@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_invokeField(java.lang.String field, haxe.root.Array dynargs) { { boolean __temp_executeDef3284 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -1776922004: { if (field.equals("toString")) { __temp_executeDef3284 = false; return this.toString(); } break; } case 96417: { if (field.equals("add")) { __temp_executeDef3284 = false; this.add(dynargs.__get(0)); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef3284) { return super.__hx_invokeField(field, dynargs); } } return null; }
public static java.lang.Object handleGetField( java.lang.String str, java.lang.String f, boolean throwErrors) { { java.lang.String __temp_svar48 = (f); int __temp_hash50 = __temp_svar48.hashCode(); boolean __temp_executeDef49 = true; switch (__temp_hash50) { case -1106363674: { if (__temp_svar48.equals("length")) { __temp_executeDef49 = false; return str.length(); } break; } case 530542161: case -891529231: case 109648666: case -467511597: case 1943291465: case 397153782: case -1361633751: case -1137582698: case -399551817: { if (((((__temp_hash50 == 530542161) && __temp_svar48.equals("substring"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == -891529231) && __temp_svar48.equals("substr"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == 109648666) && __temp_svar48.equals("split"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == -467511597) && __temp_svar48.equals("lastIndexOf"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == 1943291465) && __temp_svar48.equals("indexOf"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == 397153782) && __temp_svar48.equals("charCodeAt"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == -1361633751) && __temp_svar48.equals("charAt"))) || ((((__temp_hash50 == -1137582698) && __temp_svar48.equals("toLowerCase"))) || __temp_svar48.equals("toUpperCase")))))))))) { __temp_executeDef49 = false; return new haxe.lang.Closure( ((java.lang.Object) (str)), haxe.lang.Runtime.toString(f)); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef49) { if (throwErrors) { throw haxe.lang.HaxeException.wrap((("Field not found: \'" + f) + "\' in String")); } else { return null; } } else { throw null; } } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Contact other = (Contact) obj; if (name == null) { if (other.name != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) return false; if (emailAddress == null) { if (other.emailAddress != null) return false; } else if (!emailAddress.equals(other.emailAddress)) return false; if (phone == null) { if (other.phone != null) return false; } else if (!phone.equals(other.phone)) return false; if (mobile == null) { if (other.mobile != null) return false; } else if (!mobile.equals(other.mobile)) return false; if (iconUrl == null) { if (other.iconUrl != null) return false; } else if (!iconUrl.equals(other.iconUrl)) return false; if (groups == null) { if (other.groups != null) return false; } else if (!groups.equals(other.groups)) return false; return true; }
private org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward __analizaValidacion( org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws java.lang.Exception { final java.lang.String value = java.lang.String.valueOf( es.pode .administracion .presentacion .categorias .modificarCategoriaNoticia .ModificarCategoriaNoticiaControllerFactory .getModificarCategoriaNoticiaControllerInstance() .analizaValidacion( mapping, (FormularioModCategoriasNotiValidarFormularioFormImpl) form, request, response)); if (value.equals("TRUE")) { return _modificarCategoria(mapping, form, request, response); } if (value.equals("FALSE")) { return _recuperarIdentificador(mapping, form, request, response); } // we take the last action in case we have an invalid return value from the controller return _recuperarIdentificador(mapping, form, request, response); }
/** Method for ok action. */ private void okAction() { try { java.lang.String oldPassword = java.lang.String.valueOf(oldPasswordField.getPassword()); java.lang.String newPassword = java.lang.String.valueOf(newPasswordField.getPassword()); java.lang.String confirmedPassword = java.lang.String.valueOf(confirmedPasswordField.getPassword()); if (!password.equals(oldPassword)) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, elv.util.Util.translate(elv.util.Util.OLD_STATEMENT), new elv.util.State(elv.util.State.ERROR).toString(), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); oldPasswordField.setText(null); oldPasswordField.requestFocusInWindow(); newPasswordField.setText(null); confirmedPasswordField.setText(null); } else if (!newPassword.equals(confirmedPassword)) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, elv.util.Util.translate(elv.util.Util.CONFIRMED_STATEMENT), new elv.util.State(elv.util.State.ERROR).toString(), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); oldPasswordField.setText(null); oldPasswordField.requestFocusInWindow(); newPasswordField.setText(null); confirmedPasswordField.setText(null); } else { password = newPassword; setVisible(false); dispose(); } } catch (java.lang.Exception exc) { elv.util.Error.showErrorMessage(this, exc); } }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_invokeField(java.lang.String field, haxe.root.Array dynargs) { { boolean __temp_executeDef59 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -1776922004: { if (field.equals("toString")) { __temp_executeDef59 = false; return this.toString(); } break; } case -201721364: { if (field.equals("timezoneOffset")) { __temp_executeDef59 = false; return this.timezoneOffset(); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef59) { return super.__hx_invokeField(field, dynargs); } else { throw null; } } }
