/** * IRC Constructor * * @param jo the JVN object representing the Chat */ public Irc(JvnObject jo) { sentence = jo; frame = new JFrame(); frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1)); text = new TextArea(10, 60); text.setEditable(false); text.setForeground(Color.red); frame.add(text); data = new TextField(40); frame.add(data); Button read_button = new Button("read"); read_button.addActionListener(new readListener(this)); frame.add(read_button); Button write_button = new Button("write"); write_button.addActionListener(new writeListener(this)); frame.add(write_button); frame.setSize(545, 201); // frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.out.println("Closed"); try { JvnServerImpl.jvnGetServer().jvnTerminate(); } catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("An exception: " + exc); } e.getWindow().dispose(); } }); text.setBackground(Color.black); frame.setVisible(true); }
public Irc(Sentence_itf s) { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); text = new TextArea(10, 60); text.setEditable(false); text.setForeground(Color.red); add(text); data = new TextField(60); add(data); Button write_button = new Button("write"); write_button.addActionListener(new writeListener(this)); add(write_button); Button read_button = new Button("read"); read_button.addActionListener(new readListener(this)); add(read_button); setSize(470, 300); text.setBackground(Color.black); show(); sentence = s; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("setToDefaults")) { setDefaultTNTCommandsSearchOptions(); searchField.setText(searchArguments); bootstrapSearchField.setText(bootstrapSearchArguments); harvestOnlyStrictConsensusBox.setState(harvestOnlyStrictConsensus); resamplingAllConsensusTreesBox.setState(!resamplingAllConsensusTrees); bootStrapRepsField.setValue(bootstrapreps); } else if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("setToDefaultsOtherOptions")) { setDefaultTNTCommandsOtherOptions(); otherOptionsField.setText(otherOptions); convertGapsBox.setState(convertGapsToMissing); } else if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("browseSearchScript") && searchScriptPathField != null) { MesquiteString directoryName = new MesquiteString(); MesquiteString fileName = new MesquiteString(); String path = MesquiteFile.openFileDialog("Choose Search Script File", directoryName, fileName); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(path)) searchScriptPathField.setText(path); } else if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("browseBootSearchScript") && bootSearchScriptPathField != null) { MesquiteString directoryName = new MesquiteString(); MesquiteString fileName = new MesquiteString(); String path = MesquiteFile.openFileDialog( "Choose Resampling Search Script File", directoryName, fileName); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(path)) bootSearchScriptPathField.setText(path); } }
public void startServer() throws Exception { while (true) { Socket s = server.accept(); cClient.add(new ClientConn(s)); ta.append("NEW-CLIENT " + s.getInetAddress() + ":" + s.getPort()); ta.append("\n" + "CLIENTS-COUNT: " + cClient.size() + "\n\n"); } }
// -------------------------------------------------- public void close() { try { is.close(); os.close(); socket.close(); responseArea.appendText("***Connection closed" + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { responseArea.appendText("IO Exception" + "\n"); } }
// -------------------------------------------------- public void run() { String inputLine; try { while ((inputLine = is.readLine()) != null) { responseArea.appendText(inputLine + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { responseArea.appendText("IO Exception" + "\n"); } }
// -------------------------------------------------- public BaseTConn(String host, String port, TextArea commandArea, TextArea responseArea) { this.commandArea = commandArea; this.responseArea = responseArea; try { socket = new Socket(host, Integer.parseInt(port)); os = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream()); is = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); responseArea.appendText("***Connection established" + "\n"); new Thread(this).start(); } catch (Exception e) { responseArea.appendText("Exception" + "\n"); } }
