Esempio n. 1
 /** Return the declared type of this member, which must be a method or constructor. */
 public MethodType getMethodType() {
   if (type == null) {
     if (type == null) return null;
   if (!isInvocable()) throw newIllegalArgumentException("not invocable, no method type");
   if (type instanceof MethodType) {
     return (MethodType) type;
   if (type instanceof String) {
     String sig = (String) type;
     MethodType res = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(sig, getClassLoader());
     this.type = res;
     return res;
   if (type instanceof Object[]) {
     Object[] typeInfo = (Object[]) type;
     Class<?>[] ptypes = (Class<?>[]) typeInfo[1];
     Class<?> rtype = (Class<?>) typeInfo[0];
     MethodType res = MethodType.methodType(rtype, ptypes);
     this.type = res;
     return res;
   throw new InternalError("bad method type " + type);
Esempio n. 2
 // Factory methods:
 static DirectMethodHandle make(byte refKind, Class<?> receiver, MemberName member) {
   MethodType mtype = member.getMethodOrFieldType();
   if (!member.isStatic()) {
     if (!member.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(receiver) || member.isConstructor())
       throw new InternalError(member.toString());
     mtype = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, receiver);
   if (!member.isField()) {
     if (refKind == REF_invokeSpecial) {
       member = member.asSpecial();
       LambdaForm lform = preparedLambdaForm(member);
       return new Special(mtype, lform, member);
     } else {
       LambdaForm lform = preparedLambdaForm(member);
       return new DirectMethodHandle(mtype, lform, member);
   } else {
     LambdaForm lform = preparedFieldLambdaForm(member);
     if (member.isStatic()) {
       long offset = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldOffset(member);
       Object base = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldBase(member);
       return new StaticAccessor(mtype, lform, member, base, offset);
     } else {
       long offset = MethodHandleNatives.objectFieldOffset(member);
       assert (offset == (int) offset);
       return new Accessor(mtype, lform, member, (int) offset);
Esempio n. 3
  * Return the declared type of this member, which must be a field or type. If it is a type member,
  * that type itself is returned.
 public Class<?> getFieldType() {
   if (type == null) {
     if (type == null) return null;
   if (isInvocable())
     throw newIllegalArgumentException("not a field or nested class, no simple type");
   if (type instanceof Class<?>) {
     return (Class<?>) type;
   if (type instanceof String) {
     String sig = (String) type;
     MethodType mtype = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()" + sig, getClassLoader());
     Class<?> res = mtype.returnType();
     this.type = res;
     return res;
   throw new InternalError("bad field type " + type);
Esempio n. 4
  * Return the actual type under which this method or constructor must be invoked. For non-static
  * methods or constructors, this is the type with a leading parameter, a reference to declaring
  * class. For static methods, it is the same as the declared type.
 public MethodType getInvocationType() {
   MethodType itype = getMethodType();
   if (!isStatic()) itype = itype.insertParameterTypes(0, clazz);
   return itype;
Esempio n. 5
  private static LambdaForm makePreparedFieldLambdaForm(
      byte formOp, boolean isVolatile, int ftypeKind) {
    boolean isGetter = (formOp & 1) == (AF_GETFIELD & 1);
    boolean isStatic = (formOp >= AF_GETSTATIC);
    boolean needsInit = (formOp >= AF_GETSTATIC_INIT);
    boolean needsCast = (ftypeKind == FT_CHECKED_REF);
    Wrapper fw = (needsCast ? Wrapper.OBJECT : ALL_WRAPPERS[ftypeKind]);
    Class<?> ft = fw.primitiveType();
    assert (ftypeKind(needsCast ? String.class : ft) == ftypeKind);

    // getObject, putIntVolatile, etc.
    StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    if (isGetter) {
    } else {
    nameBuilder.setCharAt(3, Character.toUpperCase(nameBuilder.charAt(3)));
    if (isVolatile) {

    MethodType linkerType;
    if (isGetter) linkerType = MethodType.methodType(ft, Object.class, long.class);
    else linkerType = MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class, long.class, ft);
    MemberName linker =
        new MemberName(Unsafe.class, nameBuilder.toString(), linkerType, REF_invokeVirtual);
    try {
      linker =
          IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeVirtual, linker, null, NoSuchMethodException.class);
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
      throw newInternalError(ex);