public void endElement(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName) throws SAXException { try { if (qName.equals("p") || qName.equals("description")) { writer.write(getText()); accumulator.setLength(0); } if (qName.equals("description")) { counting = false; } if (!counting) { writer.write(getText()); accumulator.setLength(0); writer.write("</" + qName + ">\n"); } else { if (qName.equals("row")) { accumulator.append(" "); } if (qName.equals("p")) { writer.write("\n"); accumulator.append(" "); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); throw new GrobidException("An exception occured while running Grobid.", e); } }
private org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward __esValidoGeneral( org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws java.lang.Exception { final java.lang.String value = java.lang.String.valueOf( es.pode .catalogadorWeb .presentacion .categoriasAvanzado .general .GeneralControllerFactory .getGeneralControllerInstance() .esValidoGeneral(mapping, (GeneralFormSubmitFormImpl) form, request, response)); if (value.equals("true")) { return mapping.findForward("valido.general"); } if (value.equals("false")) { return mapping.findForward("no.valido.general"); } // we take the last action in case we have an invalid return value from the controller return mapping.findForward("no.valido.general"); }
static { java.util.Properties prop = System.getProperties(); java.lang.String vendor = prop.getProperty("java.vendor"); java.lang.String platform_class_name; java.lang.Class platform_class; if (vendor.equals("Oracle Corporation")) { platform_class_name = "python.platform.JavaPlatform"; } else if (vendor.equals("The Android Project")) { platform_class_name = "python.platform.AndroidPlatform"; } else { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError("Unknown platform vendor '" + vendor + "'"); } try { platform_class = java.lang.Class.forName(platform_class_name); impl = (python.Platform) platform_class.getConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError( "Unable to find platform '" + platform_class_name + "'"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError( "Unable to call constructor for plaform '" + platform_class_name + "'"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError( "Unable to instantiate platform '" + platform_class_name + "'"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError( "Unable to access constructor for platform '" + platform_class_name + "'"); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { throw new org.python.exceptions.RuntimeError( "Unable to invoke constructor for platform '" + platform_class_name + "'"); } }
@SuppressWarnings("all") public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof system_error)) return false; system_error other = (system_error) o; return error_id == other.error_id && node_name.equals(other.node_name) && error_description.equals(other.error_description) && true; }
int getAWTFontStyle(java.lang.String s) { byte byte0 = 0; if (s.equals("bold")) { byte0 = 1; } else if (s.equals("italic")) { byte0 = 2; } return byte0; }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_invokeField(java.lang.String field, haxe.root.Array dynargs) { { boolean __temp_executeDef112 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -1249353131: { if (field.equals("getPid")) { __temp_executeDef112 = false; return this.getPid(); } break; } case 3291998: { if (field.equals("kill")) { __temp_executeDef112 = false; this.kill(); return null; } break; } case -2123228117: { if (field.equals("exitCode")) { __temp_executeDef112 = false; return this.exitCode(); } break; } case 94756344: { if (field.equals("close")) { __temp_executeDef112 = false; this.close(); return null; } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef112) { return super.__hx_invokeField(field, dynargs); } else { throw null; } } }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_setField( java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleProperties) { { boolean __temp_executeDef110 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -892396981: { if (field.equals("stdout")) { __temp_executeDef110 = false; return this.stdout = ((haxe.io.Input) (value)); } break; } case 3449686: { if (field.equals("proc")) { __temp_executeDef110 = false; return this.proc = ((java.lang.Process) (value)); } break; } case -892406686: { if (field.equals("stderr")) { __temp_executeDef110 = false; return this.stderr = ((haxe.io.Input) (value)); } break; } case 109760136: { if (field.equals("stdin")) { __temp_executeDef110 = false; return this.stdin = ((haxe.io.Output) (value)); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef110) { return super.__hx_setField(field, value, handleProperties); } else { throw null; } } }