/** * opens the chosen file, reads in the file, and prints out a receipt * * @param chosenFile */ private void readSource(File chosenFile) { String chosenFileName = chosenFile.getName(); TextFileInput inFile = new TextFileInput(chosenFileName); Container myContentPane = jframe.getContentPane(); // chosenFile TextArea myTextArea = new TextArea(); myContentPane.add(myTextArea); int count = 0; float priceTotal = 0.0f; Database db = new Database("database2.txt"); String[] transaction = new String[100]; String line = inFile.readLine(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#00.00"); while (line != null) { StringTokenizer tokenized = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); String code = tokenized.nextToken(); float weight = Float.parseFloat(tokenized.nextToken()); String name; float price; try { name = db.getName(code); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Item " + code + " not found. Enter Name: "); } try { price = db.getPrice(code); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { price = Float.valueOf( JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Price for " + name + " not found. Enter price: ")); } float itemTotal = weight * price; priceTotal += itemTotal; transaction[count] = name + "\t" + price + "\t" + df.format(weight) + "\t $" + df.format(itemTotal); count++; line = inFile.readLine(); } // while myTextArea.setText("ITEM: \t PRICE\\LB: \t POUNDS: \t TOTAL:"); myTextArea.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { myTextArea.append(transaction[i]); myTextArea.append("\n"); } myTextArea.append("\t\t TOTAL: $" + df.format(priceTotal)); jframe.setVisible(true); } // openFile
void login() { try { logoutBtn.setEnabled(true); contactList.setEditable(false); loginBtn.setEnabled(false); loginId.setEnabled(false); password.setEnabled(false); // plugin.login( getMyLoginId(), password.getText(), getContactList(), MessagingNetwork.STATUS_ONLINE); logoutBtn.setEnabled(true); } catch (Throwable tr) { printException(tr); boolean loggedIn = false; try { loggedIn = plugin.getClientStatus(getMyLoginId()) != MessagingNetwork.STATUS_OFFLINE; } catch (Throwable tr2) { printException(tr2); } if (!loggedIn) { enableLoginUI(); } } }
String[] getContactList() { java.util.List cl = new java.util.LinkedList(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(contactList.getText()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer dbg = new StringBuffer("test applet contactlist: "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String loginId = st.nextToken().trim(); if (loginId.length() == 0) continue; dbg.append("'" + loginId + "' "); cl.add(loginId); sb.append(loginId).append('\n'); } CAT.info(dbg.toString()); contactList.setText(sb.toString()); return (String[]) cl.toArray(new String[cl.size()]); }
{ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cfg.REQPARAM_CONTACT_LIST_LOGIN_IDS, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { sb.append(st.nextToken()); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) sb.append("\n"); } contactList.setText(sb.toString()); }
public ReciveFile() { super("파일전송"); setLayout(null); lbl = new Label("파일 전송을 기다립니다."); lbl.setBounds(10, 30, 230, 20); lbl.setBackground(Color.gray); lbl.setForeground(Color.white); add(lbl); txt = new TextArea("", 0, 0, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH); txt.setBounds(10, 60, 230, 100); txt.setEditable(false); add(txt); btn = new Button("닫기"); btn.setBounds(105, 170, 40, 20); btn.setVisible(false); btn.addActionListener(this); add(btn); addWindowListener(new WinListener()); setSize(250, 200); show(); try { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(port); Socket sock = null; FileThread client = null; try { sock = socket.accept(); client = new FileThread(this, sock); client.start(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); try { if (sock != null) sock.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { System.out.println(e1); } finally { sock = null; } } } catch (IOException e) { } }
