/** Get ready for a new game, given a letter list specification of the Boggle board. */ public void newGame() { myBoard = BoggleBoardFactory.getBoard(myBoardSize); mySeconds = 0; myProgress.setValue(0); // set up views for new game if (myBoardSize == 4) { if (myBoardPanel != myBoardPanel4) { myBoardPanel = myBoardPanel4; getContentPane().remove(myBoardPanel5); getContentPane().add(myBoardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } } else { if (myBoardPanel != myBoardPanel5) { myBoardPanel = myBoardPanel5; getContentPane().remove(myBoardPanel4); getContentPane().add(myBoardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } } myBoardPanel.newGame(); humanArea.setReady(); computerArea.setReady(); myBoardPanel.unHighlightAllDice(); wordEntryField.setReady(); ((JPanel) getContentPane()).revalidate(); repaint(); myTimer.start(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (isVisible()) { repaint(); } else { animator.stop(); } }
public void gameOver() { myTimer.stop(); mySeconds = myGameLength; // ensure over myProgress.setValue(myGameLength); repaint(); wordEntryField.setUnready(); computerPlay(); }
public void setVisible(boolean bShow, String title) { if (bShow) { String strDir = ""; String strFreq = ""; String strTraynum = ""; m_strHelpFile = getHelpFile(title); String strSampleName = getSampleName(title); String frameBounds = getFrameBounds(title); StringTokenizer tok = new QuotedStringTokenizer(title); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strDir = tok.nextToken(); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strFreq = tok.nextToken(); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strTraynum = tok.nextToken(); else { try { Integer.parseInt(strDir); // if strdir is number, then strdir is empty, and the // strfreq is the number strTraynum = strFreq; strFreq = strDir; strDir = ""; } catch (Exception e) { } } try { setTitle(gettitle(strFreq)); m_lblSampleName.setText("3"); boolean bVast = isVast(strTraynum); CardLayout layout = (CardLayout) m_pnlSampleName.getLayout(); if (!bVast) { if (strSampleName == null) { strSampleName = getSampleName(strDir, strTraynum); } m_lblSampleName.setText(strSampleName); layout.show(m_pnlSampleName, OTHER); } else { m_strDir = strDir; setTrays(); layout.show(m_pnlSampleName, VAST); m_trayTimer.start(); } boolean bSample = bVast || !strSampleName.trim().equals(""); m_pnlSampleName.setVisible(bSample); m_lblLogin.setForeground(getBackground()); m_lblLogin.setVisible(false); m_passwordField.setText(""); m_passwordField.setCaretPosition(0); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } setBounds(frameBounds); ExpPanel exp = Util.getActiveView(); if (exp != null) exp.waitLogin(true); } writePersistence(); setVisible(bShow); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { UServerStatus status = fServer.nextStatus(); switch (status.getState()) { case UServerStatus.AFTER_SETTLEMENT: fUpdateTimer.stop(); break; case UServerStatus.ACCEPT_ORDERS: fServer.recieveOrdersFromLocalAgents(); break; } fGui.gUpdate(); }
public Screen() { myWave = new Wave(); tt = new RadiationTower(500, 600); y = new RadiationTower(1000, 600); x = new Automaton_1000(600, 500); theMinion = new Red(new ImageIcon("MINIONPURPLEFRONT.gif")); theWave = myWave.getWave(); mm = new Minion(new ImageIcon("MINIONFRONT.gif")); // b = new Bullet(mm, tt); t = new javax.swing.Timer(10, new Listener()); // adjust speed by changing the int parameter t .start(); // by altering when you call this method you can choose the start of the minion // pathing! // t.stop(); how to stop the javax.swing.Timer // a = new javax.swing.Timer(10, new BulletListener()); // a.start(); thread.start(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object o = e.getSource(); for (JRadioButton u : ub) { if (o == u) { mapTM.setUnitType(u.getText()); System.out.println("Set unit type - " + u.getText()); return; } } if (o == timer) { /* mmLabel.setText("Main Menu ("+(cdTime--)+")"); if(cdTime == 0){ timer.stop(); gsButton.setText("Game Start"); mmLabel.setText("Main