public double distanciaEuclidiana(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) { double a, b, c; a = Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2); b = Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2); c = Math.sqrt(a + b); return (c); }
public int getWrongTwo() { int wrongTwo = (int) (Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, bits))); while (wrongTwo == answer || wrongTwo == wrongOne) wrongOne = (int) (Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, bits))); return wrongTwo; }
public void generateCaverns(int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { m_logger.debug("Generating underground erosion bubbles: " + i + "/" + count); int x = m_random.nextInt(m_width); int y = m_random.nextInt(m_height); int z = m_random.nextInt(m_depth / 4); int radius = m_random.nextInt(60) + 40; radius = 6; int type = m_random.nextInt(100); if (type > 90) type = BlockConstants.LAVA; else if (type > 45) type = BlockConstants.AIR; else type = BlockConstants.WATER; for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) { BUBBLE_GEN: for (int j = x - radius; j < x + radius * 2; j++) { if (j < 0) j = 0; if (j >= m_width) break BUBBLE_GEN; for (int k = y - radius; k < y + radius * 2; k++) { if (k < 0) k = 0; if (k >= m_height) break BUBBLE_GEN; for (int l = z - radius; l < z + radius; l++) { if (l < 0) l = 0; if (l >= m_depth) break BUBBLE_GEN; double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j - x, 2) + Math.pow(k - y, 2) + Math.pow(l - z, 2)); if (Math.abs(distance / radius) <= Math.abs(m_random.nextGaussian())) { m_blocks[j][k][l] = (byte) type; } } } } x++; } } }
public void plantTrees() { ArrayList<Position> treeList = new ArrayList<Position>(); for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { boolean tooClose = false; for (Position p : treeList) { double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.getX() - x, 2) + Math.pow(p.getY() - y, 2)); if (distance < 30) tooClose = true; } if (!tooClose) { if (m_random.nextInt(100) <= 5) { for (int z = m_depth - 1; z > 0; z--) { if ((m_blocks[x][y][z] == BlockConstants.DIRT || m_blocks[x][y][z] == BlockConstants.GRASS) && m_blocks[x][y][z + 1] == BlockConstants.AIR) { plantTree(x, y, z); treeList.add(new Position(x, y, z)); break; } else if (z < m_depth - 1 && m_blocks[x][y][z + 1] != BlockConstants.AIR) { break; } } } } } } }
/** * Perform the mutation operation * * @param probability Mutation probability * @param solution The solution to mutate * @throws JMException */ public void doMutation(double probability, Solution solution) throws JMException { double rnd, delta1, delta2, mut_pow, deltaq; double y, yl, yu, val, xy; XReal x = new XReal(solution); for (int var = 0; var < solution.numberOfVariables(); var++) { if (PseudoRandom.randDouble() <= probability) { y = x.getValue(var); yl = x.getLowerBound(var); yu = x.getUpperBound(var); delta1 = (y - yl) / (yu - yl); delta2 = (yu - y) / (yu - yl); rnd = PseudoRandom.randDouble(); mut_pow = 1.0 / (eta_m_ + 1.0); if (rnd <= 0.5) { xy = 1.0 - delta1; val = 2.0 * rnd + (1.0 - 2.0 * rnd) * (Math.pow(xy, (eta_m_ + 1.0))); deltaq = java.lang.Math.pow(val, mut_pow) - 1.0; } else { xy = 1.0 - delta2; val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * (java.lang.Math.pow(xy, (eta_m_ + 1.0))); deltaq = 1.0 - (java.lang.Math.pow(val, mut_pow)); } y = y + deltaq * (yu - yl); if (y < yl) y = yl; if (y > yu) y = yu; x.setValue(var, y); } } // for } // doMutation
@Override public double pNorm(double p) { double norm = 0; for (int i = 0; i < used; i++) norm += Math.pow(Math.abs(values[i]), p); return Math.pow(norm, 1.0 / p); }
