private String getMonth(String month) { String query; String i_month = ""; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select to_number(to_char(to_date(?,'Month'),'MM')) from dual"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl:Get Month - Query" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, month); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { i_month = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Month Conversion Failed ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return i_month; }
/** * Gets a list of courses that belongs to an instructor. Throws InvalidDBRequestException if any * error occured to the database connection. * * @param name the instructor's user name * @return a vector containing the list of courses * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public Vector getCourseList(String name) throws InvalidDBRequestException { Vector courseList = new Vector(); try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; // get the course list rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select course_num, course_name from course where instructor = '" + name + "' order by course_num"); while ( courseList.add(rs.getString(1) + " - " + rs.getString(2)); rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in getCourseList: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Server Error"); } return courseList; }
/** * Transforma os dados obtidos atraves de uma consulta a tabela de glosas do prestador em um * objeto do tipo GlosaPrestador * * @param rset - um ResultSet contendo o resultado da consulta a tabela de glosas do prestador * @return um objeto do tipo GlosaPrestador */ private static final GlosaPrestador montaGlosaPrestador(ResultSet rset) throws SQLException { String numAtendimento = null; String numDocOrigem = null; String strLoteNota = ""; String strCodBeneficiario = ""; String strNomeBeneficiario = ""; Timestamp dtGlosa = null; String strMotivo = ""; String strDescricao = ""; String strObservacoes = ""; numAtendimento = rset.getString("rej_ate_num_atendimento"); dtGlosa = rset.getTimestamp("rej_data_hora"); numDocOrigem = rset.getString("nat_numero_documento_origem"); strLoteNota = rset.getString("Lote_Nota"); strCodBeneficiario = rset.getString("Beneficiario"); strNomeBeneficiario = rset.getString("Nome"); strDescricao = rset.getString("Descricao"); strMotivo = (rset.getString("rej_motivo") == null) ? "" : rset.getString("rej_motivo"); strObservacoes = (rset.getString("ate_observacoes") == null) ? "" : rset.getString("ate_observacoes"); return (new GlosaPrestador( numAtendimento, numDocOrigem, strLoteNota, strCodBeneficiario, strNomeBeneficiario, dtGlosa, strMotivo, strDescricao, strObservacoes)); } // montaGlosaPrestador()
/** * Remove a student from a particular course. Also Deletes all the quiz vizualisation files in the * student's directory which relates to the course. Caution: vizualisation file will be deleted * eventhough it also relates to another course if the student is also registered to that course. * (FIX ME!) Throws InvalidDBRequestException if the student is not registered in the course, * error occured during deletion, or other exception occured. * * @param username student's user name * @param courseID course id (course number + instructor name) * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void deleteStudent(String username, String courseID) throws InvalidDBRequestException { try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; int count = 0; // check if student registered to the course rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select * from courseRoster where course_id = '" + courseID + "' and user_login = '******'"); if (! throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Student is not registered to the course"); // remove student from the course count = stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from courseRoster where course_id = '" + courseID + "' and user_login = '******'"); if (count != 1) throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Error occured during deletion!"); // delete the quiz visualization files rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select distinct unique_id, s.test_name from scores s, courseTest t " + "where s.test_name = t.test_name " + "and course_id = '" + courseID + "' " + "and user_login = '******'"); while ( { deleteVisualization(rs.getString(1), username, rs.getString(2)); count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from scores where unique_id = " + rs.getString(1).trim()); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in addstudent: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } }
/** * Obtains information on a quiz that a student has taken, which includes the student's answer to * the quiz, a unique id of the instance, number of questions in the quiz, number of questions * answered correctly, and vizualisation type of the quiz. Throws InvalidDBRequestException if * cannot find the record of the stuent taking the quiz, quiz is not registered in the database, * or if any error occured to the database connection. * * @param student student's user name * @param quiz quiz name * @param startTime the time the student started the quiz * @return a string tokenizer containing: answer,uniqueID, numQuestions, numCorrect, and * visualType. It uses "@" as the delimiter. * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public StringTokenizer getAnswerAndVisualType(String student, String quiz, String startTime) throws InvalidDBRequestException { String answer; String uniqueID; String numQuestions; String numCorrect; String visualType; try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; // get student's answer, unique id, number of questions, and number of questions answered // correctly rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select transcript, unique_id, num_questions, num_correct from scores " + "where test_name = '" + quiz + "' and user_login = '******' and start_time = '" + startTime + "'"); if (! throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Student has not taken the quiz"); else { answer = rs.getString(1).trim(); uniqueID = rs.getString(2).trim(); numQuestions = rs.getString(3).trim(); numCorrect = rs.getString(4).trim(); } // get quiz vizualisation type rs = stmt.executeQuery("select visual_type from test where name = '" + quiz + "' "); if (! throw new InvalidDBRequestException( "Quiz was not found! Can't retrieve visualization type."); else { visualType = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in getAnswerAndVisualType: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } return new StringTokenizer( answer + "@" + uniqueID + "@" + numQuestions + "@" + numCorrect + "@" + visualType, "@"); }
/** * Query a quiz list from the database. If there is no student user name specified, the list will * contain all quizzes that are used in the instructor's courses. Otherwise, the list will contain * all quizzes that the student has taken and from the instructor's courses which the student is * registered. Throws InvalidDBRequestException if any error occured to the database connection. * * @param instructor instructor's user name * @param student student's user name. Can be empty to get a list of all quizzes in the * instructor's courses. * @return a vector containing the list of quizzes * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public Vector getQuizList(String instructor, String student) throws InvalidDBRequestException { Vector list = new Vector(); try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; if (!student.equals("")) { // get the list that contains all quizzes that the student has taken and from the // instructor's courses which the student is registered rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select courseTest.test_name, scores.start_time from scores, courseTest, course " + "where courseTest.test_name = scores.test_name " + "and courseTest.course_id = course.course_id " + "and instructor = '" + instructor + "' and user_login = '******' " + "order by scores.start_time"); while ( { list.add(rs.getString(1) + " <" + rs.getString(2) + ">"); } } else { // get the list that contains all quizzes that are used in the instructor's courses rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select test_name from courseTest, course " + "where courseTest.course_id = course.course_id " + "and instructor = '" + instructor + "' "); while ( { list.add(rs.getString(1)); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in getQuizList: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } return list; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the Journal Dates for the passed in Funding Year * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getJrnldts(String year) { String query; Vector jrnllst = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select bp_id,decode(bs_nm,'CRIS','1','IABS','2','BART','3','SOFI','4','INFRANET','5','6') ord, "; query = query + "rtrim(bs_nm||' '||bp_rgn) nm, bp_month,decode(bp_month,1,'January',"; query = query + "2,'February',3,'March',4,'April',5,'May',6,'June',7,'July',8,'August',9,'September',"; query = query + "10,'October',11,'November',12,'December'), to_char(bp_strt_dat,'MM/DD/YYYY'),to_char(bp_end_dat,'MM/DD/YYYY') "; query = query + "from blg_prd,blg_sys "; query = query + "where bs_id=bs_id_fk and ( bp_strt_dat >= "; query = query + "(select strt_dat from fung_yr where yr = ?) and "; query = query + "bp_end_dat <= (select end_dat from fung_yr where yr = ?) "; query = query + "or ( bp_year =to_number(?) and bp_month=7) ) "; query = query + "order by ord,nm,bp_strt_dat "; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: JRNL Dates Query :" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, year); pstmt.setString(2, year); pstmt.setString(3, year); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Dinvjrnl jrnldts = new Dinvjrnl(null); jrnldts.strBpid = rs.getString(1); jrnldts.strBlgsys = rs.getString(3); jrnldts.strBlgmnth = rs.getString(5); jrnldts.strBlgstrtdt = rs.getString(6); jrnldts.strBlgenddt = rs.getString(7); jrnllst.addElement(jrnldts); jrnldts = null; } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: JRNL Dates not retreived for the Year ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Journal Dates Vector size :" + jrnllst.size(), this, null); return jrnllst; }
/** * Check the user's name and password and verify that the user is an instructor. Throws * InvalidDBRequestException if user is not an instructor, wrong password, or if any error occured * to the database connection. * * @param name user's user name * @param pass user's password * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void instructorLogin(String name, String pass) throws InvalidDBRequestException { try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; // check if instructor rs = stmt.executeQuery("select password from instructor where login = '******'"); if (! { if (debug) System.out.println("User not found in the instructor table"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Instructor not registered"); } // check password if (!rs.getString(1).equals(pass)) { if (debug) System.out.println("Invalid password for user: "******"Invalid password for user: "******"Invalid SQL in instructor login: "******"???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Server Error"); } }
