public void setCallingConvention(Convention.Style style) { if (style == null) return; if (!Platform.isWindows() || Platform.is64Bits()) return; switch (style) { case FastCall: = false; setDcCallingConvention( Platform.isWindows() ? DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_FAST_MS : DC_CALL_C_DEFAULT); // TODO allow GCC-compiled C++ libs on windows break; case Pascal: case StdCall: = false; setDcCallingConvention(DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_STD); break; case ThisCall: = false; setDcCallingConvention( Platform.isWindows() ? DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_THIS_MS : DC_CALL_C_DEFAULT); } if (BridJ.veryVerbose)"Setting CC " + style + " (-> " + dcCallingConvention + ") for " + methodName); }
public void update(UpdateMemo memo) throws Exception { ArtifactData target = put(; memo.current.version = new Version(; target.sync(); memo.current.sha = target.sha; // memo.current.dependencies = target.dependencies; // memo.current.dependencies.add((new File(repoDir, // Hex.toHexString(target.sha))).getCanonicalPath()); // memo.current.runbundles = target.runbundles; // memo.current.description = target.description; memo.current.time = target.time; if (memo.current instanceof ServiceData) { Service service = getService((ServiceData) memo.current); service.remove(); createService((ServiceData) memo.current); IO.delete(new File(IO.getFile(serviceDir,, "data")); storeData(new File(IO.getFile(serviceDir,, "data"), memo.current); } else { platform.deleteCommand(memo.current); createCommand(memo.current, false); IO.delete(IO.getFile(commandDir,; storeData(IO.getFile(commandDir,, memo.current); } }
public void deleteCommand(String name) throws Exception { CommandData cmd = getCommand(name); if (cmd == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such command " + name); platform.deleteCommand(cmd); File tobedel = new File(commandDir, name); IO.deleteWithException(tobedel); }
/** * @param data * @param target * @throws Exception * @throws IOException */ public String createService(ServiceData data) throws Exception, IOException { File sdir = new File(serviceDir,; if (!sdir.exists() && !sdir.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + data.sdir); } data.sdir = sdir.getAbsolutePath(); File lock = new File(data.sdir, LOCK); data.lock = lock.getAbsolutePath(); if ( == null) = new File(data.sdir, "work").getAbsolutePath(); if (data.user == null) data.user = platform.user(); if (data.user == null) data.user = "******"; new File(; if (data.log == null) data.log = new File(data.sdir, "log").getAbsolutePath(); // TODO // if (Data.validate(data) != null) // return "Invalid service data: " + Data.validate(data); if (service == null) throw new RuntimeException( "Missing biz.aQute.jpm.service in repo, should have been installed by init, try reiniting"); data.serviceLib = service.getAbsolutePath(); platform.chown(data.user, true, new File(data.sdir)); String s = platform.createService(data, null, false); if (s == null) storeData(new File(data.sdir, "data"), data); return s; }
/** * @param data * @param target * @throws Exception * @throws IOException */ public String createCommand(CommandData data, boolean force) throws Exception, IOException { // TODO // if (Data.validate(data) != null) // return "Invalid command data: " + Data.validate(data); Map<String, String> map = null; if (data.trace) { map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("", "aQute.jpm.service.TraceSecurityManager"); reporter.trace("tracing"); } String s = platform.createCommand(data, map, force, service.getAbsolutePath()); if (s == null) storeData(new File(commandDir,, data); return s; }
private String listSupportFiles(List<File> toDelete) throws Exception { Formatter f = new Formatter(); try { if (toDelete == null) { toDelete = new ArrayList<File>(); } int precount = toDelete.size(); File confFile = IO.getFile(platform.getConfigFile()).getCanonicalFile(); if (confFile.exists()) { f.format(" * %s \t0 Config file%n", confFile); toDelete.add(confFile); } String result = (toDelete.size() > precount) ? f.toString() : null; return result; } finally { f.close(); } }