/** * 创建者:仲瑞庆 功能: 参数: 返回: 例外: 日期:(2001-5-17 上午 10:34) 修改日期,修改人,修改原因,注释标志: * * @return boolean */ protected boolean checkOpenFlag() { if ((null == m_sCode) || (null == m_sInventoryName)) { Logger.info("没有存货编码或名称"); return false; } if ((m_sCode.equals("")) || (m_sInventoryName.equals("")) || (null == checkFreeItemNameOID())) { Logger.info("没有存货编码或名称或自由项设置"); return false; } return true; }
// método que introduce una descripción en la posición indicada en el parámetro. // si la posición no existe, la descripción se añade al final de la lista. public void setDescripcion(final int index, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String idioma) throws java.lang.Exception { try { if ((general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded().length > 0) && (index < general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded().length)) { if (desc != null && !desc.equals("")) { LanguageStringItem lsi = new LanguageStringItem(); es.pode.parseadorXML.castor.String s = new es.pode.parseadorXML.castor.String(); s.setContent(desc); s.setLanguage(idioma); lsi.setString(s); DescriptionUnbounded[] descripciones = new DescriptionUnbounded[1]; DescriptionUnbounded descripcion = new DescriptionUnbounded(); LanguageStringItem[] arrayLSI = new LanguageStringItem[1]; GroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription grupoDesc = new GroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription(); arrayLSI[0] = lsi; grupoDesc.setLanguageStringItem(arrayLSI); descripcion.setGroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription(grupoDesc); descripciones[0] = descripcion; // general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded(index).getGroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription().addLanguageStringItem(0, lsi); general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().setDescriptionUnbounded(descripciones); } else { general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().setDescriptionUnbounded(new DescriptionUnbounded[0]); } } else { if (desc != null && !desc.equals("")) this.addDescripcion(desc, idioma); } // if ((general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded().length>0) && // (index<general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded().length)){ // LanguageStringItem lsi= new LanguageStringItem(); // es.pode.parseadorXML.castor.String s= new es.pode.parseadorXML.castor.String(); // s.setContent(desc); // s.setLanguage(idioma); // lsi.setString(s); // // //general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded(index).getGroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription().addLanguageStringItem(0, lsi); // // general.getGroupGeneralGeneral().getDescriptionUnbounded(index).getGroupDescriptionUnboundedDescription().setLanguageStringItem(0, lsi); // } // else{ // this.addDescripcion(desc, idioma); // } } catch (Exception e) { String mensaje = "Error: No es posible insertar la descripción en la posición " + index; logger.error(mensaje); throw e; } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final Individuals other = (Individuals) obj; if (indId == null) { if (other.indId != null) return false; } else if (!indId.equals(other.indId)) return false; if (indFname == null) { if (other.indFname != null) return false; } else if (!indFname.equals(other.indFname)) return false; if (indMname == null) { if (other.indMname != null) return false; } else if (!indMname.equals(other.indMname)) return false; if (indLname == null) { if (other.indLname != null) return false; } else if (!indLname.equals(other.indLname)) return false; if (indEmail == null) { if (other.indEmail != null) return false; } else if (!indEmail.equals(other.indEmail)) return false; if (indQualification == null) { if (other.indQualification != null) return false; } else if (!indQualification.equals(other.indQualification)) return false; if (indAreaOfExperties == null) { if (other.indAreaOfExperties != null) return false; } else if (!indAreaOfExperties.equals(other.indAreaOfExperties)) return false; if (indExperinceYears == null) { if (other.indExperinceYears != null) return false; } else if (!indExperinceYears.equals(other.indExperinceYears)) return false; if (indAboutExperience == null) { if (other.indAboutExperience != null) return false; } else if (!indAboutExperience.equals(other.indAboutExperience)) return false; if (indCellno == null) { if (other.indCellno != null) return false; } else if (!indCellno.equals(other.indCellno)) return false; if (indAddress == null) { if (other.indAddress != null) return false; } else if (!indAddress.equals(other.indAddress)) return false; if (indCity == null) { if (other.indCity != null) return false; } else if (!indCity.equals(other.indCity)) return false; if (indState == null) { if (other.indState != null) return false; } else if (!indState.equals(other.indState)) return false; if (indCreationDate == null) { if (other.indCreationDate != null) return false; } else if (!indCreationDate.equals(other.indCreationDate)) return false; return true; }