void enableLoginUI() { try { logoutBtn.setEnabled(false); contactList.setEditable(true); loginBtn.setEnabled(true); loginId.setEnabled(true); password.setEnabled(true); } catch (Throwable tr) { CAT.error("exception", tr); } }
public void open(File f) { Properties open = new Properties(); InputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(f); open.load(input); selectProviderCb.setValue(open.getProperty("provider")); selectGrainCb.setValue(open.getProperty("grain")); weightTf.setText(open.getProperty("weight")); infoTa.setText(open.getProperty("info")); for (Entry<String, TextField> entry : propertiesTf.entrySet()) { String propertyName = entry.getKey(); TextField tf = entry.getValue(); CheckBox cb = propertiesCb.get(propertyName); tf.setText(open.getProperty(propertyName)); if (open.getProperty(propertyName + "_ENABLED").equals("ON")) { tf.setDisable(false); cb.setSelected(true); } else { tf.setDisable(true); cb.setSelected(false); } } mainStage.setTitle(f.getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { infoTa.setText("Не могу открыть файл"); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
// Close socket and IO streams, change appearance/functionality of some components private void closeAll() throws IOException { displayArea.append("\nConnection closing"); output.close(); input.close(); connection.close(); // We are no longer connected connection = null; // Change components serverField.setEditable(true); connectButton.setLabel("Connect to server above"); enterField.setEnabled(false); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JButton b = (JButton) e.getSource(); if (b == bu) { j14 = new JLabel("NEW IMAGE"); j14.setBounds(840, 200, 300, 300); q.add(j14); JFileChooser filechooser = new JFileChooser(); int result = filechooser.showOpenDialog(this); f = filechooser.getSelectedFile(); try { String dir1 = f.getAbsolutePath(); // setText(dir); str = dir1; // ResizeImage.resize(dir); f = new File(dir1); } catch (Exception e1) { } repaint(); // b=(JButton)e.getSource(); } if (b == ba) { try { read(); patient.add(tadd.getText(), tsym.getText(), f, str); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Patient ID: " + patient.pid + " Record Added"); } catch (Exception e4) { System.out.println("" + e4); } } if (b == bm) { try { setVisible(false); } catch (Exception e4) { System.out.println("" + e4); } } }
public void save(File f) { Properties save = new Properties(); OutputStream output = null; try { save.setProperty("provider", selectProviderCb.getValue()); save.setProperty("grain", selectGrainCb.getValue()); save.setProperty("weight", weightTf.getText()); save.setProperty("info", infoTa.getText()); for (Entry<String, TextField> entry : propertiesTf.entrySet()) { TextField tf = entry.getValue(); String propertyName = entry.getKey(); save.setProperty(propertyName, tf.getText()); if (tf.isDisable()) { save.setProperty(propertyName + "_ENABLED", "OFF"); } else { save.setProperty(propertyName + "_ENABLED", "ON"); } } output = new FileOutputStream(f); save.store(output, null); mainStage.setTitle(f.getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { infoTa.setText("Не могу сохранить в файл"); } finally { if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public void newFile() { infoTa.setText(""); selectProviderCb.setValue(providers.get(0).getName()); weightTf.setText("0.0"); for (Entry<String, TextField> entry : propertiesTf.entrySet()) { String propertyName = entry.getKey(); TextField tf = entry.getValue(); CheckBox cb = propertiesCb.get(propertyName); tf.setText("0.0"); tf.setDisable(true); cb.setSelected(false); } file = null; mainStage.setTitle("unknown"); }
