Esempio n. 1
   * Constructor
   * @param name name of bot
   * @param path root path of Program AB
   * @param action Program AB action
  public Bot(String name, String path, String action) {
    int cnt = 0;
    int elementCnt = 0; = name;
    setAllPaths(path, name);
    this.brain = new Graphmaster(this);

    this.learnfGraph = new Graphmaster(this, "learnf");
    this.learnGraph = new Graphmaster(this, "learn");
    //      this.unfinishedGraph = new Graphmaster(this);
    //  this.categories = new ArrayList<Category>();

    preProcessor = new PreProcessor(this);
    cnt = addAIMLSets();
    if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loaded " + cnt + " set elements.");
    cnt = addAIMLMaps();
    if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loaded " + cnt + " map elements");
    this.pronounSet = getPronouns();
    AIMLSet number = new AIMLSet(MagicStrings.natural_number_set_name, this);
    setMap.put(MagicStrings.natural_number_set_name, number);
    AIMLMap successor = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_successor, this);
    mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_successor, successor);
    AIMLMap predecessor = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_predecessor, this);
    mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_predecessor, predecessor);
    AIMLMap singular = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_singular, this);
    mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_singular, singular);
    AIMLMap plural = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_plural, this);
    mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_plural, plural);
    // System.out.println("setMap = "+setMap);
    Date aimlDate = new Date(new File(aiml_path).lastModified());
    Date aimlIFDate = new Date(new File(aimlif_path).lastModified());
    if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode)
      System.out.println("AIML modified " + aimlDate + " AIMLIF modified " + aimlIFDate);
    // readUnfinishedIFCategories();
    MagicStrings.pannous_api_key = Utilities.getPannousAPIKey(this);
    MagicStrings.pannous_login = Utilities.getPannousLogin(this);
    if (action.equals("aiml2csv")) addCategoriesFromAIML();
    else if (action.equals("csv2aiml")) addCategoriesFromAIMLIF();
    else if (action.equals("chat-app")) {
      if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loading only AIMLIF files");
      cnt = addCategoriesFromAIMLIF();
    } else if (aimlDate.after(aimlIFDate)) {
      if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("AIML modified after AIMLIF");
      cnt = addCategoriesFromAIML();
    } else {
      if (brain.getCategories().size() == 0) {
        System.out.println("No AIMLIF Files found.  Looking for AIML");
        cnt = addCategoriesFromAIML();
    Category b =
        new Category(
            0, "PROGRAM VERSION", "*", "*", MagicStrings.program_name_version, "update.aiml");