/** * Compare all primary key fields (according to the JDO spec). * * @param obj the reference object with which to compare. * @return <code>true</code> if all primary key fields are equal - <code>false</code> otherwise. * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override @Generated("org.nightlabs.eclipse.sdk.jdo.ObjectIdGenerator") public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CustomerGroupID other = (CustomerGroupID) obj; if (organisationID == null) { if (other.organisationID != null) return false; } else if (!organisationID.equals(other.organisationID)) return false; if (customerGroupID == null) { if (other.customerGroupID != null) return false; } else if (!customerGroupID.equals(other.customerGroupID)) return false; return true; }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_getField( java.lang.String field, boolean throwErrors, boolean isCheck, boolean handleProperties) { { boolean __temp_executeDef3283 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -1776922004: { if (field.equals("toString")) { __temp_executeDef3283 = false; return ((haxe.lang.Function) (new haxe.lang.Closure( ((java.lang.Object) (this)), haxe.lang.Runtime.toString("toString")))); } break; } case 98: { if (field.equals("b")) { __temp_executeDef3283 = false; return this.b; } break; } case 96417: { if (field.equals("add")) { __temp_executeDef3283 = false; return ((haxe.lang.Function) (new haxe.lang.Closure( ((java.lang.Object) (this)), haxe.lang.Runtime.toString("add")))); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef3283) { return super.__hx_getField(field, throwErrors, isCheck, handleProperties); } else { throw null; } } }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_getField( java.lang.String field, boolean throwErrors, boolean isCheck, boolean handleProperties) { { boolean __temp_executeDef58 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case -1776922004: { if (field.equals("toString")) { __temp_executeDef58 = false; return ((haxe.lang.Function) (new haxe.lang.Closure( ((java.lang.Object) (this)), haxe.lang.Runtime.toString("toString")))); } break; } case 3076014: { if (field.equals("date")) { __temp_executeDef58 = false; return this.date; } break; } case -201721364: { if (field.equals("timezoneOffset")) { __temp_executeDef58 = false; return ((haxe.lang.Function) (new haxe.lang.Closure( ((java.lang.Object) (this)), haxe.lang.Runtime.toString("timezoneOffset")))); } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef58) { return super.__hx_getField(field, throwErrors, isCheck, handleProperties); } else { throw null; } } }
private static java.lang.String generatePrefix(java.lang.String namespace) { if (namespace.equals("http://base.rpc.cs.ucsb.edu")) { return "ns3"; } return org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.BeanUtil.getUniquePrefix(); }
public String doSpellingSuggestion(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String phrase) throws RemoteException { System.out.println("GoogleServletImpl.doSpellingSuggestion() " + " called with " + phrase); if (!gotInit) { throw new RuntimeException("Got business method before init()"); } String returnValue = "spelling suggestion from web"; if (phrase.equals("forwardejb")) { System.out.println("Forwarding spelling suggestion to ejbendpoint"); Service genericServiceWithWSDL = null; try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); Service service = (Service) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/service/EjbDIIReference"); doDynamicProxyTest(service); GoogleSearchPort ejbPort = (GoogleSearchPort) service.getPort(GoogleSearchPort.class); returnValue = ejbPort.doSpellingSuggestion(key, phrase); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e); } } System.out.println("GoogleServletImpl returning " + returnValue); return returnValue; }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_setField( java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleProperties) { { boolean __temp_executeDef57 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case 3076014: { if (field.equals("date")) { __temp_executeDef57 = false; this.date = ((java.util.Date) (value)); return value; } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef57) { return super.