Esempio n. 1
  /** Validate whether the jar file has a valid manifest, throw exception if invalid */
  static void validateJarManifest(final Attributes mainAttributes) throws InvalidManifestException {
    final String value1 = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE);
    final String plugvers = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION);

    final String plugclassnames = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES);
    if (null == value1) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE);
    } else if (!"true".equals(value1)) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE + " was not 'true': " + value1);
    if (null == plugvers) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION);
    final VersionCompare pluginVersion = VersionCompare.forString(plugvers);
    if (!pluginVersion.atLeast(LOWEST_JAR_PLUGIN_VERSION)) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Unsupported plugin version: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION + ": " + plugvers);
    if (null == plugclassnames) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES);
Esempio n. 2
 * JarPluginProviderLoader can load jar plugin files as provider instances.
 * <p>Calls to load a provider instance should be synchronized as this class will perform file copy
 * operations.
 * @author Greg Schueler <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
class JarPluginProviderLoader
    implements ProviderLoader, FileCache.Expireable, PluginResourceLoader, PluginMetadata {
  public static final String RESOURCES_DIR_DEFAULT = "resources";
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JarPluginProviderLoader.class.getName());
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE = "Rundeck-Plugin-Archive";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES = "Rundeck-Plugin-Classnames";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_RESOURCES = "Rundeck-Plugin-Resources";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR = "Rundeck-Plugin-Resources-Dir";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_LIBS = "Rundeck-Plugin-Libs";
  public static final String JAR_PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.1";
  public static final String JAR_PLUGIN_VERSION_1_2 = "1.2";
  public static final VersionCompare SUPPORTS_RESOURCES_PLUGIN_VERSION =
  public static final VersionCompare LOWEST_JAR_PLUGIN_VERSION =
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION = "Rundeck-Plugin-Version";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_FILE_VERSION = "Rundeck-Plugin-File-Version";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_AUTHOR = "Rundeck-Plugin-Author";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_URL = "Rundeck-Plugin-URL";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_DATE = "Rundeck-Plugin-Date";
  public static final String RUNDECK_PLUGIN_LIBS_LOAD_FIRST = "Rundeck-Plugin-Libs-Load-First";
  public static final String CACHED_JAR_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS";
  private final File pluginJar;
  private final File pluginJarCacheDirectory;
  private final File cachedir;
  private final boolean loadLibsFirst;
  private final DateFormat cachedJarTimestampFormatter =
      new SimpleDateFormat(CACHED_JAR_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);

  private Map<ProviderIdent, Class> pluginProviderDefs = new HashMap<ProviderIdent, Class>();

  public JarPluginProviderLoader(
      final File pluginJar, final File pluginJarCacheDirectory, final File cachedir) {
    this(pluginJar, pluginJarCacheDirectory, cachedir, true);

  public JarPluginProviderLoader(
      final File pluginJar,
      final File pluginJarCacheDirectory,
      final File cachedir,
      final boolean loadLibsFirst) {
    if (null == pluginJar) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Expected non-null plugin jar argument.");
    if (!pluginJar.exists()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("File does not exist: " + pluginJar);
    if (!pluginJar.isFile()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a file: " + pluginJar);
    this.pluginJar = pluginJar;
    this.pluginJarCacheDirectory = pluginJarCacheDirectory;
    this.cachedir = cachedir;
    this.loadLibsFirst = loadLibsFirst;

  private boolean supportsResources(final String pluginVersion) {
    return VersionCompare.forString(pluginVersion).atLeast(SUPPORTS_RESOURCES_PLUGIN_VERSION);

  public List<String> listResources() throws PluginException, IOException {
    if (supportsResources(getPluginVersion())) {
      return getCachedJar().resourcesLoader.listResources();
    return null;

  public InputStream openResourceStreamFor(final String path) throws PluginException, IOException {
    if (supportsResources(getPluginVersion())) {
      return getCachedJar().resourcesLoader.openResourceStreamFor(path);
    return null;

