.setSortField(sortKeys, SolrQuery.ORDER.desc); } } else { for (String str : sortKeys.trim().split(",")) { str = str.trim(); if (str.length() > 1) { if (str.equals("date")) { do_query.setSortField("date_date", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc); log.debug("SORTORDERDEBUG | DATE! " + str + " | "); break; } else { do_query.setSortField(str + "_str", SolrQuery.ORDER.asc); log.debug("SORTORDERDEBUG | " + str + " | "); break; } } } } } if (facet != null) { if (facet.indexOf(",") > 1) { for (String str : facet.split(",")) { if (str.indexOf("date") > 1) { do_query.addFacetField(str); } else { do_query.addFacetField(str); } // do_query.setParam("facet.method", "enum"); } // q.setFacetSort(false); } else { do_query.addFacetField(facet); } do_query.setFacet(true); do_query.setFacetMinCount(1); do_query.setFacetLimit(-1); } log.fatal(solrquery); QueryResponse rsp = null; boolean do_err = false; boolean do_sugg = false; SolrDocumentList sdl = null; String diag = ""; StringBuffer suggest = new StringBuffer(""); String content = "1"; SolrQuery spellq = do_query; try { rsp = server.query(do_query); } catch (SolrServerException e) { String header = this.SRW_HEADER.replaceAll("\\$numberOfRecords", "0"); out.write(header); diag = this.SRW_DIAG.replaceAll("\\$error", e.getMessage()); do_err = true; rsp = null; } log.fatal("query done.."); if (!(do_err)) { // XML dc response SolrDocumentList docs = rsp.getResults(); numfound = (int) docs.getNumFound(); int count = startRecord; String header = this.SRW_HEADER.replaceAll("\\$numberOfRecords", Integer.toString(numfound)); out.write(header); out.write("<srw:records>"); Iterator<SolrDocument> iter = rsp.getResults().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { count += 1; if (recordSchema.equalsIgnoreCase("dc")) { SolrDocument resultDoc = iter.next(); content = (String) resultDoc.getFieldValue("id"); out.write("<srw:record>"); out.write("<srw:recordPacking>xml</srw:recordPacking>"); out.write("<srw:recordSchema>info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1</srw:recordSchema>"); out.write( "<srw:recordData xmlns:srw_dc=\"info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1\" xmlns:mods=\"http://www.loc.gov/mods\" xmlns:dcterms=\"http://purl.org/dc/terms/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:dcx=\"http://krait.kb.nl/coop/tel/handbook/telterms.html\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:marcrel=\"http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/OTH\" xmlns:facets=\"info:srw/extension/4/facets\" >"); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(""); construct_lucene_dc(result, resultDoc); out.write(result.toString()); out.write("</srw:recordData>"); out.write( "<srw:recordPosition>" + Integer.toString(count) + "</srw:recordPosition>"); out.write("</srw:record>"); } if (recordSchema.equalsIgnoreCase("solr")) { SolrDocument resultDoc = iter.next(); content = (String) resultDoc.getFieldValue("id"); out.write("<srw:record>"); out.write("<srw:recordPacking>xml</srw:recordPacking>"); out.write("<srw:recordSchema>info:srw/schema/1/solr</srw:recordSchema>"); out.write("<srw:recordData xmlns:expand=\"http://www.kbresearch.nl/expand\">"); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(""); construct_lucene_solr(result, resultDoc); out.write(result.toString()); out.write("</srw:recordData>"); out.write( "<srw:recordPosition>" + Integer.toString(count) + "</srw:recordPosition>"); out.write("</srw:record>"); } if (recordSchema.equalsIgnoreCase("dcx")) { // XML dcx response out.write("<srw:record>"); out.write("<srw:recordPacking>xml</srw:recordPacking>"); out.write("<srw:recordSchema>info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1</srw:recordSchema>"); out.write( "<srw:recordData><srw_dc:dc xmlns:srw_dc=\"info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1\" xmlns:mods=\"http://www.loc.gov/mods\" xmlns:dcterms=\"http://purl.org/dc/terms/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:dcx=\"http://krait.kb.nl/coop/tel/handbook/telterms.html\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:marcrel=\"http://www.loc.gov/marc.relators/\" xmlns:expand=\"http://www.kbresearch.nl/expand\" xmlns:skos=\"http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#\" xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" >"); SolrDocument resultDoc = iter.next(); content = (String) resultDoc.getFieldValue("id"); String dcx_data = helpers.getOAIdcx( "http://services.kb.nl/mdo/oai?verb=GetRecord&identifier=" + content, log); if (x_collection.equalsIgnoreCase("ggc-thes")) { dcx_data = helpers.getOAIdcx( "http://serviceso.kb.nl/mdo/oai?verb=GetRecord&identifier=" + content, log); } if (!