Esempio n. 1
 private static Type getGenericReturnType(Class c, String methodName)
     throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
   Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, (Class[]) null);
   return m.getGenericReturnType();
        final Node node,
        final Method method,
        final String annotationValue,
        final XBProjector projector,
        final boolean absentIsEmpty) {
      super(node, method, annotationValue, projector);
      wrappedInOptional = ReflectionHelper.isOptional(method.getGenericReturnType());
      returnType =
              ? ReflectionHelper.getParameterType(method.getGenericReturnType())
              : method.getReturnType();
      Class<?>[] exceptionTypes = method.getExceptionTypes();
      exceptionType = exceptionTypes.length > 0 ? exceptionTypes[0] : null;
      this.isConvertable = projector.config().getTypeConverter().isConvertable(returnType);
      this.isReturnAsNode = Node.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType);
      this.isEvaluateAsList =
          List.class.equals(returnType) || ReflectionHelper.isStreamClass(returnType);
      this.isReturnAsStream = ReflectionHelper.isStreamClass(returnType);
      this.isEvaluateAsArray = returnType.isArray();
      if (wrappedInOptional && (isEvaluateAsArray || isEvaluateAsList)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Method "
                + method
                + " must not declare an optional return type of list or array. Lists and arrays may be empty but will never be null.");
      this.isEvaluateAsSubProjection = returnType.isInterface();
      this.isThrowIfAbsent = exceptionType != null;

      // Throwing exception overrides empty default value.
      this.absentIsEmpty = absentIsEmpty && (!isThrowIfAbsent);
    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
      Preference annotation = method.getAnnotation(Preference.class);
      String key = annotation.value();
      String defaultString = annotation.defaultString();
      boolean defaultBoolean = annotation.defaultBoolean();
      int defaultInt = annotation.defaultInt();
      long defaultLong = annotation.defaultLong();
      float defaultFloat = annotation.defaultFloat();

      if (method.getReturnType().equals(StringEntry.class)) {
        return new StringEntry(preferences, key, defaultString);
      } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(FloatEntry.class)) {
        return new FloatEntry(preferences, key, defaultFloat);
      } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(LongEntry.class)) {
        return new LongEntry(preferences, key, defaultLong);
      } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(IntEntry.class)) {
        return new IntEntry(preferences, key, defaultInt);
      } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(BooleanEntry.class)) {
        return new BooleanEntry(preferences, key, defaultBoolean);
      } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(ObjectEntry.class)) {
        if (method.getGenericReturnType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
          ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType();
          Class<?> type = (Class) parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
          return new ObjectEntry<>(preferences, key, gson, type);
        throw new RuntimeException("ObjectEntries must have a parameter");
      } else {
        return null;
  public MethodPropertyContext(Method getter) {
    synchronized (cache) {
      Data previous = cache.get(getter);
      if (previous != null) { = previous;
      } = new Data();
      data.genericType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
      data.type = getter.getReturnType();
      // Compute collection element type
      if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(getType())) {
        data.elementType =
                    Collection.class, getter.getGenericReturnType(), getter.getReturnType()));
      } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(getType())) {
        Type[] types = TypeUtils.getParameterization(Map.class, getter.getGenericReturnType());
        data.keyType = TypeUtils.ensureBaseType(types[0]);
        data.valueType = TypeUtils.ensureBaseType(types[1]);
      cache.put(getter, data);
Esempio n. 5
  public Object extractEntity(ClientContext context, Object... args) {
    ClientResponse response = context.getClientResponse();

    // only release connection if it is not an instance of an
    // InputStream
    boolean releaseConnectionAfter = response.getStatus() >= 200 && response.getStatus() < 300;
    try {
      // void methods should be handled before this method gets called, but it's worth being
      // defensive
      if (method.getReturnType() == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "No type information to extract entity with.  You use other getEntity() methods");
      GenericType gt = null;
      if (method.getGenericReturnType() != null) {
        gt = new GenericType(method.getGenericReturnType());
      } else {
        gt = new GenericType(method.getReturnType());
      Object obj = ClientInvocation.extractResult(gt, response, method.getAnnotations());
      if (obj instanceof InputStream || obj instanceof Reader) releaseConnectionAfter = false;
      return obj;
    } finally {
      if (releaseConnectionAfter) response.close();
   * Resolve current method generic return type to a {@link GenericMetadataSupport}.
   * @param method Method to resolve the return type.
   * @return {@link GenericMetadataSupport} representing this generic return type.
  public GenericMetadataSupport resolveGenericReturnType(Method method) {
    Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
    // logger.log("Method '" + method.toGenericString() + "' has return type : " +
    // genericReturnType.getClass().getInterfaces()[0].getSimpleName() + " : " + genericReturnType);