Menu"); ArrayList<Building> bArr = new ArrayList<Building>(); String temp = "Elixir Collector-24,8-960|Elixir Collector-31,8-960|Gold Mine-17,10-960|Elixir Collector-25,21-960|Elixir Collector-11,22-960"; String[] bs = temp.split("\\|"); for(String b : bs){ String[] bParts = b.split("-"); String[] cParts = bParts[1].split(","); int x = Integer.parseInt(cParts[0].trim()); int y = Integer.parseInt(cParts[1].trim()); Building tb = new Building(bParts[0], new Coordinate(x,y)); tb.setHp(Integer.parseInt(bParts[2].trim())); bArr.add(tb); } mapTM.setBuildings(bArr); switchCards("TM"); } */ return; } if (o == gsButton) { if (timer.isRunning()) { // timer.stop(); gsButton.setText("Game Start"); mmLabel.setText("Main Menu"); // sends the leave command client.sendUDP("leave~" + unameUDP); return; } // sends the joinlobby command client.sendUDP("joinlobby~" + unameUDP); // gsButton.setText("Game Stop"); String serverResp = client.receiveUDP(); if (serverResp.trim().equals("false")) { // place false handler here } else { String[] enemies = serverResp.trim().split(","); ArrayList<Building> bArr = new ArrayList<Building>(); String mapConfig = getBaseConfig(enemies[0]); String[] bs = mapConfig.split("\\|"); for (String b : bs) { String[] bParts = b.split("-"); String[] cParts = bParts[1].split(","); int x = Integer.parseInt(cParts[0].trim()); int y = Integer.parseInt(cParts[1].trim()); Building tb = new Building(bParts[0], new Coordinate(x, y)); tb.setHp(Integer.parseInt(bParts[2].trim())); bArr.add(tb); } mapTM.setBuildings(bArr); switchCards("TM"); } // System.out.println(serverResp); // cdTime = 10; // timer.start(); return; } if (o == logout) { client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.LOGOUT, "")); chatArea.setText(""); switchCards("Login"); return; } if (o == cmButton) { String baseConfig = getBaseConfig(); System.out.println("base config: " + baseConfig); for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++) { tiles[i][j].setValue(""); } } if (!baseConfig.equals("")) { String[] bs = baseConfig.split("\\|"); for (String b : bs) { String[] bParts = b.split("-"); String[] cParts = bParts[1].split(","); int x = Integer.parseInt(cParts[0].trim()); int y = Integer.parseInt(cParts[1].trim()); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bb.size(); i++) { if (bb.get(i).getText().split("-")[0].trim().equals(bParts[0])) { index = i; break; } } insertBuilding(y, x, index); } } switchCards("CM"); return; } if (o == tmButton) { ArrayList<Building> bArr = new ArrayList<Building>(); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) { if (tiles[i][j].getValue().equals("") || tiles[i][j].getValue().contains("-")) { continue; } // weird part here bArr.add(new Building(tiles[i][j].getValue(), new Coordinate(j, i))); } } mapTM.setBuildings(bArr); switchCards("TM"); return; } // if it the who is in button if (o == whoIsIn) { client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.WHOISIN, "")); return; } if (o == cmBack) { ArrayList<Building> bArr = new ArrayList<Building>(); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) { if (tiles[i][j].getValue().equals("") || tiles[i][j].getValue().contains("-")) { continue; } // weird part here bArr.add(new Building(tiles[i][j].getValue(), new Coordinate(j, i))); } } String temp = "mapdata~" + unameUDP + "~"; int tileCount = 40; int dim = 600; int tileDim = (int) (dim / tileCount); int counter = 0; for (Building b : bArr) { int x, y, hp; x = b.getPos().getX() / tileDim; y = b.getPos().getY() / tileDim; hp = b.getHp(); temp += b.getName() + "-" + x + "," + y + "-" + hp + "|"; counter += 1; } if (counter > 0) { temp = temp.substring(0, temp.length() - 1); // removes the last '|' } else { temp += "none"; } client.sendUDP(temp); // allows saving of the current state of the map into the user's account switchCards("Menu"); return; } if (o == tmBack) { switchCards("Menu"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) { if (o == tiles[i][j]) { for (int k = 0; k < bb.size(); k++) { if (bb.get(k).isSelected()) { if (bb.get(k).getText().equals("Remove