private void go() { try { // Read as long as there is input byte[] buffer = new byte[ciphertextBlockSize]; boolean disconnectMsgSent = false; while (connection != null && !disconnectMsgSent && input.read(buffer) != -1) { // Decipher the bytes read in byte[] plaintext = Ciphers.RSADecipherWSalt(buffer, decipherExp, modulus); if (plaintext.length == 1 && plaintext[0] == 0) { disconnectMsgSent = true; closeAll(); } else { // convert to a string and display message = new String(plaintext); displayArea.append("\n" + message); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { // Server disconnected-we can reconnect if we wish } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); // Client pressed enter in the message entry field-send it if (source == enterField) { // Get the message message = e.getActionCommand(); try { // Encipher the message if (message.length() > plaintextBlockSize) message = message.substring(0, plaintextBlockSize); byte[] ciphertext = Ciphers.RSAEncipherWSalt(message.getBytes(), BigIntegerMath.THREE, recipModulus, sr); // Send to the server output.write(ciphertext); output.flush(); // Display same message in client output area displayArea.append("\n" + message); enterField.setText(""); } catch (IOException ioe) { displayArea.append("\nError writing message"); } } else if (source == connectButton) { if (connection != null) { // Already connected-button press now means disconnect try { // Send final message of 0 byte[] lastMsg = new byte[1]; lastMsg[0] = 0; output.write(Ciphers.RSAEncipherWSalt(lastMsg, BigIntegerMath.THREE, recipModulus, sr)); output.flush(); // close connection and IO streams, change some components closeAll(); } catch (IOException ioe) { displayArea.append("\nError closing connection"); } } else { // Not connected-connect // Get name of server to connect to chatServer = serverField.getText(); displayArea.setText("Attempting connection to " + chatServer); try { // Set up the socket connection = new Socket(chatServer, 55555); displayArea.append("\nConnected to: " + connection.getInetAddress().getHostName()); // Set up the IO streams output = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); output.flush(); input = new DataInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); // Exchange public keys with the server-send yours, get theirs exchangeKeys(); // Change appearance/functionality of some components serverField.setEditable(false); connectButton.setLabel("Disconnect from server above"); enterField.setEnabled(true); // Set up a thread to listen for the connection listener = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { go(); } }); listener.start(); } catch (IOException ioe) { displayArea.append("\nError connecting to " + chatServer); } } } }
public void read() { try { // patient.dt=""+tdt.getText(); patient.pid = Integer.parseInt(tpid.getText()); patient.pfnm = tpfnm.getText(); patient.pmnm = tpmnm.getText(); patient.plnm = tplnm.getText(); patient.gen = cbg.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel(); try { patient.age = Integer.parseInt(tage.getText()); tage.setText("" + patient.age); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid age inputed."); patient.age = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid age:")); tage.setText("" + patient.age); } try { int wet = Integer.parseInt(twt.getText()); twt.setText("" + wet); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid weight inputed."); int wet = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid weight:")); twt.setText("" + wet); } patient.wt = twt.getText(); patient.addr = tadd.getText(); this.ad = tadd.getText(); System.out.println(tadd.getText()); while (true) { patient.cno = tcno.getText(); if (patient.cno.length() == 10) break; else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Phone No."); patient.cno = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid 10-digit Phone No.:"); tcno.setText(patient.cno); } } patient.dnm = tdnm.getText(); patient.sym = tsym.getText(); System.out.println(tsym.getText()); patient.dig = tdig.getText(); try { patient.fee = Integer.parseInt(tfee.getText()); tfee.setText("" + patient.fee); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Fee inputed."); patient.fee = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid Fee:")); tfee.setText("" + patient.fee); } patient.bg = tbg.getText(); patient.path = str; } catch (Exception e) { } }