    if (genericReturnType instanceof Class) {
      return new NotGenericReturnTypeSupport(genericReturnType);
    if (genericReturnType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
      return new ParameterizedReturnType(
          this, method.getTypeParameters(), (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType());
    if (genericReturnType instanceof TypeVariable) {
      return new TypeVariableReturnType(
          this, method.getTypeParameters(), (TypeVariable) genericReturnType);

    throw new MockitoException(
        "Ouch, it shouldn't happen, type '"
            + genericReturnType.getClass().getCanonicalName()
            + "' on method : '"
            + method.toGenericString()
            + "' is not supported : "
            + genericReturnType);
Esempio n. 7
  private void handleMethod(
      String prefix,
      Collection<DetailedLink> results,
      Method m,
      Class<?> resource,
      Map<String, Type> parametersMap)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    if (isRequiresDescription(m)) {
      Type genericReturnType = m.getGenericReturnType();
      Class<?> concreteReturnType = findConcreteType(genericReturnType, resource, parametersMap);
      if (concreteReturnType == null) {
        concreteReturnType = m.getReturnType();

      Type[] genericParameterTypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
      Class<?>[] concreteParameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
      for (int i = 0; i < concreteParameterTypes.length; i++) {
        Class<?> concreteParameterType =
            findConcreteType(genericParameterTypes[i], resource, parametersMap);
        if (concreteParameterType != null) {
          concreteParameterTypes[i] = concreteParameterType;

      if (m.isAnnotationPresent( {
        handleGet(prefix, results, concreteReturnType);
      } else if (m.isAnnotationPresent(PUT.class)) {
        handlePut(prefix, results, concreteReturnType);
      } else if (m.isAnnotationPresent( {
        handleDelete(prefix, results, m);
      } else if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) {
        String path = m.getAnnotation(Path.class).value();
        if (isAction(m)) {
          handleAction(prefix, results, path, m);
        } else {
          if (isSingleEntityResource(m)) {
            path = "{" + getSingleForm(prefix) + ":id}";
          if (m.getGenericReturnType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) m.getGenericReturnType();
                  prefix + "/" + path,
                  new HashMap<String, Type>(parametersMap)));
      } else {
        if (m.getName().equals(ADD)) {
          handleAdd(prefix, results, concreteParameterTypes);
Esempio n. 8
   public static void main(String[]argv) throws Exception {
	   Method m = Goo.class.getDeclaredMethod("getStrings");
	   Type t = m.getGenericReturnType();
	   if (!t.toString().equals("java.util.List<java.lang.String>")) 
		   throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect signature. Signature is "+t);