(dcx_data.length() == 0)) { out.write(dcx_data); } else { // Should not do this!! out.write("<srw:record>"); out.write("<srw:recordPacking>xml</srw:recordPacking>"); out.write("<srw:recordSchema>info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1</srw:recordSchema>"); out.write( "<srw:recordData xmlns:srw_dc=\"info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1\" xmlns:mods=\"http://www.loc.gov/mods\" xmlns:dcterms=\"http://purl.org/dc/terms/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:dcx=\"http://krait.kb.nl/coop/tel/handbook/telterms.html\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:marcrel=\"http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/OTH\" >"); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(""); construct_lucene_dc(result, resultDoc); out.write(result.toString()); out.write("</srw:recordData>"); out.write( "<srw:recordPosition>" + Integer.toString(count) + "</srw:recordPosition>"); out.write("</srw:record>"); } out.write("</srw_dc:dc>"); StringBuffer expand_data; boolean expand = false; if (content.startsWith("GGC-THES:AC:")) { String tmp_content = ""; tmp_content = content.replaceFirst("GGC-THES:AC:", ""); log.fatal("calling get"); expand_data = new StringBuffer( helpers.getExpand( "http://www.kbresearch.nl/general/lod_new/get/" + tmp_content + "?format=rdf", log)); log.fatal("get finini"); if (expand_data.toString().length() > 4) { out.write( "<srw_dc:expand xmlns:srw_dc=\"info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1\" xmlns:expand=\"http://www.kbresearch.nl/expand\" xmlns:skos=\"http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#\" xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" >"); out.write(expand_data.toString()); expand = true; } } else { expand_data = new StringBuffer( helpers.getExpand( "http://www.kbresearch.nl/ANP.cgi?q=" + content, log)); if (expand_data.toString().length() > 0) { if (!expand) { out.write( "<srw_dc:expand xmlns:srw_dc=\"info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1\" xmlns:expand=\"http://www.kbresearch.nl/expand\" xmlns:skos=\"http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#\" xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" >"); expand = true; } out.write(expand_data.toString()); } } if (expand) { out.write("</srw_dc:expand>"); } out.write("</srw:recordData>"); out.write( "<srw:recordPosition>" + Integer.toString(count) + "</srw:recordPosition>"); out.write("</srw:record>"); } } } if ((do_err) || (numfound == 0)) { log.fatal("I haz suggestions"); try { spellq.setParam("spellcheck", true); spellq.setQueryType("/spell"); server = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(url); rsp = server.query(spellq); sdl = rsp.getResults(); SpellCheckResponse spell; spell = rsp.getSpellCheckResponse(); List<SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion> suggestions = spell.getSuggestions(); if (suggestions.isEmpty() == false) { suggest.append("<srw:extraResponseData>"); suggest.append("<suggestions>"); for (SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion sugg : suggestions) { suggest.append("<suggestionfor>" + sugg.getToken() + "</suggestionfor>"); for (String item : sugg.getSuggestions()) { suggest.append("<suggestion>" + item + "</suggestion>"); } suggest.append("</suggestions>"); suggest.append("</srw:extraResponseData>"); } do_sugg = true; } } catch (Exception e) { rsp = null; // log.fatal(e.toString()); } ; } ; if (!do_err) { if (facet != null) { try { fct = rsp.getFacetFields(); out.write("<srw:facets>"); for (String str : facet.split(",")) { out.write("<srw:facet>"); out.write("<srw:facetType>"); out.write(str); out.write("</srw:facetType>"); for (FacetField f : fct) { log.debug(f.getName()); // if (f.getName().equals(str+"_str") || (f.getName().equals(str+"_date")) ) { List<FacetField.Count> facetEnties = f.getValues(); for (FacetField.Count fcount : facetEnties) { out.write("<srw:facetValue>"); out.write("<srw:valueString>"); out.write(helpers.xmlEncode(fcount.getName())); out.write("</srw:valueString>"); out.write("<srw:count>"); out.write(Double.toString(fcount.getCount())); out.write("</srw:count>"); out.write("</srw:facetValue>"); // } } } out.write("</srw:facet>"); } out.write("</srw:facets>"); startRecord += 1; } catch (Exception e) { } // log.fatal(e.toString()); } } } else { out.write(diag); } out.write("</srw:records>"); // SearchRetrieve response footer String footer = this.SRW_FOOTER.replaceAll("\\$query", helpers.xmlEncode(query)); footer = footer.replaceAll("\\$startRecord", (startRecord).toString()); footer = footer.replaceAll("\\$maximumRecords", maximumRecords.toString()); footer = footer.replaceAll("\\$recordSchema", recordSchema); if (do_sugg) { out.write(suggest.toString()); } out.write(footer); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { out.write(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { out.write("TO ERR is Human"); } } } } out.close(); }