public babylonServerWindow(babylonServer parent, String Name) { super(Name); server = parent; myLayout = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(myLayout); p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(myLayout); listening = new Label(server.strings.get(thisClass, "listenport") + " " + server.port); p.add( listening, new babylonConstraints( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); logChat = new Checkbox(server.strings.get(thisClass, "logchats"), server.logChats); logChat.addItemListener(this); p.add( logChat, new babylonConstraints( 1, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); userList = new List(4, false); userList.addItemListener(this); p.add( userList, new babylonConstraints( 0, 1, 1, 5, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0), 0, 0)); userAdmin = new Button(server.strings.get(thisClass, "usermanagement")); userAdmin.addActionListener(this); p.add( userAdmin, new babylonConstraints( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); console = new Button(server.strings.get(thisClass, "adminclient")); console.addActionListener(this); p.add( console, new babylonConstraints( 1, 2, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); disconnect = new Button(server.strings.get(thisClass, "disconnectuser")); disconnect.setEnabled(false); disconnect.addActionListener(this); p.add( disconnect, new babylonConstraints( 1, 3, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); disconnectAll = new Button(server.strings.get(thisClass, "disconnectall")); disconnectAll.setEnabled(false); disconnectAll.addActionListener(this); p.add( disconnectAll, new babylonConstraints( 1, 4, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); shutdown = new Button(server.strings.get(thisClass, "shutdown")); shutdown.addActionListener(this); p.add( shutdown, new babylonConstraints( 1, 5, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); stats = new TextField( server.strings.get(thisClass, "connectionscurrent") + " 0 " + server.strings.get(thisClass, "connectionspeak") + " 0 " + server.strings.get(thisClass, "connectionstotal") + " 0", 40); stats.setEditable(false); p.add( stats, new babylonConstraints( 0, 7, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); logWindow = new TextArea( server.strings.get(thisClass, "activitylog") + "\n", 10, 40, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY); logWindow.setEditable(false); p.add( logWindow, new babylonConstraints( 0, 8, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0), 0, 0)); canvas = new babylonPictureCanvas(this); p.add( canvas, new babylonConstraints( 0, 9, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); add( p, new babylonConstraints( 0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5), 0, 0)); try { URL url = new URL("file", "localhost", "babylonPic.jpg"); Image image = getToolkit().getImage(url); canvas.setimage(image); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } try { URL iconUrl = new URL("file", "localhost", "babylonIcon.jpg"); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(iconUrl); this.setIconImage(icon.getImage()); } catch (Exception e) { /* Not important */ } addWindowListener(this); setSize(600, 600); pack(); }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { int id = 0; boolean res = false; JTextField t = (JTextField) e.getSource(); if (t == tpid) { try { id = Integer.parseInt(tpid.getText()); res = patient.psearch(id); } catch (Exception e1) { } if (res) { int no, ag = 0, fee = 0; String pfn = "", bg = "", pmn = "", dt1 = "", pln = "", add = "", sym = "", dn = "", dig = "", cn = "", gender = "", wgt = ""; try { dt1 = patient.rs.getString(1); no = patient.rs.getInt(2); pfn = patient.rs.getString(3); pmn = patient.rs.getString(4); pln = patient.rs.getString(5); gender = patient.rs.getString(6); ag = patient.rs.getInt(7); wgt = patient.rs.getString(8); add = patient.rs.getString(9); cn = patient.rs.getString(10); dn = patient.rs.getString(11); sym = patient.rs.getString(12); dig = patient.rs.getString(13); fee = patient.rs.getInt(14); bg = patient.rs.getString(15); dir = patient.rs.getString(17); s = dir; repaint(); j13 = new JLabel("OLD IMAGE"); j13.setBounds(840, 5, 300, 300); JLabel j12 = new JLabel("OLD PHOTO") { public void paint(Graphics g) { ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(s); Image img = ic.getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 150, 150, this); } }; // q.flushAll() /*ImageIcon ic=new ImageIcon(dir); JLabel j12=new