/** * Calculates word order similarity between the sentences, with weighted words * * @param s1 sentence 1 * @param s2 sentence 2 * @param weights1 of sentence 1 * @param weights2 of sentence 2 * @return Word order similarity value */ public double orderSimilarity( List<double[]> s1, List<double[]> s2, List<double[]> weights1, List<double[]> weights2, String sent2, String unique) { double[] s1Dist = s1.get(0); double[] s1Friend = s1.get(1); double[] s2Dist = s2.get(0); double[] s2Friend = s2.get(1); double[] r1 = new double[s1Dist.length]; double[] r2 = new double[s2Dist.length]; String[] sent = sent2.split(" "); String[] un = unique.split(" "); String word; // Specifies word order vectors for either sentence. // Threshold specifies that words can be seen as the same if similar enough // If same word not found in unique sentence, the order value is 0 for (int i = 0; i < r1.length; i++) { if (s1Dist[i] == 1.0) { r1[i] = i + 1; } else if (s1Dist[i] >= threshold) { r1[i] = s1Friend[i] + 1; } else { r1[i] = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < r2.length; i++) { if (s2Dist[i] == 1.0) { word = un[i]; r2[i] = Arrays.asList(sent).indexOf(word) + 1; } else if (s2Dist[i] >= threshold) { r2[i] = s2Friend[i] + 1; } else { r2[i] = 0.0; } } double numerator = 0.0; double denominator = 0.0; // Calculate order similarity while avoiding division by 0 for (int i = 0; i < r1.length; i++) { numerator = numerator + Math.pow((r1[i] - r2[i]) * weights1.get(0)[i], 2); denominator = denominator + Math.pow((r1[i] + r2[i]) * weights1.get(0)[i], 2); } numerator = Math.sqrt(numerator); denominator = Math.sqrt(denominator); if (denominator == 0.0) { numerator = 1; denominator = 1; } return numerator / denominator; }
@Override public double integrate(final double dblBegin, final double dblEnd) throws java.lang.Exception { if (!org.drip.quant.common.NumberUtil.IsValid(dblBegin) || !org.drip.quant.common.NumberUtil.IsValid(dblEnd)) throw new java.lang.Exception("NaturalLogSeriesElement::integrate => Invalid Inputs"); return (java.lang.Math.pow(dblEnd, _iExponent) - java.lang.Math.pow(dblBegin, _iExponent)) / org.drip.quant.common.NumberUtil.Factorial(_iExponent + 1); }
private double getDistanceTo(double x, double y, double z, Player player) { double x2 = player.getX(); double y2 = player.getY(); double z2 = player.getZ(); double xResult = java.lang.Math.pow(java.lang.Math.max(x, x2) - java.lang.Math.min(x, x2), 2); double yResult = java.lang.Math.pow(java.lang.Math.max(y, y2) - java.lang.Math.min(y, y2), 2); double zResult = java.lang.Math.pow(java.lang.Math.max(z, z2) - java.lang.Math.min(z, z2), 2); return java.lang.Math.sqrt(xResult + yResult + zResult); }
/** Calculate how repusled the scanning robot is by a nearby object. */ public double calcObjRepulseSpeed(double robotX, double robotY, double obsX, double obsY) { double speed = 0.0; double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(robotX - obsX, 2) + Math.pow(robotY - obsY, 2)); if (distance <= OBJ_DISTANCE) { speed = ((OBJ_DISTANCE - distance) / OBJ_DISTANCE) * MAX_SPEED; } return speed; }
@Override public double[] populationMetricNorm() { int iPNorm = outputMetricVectorSpace().pNorm(); if (java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE == iPNorm) return populationSupremumNorm(); org.drip.spaces.metric.R1Combinatorial r1CombinatorialInput = (org.drip.spaces.metric.R1Combinatorial) inputMetricVectorSpace(); org.drip.measure.continuous.R1 distR1 = r1CombinatorialInput.borelSigmaMeasure(); java.util.List<java.lang.Double> lsElem = r1CombinatorialInput.elementSpace(); org.drip.function.definition.R1ToRd funcR1ToRd = function(); if (null == distR1 || null == funcR1ToRd) return null; double dblProbabilityDensity = java.lang.Double.NaN; double[] adblPopulationMetricNorm = null; int iOutputDimension = -1; double dblNormalizer = 0.; for (double dblElement : lsElem) { try { dblProbabilityDensity = distR1.density(dblElement); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } double[] adblValue = funcR1ToRd.evaluate(dblElement); if (null == adblValue || 0 == (iOutputDimension = adblValue.length)) return null; dblNormalizer += dblProbabilityDensity; if (null == adblPopulationMetricNorm) { adblPopulationMetricNorm = new double[iOutputDimension]; for (int i = 0; i < iOutputDimension; ++i) adblPopulationMetricNorm[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < iOutputDimension; ++i) adblPopulationMetricNorm[i] += dblProbabilityDensity * java.lang.Math.pow(java.lang.Math.abs(adblValue[i]), iPNorm); } for (int i = 0; i < iOutputDimension; ++i) adblPopulationMetricNorm[i] += java.lang.Math.pow(adblPopulationMetricNorm[i] / dblNormalizer, 1. / iPNorm); return adblPopulationMetricNorm; }