@Override protected boolean handlePost(RequestInfo requestInfo) throws ServletException { String gitSegment = requestInfo.gitSegment; HttpServletRequest request = requestInfo.request; HttpServletResponse response = requestInfo.response; Repository db = requestInfo.db; String pattern = requestInfo.relativePath; JSONObject requestObject = requestInfo.getJSONRequest(); try { String commitToMerge = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_MERGE, null); if (commitToMerge != null) { boolean squash = requestObject.optBoolean(GitConstants.KEY_SQUASH, false); return merge(request, response, db, commitToMerge, squash); } String commitToRebase = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REBASE, null); String rebaseOperation = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_OPERATION, null); if (commitToRebase != null) { return rebase(request, response, db, commitToRebase, rebaseOperation); } String commitToCherryPick = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CHERRY_PICK, null); if (commitToCherryPick != null) { return cherryPick(request, response, db, commitToCherryPick); } String commitToRevert = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVERT, null); if (commitToRevert != null) { return revert(request, response, db, commitToRevert); } String newCommit = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_NEW, null); if (newCommit != null) return identifyNewCommitResource(request, response, db, newCommit); String reviewReqLogin = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_NOTIFY_LOGIN); if (reviewReqLogin != null && reviewReqLogin.length() != 0) { String reviewReqUrl = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_URL); String ReviewReqCommit = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_COMMIT); String ReviewReqAuthorName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_AUTHOR_NAME); String ReviewMessage = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_MESSAGE); return sendNotification( request, response, db, reviewReqLogin, ReviewReqCommit, reviewReqUrl, ReviewReqAuthorName, ReviewMessage); } ObjectId refId = db.resolve(gitSegment); if (refId == null || !Constants.HEAD.equals(gitSegment)) { String msg = NLS.bind("Commit failed. Ref must be HEAD and is {0}", gitSegment); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } String message = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, null); if (message == null || message.isEmpty()) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing commit message.", null)); } Git git = new Git(db); CommitCommand cc = git.commit(); Config config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); boolean amend = Boolean.parseBoolean(requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_AMEND, null)); boolean insertChangeId = GitUtils.isGerrit(config) || Boolean.parseBoolean(requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CHANGE_ID, null)); String committerName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMITTER_NAME, null); String committerEmail = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMITTER_EMAIL, null); String authorName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_AUTHOR_NAME, null); String authorEmail = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_AUTHOR_EMAIL, null); // workaround of a bug in JGit which causes invalid // support of null values of author/committer name/email, see bug 352984 PersonIdent defPersonIdent = new PersonIdent(db); if (committerName == null) committerName = defPersonIdent.getName(); if (committerEmail == null) committerEmail = defPersonIdent.getEmailAddress(); if (authorName == null) authorName = committerName; if (authorEmail == null) authorEmail = committerEmail; cc.setCommitter(committerName, committerEmail); cc.setAuthor(authorName, authorEmail); if (insertChangeId) cc.setInsertChangeId(true); // support for committing by path: "git commit -o path" if (!pattern.isEmpty()) { cc.setOnly(pattern); } try { // "git commit [--amend] -m '{message}' [-a|{path}]" RevCommit lastCommit = cc.setAmend(amend).setMessage(message).call(); URI cloneLocation = BaseToCloneConverter.getCloneLocation( getURI(request), BaseToCloneConverter.COMMIT_REFRANGE); Commit commit = new