  /** Load provider instance for the service */
  public synchronized <T> T load(final PluggableService<T> service, final String providerName)
      throws ProviderLoaderException {
    final ProviderIdent ident = new ProviderIdent(service.getName(), providerName);
    debug("loadInstance for " + ident + ": " + pluginJar);

    if (null == pluginProviderDefs.get(ident)) {
      final String[] strings = getClassnames();
      for (final String classname : strings) {
        final Class<?> cls;
        try {
          cls = loadClass(classname);
          if (matchesProviderDeclaration(ident, cls)) {
            pluginProviderDefs.put(ident, cls);
        } catch (PluginException e) {
              "Failed to load class from "
                  + pluginJar
                  + ": classname: "
                  + classname
                  + ": "
                  + e.getMessage());
    final Class<T> cls = pluginProviderDefs.get(ident);
    if (null != cls) {
      try {
        return createProviderForClass(service, cls);
      } catch (PluginException e) {
        throw new ProviderLoaderException(e, service.getName(), providerName);
    return null;

  /** Return true if the ident matches the Plugin annotation for the class */
  static boolean matchesProviderDeclaration(final ProviderIdent ident, final Class<?> cls)
      throws PluginException {
    final Plugin annotation = getPluginMetadata(cls);
    return ident.getFirst().equals(annotation.service())
        && ident.getSecond().equals(;

  /** Return true if the ident matches the Plugin annotation for the class */
  static ProviderIdent getProviderDeclaration(final Class<?> cls) throws PluginException {
    final Plugin annotation = getPluginMetadata(cls);
    return new ProviderIdent(annotation.service(),;

  Attributes mainAttributes;

  /** Get the declared list of provider classnames for the file */
  public String[] getClassnames() {
    final Attributes attributes = getMainAttributes();
    if (null == attributes) {
      return null;
    final String value = attributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES);
    if (null == value) {
      return null;
    return value.split(",");

  private String getResourcesBasePath() {
    final Attributes attributes = getMainAttributes();
    if (null != attributes) {
      final String dir = attributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_RESOURCES_DIR);
      if (null != dir) {
        // list resources in the dir of the jar
        return dir;

  private List<String> getPluginResourcesList() {
    final Attributes attributes = getMainAttributes();
    if (null != attributes) {
      final String value = attributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_RESOURCES);
      if (null != value) {
        return Arrays.asList(value.split(" *, *"));
    return null;

   * Get the version of the plugin, not the file version
   * @return
  public String getPluginVersion() {
    Attributes mainAttributes = getMainAttributes();
    return mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION);

  /** return the main attributes from the jar manifest */
  private Attributes getMainAttributes() {
    if (null == mainAttributes) {
      mainAttributes = getJarMainAttributes(pluginJar);
    return mainAttributes;

  /** Get the main attributes for the jar file */
  private static Attributes getJarMainAttributes(final File file) {
    debug("getJarMainAttributes: " + file);

    try {
      try (final JarInputStream jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
        return jarInputStream.getManifest().getMainAttributes();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return null;

   * Attempt to create an instance of thea provider for the given service
   * @param cls class
   * @return created instance
  static <T, X extends T> T createProviderForClass(
      final PluggableService<T> service, final Class<X> cls)
      throws PluginException, ProviderCreationException {
    debug("Try loading provider " + cls.getName());

    final Plugin annotation = getPluginMetadata(cls);

    final String pluginname =;

    if (!service.isValidProviderClass(cls)) {
      throw new PluginException(
          "Class "
              + cls.getName()
              + " was not a valid plugin class for service: "
              + service.getName()
              + ". Expected class "
              + cls.getName()
              + ", with a public constructor with no parameter");
    debug("Succeeded loading plugin " + cls.getName() + " for service: " + service.getName());
    return service.createProviderInstance(cls, pluginname);

  private static void debug(final String s) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

  /** Get the Plugin annotation for the class */
  static Plugin getPluginMetadata(final Class<?> cls) throws PluginException {
    // try to get plugin provider name
    final String pluginname;
    if (!cls.isAnnotationPresent(Plugin.class)) {
      throw new PluginException("No Plugin annotation was found for the class: " + cls.getName());

    final Plugin annotation = (Plugin) cls.getAnnotation(Plugin.class);
    pluginname =;
    if (null == pluginname || "".equals(pluginname)) {
      throw new PluginException(
          "Plugin annotation 'name' cannot be empty for the class: " + cls.getName());
    // get service name from annotation
    final String servicename = annotation.service();
    if (null == servicename || "".equals(servicename)) {
      throw new PluginException(
          "Plugin annotation 'service' cannot be empty for the class: " + cls.getName());
    return annotation;

  private Map<String, Class<?>> classCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
  /** opened classloaders that need to be closed upon expiration of this loader */
  private Map<File, Closeable> classLoaders = new HashMap<>();

  private Set<File> cachedFiles = new HashSet<>();