	   m = IFace.class.getDeclaredMethod("getStrings");
	   t = m.getGenericReturnType();
	   if (!t.toString().equals("java.util.List<java.lang.String>")) 
		   throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect signature. Signature is "+t);
  * Get the DBus member output signature.
  * @param method the method
 public static String getOutSig(Method method) throws AnnotationBusException {
   BusMethod busMethod = method.getAnnotation(BusMethod.class);
   if (busMethod != null && busMethod.replySignature().length() > 0) {
     return Signature.typeSig(method.getGenericReturnType(), busMethod.replySignature());
   BusSignal busSignal = method.getAnnotation(BusSignal.class);
   if (busSignal != null && busSignal.replySignature().length() > 0) {
     return Signature.typeSig(method.getGenericReturnType(), busSignal.replySignature());
   return Signature.typeSig(method.getGenericReturnType(), null);
Esempio n. 10
 public void testURIDeclarations() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
   Assert.assertNotNull(A.class.getMethod("addA", Object.class));
   Assert.assertNotNull(B.class.getMethod("addA", Object.class));
   Method uriMethod = B.class.getMethod("getA");
   Assert.assertTrue(uriMethod.getGenericReturnType() instanceof ParameterizedType);
   ParameterizedType returnType = (ParameterizedType) uriMethod.getGenericReturnType();
   Assert.assertEquals(returnType.getActualTypeArguments().length, 1);
   Assert.assertTrue(returnType.getActualTypeArguments()[0] instanceof WildcardType);
       ((WildcardType) returnType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]).getUpperBounds()[0], URI.class);
 private List<Method> GetMethods(java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods) {
   List<Method> list = new ArrayList<>();
   for (java.lang.reflect.Method mthd : methods) {
     String visibility = this.GetVisibility(mthd.getModifiers());
     boolean isStatic = this.GetIsStatic(mthd.getModifiers());
     boolean isfinal = this.GetIsFinal(mthd.getModifiers());
     String outputType = mthd.getGenericReturnType().toString();
     List<InputParameter> inputParameters = this.GetInputParameters(mthd.getParameters());
     List<String> annotations = this.GetAnnotations(mthd.getAnnotations());
     String name = mthd.getName();
     if (name.contains("_")) continue;
     boolean isThrowExceptions = false;
     if (mthd.getExceptionTypes().length > 0) {
       isThrowExceptions = true;
     Method method =
             new ArrayList<>());
   return list;
Esempio n. 12
  private void BuildSignature() {
    Var[] vars = new Var[samMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
    lambdaApplyParameters = new Class<?>[samMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      //noinspection unchecked
      Type paramType = samMethod.getGenericParameterTypes()[i];
      if (paramType instanceof Class) vars[i] = new Var((Class<?>) paramType);
      else if (paramType instanceof TypeVariable)
        vars[i] = new Var(findMaterializedType(((TypeVariable) paramType).getName()));
        throw new LambdaException(
            "unexpected param generic type [%s] for SAM [%s]", paramType, samType.getName());

      lambdaApplyParameters[i] = Object.class;

    Class<?> materializedRetType;
    Type genericRetType = samMethod.getGenericReturnType();
    if (genericRetType instanceof Class<?>) materializedRetType = samMethod.getReturnType();
    else if (genericRetType instanceof TypeVariable)
      materializedRetType = findMaterializedType(((TypeVariable) genericRetType).getName());
      throw new LambdaException(
          "unexpected generic return type [%s] for SAM [%s]",
          samMethod.getReturnType(), samType.getName());

    this.lambdaSignature = new LambdaSignature<Object>(materializedRetType, vars);
Esempio n. 13
 static Class<?> resultType(Method finderMethod) {
   checkArgument(finderMethod.getReturnType() == Iterator.class);
   Type t = finderMethod.getGenericReturnType();
   ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) t;
   Type r = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
   return (Class<?>) r;
Esempio n. 14
  public void populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest(
      org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange cxfExchange,
      Exchange camelExchange,
      Method method,
      Object[] paramArray) {
    Message camelMessage = camelExchange.getIn();
    // Copy the CXF message header into the Camel inMessage
    org.apache.cxf.message.Message cxfMessage = cxfExchange.getInMessage();

    // TODO use header filter strategy and cxfToCamelHeaderMap
    CxfUtils.copyHttpHeadersFromCxfToCamel(cxfMessage, camelMessage);

    // copy the protocol header
    copyProtocolHeader(cxfMessage, camelMessage, camelMessage.getExchange());

    camelMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_RESPONSE_CLASS, method.getReturnType());

        CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_RESPONSE_GENERIC_TYPE, method.getGenericReturnType());

    copyOperationResourceInfoStack(cxfMessage, camelMessage);

    camelMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.OPERATION_NAME, method.getName());

    camelMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_MESSAGE, cxfMessage);

    camelMessage.setBody(new MessageContentsList(paramArray));
Esempio n. 15
  protected Object handleResponse(Message outMessage, Class<?> serviceCls) throws Throwable {
    try {
      Response r = setResponseBuilder(outMessage, outMessage.getExchange()).build();
      ((ResponseImpl) r).setOutMessage(outMessage);

      Method method = outMessage.getExchange().get(Method.class);
      checkResponse(method, r, outMessage);
      if (method.getReturnType() == Void.class || method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
        return null;
      if (method.getReturnType() == Response.class
          && (r.getEntity() == null
              || InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(r.getEntity().getClass())
                  && ((InputStream) r.getEntity()).available() == 0)) {
        return r;
      if (PropertyUtils.isTrue(
          super.getConfiguration().getResponseContext().get(BUFFER_PROXY_RESPONSE))) {

      Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();
      Type genericType =
              serviceCls, returnType, method.getGenericReturnType());
      returnType = InjectionUtils.updateParamClassToTypeIfNeeded(returnType, genericType);
      return readBody(r, outMessage, returnType, genericType, method.getDeclaredAnnotations());
    } finally {
    public Object invoke(Object target, Method method, Object[] params) throws Throwable {
      if (EQUALS_METHOD.equals(method)) {
        Object param = params[0];
        if (param == null || !Proxy.isProxyClass(param.getClass())) {
          return false;
        InvocationHandler other = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(param);
        return equals(other);
      } else if (HASHCODE_METHOD.equals(method)) {
        return hashCode();

      MethodInvocation invocation =
          new MethodInvocation(
      if (!invocation.found()) {
        String methodName =
            method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName() + "()";
        throw Exceptions.unsupportedMethod(methodName);
      return invocation.getResult();
  * When reading collections, determine the collection component type.
  * @param method
  * @return
 private static Class<?> findTargetComponentType(final Method method) {
   if (method.getReturnType().isArray()) {
     return method.getReturnType().getComponentType();
   if (!(ReflectionHelper.isStreamClass(method.getReturnType())
       || List.class.equals(method.getReturnType()))) {
     return null;
   final Type type = method.getGenericReturnType();
   if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)
       || (((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments() == null)
       || (((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments().length < 1)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "When using List as return type for method "
             + method
             + ", please specify a generic type for the List. Otherwise I do not know which type I should fill the List with.");
   assert ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments().length == 1 : "";
   Type componentType = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
   if (!(componentType instanceof Class)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "I don't know how to instantiate the generic type for the return type of method "
             + method);
   return (Class<?>) componentType;
 private static ParameterizedType getReturnType(Method paramMethod) {
   paramMethod = paramMethod.getGenericReturnType();
   if ((paramMethod instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
     return (ParameterizedType) paramMethod;
   return null;
   * メソッドの戻り値型を表現する{@link ParameterizedClassDesc}を作成して返します。
   * @param method メソッド。{@literal null}であってはいけません
   * @param map パラメータ化された型が持つ型変数をキー、型引数を値とする{@link Map}。{@literal null} であってはいけません
   * @return メソッドの戻り値型を表現する{@link ParameterizedClassDesc}
  public static ParameterizedClassDesc createParameterizedClassDesc(
      final Method method, final Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> map) {
    assertArgumentNotNull("method", method);
    assertArgumentNotNull("map", map);

    return createParameterizedClassDesc(method.getGenericReturnType(), map);
  private Status getProperties(Class<?> busInterface) throws AnnotationBusException {
    for (Method method : busInterface.getMethods()) {
      if (method.getAnnotation(BusProperty.class) != null) {
        String name = getName(method);
        Property property = properties.get(name);

        BusAnnotations propertyAnnotations = method.getAnnotation(BusAnnotations.class);
        TreeMap<String, String> annotations = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        if (propertyAnnotations != null) {
          for (BusAnnotation propertyAnnotation : propertyAnnotations.value()) {
            annotations.put(, propertyAnnotation.value());

        if (property == null) {
          property = new Property(name, getPropertySig(method), annotations);
        } else if (!property.signature.equals(getPropertySig(method))) {
          return Status.BAD_ANNOTATION;

        if (method.getName().startsWith("get")) {
          property.get = method;
        } else if (method.getName().startsWith("set")
            && (method.getGenericReturnType().equals(void.class))) {
          property.set = method;
        } else {
          return Status.BAD_ANNOTATION;
        properties.put(name, property);
    return Status.OK;
Esempio n. 21
   * Checks if the two types of methods are the same.
   * @param jDiffMethod the jDiffMethod to compare
   * @param method the reflected method to compare
   * @return true, if both methods are the same
  private boolean matches(JDiffMethod jDiffMethod, Method method) {
    // If the method names aren't equal, the methods can't match.
    if (jDiffMethod.mName.equals(method.getName())) {
      String jdiffReturnType = jDiffMethod.mReturnType;
      String reflectionReturnType = typeToString(method.getGenericReturnType());
      List<String> jdiffParamList = jDiffMethod.mParamList;