Commit(cloneLocation, db, lastCommit, pattern); JSONObject result = commit.toJSON(); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "An error occured when commiting.", e)); } catch (UnmergedPathException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An internal error occured when commiting.", e)); } } catch (Exception e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when requesting a commit info.", e)); } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { boolean usePersistConnection = JokeClient.usePersistConnection; // default server name to connect String serverName = "localhost"; // read optional serverName param from args if there is args. if (args.length > 0) { serverName = args[0]; } String userName = null; String clientId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); /** user can pass a clientId as arg. */ if (args.length > 1) { clientId = args[1]; } /** user can pass usePersistConnection as arg. */ if (args.length > 2) { usePersistConnection = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[2]); } // print configuration information printConfiguration(serverName, clientId, usePersistConnection); /** * we need to close resources after use them, so declared two named object, and auto close them * by jdk7. */ try (InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); ) { /** create connection to server .I do not want reconnect socket each time, so I re-use it. */ Socket server = null; /** when use PersistConnection, will not re connect each time */ if (usePersistConnection) { server = new Socket(serverName, SERVER_PORT); } // continue do job until break by user's quit command while (true) { if (!usePersistConnection) { server = new Socket(serverName, SERVER_PORT); } if (userName == null) { System.out.print( "Enter \"" + ClientCommandType.SetName + " yourName\" to set your name,(" + QUIT_COMMAND + ") to end: "); } else { System.out.print( "Enter " + ClientCommandType.QueryNext + " to query next joke/proverb, (" + QUIT_COMMAND + ") to end: "); } System.out.flush(); String clientCommand = bufferedReader.readLine(); /** validate input.must be not null and not empty. */ if (clientCommand == null || clientCommand.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("command must not be null or empty"); continue; } /** * More strict condition to quit. Must exactly equals quit command to quit, other than only * contains quit command in the host name. */ if (clientCommand.equals(QUIT_COMMAND)) { System.out.println("Cancelled by user request."); // break is to quit here. break; } /** if userName is not set ,do not allow query command. */ if (userName == null) { if (!clientCommand.startsWith(ClientCommandType.SetName.toString())) { System.out.println("You must enter name before QueryNext joke or proverb."); continue; } else { /** * client don't store input userName, instead ,it store verified and accepted userName * by server. */ userName = getResponse(clientId, clientCommand, server)[0]; continue; } } // didn't quit. userName is set. so do query and print. getResponse(clientId, clientCommand, server); if (!usePersistConnection) { server.close(); } } } catch (IOException x) { System.out.println("Socket error. Client Terminated"); x.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean bInCheck() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(ask("check:b;")); }
private ClassGraphics parse(Element grNode /*, boolean isRelation*/) { ClassGraphics newGraphics = new ClassGraphics(); newGraphics.setShowFields(Boolean.parseBoolean(grNode.getAttribute(ATR_SHOW_FIELDS))); // newGraphics.setRelation( isRelation ); NodeList list = grNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < list.getLength(); k++) { if (list.item(k).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element node = (Element) list.item(k); String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); Shape shape = null; if (EL_BOUNDS.equals(nodeName)) { Dim dim = getDim(node); newGraphics.setBounds(dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height); continue; } else if (EL_LINE.equals(nodeName)) { shape = makeLine(node, newGraphics); } else if (EL_RECT.equals(nodeName)) { Dim dim = getDim(node); Lineprops lp = getLineProps(node); shape = new Rect( dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, getColor(node), isShapeFilled(node), lp.strokeWidth, lp.lineType); } else if (EL_OVAL.equals(nodeName)) { Dim dim = getDim(node); Lineprops lp = getLineProps(node); shape = new Oval( dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, getColor(node), isShapeFilled(node), lp.strokeWidth, lp.lineType); } else if (EL_ARC.equals(nodeName)) { Dim