/** * This method queries the database to get the Invoice Number associated with the passes Invid * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public String getInvno(String invid) { String query; String invno = ""; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select inv_no from rhcc_inv where rhcc_inv_id=" + invid; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if ( { invno = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: The Invoice Number not retreived", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return invno; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the SPIN associated with the passes Invid * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public String getSPINname(String invid) { String query; String spinnm = ""; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; // query = "select slc_nm from usw_co,inv where uc_id=uc_id_fk and inv_id="+invid; query = "select srv_provr_nm from srv_provr,rhcc_inv where spin = rhcc_inv.spin_fk and rhcc_inv_id=" + invid; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if ( { spinnm = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: The SPIN Name not retreived", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return spinnm; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the sequence for the BP_ID. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public String getBpid() { String query; String bpid = ""; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select bp_id_seq.nextval from dual "; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if ( { bpid = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Sequence Value for BP_ID not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return bpid; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the details related to the bp_id passed. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getBpdet(String bpid) { String query; Vector bpdet = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select rtrim(bs_id_fk||bp_rgn),bp_month from blg_prd where bp_id = ?"; try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, bpid); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { bpdet.addElement(rs.getString(1)); bpdet.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: BP_ID details not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return bpdet; }
// Get a list of images that have been added, but not yet added into // the database. protected void doFlush() { SpyDB pdb = getDB(); Vector v = null; try { Connection db = pdb.getConn(); Statement st = db.createStatement(); String query = "select * from upload_log where stored is null"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); v = new Vector(); while ( { v.addElement(rs.getString("photo_id")); } } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing, we'll try again later. } finally { pdb.freeDBConn(); } // Got the vector, now store the actual images. This is done so // that we don't hold the database connection open whlie we're // making the list *and* getting another database connection to act // on it. if (v != null) { try { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String stmp = (String) v.elementAt(i); storeImage(Integer.valueOf(stmp).intValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { // Don't care, we'll try again soon. } } }
/** * Deletes an instructor from the database. Deletes the instructor's courses by invoking the * deleteCourse method. Throws InvalidDBRequestException if instructor not in the database or * other database connection problems. * * @see deleteCourse * @param instructor instructor's user name * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void deleteInstructor(String instructor) throws InvalidDBRequestException { try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); int count; // delete the instructor's courses ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select course_num from course where instructor = '" + instructor + "'"); while ( deleteCourse(rs.getString(1).trim(), instructor); // delete the instructor's record count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from instructor where login ='******'"); rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in addCourse: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("??? "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } }
/** * Deletes students who are older than a certain number of years and not registered to any course. * * @param year students older than year are candidates to be deleted * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void deleteOldStudent(int year) throws InvalidDBRequestException { try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); // query all student who have been in the database longer than a number of years and not // registered to any course ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select login, count(course_id) " + "from student s left join courseRoster r on login = user_login " + "where date_entered < SUBDATE(now(), INTERVAL " + new String().valueOf(year).trim() + " YEAR) " + "group by login, date_entered"); // delete them while ( if (rs.getInt(2) == 0) purgeStudent(rs.getString(1).trim()); rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in addCourse: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("??? "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } }
/** * This method queries the database to get the list of the Billing Systems. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getYears(String year) { String query; Vector years = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select yr||'-'||(yr+1),yr from fung_yr where yr > ?"; try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, year); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { years.addElement(rs.getString(1)); years.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Years List not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return years; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the name of the Billing System. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public String getBlgsysnm(String blgsys) { String query; String blgsysnm = ""; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select bs_nm from blg_sys where bs_id = ?"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Name Query :" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, blgsys); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { blgsysnm = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Name not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepare statement", this, e); } } return blgsysnm; }