private String listFiles(final File cache, List<File> toDelete) throws Exception { boolean stopServices = false; if (toDelete == null) { toDelete = new ArrayList<File>(); } else { stopServices = true; } int count = 0; Formatter f = new Formatter(); f.format(" - Cache:%n * %s%n", cache.getCanonicalPath()); f.format(" - Commands:%n"); for (CommandData cdata : getCommands(new File(cache, COMMANDS))) { f.format(" * %s \t0 handle for \"%s\"%n", cdata.bin,; toDelete.add(new File(cdata.bin)); count++; } f.format(" - Services:%n"); for (ServiceData sdata : getServices(new File(cache, SERVICE))) { if (sdata != null) { f.format(" * %s \t0 service directory for \"%s\"%n", sdata.sdir,; toDelete.add(new File(sdata.sdir)); File initd = platform.getInitd(sdata); if (initd != null && initd.exists()) { f.format(" * %s \t0 init.d file for \"%s\"%n", initd.getCanonicalPath(),; toDelete.add(initd); } if (stopServices) { Service s = getService(sdata); try { s.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { } } count++; } } f.format("%n"); String result = (count > 0) ? f.toString() : null; f.close(); return result; }
public ValueType getValueType( int iParam, int nParams, Class<?> c, Type t, AnnotatedElement element, Annotation... directAnnotations) { boolean isPtr = isAnnotationPresent(Ptr.class, element, directAnnotations); boolean isCLong = isAnnotationPresent(org.bridj.ann.CLong.class, element, directAnnotations); Constructor cons = getAnnotation(Constructor.class, element, directAnnotations); if (isPtr || cons != null || isCLong) { if (!(c == Long.class || c == Long.TYPE)) throw new RuntimeException( "Annotation should only be used on a long parameter, not on a " + c.getName()); if (isPtr) { if (!Platform.is64Bits()) direct = false; } else if (isCLong) { if (Platform.CLONG_SIZE != 8) direct = false; } else if (cons != null) { isCPlusPlus = true; startsWithThis = true; if (iParam != 0) throw new RuntimeException( "Annotation " + Constructor.class.getName() + " cannot have more than one (long) argument"); } return ValueType.eSizeTValue; } if (c == null || c.equals(Void.TYPE)) return ValueType.eVoidValue; if (c == Integer.class || c == Integer.TYPE) return ValueType.eIntValue; if (c == Long.class || c == Long.TYPE) { return !isPtr || Platform.is64Bits() ? ValueType.eLongValue : ValueType.eIntValue; } if (c == Short.class || c == Short.TYPE) return ValueType.eShortValue; if (c == Byte.class || c == Byte.TYPE) return ValueType.eByteValue; if (c == Boolean.class || c == Boolean.TYPE) return ValueType.eBooleanValue; if (c == Float.class || c == Float.TYPE) { usesFloats(); return ValueType.eFloatValue; } if (c == char.class || c == Character.TYPE) { if (Platform.WCHAR_T_SIZE != 2) direct = false; return ValueType.eWCharValue; } if (c == Double.class || c == Double.TYPE) { usesFloats(); return ValueType.eDoubleValue; } if (c == CLong.class) { direct = false; return ValueType.eCLongObjectValue; } if (c == SizeT.class) { direct = false; return ValueType.eSizeTObjectValue; } if (c == TimeT.class) { direct = false; return ValueType.eTimeTObjectValue; } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { direct = false; CallIO cio = CallIO.Utils.createPointerCallIO(c, t); if (BridJ.veryVerbose)"CallIO : " + cio); addCallIO(cio); return ValueType.ePointerValue; } if (c.isArray() && iParam == nParams - 1) { direct = false; return ValueType.eEllipsis; } if (ValuedEnum.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { direct = false; CallIO cio = CallIO.Utils.createValuedEnumCallIO( (Class) Utils.getClass(Utils.getUniqueParameterizedTypeParameter(t))); if (BridJ.veryVerbose)"CallIO : " + cio); addCallIO(cio); return ValueType.eIntFlagSet; } if (NativeObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { Pointer<DCstruct> pStruct = null; if (StructObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { StructIO io = StructIO.getInstance(c, t); try { pStruct = DyncallStructs.buildDCstruct(io.desc); } catch (Throwable th) { BridJ.error( "Unable to create low-level struct metadata for " + Utils.toString(t) + " : won't be able to use it as a by-value function argument.", th); } } addCallIO(new CallIO.NativeObjectHandler((Class<? extends NativeObject>) c, t, pStruct)); direct = false; return ValueType.eNativeObjectValue; } throw new NoSuchElementException( "No " + ValueType.class.getSimpleName() + " for class " + c.getName()); }
protected void init( AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, Class returnType, Type genericReturnType, Annotation[] returnAnnotations, Class[] parameterTypes, Type[] genericParameterTypes, Annotation[][] paramsAnnotations, boolean prependJNIPointers, boolean isVirtual, boolean isDirectModeAllowed) { assert returnType != null; assert genericReturnType != null; assert parameterTypes != null; assert genericParameterTypes != null; assert returnAnnotations != null; assert parameterTypes.length == genericParameterTypes.length; assert paramsAnnotations.length == genericParameterTypes.length; int nParams = genericParameterTypes.length; paramsValueTypes = new int[nParams]; direct = isDirectModeAllowed; // TODO on native side : test number of parameters (on 64 bits win : // must be <= 4) StringBuilder javaSig = new