dim = getDim(node); Lineprops lp = getLineProps(node); int startAngle = Integer.parseInt(node.getAttribute(ATR_START_ANGLE)); int arcAngle = Integer.parseInt(node.getAttribute(ATR_ARC_ANGLE)); shape = new Arc( dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, startAngle, arcAngle, getColor(node), isShapeFilled(node), lp.strokeWidth, lp.lineType); } else if (EL_POLYGON.equals(nodeName)) { Lineprops lp = getLineProps(node); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(getColor(node), isShapeFilled(node), lp.strokeWidth, lp.lineType); // points NodeList points = node.getElementsByTagName(EL_POINT); int pointCount = points.getLength(); // arrays of polygon points int[] xs = new int[pointCount]; int[] ys = new int[pointCount]; // arrays of FIXED information about polygon points int[] fxs = new int[pointCount]; int[] fys = new int[pointCount]; int width = newGraphics.getBoundWidth(); int height = newGraphics.getBoundHeight(); for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++) { FixedCoords fc = getFixedCoords((Element) points.item(j), width, height, null); xs[j] = fc.x; fxs[j] = fc.fx; ys[j] = fc.y; fys[j] = fc.fy; } polygon.setPoints(xs, ys, fxs, fys); shape = polygon; } else if (EL_IMAGE.equals(nodeName)) { Dim dim = getDim(node); // image path should be relative to the package xml String imgPath = node.getAttribute(ATR_PATH); String fullPath = FileFuncs.preparePathOS(getWorkingDir() + imgPath); shape = new Image(dim.x, dim.y, fullPath, imgPath, isShapeFixed(node)); } else if (EL_TEXT.equals(nodeName)) { shape = makeText(node, newGraphics); /* * if (str.equals("*self")) newText.name = "self"; else if * (str.equals("*selfWithName")) newText.name = "selfName"; */ } if (shape != null) newGraphics.addShape(shape); } return newGraphics; }
private boolean isShapeFixed(Element shape) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(shape.getAttribute(ATR_FIXED)); }
private void parsePort(PackageClass newClass, Element portNode) { String name = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_NAME); String type = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_TYPE); String x = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_X); String y = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_Y); String portConnection = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_PORT_CONNECTION); String strict = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_STRICT); String multi = portNode.getAttribute(ATR_MULTI); ClassField cf = newClass.getSpecField(name); if (newClass.getComponentType().hasSpec()) { if (name.indexOf(".") > -1) { // TODO - temporarily do not dig into hierarchy int idx = name.indexOf("."); String root = name.substring(0, idx); if (newClass.getSpecField(root) == null) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Field " + root + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " is not declared in the specification, variable " + type + " " + name + " ignored "); return; } newClass.addSpecField(new ClassField(name, type)); } else if (!TypeUtil.TYPE_THIS.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { if (cf == null) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Port " + type + " " + name + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " does not have the corresponding field in the specification"); } else if (!cf.getType().equals(type) // type may be declared as "alias", however cf.getType() returns e.g. "double[]", ignore // it && !(cf.isAlias() && TypeUtil.TYPE_ALIAS.equals(type))) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Port " + type + " " + name + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " does not match the field declared in the specification: " + cf.getType() + " " + cf.getName()); } } } Port newPort = new Port( name, type, Integer.parseInt(x), Integer.parseInt(y), portConnection, Boolean.parseBoolean(strict), Boolean.parseBoolean(multi)); if (portNode.hasAttribute(ATR_ID)) newPort.setId(portNode.getAttribute(ATR_ID)); Element gr; // open if ((gr = getElementByName(portNode, EL_OPEN)) != null && (gr = getElementByName(gr, EL_GRAPHICS)) != null) { newPort.setOpenGraphics(getGraphicsParser().parse(gr)); } // closed if ((gr = getElementByName(portNode, EL_CLOSED)) != null && (gr = getElementByName(gr, EL_GRAPHICS)) != null) { newPort.setClosedGraphics(getGraphicsParser().parse(gr)); } newClass.addPort(newPort); }
