// Define a getMessage() method. private void getMessage(JTextAreaPanel in) { // Try to get incoming message. try { // Receive message text. in.getMessage(); } // End of try to get message. catch (BufferEmptyException e) // Catch BufferEmptyException. { // Capture the stack trace into a String. setExceptionString(e.fillInStackTrace()); // Pass message to the JOptionPane manager. setExceptionPane( "There is nothing in the buffer to receive.\n\n" + "Do you want to see the stack trace?"); } // End of catch on BufferEmptyException. } // End of getMessage() method.
// Define a setMessage() method. private void setMessage(JTextAreaPanel out, JTextAreaPanel in) { // Try to get incoming message. try { // Send message text. in.setMessage(out.getText()); // Consume sent message text. out.replaceRange(null, 0, out.getText().length()); } // End of try to get message. // Catch BufferEmptyException. catch (BufferEmptyException e) { // Capture the stack trace into a String. setExceptionString(e.fillInStackTrace()); // Pass message to the JOptionPane manager. setExceptionPane( "There is nothing in the buffer to send.\n\n" + "Do you want to see the stack trace?"); } // End of catch on BufferEmptyException. } // End of setMessage() method.
// Method to saveFile(). private void saveFile() { // If a file name is returned. if (fileName != null) { // Try block to throw a custom exception. try { // Save file. FileIO.saveFile(this, fileName, sender.getText()); } // End of try to get message. catch (BufferEmptyException e) // Catch InvalidFileReference. { // Capture the stack trace into a String. setExceptionString(e.fillInStackTrace()); // Pass message to the JOptionPane manager. setExceptionPane( "There is nothing in the sender panel to write.\n\n" + "Do you want to see the stack trace?"); } // End of catch on BufferEmptyException. } // End of if a fileName is selected. } // End of saveFile() method.