public String outputBinary(int x, int bits) { int val = x; String temp = ""; for (int i = bits; i >= 0; i--) { if ((val - Math.pow(2, i)) >= 0) { temp = temp + "1"; val = val - (int) Math.pow(2, i); } else temp = temp + "0"; } return temp.substring(1); }
/** Linearly decay the speed of the robot when it nears the goal. */ public double calcRobotSpeedLinear(double robotX, double robotY, double goalX, double goalY) { double speed = 0; double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(robotX - goalX, 2) + Math.pow(robotY - goalY, 2)); if (distance >= GOAL_DISTANCE) { speed = MAX_SPEED; } else { speed = (distance / GOAL_DISTANCE) * MAX_SPEED + 0.5; } return speed; }
public void sculptHill(int centerX, int centerY, int height, int radius, boolean additive) { // int maxHeight = 1; if (additive) m_contour[centerX][centerY] += height; else m_contour[centerX][centerY] = height; for (int x = centerX - radius; x < centerX + radius; x++) { for (int y = centerY - radius; y < centerY + radius; y++) { double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - centerX, 2) + Math.pow(y - centerY, 2)); if (Math.abs(radius - distance) <= 1) interpolateLine(x, y, centerX, centerY); } } }
@Override public double variance() { if (varianceCache != null) return varianceCache; double mu = mean(); double tmp = 0; double N = length(); for (double x : values) tmp += Math.pow(x - mu, 2) / N; // Now add all the zeros into it tmp += (length() - used) * Math.pow(0 - mu, 2) / N; return (varianceCache = tmp); }
public ArrayList<Node> RegionQuery(Node P, ArrayList<Node> points, int eps) { int x2 = P.getX(); int y2 = P.getY(); ArrayList<Node> neighbors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { Node temp = points.get(i); int x1 = temp.getX(); int y1 = temp.getY(); if ((Math.pow((x1 - x2), 2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2), 2)) < Math.pow(eps, 2)) { neighbors.add(temp); } } return neighbors; }
public void dataReceived(int ch1, int ch2) { // This application processes the computed features on the server side to summarize Physical // Activity and Estimate // Energy Expenditure double EE_minute = 0; // Process the KCAL features // KCAL computes a vertical activity count (ch 2) and two horizontal activity counts (ch 1 and // 3) accum_minute_V += (((double) ch1) / 30.0) / 1024.0; // rescale the sensor data by 1024. // note, divide by 30 because of 30 // samples within a sec. accum_minute_H += (((double) ch2) / 30.0) / 1024.0; // accum_minute_V = (((double)ch1)/30.0)/1024.0; // accum_minute_H = (((double)ch2)/30.0)/1024.0; counter++; // EEact(k) = a*H^p1 + b*V^p2 // // assume: mass(kg) = 80 kg // gender = 1 (male) // // a = (12.81 * mass(kg) + 843.22) / 1000 = 1.87 // b = (38.90 * mass(kg) - 682.44 * gender(1=male,2=female) + 692.50)/1000 = 3.12 // p1 = (2.66 * mass(kg) + 146.72)/1000 = 0.36 // p2 = (-3.85 * mass(kg) + 968.28)/1000 = 0.66 if (counter >= 60) { EE_minute = 1.87 * java.lang.Math.pow(accum_minute_H, 0.36) + 3.12 * java.lang.Math.pow(accum_minute_V, 0.66); // System.out.println("Activity count per minute: " + accum_minute_V); accum_minute_V = 0; accum_minute_H = 0; counter = 0; // System.out.println("*************************************"); // System.out.println("EE in units kcal/minute: " + EE_minute/4.184); // the 4.184 is to // convert from KJ to kilocalories results.addElement(new Double(EE_minute / 4.184)); // System.out.println("*************************************"); } }