/** * Private method to delete a visualization script file of a quiz taken by a student. * * @param uniqueId a unique number of that indicates the instance of the quiz taking in the * database * @param studentName student's user name * @param testName quiz name */ private void deleteVisualization(String uniqueId, String studentName, String testName) { try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); // get quiz visulization type ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select visual_type from test where name = '" + testName + "'"); // construct the quiz vizualisation file name String visFileName = new String("./StudentQuizzes/" + studentName + "/" + testName + uniqueId); if ( if (rs.getString(1).trim().equalsIgnoreCase("gaigs")) visFileName = visFileName + ".sho"; else if (rs.getString(1).trim().equalsIgnoreCase("samba")) visFileName = visFileName + ".sam"; else if (rs.getString(1).trim().equalsIgnoreCase("animal")) visFileName = visFileName + ".ani"; else { System.err.println("visualization type unknown for quiz: " + rs.getString(3) + "\n"); } else { System.err.println("Visulization type not found for quiz: " + rs.getString(3) + "\n"); } // delete the file File visFile = new File(visFileName); if (debug) System.out.println("deleting " + visFileName); if (visFile.exists()) if (!visFile.delete()) System.err.println("can't delete the visualization file"); rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Execption thrown from deleteVisualisation: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/* return list of all Devices within the specified DeviceGroup (NOT SCALABLE BEYOND A FEW HUNDRED GROUPS) */ public static java.util.List<String> getUsersForGroup(String acctId, String groupId) throws DBException { /* valid account/groupId? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(acctId)) { return null; } else if (StringTools.isBlank(groupId)) { return null; } /* get db selector */ DBSelect dsel = GroupList._getUserListSelect(acctId, groupId); if (dsel == null) { return null; } /* read users for group */ java.util.List<String> usrList = new Vector<String>(); DBConnection dbc = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { dbc = DBConnection.getDefaultConnection(); stmt = dbc.execute(dsel.toString()); rs = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { String usrId = rs.getString(GroupList.FLD_userID); usrList.add(usrId); } } catch (SQLException sqe) { throw new DBException("Get Group GroupeList", sqe); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } DBConnection.release(dbc); } /* return list */ return usrList; }
/** * This method queries the database to validate the passed in FRN for the selected Funding Year * has been invoiced or not * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public boolean checkFRNinv(String frn, String year) { String query; boolean validfrn = false; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + frn, this, null); USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + year, this, null); query = " SELECT DISTINCT rhcc_inv_id_fk "; query = query + " FROM wrk_ordr, wrk_ordr_dets, wo_det_hsties "; query = query + " WHERE wo_id = wo_id_fk "; query = query + " AND wod_id = wod_id_fk "; query = query + " AND wdh_stat = 'P' "; query = query + " AND inv_stat = 'I' "; query = query + " AND wrk_ordr_no ='" + frn + "' "; query = query + " AND wrk_ordr.yr_fk =" + year; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + query, this, null); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + rs.getFetchSize(), this, null); if ( { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + rs.getString("rhcc_inv_id_fk"), this, null); validfrn = true; if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); return true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN not Invoiced", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return false; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the Invoice Numbers list for a particular FRN in a * Funding Year * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getFrninvnos(String frn, String year) { String query; Vector invnos = new Vector(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("Inside the block-->>RhccDinview Inview", this, null); query = " select distinct rhcc_inv_id_fk,rhcc_inv.inv_no||' - '||to_char(rhcc_inv.inv_dat,'Mon/DD/YYYY') "; query = query + " from wrk_ordr,wrk_ordr_dets,wo_det_hsties,rhcc_inv,fung_yr "; query = query + " where wo_id=wo_id_fk and wod_id=wod_id_fk and "; query = query + " wdh_stat='P' and "; query = query + " inv_stat is not null and "; query = query + " rhcc_inv_id_fk=rhcc_inv_id and "; query = query + " wrk_ordr_no='" + frn + "' and "; query = query + " wrk_ordr.yr_fk=fung_yr.yr and "; query = query + " wrk_ordr.yr_fk=" + year; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: The Invoice Number List Query:" + query, this, null); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { invnos.addElement(rs.getString(1)); invnos.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("RhccDinvview: The Invoice Numbers List for FRN not retreived", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return invnos; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the list of the Future Years. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getFutureyears() { String query; Vector years = new Vector(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = " select yr,yr ||'-'|| (yr+1) from fung_yr "; query = query + "where yr >= to_number( to_char(sysdate,'YYYY') ) "; query = query + "and yr not in "; query = query + "( select yr from fung_yr where "; query = query + "((sysdate between strt_dat and end_dat) or "; query = query + "(sysdate-365 between strt_dat and end_dat) or "; query = query + "(sysdate-730 between strt_dat and end_dat)) ) "; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Future Years Query :" + query, this, null); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { years.addElement(rs.getString(1)); years.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Future Years List not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Future Years Vector size :" + years.size(), this, null); return years; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the list of the Billing Systems. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getBlgsys() { String query; Vector blgsys = new Vector(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select distinct decode(bs_nm,'CRIS','1','IABS','2','BART','3','SOFI','4','INFRANET','5','6') ord,"; query = query + " rtrim(bs_nm||' '||bp_rgn),bs_id_fk||rtrim(bp_rgn) from blg_sys,blg_prd where bs_id=bs_id_fk order by ord"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Query :" + query, this, null); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { blgsys.addElement(rs.getString(3)); blgsys.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Billing System List not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Vector size :" + blgsys.size(), this, null); } return blgsys; }
protected SDMSObject rowToObject(SystemEnvironment env, ResultSet r) throws SDMSException { Long id; String name; Long deleteVersion; Long creatorUId; Long createTs; Long changerUId; Long changeTs; long validFrom; long validTo; try { id = new Long(r.getLong(1)); name = r.getString(2); deleteVersion = new Long(r.getLong(3)); creatorUId = new Long(r.getLong(4)); createTs = new Long(r.getLong(5)); changerUId = new Long(r.getLong(6)); changeTs = new Long(r.getLong(7)); validFrom = 0; validTo = Long.MAX_VALUE; } catch (SQLException sqle) { SDMSThread.doTrace(null, "SQL Error : " + sqle.getMessage(), SDMSThread.SEVERITY_ERROR); throw new FatalException( new SDMSMessage( env, "01110182045", "Group: $1 $2", new Integer(sqle.getErrorCode()), sqle.getMessage())); } if (validTo < env.lowestActiveVersion) return null; return new SDMSGroupGeneric( id, name, deleteVersion, creatorUId, createTs, changerUId, changeTs, validFrom, validTo); }
/** * Changes the password of a user. Throws InvalidNameException if user's not registered in the * database. Throws InvalidPassException if user's password was invalid. Throws * InvalidDBRequestException if error occured during insertion or other database connection * problems. * * @param name user's user name * @param pass user's password * @param newPAss user's new password * @throws InvalidNameException, InvalidPassException, InvalidDBRequestException */ public void changePassword(String name, String pass, String newPass) throws InvalidNameException, InvalidPassException, InvalidDBRequestException { try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); int count; Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; rs = stmt.executeQuery("select password from student where login = '******'"); // check if it's not a student in database if (! { rs = stmt.executeQuery("select password from instructor where login = '******'"); // check if it's an instructor in database if (! { if (debug) System.out.println("User not found in the user table"); throw new InvalidNameException("User not registered"); } // check for password if (!rs.getString(1).equals(pass)) { if (debug) System.out.println("Invalid password for user: "******"Invalid password for user: "******"update instructor set password = '******' where login = '******' and password ='******'"); } else { // check for password if (!rs.getString(1).equals(pass)) { if (debug) System.out.println("Invalid password for user: "******"Invalid password for user: "******"update student set password = '******' where login = '******' and password ='******'"); } // check if successful if (count != 1) { System.err.println("Error in updating password"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Error in updating password"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) // catch sql exception { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in ChangePassword: "******"Server request error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) // catch driver not found exception { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Server Error"); } }
/** * Query a student list from the database. If quiz name is not specified, the list will contain * all students who are registered in the instructor's courses. Otherwise, it will contain all * students who has taken the quiz and are registered to the instructor's course(s) that use the * quiz Throws InvalidDBRequestException if any error occured to the database connection. * * @param name instructor's user name * @param quiz quiz name. Can be empty String to get the list of all students who are registered * in the instructor's courses. * @return a vector that contains the list of students * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public Vector getStudentList(String name, String quiz) throws InvalidDBRequestException { Vector list = new Vector(); try { Connection db; Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; if (!quiz.equals("")) { // get