StringBuilder(64), asmSig = new StringBuilder(64), dcSig = new StringBuilder(16); javaSig.append('('); asmSig.append('('); if (prependJNIPointers) // !isCPlusPlus) dcSig .append(DC_SIGCHAR_POINTER) .append(DC_SIGCHAR_POINTER); // JNIEnv*, jobject: always present in native-bound functions if (BridJ.debug) "Analyzing " + (declaringClass == null ? "anonymous method" : declaringClass.getName() + "." + methodName)); if (isObjCBlock) appendToSignature( 0, ValueType.ePointerValue, Pointer.class, Pointer.class, null, dcSig, null); for (int iParam = 0; iParam < nParams; iParam++) { // Options paramOptions = paramsOptions[iParam] = new Options(); Type genericParameterType = genericParameterTypes[iParam]; Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[iParam]; ValueType paramValueType = getValueType( iParam, nParams, parameterType, genericParameterType, null, paramsAnnotations[iParam]); if (BridJ.veryVerbose)"\tparam " + paramValueType); paramsValueTypes[iParam] = paramValueType.ordinal(); appendToSignature( iParam, paramValueType, parameterType, genericParameterType, javaSig, dcSig, asmSig); } javaSig.append(')'); asmSig.append(')'); dcSig.append(')'); ValueType retType = getValueType( -1, nParams, returnType, genericReturnType, annotatedElement, returnAnnotations); if (BridJ.veryVerbose)"\treturns " + retType); appendToSignature(-1, retType, returnType, genericReturnType, javaSig, dcSig, asmSig); returnValueType = retType.ordinal(); javaSignature = javaSig.toString(); asmSignature = asmSig.toString(); dcSignature = dcSig.toString(); isCPlusPlus = isCPlusPlus || isVirtual; if (isCPlusPlus && !isStatic) { if (!startsWithThis) direct = false; bNeedsThisPointer = true; if (Platform.isWindows()) { if (!Platform.is64Bits()) setDcCallingConvention(DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_THIS_MS); } else { // if (!Platform.is64Bits()) // setDcCallingConvention(DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_THIS_GNU); } } if (nParams > Platform.getMaxDirectMappingArgCount()) = false; if (BridJ.veryVerbose) {"\t-> direct " + direct);"\t-> javaSignature " + javaSignature);"\t-> callIOs " + callIOs);"\t-> asmSignature " + asmSignature);"\t-> dcSignature " + dcSignature); } if (BridJ.veryVerbose) ? "[mappable as direct] " : "[not mappable as direct] ") + method); }
public void register(boolean user) throws Exception { platform.installDaemon(user); }
public void deinit(Appendable out, boolean force) throws Exception { Settings settings = new Settings(platform.getConfigFile()); if (!force) { Justif justify = new Justif(80, 40); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(sb); try { String list = listFiles(platform.getGlobal()); if (list != null) { f.format("In global default environment:%n"); f.format(list); } list = listFiles(platform.getLocal()); if (list != null) { f.format("In local default environment:%n"); f.format(list); } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)) { list = listFiles(IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL))); if (list != null) { f.format("In global configured environment:%n"); f.format(list); } } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)) { list = listFiles(IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL))); if (list != null) { f.format("In local configured environment:%n"); f.format(list); } } list = listSupportFiles(); if (list != null) { f.format("jpm support files:%n"); f.format(list); } f.format("%n%n"); f.format( "All files listed above will be deleted if deinit is run with the force flag set" + " (\"jpm deinit -f\" or \"jpm deinit --force\"%n%n"); f.flush(); justify.wrap(sb); out.append(sb.toString()); } finally { f.close(); } } else { // i.e. if(force) int count = 0; File[] caches = {platform.getGlobal(), platform.getLocal(), null, null}; if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)) { caches[2] = IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)); } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)) { caches[3] = IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)); } ArrayList<File> toDelete = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File cache : caches) { if (cache == null || !cache.exists()) { continue; } listFiles(cache, toDelete); if (toDelete.size() > count) { count = toDelete.size(); if (!cache.canWrite()) { reporter.error(PERMISSION_ERROR + " (" + cache + ")"); return; } toDelete.add(cache); } } listSupportFiles(toDelete); for (File f : toDelete) { if (f.exists() && !f.canWrite()) { reporter.error(PERMISSION_ERROR + " (" + f + ")"); } } if (reporter.getErrors().size() > 0) { return; } for (File f : toDelete) { if (f.exists()) { IO.deleteWithException(f); } } } }