/** * -=========================================/ generateOutput() -- Fill with bases * and squares and cubes. Note that this method simply assumes that start >= end. This should * always be the case, as setLimits() does this error checking. * /==========================================- */ private void generateOutput(int start, int end) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams widthHeightSettings = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // I will later pass this object to TableRows (as they are created) to define their width and // height. TableLayout numberContainer = (TableLayout) findViewById(; numberContainer.removeAllViews(); int row, column; Context appContext = getApplicationContext(); for (row = 0; row <= (end - start); row++) { // Create a TableRow row. TableRow aRow = new TableRow(appContext); aRow.setId(row); aRow.setLayoutParams(widthHeightSettings); numberContainer.addView(aRow); for (column = 0; column < 3; column++) { // Create a TextView column, and place it in the just-created TableRow row. TextView aNumber = new TextView(appContext); // aNumber.setLayoutParams(widthHeightSettings); // Fails. I don't know why. aNumber.setText(Double.toString(Math.pow(start + row, 1 + column))); ((TableRow) numberContainer.findViewById(row)).addView(aNumber); } } }
public double lockKorn() { double diff = _machCurrent - calculateMachCr.korn(); if (diff > 0) _cdw = 20 * Math.pow((diff), 4); return _cdw; }
/** * Returns the power set from the given set by using a binary counter Example: S = {a,b,c} P(S) = * {[], [c], [b], [b, c], [a], [a, c], [a, b], [a, b, c]} * * @param set String[] * @return LinkedHashSet */ private <T> ArrayList<ArrayList<T>> powerSet(T[] set) { // create the empty power set ArrayList<ArrayList<T>> power = new ArrayList<ArrayList<T>>(); // get the number of elements in the set int elements = set.length; // the number of members of a power set is 2^n int powerElements = (int) Math.pow(2, elements); // run a binary counter for the number of power elements for (int i = 0; i < powerElements; i++) { // convert the binary number to a string containing n digits String binary = intToBinary(i, elements); // create a new set ArrayList<T> innerSet = new ArrayList<T>(); // convert each digit in the current binary number to the corresponding element // in the given set for (int j = 0; j < binary.length(); j++) { if (binary.charAt(j) == '1') innerSet.add(set[j]); } // add the new set to the power set power.add(innerSet); } return power; }
@Override public void evaluate(Solution solution) { double[] theta = new double[numberOfObjectives - 1]; double[] f = new double[numberOfObjectives]; double[] x = EncodingUtils.getReal(solution); int k = numberOfVariables - numberOfObjectives + 1; double g = 0.0; for (int i = numberOfVariables - k; i < numberOfVariables; i++) { g += java.lang.Math.pow(x[i], 0.1); } double t = java.lang.Math.PI / (4.0 * (1.0 + g)); theta[0] = x[0] * java.lang.Math.PI / 2; for (int i = 1; i < (numberOfObjectives - 1); i++) { theta[i] = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * g * x[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjectives; i++) { f[i] = 1.0 + g; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfObjectives - (i + 1); j++) { f[i] *= java.lang.Math.cos(theta[j]); } if (i != 0) { int aux = numberOfObjectives - (i + 1); f[i] *= java.lang.Math.sin(theta[aux]); } solution.setObjective(i, f[i]); } }
public static List<Double> root(List<Double> data, double root) { List<Double> t_list = new ArrayList<Double>(data.size()); for (double i : data) { t_list.add(Math.pow(i, 1.0 / root)); } return t_list; }