      // Next, compare the return types of the two methods.  If
      // they aren't equal, the methods can't match.
      if (jdiffReturnType.equals(reflectionReturnType)) {
        Type[] params = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
        // Next, check the method parameters.  If they have
        // different number of parameters, the two methods
        // can't match.
        if (jdiffParamList.size() == params.length) {
          // If any of the parameters don't match, the
          // methods can't match.
          for (int i = 0; i < jdiffParamList.size(); i++) {
            if (!compareParam(jdiffParamList.get(i), params[i])) {
              return false;
          // We've passed all the tests, the methods do
          // match.
          return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 22
   * Test case for TEATROVE-55.
   * <p>
  public void testGetConstructorWithGenerics() throws Exception {

    ClassInjector injector = ClassInjector.getInstance(this.getClass().getClassLoader());

    // build first constructor that purely merges general play context
    Constructor<?> ctor1 =
            new Class[] {PlayContext.class, GameContext.class, StringContext.class},
            new String[] {"PlayContext$", "GameContext$", "StringContext$"});

    // ensure two get play methods and both return hockey game
    int found1 = 0, bridge1 = 0;
    Method[] methods1 = ctor1.getDeclaringClass().getMethods();
    for (Method method1 : methods1) {
      if (method1.getName().equals("getPlay")) {
        if (method1.isBridge()) {

    assertEquals("expected two getPlay methods", 2, found1);
    assertEquals("expected one getPlay bridge method", 1, bridge1);

    // now build another constructor that merges that merge plus another
    // to ensure generics flow through from one merge to another
    Constructor<?> ctor2 =
            new Class[] {ctor1.getDeclaringClass(), Dog.class});

    // ensure two get play methods and both return hockey game
    int found2 = 0, bridge2 = 0;
    Method[] methods2 = ctor2.getDeclaringClass().getMethods();
    for (Method method2 : methods2) {
      if (method2.getName().equals("getPlay")) {
        if (method2.isBridge()) {

    assertEquals("expected two getPlay methods", 2, found1);
    assertEquals("expected one getPlay bridge method", 1, bridge1);

    // ensure get plays method has generic signature for list
    Method playsMethod = ctor2.getDeclaringClass().getMethod("getPlays");
    Type returnType = playsMethod.getGenericReturnType();
    assertTrue("expected param type", returnType instanceof ParameterizedType);

        "expected plays type for type param",
        ((ParameterizedType) returnType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]);
Esempio n. 23
  * Populate model from given reflect getter method
  * @param method the method to analyze
  * @param methodModel the model to update
 protected void analyzeDtoGetterMethod(Method method, MethodModel methodModel) {
   Type fieldType = method.getGenericReturnType();
   String fieldName = getGetterFieldName(method);
   fieldAttributes.put(fieldName, fieldType);
Esempio n. 24
  * Returns the resolved generic return type of {@code method}.
  * @param method a method defined by this or any supertype.
  * @since 2.0
 public TypeLiteral<?> getReturnType(Method method) {
       "%s is not defined by a supertype of %s",
   return resolve(method.getGenericReturnType());
Esempio n. 25
 /** java.lang.reflect.Method#getGenericReturnType() */
 public void test_getGenericReturnType() throws Exception {
   Method method = GenericReturnType.class.getDeclaredMethod("returnGeneric");
   Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
   assertNotNull("getGenericReturnType returned null", returnType);
   assertTrue(returnType instanceof TypeVariable<?>);
   TypeVariable<Class<ExceptionTest<?>>> tv = (TypeVariable<Class<ExceptionTest<?>>>) returnType;
   assertEquals("T", tv.getName());
 public void test_two_elem_string_list() throws Throwable {
   data = new MethodData(method, method.getGenericReturnType(), "['x', ' y']");
   Object o = new CollectionConstructor().construct(data);
   Assert.assertTrue(((Collection<?>) o).size() == 2);
   Assert.assertTrue(((List<String>) o).get(0).equals("x"));
   Assert.assertTrue(((List<String>) o).get(1).equals(" y"));
Esempio n. 27
   * Called by {@link #createChangeMetaData()} to create metadata for a given parameter. It finds
   * the method that corresponds to the parameter and calls the corresponding create*MetaData
   * methods such as {@link #createRequiredDatabasesMetaData(String, DatabaseChangeProperty)} to
   * determine the correct values for the ChangeParameterMetaData fields.
   * @throws UnexpectedLiquibaseException if the passed parameter does not exist
  protected ChangeParameterMetaData createChangeParameterMetadata(String parameterName) {

    try {
      String displayName = parameterName.replaceAll("([A-Z])", " $1");
      displayName = displayName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + displayName.substring(1);