the list that contains all students who has taken the quiz and are registered to the // instructor's course(s) that use the quiz rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select login, last_name, first_name, scores.start_time from student, scores, courseRoster, course " + "where student.login = scores.user_login " + "and scores.user_login = courseRoster.user_login " + "and courseRoster.course_id = course.course_id " + "and scores.test_name = '" + quiz + "' " + "and instructor = '" + name + "' " + "order by last_name, first_name, login, scores.start_time"); while ( { list.add( rs.getString(2) + ", " + rs.getString(3) + " (" + rs.getString(1) + ") <" + rs.getString(4) + ">"); } } else { // get the list that contains all students who are registered in the instructor's courses rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select distinct login, last_name, first_name from student, courseRoster, course " + "where student.login = courseRoster.user_login " + "and courseRoster.course_id = course.course_id " + "and instructor = '" + name + "' " + "order by last_name, first_name, login"); while ( { list.add(rs.getString(2) + ", " + rs.getString(3) + " (" + rs.getString(1) + ")"); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in getStudentList: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } return list; }
public void start() { Connection connection = null; // manages connection Connection connection2 = null; Statement statement = null; // query statement Statement statement2 = null; wm = new double[20][Data.windows_size]; String QueryKinasesName = "%" + Data.kinease + "%"; // data.code = data.codenames[3]; String QueryCodeName = Data.code; int windows_size = Data.windows_size; // int windows_size = 9; int shift = windows_size / 2; try { Class.forName(JDBC_DRIVER); // load database driver class for (windows_size = Data.windows_size; windows_size <= Data.windows_size; windows_size += 2) { shift = windows_size / 2; // establish connection to database connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL, "", ""); connection2 = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL, "", ""); // create Statement for querying database statement = connection.createStatement(); statement2 = connection2.createStatement(); String ACC = null; String SEQUENCE = null; String KINASES = null; String LIKE = "LIKE"; // int POSITION = 0; // int index = 0; String temp = null; // int numtemp = 0; // int LENGTH = (int) 0; // int count = 0; double[] totalAAcount = new double[windows_size]; double weightmatrix[][] = new double[windows_size][128]; // windowssize;aa; String statementquery1 = "SELECT Mid(sequence,(position-" + shift + ")," + windows_size + ") AS TARGET, index,code,length,position,sequence FROM Dataset_041106 WHERE ((position-" + shift + ")>1) AND ((position +" + shift + ")<length) AND kinases " + LIKE + " '" + QueryKinasesName + "' AND (code LIKE '" + QueryCodeName + "')"; System.out.println("#" + statementquery1); /// fout.println("#"+statementquery1); ResultSet resultSet1 = statement.executeQuery(statementquery1); int seqsize = 0; while (( { String posseq = resultSet1.getString("TARGET"); seqsize = posseq.length(); if (posseq.charAt(0) != 'X' && posseq.charAt(seqsize - 1) != 'X') { // �h����t for (int i = 0; i < seqsize; i++) { weightmatrix[i][posseq.charAt(i)]++; } // possequence.addElement(posseq); } } // end while char[] aaMap = { 'A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V', 'X' }; double[] expmatrix = { 0.0701313443873091, 0.0582393695201718, 0.0359362961736045, 0.0520743144385134, 0.0172010453343506, 0.0498574962335004, 0.0796465136978452, 0.0624720283551962, 0.0241405228512130, 0.0416989778376737, 0.0934441156861220, 0.0632334844952389, 0.0213293464067050, 0.0324554733241482, 0.0651181982370858, 0.0881672518230193, 0.0524630941595624, 0.0101093184162382, 0.0244701177088640, 0.0578116909136386 }; // double[] aaMapfreq = new double[windows_size]; double freq = 0; for (int j = 0; j < weightmatrix.length; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) { totalAAcount[j] += weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]]; } } for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) { // profilefout.print(aaMap[i]); for (int j = 0; j < windows_size; j++) { freq = ((weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]]) / (totalAAcount[j])) + 1; wm[i][j] = Math.log10((freq / expmatrix[i])) / Math.log10(2.0); // profilefout.print(","+aaMapfreq[i]); } // profilefout.println(); } // fout.close(); // profilefout.close(); resultSet1.close(); connection.close(); } } // end try catch (ClassNotFoundException classNotFound) { classNotFound.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (NullPointerException nullpointerException) { nullpointerException.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { /** @todo Handle this exception */ /* } catch (IOException ex) { */ /** @todo Handle this exception */ } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) { } finally { // ensure statement and connection are closed properly try { statement.close(); statement2.close(); connection.close(); connection2.close(); } catch (Exception exception) { // end try exception.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // end catch } // end finally } // end main