Building")) { removeBuilding(i, j); return; } insertBuilding(i, j, k); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, bb.get(k).getText()); return; } } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "i-"+i+" j-"+j); return; } } } // ok it is coming from the JTextField if (connected) { // just have to send the message client.sendMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatMessage.MESSAGE, chatField.getText())); chatField.setText(""); return; } if (o == login) { // ok it is a connection request String username = usernameField.getText().trim(); String password = passwordField.getText().trim(); // empty username ignore it if (username.length() == 0) return; // empty serverAddress ignore it String server = tfServer.getText().trim(); if (server.length() == 0) return; // empty or invalid port numer, ignore it String portNumber = tfPort.getText().trim(); if (portNumber.length() == 0) return; int port = 0; try { port = Integer.parseInt(portNumber); } catch (Exception en) { return; // nothing I can do if port number is not valid } // try creating a new Client with GUI client = new Client(server, port, username, password, this); // test if we can start the Client if (!client.start()) return; unameUDP = username; switchCards("Menu"); // fetching of the base_config string from the database chatField.setText(""); chatArea.setText(""); } }
/** * Save the data to the file. Read the data from the file, and copy everything to the * stringbuffer. The lines in the file are of the form: * auditDir:system:/vnmr/part11/auditTrails:system file:standard:text:yes Based on these formats, * get the value of either the directory or the checkbox from the corresponding components, and * replace that value in the stringbuffer. */ protected void saveData() { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(m_strPath); String strLine = null; StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer(); if (reader == null) return; int nLineInd = 0; try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { // if the line starts with a comment from sccs, add '#' to it, // to make it a comment if (strLine.startsWith("%") || strLine.startsWith("@")) strLine = "# " + strLine; if (strLine.startsWith("#")) { sbData.append(strLine + "\n"); continue; } StringTokenizer sTok = new StringTokenizer(strLine, File.pathSeparator); boolean bFile = false; boolean bLineEnd = false; boolean bDir = false; for (int i = 0; sTok.hasMoreTokens(); i++) { String strValue = sTok.nextToken(); if (i == 0) { bFile = strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("file") ? true : false; bDir = false; if (strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("dir")) bDir = true; } else { // Case => file:standard:procpar:yes // skip over 'standard', 'procpar', // and get the value 'yes' or 'no' from the checkbox if (bFile) { if (i == 3) { String strNewValue = getValue(nLineInd); if (strNewValue != null) strValue = strNewValue; bLineEnd = true; } else bLineEnd = false; } else if (bDir) { bLineEnd = false; if (i == 3) bLineEnd = true; } // Case => part11Dir:/vnmr/part11/data 0r // Case => dataType:FDA // skip over 'part11Dir' // and get the value of the directory from the textfield, // or from the combobox else { if (i == 1) { String strNewValue = getValue(nLineInd); if (strNewValue != null) strValue = strNewValue; bLineEnd = true; } else bLineEnd = false; } } // copy the value to the stringbuffer sbData.append(strValue); if (!bLineEnd) sbData.append(File.pathSeparator); } nLineInd++; sbData.append("\n"); } // write the data to the file reader.close(); BufferedWriter writer = WFileUtil.openWriteFile(m_strPath); WFileUtil.writeAndClose(writer, sbData); m_objTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 200, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { VItemAreaIF.firePropertyChng(Global.PART11_CONFIG_FILE, "all", ""); m_objTimer.stop(); } }); m_objTimer.start(); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } }
public void go() { animator = new javax.swing.Timer(22 + 22 + 22, this); animator.start(); }