      PropertyDescriptor property = null;
      for (PropertyDescriptor prop :
          Introspector.getBeanInfo(this.getClass()).getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        if (prop.getDisplayName().equals(parameterName)) {
          property = prop;
      if (property == null) {
        throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Could not find property " + parameterName);

      Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();
      if (readMethod == null) {
        readMethod = getClass().getMethod("is" + StringUtils.upperCaseFirst(property.getName()));
      Type type = readMethod.getGenericReturnType();

      DatabaseChangeProperty changePropertyAnnotation =

      String mustEqualExisting =
          createMustEqualExistingMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      String description = createDescriptionMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      Map<String, Object> examples =
          createExampleValueMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      String since = createSinceMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      SerializationType serializationType =
          createSerializationTypeMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      String[] requiredForDatabase =
          createRequiredDatabasesMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);
      String[] supportsDatabase =
          createSupportedDatabasesMetaData(parameterName, changePropertyAnnotation);

      return new ChangeParameterMetaData(
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
Esempio n. 28
   * Invokes this method with the provided arguments
   * @param args @return @throws WiseException If an unknown exception is received
   * @throws WiseWebServiceException There are 4 known failure conditions - The wsdl (url) could not
   *     be found - The wsdl is password protected - The endpoint (url) could not be found - The
   *     endpoint is password protected
   * @throws InvocationException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  InvocationResultImpl invoke(Map<String, Object> args)
      throws WiseWebServiceException, InvocationException, IllegalArgumentException {
    InvocationResultImpl result = null;
    Map<String, Object> emptyHolder = Collections.emptyMap();

    try {
      EndpointMethodCaller caller =
          new EndpointMethodCaller(
              this.getEndpoint(), this.getMethod(), this.getParametersInRightPositionArray(args));
      Future<Object> invocation = ((WSEndpointImpl) this.getEndpoint()).getService().submit(caller);
      if (isOneWay()) {
        result = new InvocationResultImpl(null, null, null, emptyHolder);
      } else {
        result =
            new InvocationResultImpl(
                RESULT, method.getGenericReturnType(), invocation.get(), getHoldersResult(args));
    } catch (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException wse) {
      Throwable ite = wse.getCause();
      if (ite != null && ite != wse && ite instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
        Throwable t = ite.getCause();

        // unchecked exception ?
        if (t != null && t != ite && t != wse && t instanceof WebServiceException) {
          // authentication exception ?
          if (isAuthenticationException(t, new HashSet<Throwable>())) {
            throw new WiseWebServiceException(
                "Authentication exception", null); // TODO improve this
          throw new WiseWebServiceException(t.getMessage(), t);

        // checked exception ?
        if (t != null && t != ite && t != wse && t instanceof Exception) {
          Method methodPointer = this.getMethod();
          if (methodPointer != null && methodPointer.getExceptionTypes() != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < methodPointer.getExceptionTypes().length; i++) {
              Class<?> excType = methodPointer.getExceptionTypes()[i];
              if (t.getClass().isAssignableFrom(excType)) {
                // checked exception
                result = new InvocationResultImpl("exception", excType, t, emptyHolder);
                return result;

        throw new InvocationException("Unknown exception received: " + ite.getMessage(), ite);
      throw new WiseWebServiceException(wse.getMessage(), wse);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      throw new InvocationException("Generic Error during method invocation!", e);
    return result;
Esempio n. 29
 public static Type[] getPropertyGenericTypes(Object obj, String name) {
   Method getter = getterMethod(obj, name);
   if (getter == null) return null;
   Type type = getter.getGenericReturnType();
   if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
     ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) type;
     return paramType.getActualTypeArguments();
   return null;
  public static <T> Class<T> tellMeTheTypeOfThisThing() throws NoSuchMethodException {
    Method method =
            "tellMeTheTypeOfThisThing", null);

    ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType();
    TypeVariableImpl typeImpl = (TypeVariableImpl) type.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
    return null;