private void parseField(PackageClass newClass, Element fieldNode) { String name = fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_NAME); String type = fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_TYPE); ClassField newField; if (newClass.getComponentType().hasSpec()) { if (name.indexOf(".") > -1) { // TODO - temporarily do not dig into hierarchy int idx = name.indexOf("."); String root = name.substring(0, idx); if (newClass.getSpecField(root) == null) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Field " + root + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " is not declared in the specification, variable " + type + " " + name + " ignored "); return; } newField = new ClassField(name, type); newClass.addSpecField(newField); } else { newField = newClass.getSpecField(name); if (newField == null) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Field " + type + " " + name + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " is not declared in the specification"); return; } else if (!newField.getType().equals(type)) { collector.collectDiagnostic( "Field " + type + " " + name + " in class " + newClass.getName() + " does not match the field declared in the specification: " + newField.getType() + " " + newField.getName()); return; } } } else { newField = new ClassField(name, type); newClass.addSpecField(newField); } newField.setValue(fieldNode.hasAttribute(ATR_VALUE) ? fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_VALUE) : null); newField.setDescription(fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_DESCRIPTION)); newField.setHidden(Boolean.parseBoolean(fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_HIDDEN))); String nature = fieldNode.getAttribute(ATR_NATURE); if ("input".equals(nature)) newField.setInput(true); else if ("goal".equals(nature)) newField.setGoal(true); newClass.addField(newField); Element gr; // known if ((gr = getElementByName(fieldNode, EL_KNOWN)) != null && (gr = getElementByName(gr, EL_GRAPHICS)) != null) { newField.setKnownGraphics(getGraphicsParser().parse(gr)); } // default if ((gr = getElementByName(fieldNode, EL_DEFAULT)) != null && (gr = getElementByName(gr, EL_GRAPHICS)) != null) { newField.setDefaultGraphics(getGraphicsParser().parse(gr)); } }
private PackageClass parseClass(Element classNode) { PackageClass newClass = new PackageClass(); _package.getClasses().add(newClass); newClass.setComponentType(PackageClass.ComponentType.getType(classNode.getAttribute(ATR_TYPE))); newClass.setStatic(Boolean.parseBoolean(classNode.getAttribute(ATR_STATIC))); newClass.setName(getElementByName(classNode, EL_NAME).getTextContent()); final String source = getElementStringByName(classNode, EL_FILE); if (source != null) { newClass.setSource(source); } newClass.setTarget(getElementStringByName(classNode, EL_EXTENDS)); newClass.setDescription(getElementByName(classNode, EL_DESCRIPTION).getTextContent()); newClass.setIcon(getElementByName(classNode, EL_ICON).getTextContent()); // parse all variables declared in the corresponding specification if (newClass.getComponentType().hasSpec()) { final String newClassName = newClass.getName(); try { switch (RuntimeProperties.getSpecParserKind()) { case REGEXP: { ClassList classList = new ClassList(); SpecParser.parseSpecClass(newClassName, getWorkingDir(), classList); newClass.setSpecFields(classList.getType(newClassName).getFields()); break; } case ANTLR: { if (specificationLoader == null) { specificationLoader = new SpecificationLoader(new PackageSpecSourceProvider(_package), null); } final AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = specificationLoader.getSpecification(newClassName); newClass.setSpecFields(annotatedClass.getFields()); break; } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Undefined specification language parser"); } } catch (SpecParseException e) { final String msg = "Unable to parse the specification of class " + newClassName; logger.error(msg, e); collector.collectDiagnostic(msg + "\nReason: " + e.getMessage() + "\nLine: " + e.getLine()); } } // Graphics Element grNode = getElementByName(classNode, EL_GRAPHICS); newClass.addGraphics( getGraphicsParser().parse(grNode/*, newClass.getComponentType() == ComponentType.REL*/ )); Element painter; if ((painter = getElementByName(grNode, EL_PAINTER)) != null) { newClass.setPainterName(painter.getTextContent()); } // Ports NodeList ports = classNode.getElementsByTagName(EL_PORT); for (int i = 0; i < ports.getLength(); i++) { parsePort(newClass, (Element) ports.item(i)); } // Fields NodeList fields = classNode.getElementsByTagName(EL_FIELD); for (int i = 0; i < fields.getLength(); i++) { parseField(newClass, (Element) fields.item(i)); } return newClass; }