   * @return true if the other jar is a copy of the pluginJar based on names returned by
   *     generateCachedJarName
  protected boolean isEquivalentPluginJar(File other) {
    return other.getName().replaceFirst("\\d+-\\d+-", "").equals(pluginJar.getName());

  static final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
  /** @return a generated name for the pluginJar using the last modified timestamp */
  protected String generateCachedJarIdentity() {
    Date mtime = new Date(pluginJar.lastModified());
    return String.format(
        "%s-%d", cachedJarTimestampFormatter.format(mtime), counter.getAndIncrement());

  /** @return a generated name for the pluginJar using the last modified timestamp */
  protected String generateCachedJarName(String ident) {
    return String.format("%s-%s", ident, pluginJar.getName());

  /** @return a generated name for the pluginJar using the last modified timestamp */
  protected File generateCachedJarDir(String ident) {
    File dir = new File(getFileCacheDir(), ident);
    if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
      debug("Could not create dir for cachedjar libs: " + dir);
    return dir;

   * Creates a single cached version of the pluginJar located within pluginJarCacheDirectory
   * deleting all existing versions of pluginJar
   * @param jarName
  protected File createCachedJar(final File dir, final String jarName) throws PluginException {
    File cachedJar;
    try {
      cachedJar = new File(dir, jarName);
      FileUtils.fileCopy(pluginJar, cachedJar, true);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new PluginException(e);
    return cachedJar;

  /** Load a class from the jar file by name */
  private Class<?> loadClass(final String classname) throws PluginException {
    if (null == classname) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("A null java class name was specified.");
    if (null != classCache.get(classname)) {
      debug("(loadClass) " + classname + ": " + pluginJar);
      return classCache.get(classname);
    CachedJar cachedJar1 = getCachedJar();

    debug("loadClass! " + classname + ": " + cachedJar1.getCachedJar());
    final Class<?> cls;
    final URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = cachedJar1.getClassLoader();
    try {
      cls = Class.forName(classname, true, urlClassLoader);
      classCache.put(classname, cls);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new PluginException("Class not found: " + classname, e);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new PluginException("Error loading class: " + classname, t);
    return cls;

  private CachedJar cachedJar;
  private Date loadedDate = null;

  private synchronized JarPluginProviderLoader.CachedJar getCachedJar() throws PluginException {
    if (null == cachedJar) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (null == cachedJar) {
          this.loadedDate = new Date();
          String itemIdent = generateCachedJarIdentity();
          String jarName = generateCachedJarName(itemIdent);
          File dir = generateCachedJarDir(itemIdent);
          File cachedJar = createCachedJar(dir, jarName);

          // if jar manifest declares secondary lib deps, expand lib into cachedir, and setup
          // classloader
          // to use the libs
          Collection<File> extlibs = null;
          try {
            extlibs = extractDependentLibs(dir);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new PluginException("Unable to expand plugin libs: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          ZipResourceLoader loader = null;
          if (supportsResources(getPluginVersion())) {

            loader =
                new ZipResourceLoader(
                    new File(dir, "resources"),
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new PluginException("Unable to expand plugin libs: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          this.cachedJar = new CachedJar(dir, cachedJar, extlibs, loader);
    return cachedJar;

   * Extract the dependent libs and return the extracted jar files
   * @return the collection of extracted files
  private Collection<File> extractDependentLibs(final File cachedir) throws IOException {
    final Attributes attributes = getMainAttributes();
    if (null == attributes) {
      debug("no manifest attributes");
      return null;

    final ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
    final String libs = attributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_LIBS);
    if (null != libs) {
      debug("jar libs listed: " + libs + " for file: " + pluginJar);
      if (!cachedir.isDirectory()) {
        if (!cachedir.mkdirs()) {
          debug("Failed to create cachedJar dir for dependent libs: " + cachedir);
      final String[] libsarr = libs.split(" ");
      extractJarContents(libsarr, cachedir);
      for (final String s : libsarr) {
        File libFile = new File(cachedir, s);
    } else {
      debug("no jar libs listed in manifest: " + pluginJar);
    return files;