__hx_setField(field, value, handleProperties); } else { throw null; } } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/update/{oid}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String update( @PathVariable("oid") DomainKeyStore domainKeyStore, @RequestParam(value = "name", required = false) java.lang.String name, @RequestParam(value = "oldPassword", required = false) java.lang.String oldPassword, @RequestParam(value = "password", required = false) java.lang.String password, @RequestParam(value = "passwordVerification", required = false) java.lang.String passwordVerification, Model model) { setDomainKeyStore(domainKeyStore, model); if (domainKeyStore.isAbleToOpenKeyStore() && oldPassword != null && !domainKeyStore.getPassword().equals(oldPassword)) { addErrorMessage("Password incorrect", model); return "webservices/management/keystores/domainkeystore/update"; } if (password != null && !password.equals(passwordVerification)) { addErrorMessage("Password and password verification did not match", model); if (!domainKeyStore.isAbleToOpenKeyStore()) { addWarningMessage( "Unable to open keystore. The most common problem is that the password is incorrect, hence when doing password update we'll only change in the system and not in the keystore itself. You can use this to fix the password problem.", model); model.addAttribute("noOldPasswordRequest", true); } return "webservices/management/keystores/domainkeystore/update"; } updateDomainKeyStore(name, oldPassword, password, model); return "redirect:/webservices/management/keystores/domainkeystore/read/" + getDomainKeyStore(model).getExternalId(); }
private int fetchScore(net.heinke.cbingutter.game.player.Player p) { boolean success = false; java.lang.String input = null; while (!success) { System.out.print(p.getPlayerName() + " Enter score: "); java.io.BufferedReader br = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in)); try { input = br.readLine().trim(); if (Validator.validateScore(input, p)) { success = true; } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { continue; } } if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) { return Constants.MAX_PINS_PER_FRAME; } else { if (input.equals("/")) { net.heinke.cbingutter.game.frame.Frame f = p.getCurrentFrame(); return f.pinsRemaining(); } } return Integer.parseInt(input); }
private static java.lang.String generatePrefix(java.lang.String namespace) { if (namespace.equals("http://compartamos.com/common/gdt")) { return "ns1"; } return org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.BeanUtil.getUniquePrefix(); }
public java.lang.String getRatingLevelText(java.lang.String dimensionName) throws javax.tv.service.SIException { if (dimensionName.equals(DVBRatingDimension.dimensionName)) { if (0 <= level && level < 15) return "Recommended minimum age: " + (level + 4) + " years"; else return ""; } else throw new javax.tv.service.SIException("Unknown RatingDimension " + dimensionName); }
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if ((null == obj) || (!(obj instanceof org.uniprot.uniprot.PositionType))) { return false; } org.uniprot.uniprot.impl.PositionTypeImpl target = ((org.uniprot.uniprot.impl.PositionTypeImpl) obj); { java.lang.String value = this.getStatus(); java.lang.String targetValue = target.getStatus(); if (!((value == targetValue) || ((value != null) && value.equals(targetValue)))) { return false; } } { java.math.BigInteger value = this.getPosition(); java.math.BigInteger targetValue = target.getPosition(); if (!((value == targetValue) || ((value != null) && value.equals(targetValue)))) { return false; } } { java.util.List value = this.getEvidence(); java.util.List targetValue = target.getEvidence(); if (!((value == targetValue) || ((value != null) && value.equals(targetValue)))) { return false; } } return true; }
private static java.lang.String generatePrefix(java.lang.String namespace) { if (namespace.equals("http://pay.service.outwardtps.sysway.com/")) { return "ns1"; } return org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.BeanUtil.getUniquePrefix(); }
/** Util method to write an attribute without the ns prefix */ private void writeQNameAttribute( java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String attName, javax.xml.namespace.QName qname, javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter) throws javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException { java.lang.String attributeNamespace = qname.getNamespaceURI(); java.lang.String attributePrefix = xmlWriter.getPrefix(attributeNamespace); if (attributePrefix == null) { attributePrefix = registerPrefix(xmlWriter, attributeNamespace); } java.lang.String attributeValue; if (attributePrefix.trim().length() > 0) { attributeValue = attributePrefix + ":" + qname.getLocalPart(); } else { attributeValue = qname.getLocalPart(); } if (namespace.equals("")) { xmlWriter.writeAttribute(attName, attributeValue); } else { registerPrefix(xmlWriter, namespace); xmlWriter.writeAttribute(namespace, attName, attributeValue); } }
@Override public java.lang.Object __hx_setField( java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleProperties) { { boolean __temp_executeDef3282 = true; switch (field.hashCode()) { case 98: { if (field.equals("b")) { __temp_executeDef3282 = false; this.b = ((java.lang.StringBuilder) (value)); return value; } break; } } if (__temp_executeDef3282) { return super.__hx_setField(field, value, handleProperties); } else { throw null; } } }