/** * Load client configuration from the properties map. * * @param prefix Prefix for the client properties. * @param in Properties map to load configuration from. * @throws GridClientException If parsing configuration failed. */ public void load(String prefix, Properties in) throws GridClientException { while (prefix.endsWith(".")) prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1); if (!prefix.isEmpty()) prefix += "."; String balancer = in.getProperty(prefix + "balancer"); String connectTimeout = in.getProperty(prefix + "connectTimeout"); String cred = in.getProperty(prefix + "credentials"); String autoFetchMetrics = in.getProperty(prefix + "autoFetchMetrics"); String autoFetchAttrs = in.getProperty(prefix + "autoFetchAttributes"); String maxConnIdleTime = in.getProperty(prefix + "idleTimeout"); String proto = in.getProperty(prefix + "protocol"); String srvrs = in.getProperty(prefix + "servers"); String tcpNoDelay = in.getProperty(prefix + "tcp.noDelay"); String topRefreshFreq = in.getProperty(prefix + "topology.refresh"); String sslEnabled = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.enabled"); String sslProto = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.protocol", "TLS"); String sslKeyAlg = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.key.algorithm", "SunX509"); String keyStorePath = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.keystore.location"); String keyStorePwd = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.keystore.password"); String keyStoreType = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.keystore.type"); String trustStorePath = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.truststore.location"); String trustStorePwd = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.truststore.password"); String trustStoreType = in.getProperty(prefix + "ssl.truststore.type"); String dataCfgs = in.getProperty(prefix + "data.configurations"); setBalancer(resolveBalancer(balancer)); if (!F.isEmpty(connectTimeout)) setConnectTimeout(Integer.parseInt(connectTimeout)); if (!F.isEmpty(cred)) { int idx = cred.indexOf(':'); if (idx >= 0 && idx < cred.length() - 1) { setSecurityCredentialsProvider( new SecurityCredentialsBasicProvider( new SecurityCredentials(cred.substring(0, idx), cred.substring(idx + 1)))); } else { setSecurityCredentialsProvider( new SecurityCredentialsBasicProvider(new SecurityCredentials(null, null, cred))); } } if (!F.isEmpty(autoFetchMetrics)) setAutoFetchMetrics(Boolean.parseBoolean(autoFetchMetrics)); if (!F.isEmpty(autoFetchAttrs)) setAutoFetchAttributes(Boolean.parseBoolean(autoFetchAttrs)); if (!F.isEmpty(maxConnIdleTime)) setMaxConnectionIdleTime(Integer.parseInt(maxConnIdleTime)); if (!F.isEmpty(proto)) setProtocol(GridClientProtocol.valueOf(proto)); if (!F.isEmpty(srvrs)) setServers(Arrays.asList(srvrs.replaceAll("\\s+", "").split(","))); if (!F.isEmpty(tcpNoDelay)) setTcpNoDelay(Boolean.parseBoolean(tcpNoDelay)); if (!F.isEmpty(topRefreshFreq)) setTopologyRefreshFrequency(Long.parseLong(topRefreshFreq)); // // SSL configuration section // if (!F.isEmpty(sslEnabled) && Boolean.parseBoolean(sslEnabled)) { GridSslBasicContextFactory factory = new GridSslBasicContextFactory(); factory.setProtocol(F.isEmpty(sslProto) ? "TLS" : sslProto); factory.setKeyAlgorithm(F.isEmpty(sslKeyAlg) ? "SunX509" : sslKeyAlg); if (F.isEmpty(keyStorePath)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SSL key store location is not specified."); factory.setKeyStoreFilePath(keyStorePath); if (keyStorePwd != null) factory.setKeyStorePassword(keyStorePwd.toCharArray()); factory.setKeyStoreType(F.isEmpty(keyStoreType) ? "jks" : keyStoreType); if (F.isEmpty(trustStorePath)) factory.setTrustManagers(GridSslBasicContextFactory.getDisabledTrustManager()); else { factory.setTrustStoreFilePath(trustStorePath); if (trustStorePwd != null) factory.setTrustStorePassword(trustStorePwd.toCharArray()); factory.setTrustStoreType(F.isEmpty(trustStoreType) ? "jks" : trustStoreType); } setSslContextFactory(factory); } // // Data configuration section // if (!F.isEmpty(dataCfgs)) { String[] names = dataCfgs.replaceAll("\\s+", "").split(","); Collection<GridClientDataConfiguration> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (String cfgName : names) { if (F.isEmpty(cfgName)) continue; String name = in.getProperty(prefix + "data." + cfgName + ".name"); String bal = in.getProperty(prefix + "data." + cfgName + ".balancer"); String aff = in.getProperty(prefix + "data." + cfgName + ".affinity"); GridClientDataConfiguration dataCfg = new GridClientDataConfiguration(); dataCfg.setName(F.isEmpty(name) ? null : name); dataCfg.setBalancer(resolveBalancer(bal)); dataCfg.setAffinity(resolveAffinity(aff)); list.add(dataCfg); } setDataConfigurations(list); } }