   * Extract specific entries from the jar to a destination directory. Creates the destination
   * directory if it does not exist
   * @param entries the entries to extract
   * @param destdir destination directory
  private void extractJarContents(final String[] entries, final File destdir) throws IOException {
    if (!destdir.exists()) {
      if (!destdir.mkdir()) {
        log.warn("Unable to create cache dir for plugin: " + destdir.getAbsolutePath());

    debug("extracting lib files from jar: " + pluginJar);
    for (final String path : entries) {
          "Expand zip " + pluginJar.getAbsolutePath() + " to dir: " + destdir + ", file: " + path);
      ZipUtil.extractZipFile(pluginJar.getAbsolutePath(), destdir, path);

  /** Basename of the file */
  String getFileBasename() {
    return basename(pluginJar);

  /** Get basename of a file */
  private static String basename(final File file) {
    final String name = file.getName();
    return name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));

  /** Get the cache dir for use for this file */
  File getFileCacheDir() {
    return new File(cachedir, getFileBasename());

  /** Return true if the file has a class that provides the ident. */
  public synchronized boolean isLoaderFor(final ProviderIdent ident) {
    final String[] strings = getClassnames();
    for (final String classname : strings) {
      try {
        if (matchesProviderDeclaration(ident, loadClass(classname))) {
          return true;
      } catch (PluginException e) {
    return false;

  public synchronized List<ProviderIdent> listProviders() {
    final ArrayList<ProviderIdent> providerIdents = new ArrayList<ProviderIdent>();
    final String[] strings = getClassnames();
    for (final String classname : strings) {
      try {
      } catch (PluginException e) {
    return providerIdents;

  /** Remove any cache dir for the file */
  private synchronized boolean removeScriptPluginCache() {
    final File fileExpandedDir = getFileCacheDir();
    if (null != fileExpandedDir && fileExpandedDir.exists()) {
      debug("removeScriptPluginCache: " + fileExpandedDir);
      return FileUtils.deleteDir(fileExpandedDir);
    return true;

  /** Expire the loader cache item */
  public void expire() {
    debug("expire jar provider loader for: " + pluginJar);
    this.cachedJar = null;
    // close loaders
    for (File file : classLoaders.keySet()) {
      try {
        debug("expire classLoaders for: " + file);
      } catch (IOException e) {
    // remove cache files
    for (File file : cachedFiles) {
      debug("remove cache dir: " + file);

  public boolean equals(final Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
      return false;

    final JarPluginProviderLoader that = (JarPluginProviderLoader) o;

    if (classCache != null ? !classCache.equals(that.classCache) : that.classCache != null) {
      return false;
    if (!pluginJar.equals(that.pluginJar)) {
      return false;
    if (mainAttributes != null
        ? !mainAttributes.equals(that.mainAttributes)
        : that.mainAttributes != null) {
      return false;
    if (pluginProviderDefs != null
        ? !pluginProviderDefs.equals(that.pluginProviderDefs)
        : that.pluginProviderDefs != null) {
      return false;

    return true;

  public int hashCode() {
    int result = pluginJar.hashCode();
    result = 31 * result + (pluginProviderDefs != null ? pluginProviderDefs.hashCode() : 0);
    result = 31 * result + (mainAttributes != null ? mainAttributes.hashCode() : 0);
    result = 31 * result + (classCache != null ? classCache.hashCode() : 0);
    return result;

  /** Return true if the file is a valid jar plugin file */
  public static boolean isValidJarPlugin(final File file) {
    try {
      try (final JarInputStream jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
        final Manifest manifest = jarInputStream.getManifest();
        if (null == manifest) {
          return false;
        final Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
      return true;
    } catch (IOException | InvalidManifestException e) {
      log.error(file.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
      return false;

  /** Validate whether the jar file has a valid manifest, throw exception if invalid */
  static void validateJarManifest(final Attributes mainAttributes) throws InvalidManifestException {
    final String value1 = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE);
    final String plugvers = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION);

    final String plugclassnames = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES);
    if (null == value1) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE);
    } else if (!"true".equals(value1)) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE + " was not 'true': " + value1);
    if (null == plugvers) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION);
    final VersionCompare pluginVersion = VersionCompare.forString(plugvers);
    if (!pluginVersion.atLeast(LOWEST_JAR_PLUGIN_VERSION)) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Unsupported plugin version: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_VERSION + ": " + plugvers);
    if (null == plugclassnames) {
      throw new InvalidManifestException(
          "Jar plugin manifest attribute missing: " + RUNDECK_PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES);

  static class InvalidManifestException extends Exception {
    public InvalidManifestException(String s) {