JLabel("",ic,JLabel.CENTER);*/ j12.setBounds(670, 70, 300, 300); // image.setBounds(700,300,100,100); q.add(j12); q.add(j13); repaint(); System.out.println("8743t32874" + dir); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (gender.equals("Male")) cm.setState(true); else cf.setState(true); tdt.setText(dt1); tpfnm.setText(pfn); tpmnm.setText(pmn); tplnm.setText(pln); tage.setText("" + ag); tfee.setText("" + fee); tadd.setText(add); tdig.setText(dig); tdnm.setText(dn); tsym.setText(sym); tcno.setText(cn); twt.setText(wgt); tbg.setText(bg); // cm.setState(set1State()); // cf.setSelectedCheckbox(gender); ba.setEnabled(false); bm.setEnabled(true); bd.setEnabled(true); } else { if (id == 0) { bl.setEnabled(true); ba.setEnabled(false); } else ba.setEnabled(true); bm.setEnabled(false); bd.setEnabled(false); } } }
{ eventLog.setEditable(false); }
public void log(String s) { synchronized (eventLogLock) { eventLog.append("[" + org.jcq2k.util.joe.Logger.formatCurrentDate() + "]\t" + s); eventLog.append("\n"); } }
public patientAdd(String s) { super(s); image = new JLabel() { public void paint(Graphics g) { ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(str); Image img = ic.getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 150, 150, this); } }; image.setBounds(670, 270, 300, 300); bu = new JButton("UPLOAD"); bu.setBounds(700, 230, 100, 20); bu.addActionListener(this); // q.add(bu); ldt = new JLabel("Date"); lpid = new JLabel("Patient ID"); lpnm = new JLabel("Patient Name"); lgen = new JLabel("Gender"); lbg = new JLabel("Blood Group"); lage = new JLabel("Age"); lwt = new JLabel("Weight Kg"); ladd = new JLabel("Address"); lcno = new JLabel("Cont. no."); ldnm = new JLabel("Doctor Name Dr."); lsym = new JLabel("Symptoms"); ldig = new JLabel("Diagnosis"); lfee = new JLabel("Fee Rs."); cbg = new CheckboxGroup(); cm = new Checkbox("Male", cbg, false); cm.addItemListener(this); cf = new Checkbox("Female", cbg, false); cf.setState(true); cf.addItemListener(this); tdt = new JTextField(15); tpid = new JTextField(6); tpid.addFocusListener(this); tpfnm = new JTextField("first"); tpmnm = new JTextField("middle"); tplnm = new JTextField("last"); tage = new JTextField(4); tage.addFocusListener(this); tbg = new JTextField(6); twt = new JTextField(5); tadd = new TextArea(patient.addr); tcno = new JTextField(20); tdnm = new JTextField(20); tsym = new TextArea(); tdig = new JTextField(20); tfee = new JTextField(6); tfee.addFocusListener(this); ba = new JButton("ADD"); ba.addActionListener(this); bm = new JButton("CANCEL"); bm.addActionListener(this); bd = new JButton("DELETE"); bd.addActionListener(this); bl = new JButton("DISPLAY"); bl.addActionListener(this); bs = new JButton("SEARCH"); bs.addActionListener(this); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.add(ba); p.add(bm); // p.add(bd); // p.add(bl); // p.add(bs); add(p, BorderLayout.SOUTH); q = new JPanel(); q.setLayout(null); ldt.setBounds(1015, 20, 60, 20); q.add(ldt); tdt.setBounds(1060, 20, 170, 20); q.add(tdt); lpid.setBounds(70, 60, 80, 20); q.add(lpid); tpid.setBounds(200, 60, 60, 20); q.add(tpid); lpnm.setBounds(70, 100, 80, 20); q.add(lpnm); tpfnm.setBounds(200, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tpfnm); tpmnm.setBounds(320, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tpmnm); tplnm.setBounds(440, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tplnm); lgen.setBounds(70, 140, 60, 20); q.add(lgen); lbg.setBounds(370, 140, 80, 20); q.add(lbg); tbg.setBounds(470, 140, 60, 20); q.add(tbg); cm.setBounds(200, 140, 60, 20); cf.setBounds(280, 140, 60, 20); lage.setBounds(70, 180, 40, 20); q.add(lage); tage.setBounds(200, 180, 50, 20); q.add(tage); lwt.setBounds(370, 180, 200, 20); q.add(lwt); twt.setBounds(470, 180, 60, 20); q.add(twt); ladd.setBounds(70, 220, 60, 20); q.add(ladd); tadd.setBounds(200, 220, 350, 50); q.add(tadd); lcno.setBounds(70, 310, 60, 20); q.add(lcno); tcno.setBounds(200, 310, 120, 20); q.add(tcno); ldnm.setBounds(70, 350, 200, 20); q.add(ldnm); tdnm.setBounds(200, 350, 150, 20); q.add(tdnm); lsym.setBounds(70, 390, 100, 20); q.add(lsym); tsym.setBounds(200, 390, 300, 70); q.add(tsym); ldig.setBounds(70, 480, 60, 20); q.add(ldig); tdig.setBounds(200, 480, 100, 20); q.add(tdig); lfee.setBounds(70, 520, 200, 20); q.add(lfee); tfee.setBounds(200, 520, 40, 20); q.add(tfee); q.add(cm); q.add(cf); q.add(image); q.add(bu); add(q, BorderLayout.CENTER); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { try { patient.con.close(); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e8) { } } }); System.out.println(tadd.getText()); setSize(1330, 740); setVisible(true); }