    // What is the external type of the lambda form?
    MethodType mtype;
    if (isGetter) mtype = MethodType.methodType(ft);
    else mtype = MethodType.methodType(void.class, ft);
    mtype = mtype.basicType(); // erase short to int, etc.
    if (!isStatic) mtype = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, Object.class);
    final int DMH_THIS = 0;
    final int ARG_BASE = 1;
    final int ARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount();
    // if this is for non-static access, the base pointer is stored at this index:
    final int OBJ_BASE = isStatic ? -1 : ARG_BASE;
    // if this is for write access, the value to be written is stored at this index:
    final int SET_VALUE = isGetter ? -1 : ARG_LIMIT - 1;
    int nameCursor = ARG_LIMIT;
    final int F_HOLDER = (isStatic ? nameCursor++ : -1); // static base if any
    final int F_OFFSET = nameCursor++; // Either static offset or field offset.
    final int OBJ_CHECK = (OBJ_BASE >= 0 ? nameCursor++ : -1);
    final int INIT_BAR = (needsInit ? nameCursor++ : -1);
    final int PRE_CAST = (needsCast && !isGetter ? nameCursor++ : -1);
    final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++;
    final int POST_CAST = (needsCast && isGetter ? nameCursor++ : -1);
    final int RESULT = nameCursor - 1; // either the call or the cast
    Name[] names = arguments(nameCursor - ARG_LIMIT, mtype.invokerType());
    if (needsInit) names[INIT_BAR] = new Name(NF_ensureInitialized, names[DMH_THIS]);
    if (needsCast && !isGetter)
      names[PRE_CAST] = new Name(NF_checkCast, names[DMH_THIS], names[SET_VALUE]);
    Object[] outArgs = new Object[1 + linkerType.parameterCount()];
    assert (outArgs.length == (isGetter ? 3 : 4));
    outArgs[0] = UNSAFE;
    if (isStatic) {
      outArgs[1] = names[F_HOLDER] = new Name(NF_staticBase, names[DMH_THIS]);
      outArgs[2] = names[F_OFFSET] = new Name(NF_staticOffset, names[DMH_THIS]);
    } else {
      outArgs[1] = names[OBJ_CHECK] = new Name(NF_checkBase, names[OBJ_BASE]);
      outArgs[2] = names[F_OFFSET] = new Name(NF_fieldOffset, names[DMH_THIS]);
    if (!isGetter) {
      outArgs[3] = (needsCast ? names[PRE_CAST] : names[SET_VALUE]);
    for (Object a : outArgs) assert (a != null);
    names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(linker, outArgs);
    if (needsCast && isGetter)
      names[POST_CAST] = new Name(NF_checkCast, names[DMH_THIS], names[LINKER_CALL]);
    for (Name n : names) assert (n != null);
    // add some detail to the lambdaForm debugname,
    // significant only for debugging
    if (isStatic) {
    } else {
    if (needsCast) nameBuilder.append("Cast");
    if (needsInit) nameBuilder.append("Init");
    return new LambdaForm(nameBuilder.toString(), ARG_LIMIT, names, RESULT);
Esempio n. 6
  static LambdaForm makePreparedLambdaForm(MethodType mtype, int which) {
    boolean needsInit = (which == LF_INVSTATIC_INIT);
    boolean doesAlloc = (which == LF_NEWINVSPECIAL);
    String linkerName;
    LambdaForm.Kind kind;
    switch (which) {
      case LF_INVVIRTUAL:
        linkerName = "linkToVirtual";
      case LF_INVSTATIC:
        linkerName = "linkToStatic";
        kind = DIRECT_INVOKE_STATIC;
        linkerName = "linkToStatic";
      case LF_INVSPECIAL:
        linkerName = "linkToSpecial";
        linkerName = "linkToInterface";
        linkerName = "linkToSpecial";
        throw new InternalError("which=" + which);

    MethodType mtypeWithArg = mtype.appendParameterTypes(MemberName.class);
    if (doesAlloc)
      mtypeWithArg =
              .insertParameterTypes(0, Object.class) // insert newly allocated obj
              .changeReturnType(void.class); // <init> returns void
    MemberName linker =
        new MemberName(MethodHandle.class, linkerName, mtypeWithArg, REF_invokeStatic);
    try {
      linker =
          IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeStatic, linker, null, NoSuchMethodException.class);
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
      throw newInternalError(ex);
    final int DMH_THIS = 0;
    final int ARG_BASE = 1;
    final int ARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount();
    int nameCursor = ARG_LIMIT;
    final int NEW_OBJ = (doesAlloc ? nameCursor++ : -1);
    final int GET_MEMBER = nameCursor++;
    final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++;
    Name[] names = arguments(nameCursor - ARG_LIMIT, mtype.invokerType());
    assert (names.length == nameCursor);
    if (doesAlloc) {
      // names = { argx,y,z,... new C, init method }
      names[NEW_OBJ] = new Name(NF_allocateInstance, names[DMH_THIS]);
      names[GET_MEMBER] = new Name(NF_constructorMethod, names[DMH_THIS]);
    } else if (needsInit) {
      names[GET_MEMBER] = new Name(NF_internalMemberNameEnsureInit, names[DMH_THIS]);
    } else {
      names[GET_MEMBER] = new Name(NF_internalMemberName, names[DMH_THIS]);
    assert (findDirectMethodHandle(names[GET_MEMBER]) == names[DMH_THIS]);
    Object[] outArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(names, ARG_BASE, GET_MEMBER + 1, Object[].class);
    assert (outArgs[outArgs.length - 1] == names[GET_MEMBER]); // look, shifted args!
    int result = LAST_RESULT;
    if (doesAlloc) {
      assert (outArgs[outArgs.length - 2] == names[NEW_OBJ]); // got to move this one
      System.arraycopy(outArgs, 0, outArgs, 1, outArgs.length - 2);
      outArgs[0] = names[NEW_OBJ];
      result = NEW_OBJ;
    names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(linker, outArgs);
    String lambdaName = kind.defaultLambdaName + "_" + shortenSignature(basicTypeSignature(mtype));
    LambdaForm lform = new LambdaForm(lambdaName, ARG_LIMIT, names, result, kind);

    // This is a tricky bit of code.  Don't send it through the LF interpreter.
    return lform;
Esempio n. 7
 private static LambdaForm preparedLambdaForm(MethodType mtype, int which) {
   LambdaForm lform = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(which);
   if (lform != null) return lform;
   lform = makePreparedLambdaForm(mtype, which);
   return mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(which, lform);