   * Return the version string metadata value for the plugin file, or null if it is not available or
   * could not loaded
   * @param file plugin file
   * @return version string
  static String getVersionForFile(final File file) {
    return loadManifestAttribute(file, RUNDECK_PLUGIN_FILE_VERSION);

   * Return true if the jar attributes declare it should load local dependency classes first.
   * @param file plugin file
   * @return true if plugin libs load first is set
  static boolean getLoadLocalLibsFirstForFile(final File file) {
    Attributes attributes = loadMainAttributes(file);
    if (null == attributes) {
      return false;
    boolean loadFirstDefault = true;
    String loadFirst = attributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_LIBS_LOAD_FIRST);
    if (null != loadFirst) {
      return Boolean.valueOf(loadFirst);
    return loadFirstDefault;

  private static Attributes loadMainAttributes(final File file) {
    Attributes mainAttributes = null;
    try {
      try (final JarInputStream jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
        final Manifest manifest = jarInputStream.getManifest();
        if (null != manifest) {
          mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.warn(e.getMessage() + ": " + file.getAbsolutePath());
    return mainAttributes;

  private static String loadManifestAttribute(final File file, final String attribute) {
    String value = null;
    final Attributes mainAttributes = loadMainAttributes(file);
    if (null != mainAttributes) {
      value = mainAttributes.getValue(attribute);
    return value;

  private class CachedJar {
    private File dir;
    private File cachedJar;
    private Collection<File> depLibs;
    private URLClassLoader classLoader;
    private PluginResourceLoader resourcesLoader;

    public File getDir() {
      return dir;

    public File getCachedJar() {
      return cachedJar;

    public CachedJar(
        File dir, File cachedJar, Collection<File> depLibs, PluginResourceLoader resourcesLoader)
        throws PluginException {
      this.dir = dir;
      this.cachedJar = cachedJar;
      this.depLibs = depLibs;
      this.resourcesLoader = resourcesLoader;

    public Collection<File> getDepLibs() {
      return depLibs;

    public URLClassLoader getClassLoader() throws PluginException {
      if (null == classLoader) {
        synchronized (this) {
          if (null == classLoader) {
            classLoader = buildClassLoader();
      return classLoader;

    private URLClassLoader buildClassLoader() throws PluginException {
      ClassLoader parent = JarPluginProviderLoader.class.getClassLoader();
      try {
        final URL url = getCachedJar().toURI().toURL();
        final URL[] urlarray;
        if (null != getDepLibs() && getDepLibs().size() > 0) {
          final ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
          for (final File extlib : getDepLibs()) {
          urlarray = urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]);
        } else {
          urlarray = new URL[] {url};
        URLClassLoader loaded =
                ? LocalFirstClassLoader.newInstance(urlarray, parent)
                : URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlarray, parent);
        classLoaders.put(getCachedJar(), loaded);
        return loaded;
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new PluginException("Error creating classloader for " + cachedJar, e);

  public String getFilename() {
    return pluginJar.getName();

  public File getFile() {
    return pluginJar;

  public String getPluginAuthor() {
    Attributes mainAttributes = getMainAttributes();
    return mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_AUTHOR);

  public String getPluginFileVersion() {
    Attributes mainAttributes = getMainAttributes();
    return mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_FILE_VERSION);

  public String getPluginUrl() {
    Attributes mainAttributes = getMainAttributes();
    return mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_URL);

  public Date getPluginDate() {
    Attributes mainAttributes = getMainAttributes();
    String value = mainAttributes.getValue(RUNDECK_PLUGIN_DATE);
    if (null != value) {
      try {
        return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX").parse(value);
      } catch (ParseException e) {

    return null;

  public Date getDateLoaded() {
    return loadedDate;
Esempio n. 3
 private boolean supportsResources(final String pluginVersion) {
   return VersionCompare.forString(pluginVersion).atLeast(SUPPORTS_RESOURCES_PLUGIN_VERSION);