public boolean queryOptions() { if (!okToInteractWithUser( CAN_PROCEED_ANYWAY, "Querying Options")) // Debugg.println needs to check that options set well enough to // proceed anyway return true; boolean closeWizard = false; if ((MesquiteTrunk.isMacOSXBeforeSnowLeopard()) && MesquiteDialog.currentWizard == null) { CommandRecord cRec = null; cRec = MesquiteThread.getCurrentCommandRecordDefIfNull(null); if (cRec != null) { cRec.requestEstablishWizard(true); closeWizard = true; } } MesquiteInteger buttonPressed = new MesquiteInteger(1); queryOptionsDialog = new ExtensibleDialog( containerOfModule(), "TNT Options & Locations", buttonPressed); // MesquiteTrunk.mesquiteTrunk.containerOfModule() // queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("TNT - Options and Locations"); String helpString = "This module will prepare a matrix for TNT, and ask TNT do to an analysis. A command-line version of TNT must be installed. " + "You can ask it to do a bootstrap analysis or not. " + "Mesquite will read in the trees found by TNT. "; queryOptionsDialog.appendToHelpString(helpString); queryOptionsDialog.setHelpURL(zephyrRunnerEmployer.getProgramURL()); MesquiteTabbedPanel tabbedPanel = queryOptionsDialog.addMesquiteTabbedPanel(); tabbedPanel.addPanel("TNT Program Details", true); externalProcRunner.addItemsToDialogPanel(queryOptionsDialog); Checkbox parallelCheckBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("use PVM for parallel processing", parallel); parallelCheckBox.addItemListener(this); IntegerField slavesField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField( "Number of Slaves", numSlaves, 4, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); IntegerField maxRamField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField("mxram value", mxram, 4, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); tabbedPanel.addPanel("Search Options", true); Choice searchStyleChoice = null; if (bootstrapAllowed) searchStyleChoice = queryOptionsDialog.addPopUpMenu( "Type of search/resampling:", new String[] { "Regular Search", "Bootstrap", "Jackknife", "Symmetric Resampled", "Poisson Bootstrap" }, searchStyle); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Regular Search Commands"); searchField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(searchArguments, 7, 80); searchScriptPathField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextField( "Path to TNT run file containing search commands", searchScriptPath, 40); Button browseSearchScriptPathButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Browse...", null, this); browseSearchScriptPathButton.setActionCommand("browseSearchScript"); harvestOnlyStrictConsensusBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("only acquire strict consensus", harvestOnlyStrictConsensus); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); // Checkbox doBootstrapBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("do bootstrapping", doBootstrap); if (bootstrapAllowed) { bootStrapRepsField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField( "Resampling Replicates", bootstrapreps, 8, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Resampling Search Commands"); bootstrapSearchField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(bootstrapSearchArguments, 7, 80); bootSearchScriptPathField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextField( "Path to TNT run file containing search commands for resampled", bootSearchScriptPath, 30); Button browseBootSearchScriptPathButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Browse...", null, this); browseSearchScriptPathButton.setActionCommand("browseBootSearchScript"); resamplingAllConsensusTreesBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox( "allow