/** * Add a student to a course if not already so. If student not registered in the student table * yet, the user are required to enter the student information so that the student can be added. * Throws InvalidDBRequestException if user name belongs to an instructor, student already * registered in the course, student information differs than the one in the database, student * information not available when needed, error occured during insertion, or if other exception * occured Throws FileFailureException if fail to create folder for the student. * * @param username student's user name * @param courseID course id (course number + instructor name) * @param lastname student's last name * @param firstname student's first name * @param initPass initial password for the student * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void addStudent( String courseID, String username, String lastName, String firstName, String initPass) throws InvalidDBRequestException, FileFailureException { try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; int count = 0; // check if user name belongs to an instructor rs = stmt.executeQuery("select login from instructor where login = '******'"); if ( throw new InvalidDBRequestException("User name is reserved by an instructor"); // check if student in the database or not rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select last_name, first_name from student where login = '******'"); if ( { // check if user name belongs to another student if (!lastName.equals("") && (!lastName.equalsIgnoreCase(rs.getString(1).trim()) || !firstName.equalsIgnoreCase(rs.getString(2).trim()))) throw new InvalidDBRequestException( "User name is used by: " + rs.getString(2).trim() + " " + rs.getString(1).trim()); } else { // check if student's information is given if (lastName.equals("")) throw new InvalidDBRequestException( "Student is not registered in the database. Please enter the student's name"); // insert student into hte database count = stmt.executeUpdate( "insert into student values ('" + username + "', '" + lastName + "', '" + firstName + "', '" + initPass + "', now())"); if (count != 1) throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Error occured during insertion!"); // create student's folder File newStudentDir = new File("./StudentQuizzes/" + username); if (!(newStudentDir.mkdir())) { System.err.println("Error in creating new folder for student: " + username); throw new FileFailureException("huh"); } } // check if student is registered in the course rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select * from courseRoster where course_id = '" + courseID + "' and user_login = '******'"); if ( throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Student is already registered to the course"); // register student to the course count = stmt.executeUpdate( "insert into courseRoster values ('" + courseID + "', '" + username + "')"); if (count != 1) throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Error occured during insertion!"); rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in addstudent: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("???"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } }
/** * ** Constructor ** @param rs SQL ResultSet ** @param fldName Field name in ResultSet containing * the field template */ public DTTemplate(ResultSet rs, String fldName) throws SQLException { super(rs, fldName); // set to default value if 'rs' is null this.templateProps = new RTProperties((rs != null) ? rs.getString(fldName) : ""); this.fieldCount = -1; }
/** * Deletes a course from the database. Also deletes all the quiz visualization files from the * students' folder who is registered in the course for all quizzes related to the course. * Caution: vizualisation file will be deleted eventhough it also relates to anther course if the * student is also registered to that course. (FIX ME!) Throws InvalidDBRequestException if the * course is not in the database, error occured during deletion, or other exception occured. * * @param courseNum course number * @param instructor instructor's user name who owns the course * @throws InvalidDBRequestException */ public void deleteCourse(String courseNum, String instructor) throws InvalidDBRequestException { String courseId = new String(courseNum + instructor); try { Class.forName(GaigsServer.DBDRIVER); db = DriverManager.getConnection(GaigsServer.DBURL, GaigsServer.DBLOGIN, GaigsServer.DBPASSWD); Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; int count = 0; // check if course in the database rs = stmt.executeQuery("select course_id from course where course_id = '" + courseId + "'"); if (! throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Course is not in the database"); else { // delete course from course table count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from course where course_id = '" + courseId + "'"); if (count != 1) throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Something happen during deletion!"); else { // delete quiz visualization files rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select distinct unique_id, s.user_login, s.test_name from scores s, courseRoster r, courseTest t " + "where s.test_name = t.test_name " + "and r.user_login = s.user_login " + "and r.course_id = t.course_id " + "and t.course_id = '" + courseId + "'"); while ( { deleteVisualization( rs.getString(1).trim(), rs.getString(2).trim(), rs.getString(3).trim()); count = stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from scores where unique_id = " + rs.getString(1).trim()); } // delete course from other tables count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from courseRoster where course_id = '" + courseId + "'"); count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from courseTest where course_id = '" + courseId + "'"); // delete menu file File menuFile = new File("./html_root/cat/" + courseId + ".list"); if (menuFile.exists()) if (!menuFile.delete()) System.err.println("Failed to delete the menu"); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Invalid SQL in addCourse: " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("??? "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Driver Not Loaded"); throw new InvalidDBRequestException("Internal Server Error"); } }