public UServerManager() { try { ULogoWindow logow = new ULogoWindow(); logow.setVisible(true); Thread.sleep(2500); logow.dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } fParam.setConnectionType(UParameters.CONNECTION_TYPE_NETWORK); fParamDialog = new UServerManagerParamDialog(); fParamDialog.setLocationRelativeTo((Frame) null); fParamDialog.setVisible(true); if (!fParamDialog.getStatus()) { System.exit(0); // 以下の部分はサーバの初期化による出力を拾えないための方策. // 非常にまずいが仕方ない.標準出力タブは必ず入れる. } System.setOut(UParameters.fPrintStream); fUpdateTimer = new javax.swing.Timer(fInterval * 1000, this); fUpdateTimer.setInitialDelay(0); fServer = new UMartNetwork( fParam.getMemberLog(), fParam.getPriceInfoDB(), fParam.getStartPoint(), fParam.getSeed(), fParam.getDays(), fParam.getBoardPerDay(), fParamNet.getPort()); if (fParam.isLogCreate()) { try { fServer.initLog(); } catch (IOException ioex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, fRb.getString("ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_LOGS"), fRb.getString("ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.exit(5); } catch (Exception ex) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); ex.printStackTrace(pw); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, fRb.getString("ERROR_FATAL") + "\n" + sw.toString(), fRb.getString("ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.exit(5); } } fServer.startLoginManager(); initAgents(fParam.getMachineAgentArray()); fGui = new UServerManagerMainWindow(this, fParam.getTabs()); fParam.setMainComponet(fGui); fGui.setTimer(fUpdateTimer); fGui.mainImpl(); ActionListener guiUpdater = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fGui.gUpdate(); } }; fGuiUpdateTimer = new javax.swing.Timer(TIMER_INTERVAL * 1000, guiUpdater); fGuiUpdateTimer.start(); // 1日目の1回目の注文期間に進めておく fUpdateTimer.setRepeats(false); fUpdateTimer.start(); }
protected void enterLogin() { char[] password = m_passwordField.getPassword(); String strUser = (String) m_cmbUser.getSelectedItem(); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); boolean blogin = WUserUtil.isOperatorNameok(strUser, false); if (blogin) { blogin = vnmrjPassword(strUser, password); if (!blogin) blogin = unixPassword(strUser, password); } if (blogin) { m_lblLogin.setForeground(Color.black); m_lblLogin.setText("Login Successful"); m_lblLogin.setVisible(true); // Get the Email column string for access to the operator data String emStr = vnmr.util.Util.getLabel("_admin_Email"); String stremail = WUserUtil.getOperatordata(strUser, emStr); // Get the Panel Level column string for access to the operator data String plStr = vnmr.util.Util.getLabel("_admin_Panel_Level"); String strPanel = WUserUtil.getOperatordata(strUser, plStr); if (stremail == null || stremail.equals("null")) stremail = ""; try { Integer.parseInt(strPanel); } catch (Exception e) { strPanel = WGlobal.PANELLEVEL; } m_trayTimer.stop(); Messages.postDebug(" Login: "******"appdir('reset','") .append(strUser) .append("','") .append(stremail) .append("',") .append(strPanel) .append(")") .toString()); exp.sendToVnmr("vnmrjcmd('util', 'bgReady')\n"); } setVisible(false); // Save the current position and size of this panel in case it // was changed Dimension size = getSize(); width = size.width; height = size.height; position = getLocation(); writePersistence(); // Call the macro to update this operator's // ExperimentSelector_operatorName.xml file // from the protocols themselves. This macro will // cause an update of the ES when it is finished // Util.getAppIF().sendToVnmr("updateExpSelector"); // I am not sure why we need to force updates since updateExpSelector // should have caused an update by writing to ES_op.xml file. // However, it works better if we do the force update. // ExpSelector.setForceUpdate(true); } else { m_lblLogin.setForeground(DisplayOptions.getColor("Error")); // m_lblLogin.setText("<HTML>Incorrect username/password <p> Please try again </HTML>"); m_lblLogin.setVisible(true); } setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); }