TNT to calculate consensus tree", !resamplingAllConsensusTrees); } adjustDialogText(); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addNewDialogPanel(); useDefaultsButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Set to Defaults", null, this); useDefaultsButton.setActionCommand("setToDefaults"); tabbedPanel.addPanel("Other Options", true); convertGapsBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox( "convert gaps to missing (to avoid gap=extra state)", convertGapsToMissing); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Post-Search TNT Commands"); otherOptionsField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(otherOptions, 7, 80); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addNewDialogPanel(); useDefaultsOtherOptionsButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Set to Defaults", null, this); useDefaultsOtherOptionsButton.setActionCommand("setToDefaultsOtherOptions"); tabbedPanel.cleanup(); queryOptionsDialog.nullifyAddPanel(); queryOptionsDialog.completeAndShowDialog("Search", "Cancel", null, null); if (buttonPressed.getValue() == 0) { boolean infererOK = (treeInferer == null || treeInferer.optionsChosen()); if (externalProcRunner.optionsChosen() && infererOK) { if (bootstrapAllowed) { bootstrapreps = bootStrapRepsField.getValue(); bootstrapSearchArguments = bootstrapSearchField.getText(); bootSearchScriptPath = bootSearchScriptPathField.getText(); harvestOnlyStrictConsensus = harvestOnlyStrictConsensusBox.getState(); resamplingAllConsensusTrees = !resamplingAllConsensusTreesBox.getState(); searchStyle = searchStyleChoice.getSelectedIndex(); } numSlaves = slavesField.getValue(); otherOptions = otherOptionsField.getText(); convertGapsToMissing = convertGapsBox.getState(); parallel = parallelCheckBox.getState(); // doBootstrap = doBootstrapBox.getState(); searchArguments = searchField.getText(); searchScriptPath = searchScriptPathField.getText(); mxram = maxRamField.getValue(); storeRunnerPreferences(); } } queryOptionsDialog.dispose(); if (closeWizard) MesquiteDialog.closeWizard(); return (buttonPressed.getValue() == 0); }
// -------------------------------------------------- public void send() { os.println(commandArea.getText()); }
public void clearEventLog() { synchronized (eventLogLock) { eventLog.setText(""); } }
public void HandlerCalcPriceButton(ActionEvent event) { try { grain = getGrain(selectGrainCb.getValue()); System.out.println("> " + grain.getName()); try { grain.setWeight(Double.parseDouble(weightTf.getText())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { weightTf.requestFocus(); throw new NumberFormatException("Вес партии зерна"); } for (Entry<String, TextField> entry : propertiesTf.entrySet()) { TextField tf = entry.getValue(); String propertyName = entry.getKey(); System.out.println("\t> " + propertyName); if (!tf.isDisable()) { try { grain.getProperty(propertyName).setValue(Double.parseDouble(tf.getText())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tf.requestFocus(); throw new NumberFormatException(grain.getProperty(propertyName).getDescription()); } grain.getProperty(propertyName).setEnabled(true); } else { grain.getProperty(propertyName).setEnabled(false); } } System.out.println("> before calculator"); PriceCalculator calculator = new PriceCalculator(grain, dao); calculator.calculatePrice(); infoTa.setText(calculator.toString()); Supply supply = new Supply(); supply.setProvider(selectProviderCb.getValue()); supply.setDate(new Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); // supply.setGrain(grain.getName()); supply.setGrain(grain.getDescription()); supply.setWeight(grain.getWeight()); supply.setPrice(calculator.getPrice()); dao.saveSupply(supply); } catch (RestrictiveConditionException e) { Utils.showErrorDialog("Ограшичительные кондиции!", e); infoTa.clear(); } catch (DataBaseException e) { Utils.showErrorDialog("Обшибка базы данных!", e); infoTa.clear(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Utils.showErrorDialog("Неверный ввод!", e); infoTa.clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.showErrorDialog("Ошибка!", ex); infoTa.clear(); } }