/** * Evaluates a solution * * @param solution The solution to evaluate * @throws JMException */ public void evaluate(Solution solution) throws JMException { DecisionVariables gen = solution.getDecisionVariables(); double[] x = new double[numberOfVariables_]; double[] f = new double[numberOfObjectives_]; double[] theta = new double[numberOfObjectives_ - 1]; int k = numberOfVariables_ - numberOfObjectives_ + 1; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables_; i++) x[i] = gen.variables_[i].getValue(); double g = 0.0; for (int i = numberOfVariables_ - k; i < numberOfVariables_; i++) g += java.lang.Math.pow(x[i], 0.1); double t = java.lang.Math.PI / (4.0 * (1.0 + g)); theta[0] = x[0] * java.lang.Math.PI / 2; for (int i = 1; i < (numberOfObjectives_ - 1); i++) theta[i] = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * g * x[i]); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjectives_; i++) f[i] = 1.0 + g; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjectives_; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfObjectives_ - (i + 1); j++) f[i] *= java.lang.Math.cos(theta[j]); if (i != 0) { int aux = numberOfObjectives_ - (i + 1); f[i] *= java.lang.Math.sin(theta[aux]); } // if } // for for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjectives_; i++) solution.setObjective(i, f[i]); } // evaluate
public Complex powi(float p) { float magnew = (float) Math.pow((double) abs(), (double) p); float phasenew = arg() * p; re = magnew * (float) Math.cos(phasenew); im = magnew * (float) Math.sin(phasenew); return this; }
@Override public double empiricalLoss( final org.drip.function.definition.RdToR1 funcLearnerRdToR1, final org.drip.spaces.instance.GeneralizedValidatedVector gvviX, final org.drip.spaces.instance.GeneralizedValidatedVector gvviY) throws java.lang.Exception { if (null == funcLearnerRdToR1 || null == gvviX || !(gvviX instanceof org.drip.spaces.instance.ValidatedRd) || null == gvviY || !(gvviY instanceof org.drip.spaces.instance.ValidatedR1)) throw new java.lang.Exception("LpLossLearner::empiricalLoss => Invalid Inputs"); double[][] aadblX = ((org.drip.spaces.instance.ValidatedRd) gvviX).instance(); double[] adblY = ((org.drip.spaces.instance.ValidatedR1) gvviY).instance(); double dblEmpiricalLoss = 0.; int iNumSample = aadblX.length; if (iNumSample != adblY.length) throw new java.lang.Exception("LpLossLearner::empiricalLoss => Invalid Inputs"); for (int i = 0; i < iNumSample; ++i) dblEmpiricalLoss += java.lang.Math.pow( java.lang.Math.abs(funcLearnerRdToR1.evaluate(aadblX[i]) - adblY[i]), _dblLossExponent); return dblEmpiricalLoss / _dblLossExponent; }
/** * Calculates a standardized normal distributed value (using the polar method). * * @return The value */ public double standNormalDistrDouble() { double q = Double.MAX_VALUE; double u1 = 0; double u2; while (q >= 1d || q == 0) { u1 = randomDouble(); u2 = randomDouble(); q = java.lang.Math.pow(u1, 2) + java.lang.Math.pow(u2, 2); } double p = java.lang.Math.sqrt((-2d * (java.lang.Math.log(q))) / q); return u1 * p; // or u2 * p }
public void grav() { double maga = 10 / Math.pow(distPts2D(x, y, xcp, ycp), 2); xa = (xcp - x) * maga; ya = (ycp - y) * maga; find(); }
/** * The page table constructor. Must call * * <p>super(ownerTask) * * <p>as its first statement. @OSPProject Memory */ public PageTable(TaskCB ownerTask) { super(ownerTask); size = (int) Math.pow(2, MMU.getPageAddressBits()); pages = new PageTableEntry[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { pages[i] = new PageTableEntry(this, i); } }
public double perkinsAndHage() { // Difference between current mach number and critical mach number double diff = _machCurrent - calculateMachCr.perkinsAndHage(); if (diff > 0) _cdw = 9.5 * Math.pow((diff), 2.8) + 0.00193; return _cdw; }
@Override public double calcDerivative(final double dblVariate, final int iOrder) throws java.lang.Exception { return iOrder > _iExponent ? 0. : java.lang.Math.pow(dblVariate, _iExponent - iOrder) / org.drip.quant.common.NumberUtil.Factorial(_iExponent - iOrder); }