@Override public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<WriteableData> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { DaalContext daalContext = new DaalContext(); /* Create an algorithm to compute a sparse variance-covariance matrix on the master node */ DistributedStep2Master covarianceSparseMaster = new DistributedStep2Master(daalContext, Double.class, Method.fastCSR); for (WriteableData value : values) { PartialResult pr = (PartialResult) value.getObject(daalContext); covarianceSparseMaster.input.add(DistributedStep2MasterInputId.partialResults, pr); } /* Compute a sparse variance-covariance matrix on the master node */ covarianceSparseMaster.compute(); /* Finalize computations and retrieve the results */ Result result = covarianceSparseMaster.finalizeCompute(); HomogenNumericTable covariance = (HomogenNumericTable) result.get(ResultId.covariance); HomogenNumericTable mean = (HomogenNumericTable) result.get(ResultId.mean); context.write(new IntWritable(0), new WriteableData(covariance)); context.write(new IntWritable(1), new WriteableData(mean)); daalContext.dispose(); }
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration argConf = getConf(); // JobConf conf = new JobConf(diffdb.class); Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); HBaseAdmin hbAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(config); dbutil db_util = new dbutil(config); HTable runTable = new HTable(config, "gestore_runs"); Get runGet = new Get(argConf.get("id").getBytes()); Result pipeline = runTable.get(runGet); NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> pipeMap = pipeline.getFamilyMap("d".getBytes()); Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> results = pipeMap.pollFirstEntry(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> resultMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); while (results != null) { String resultKey = new String(results.getKey()); String resultValue = new String(results.getValue()); String field = "type"; HashMap<String, String> tempMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String entry = resultKey; if (resultKey.endsWith("_db_timestamp")) { field = "db_timestamp"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_db_timestamp")); } else if (resultKey.endsWith("_filename")) { field = "filename"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_filename")); } else if (resultKey.endsWith("_regex")) { field = "regex"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_regex")); } if (resultMap.containsKey(entry)) { tempMap = resultMap.get(entry); } tempMap.put(field, resultValue); resultMap.put(entry, tempMap); // System.out.println("Key: " + resultKey + " Value: " + resultValue); results = pipeMap.pollFirstEntry(); } for (String key : resultMap.keySet()) { System.out.println("File ID: " + key); for (String subKey : resultMap.get(key).keySet()) { // System.out.println("\t " + subKey + "\t\t" + resultMap.get(key).get(subKey)); System.out.format(" %1$-20s %2$s\n", subKey, resultMap.get(key).get(subKey)); } } return 0; }
private void createResults_() { results = new LinkedList(); Regexp reg = Regexp.compile("<A HREF=\\\"([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]*)\\\">"); Result result; int pos = 0; while ((result = reg.searchForward(buffer_, pos, charsread_)) != null) { pos = result.getMatchEnd() + 1; results.add(urlString_ + result.getMatch(1)); } }
private Result findRacer(RaceRun run) { Result result = null; for (Result r : results) { if (r.getRacer() == run.getBoat().getRacer()) { result = r; break; } } return result; }
public void report() { int failed = 0; for (final File file : files.keySet()) { final Result result = (Result) files.get(file); if (result instanceof FailedResult) { failed++; System.out.println(result.describe(file)); } } System.out.println( "Checked " + files.keySet().size() + " files, " + (failed > 0 ? failed + " failed." : "all OK.")); }
private void createResults_() { results = new LinkedList(); String dateTime = dateFormatter2_.format(date); // Messages.debug(3, "Rag::createResults_ dateTime=%1", dateTime); String regExp = "HREF=\\/(rapp[\\/a-zA-Z0-9]*" + dateTime + "[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]*)>"; Messages.debug(3, "Rag::createResults_ regExp=%1", regExp); Regexp reg = Regexp.compile(regExp); // Messages.debug(3, "Rag::createResults_ compiled regexp"); Result result; int pos = 0; while ((result = reg.searchForward(buffer_, pos, charsread_ - pos)) != null) { pos = result.getMatchEnd() + 1; // Messages.debug(3, "Rag:: gotResult:" + result.getMatch(1)); results.add(RESULT_ADDRESS_ + result.getMatch(1)); } }
/** * Implements in order to listen for ended conferences and remove them from the reservation * system. * * <p>{@inheritDoc} */ @Override public synchronized void onFocusDestroyed(String roomName) { // roomName = MucUtil.extractName(roomName); // Focus destroyed Conference conference = conferenceMap.get(roomName); if (conference == null) { logger.info("Conference " + roomName + " already destroyed"); return; } Result result = deleteConference(roomName); if (result.getCode() == RESULT_OK) { logger.info("Deleted conference from the reservation system: " + roomName); } else { logger.error("Failed to delete room: " + roomName + ", error code: " + result); } }
@Nullable @Override public Result<String> compute() { return Result.create( StringUtil.join(myRegisteredRepositoryIds, ","), new ModificationTracker() { @Override public long getModificationCount() { return myRegisteredRepositoryIds.hashCode(); } }); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { final Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(new File(getTestDataRoot(), "/RETest.xml")); final List<Element> list = XPath.selectNodes(document.getRootElement(), "//test"); new File(getTestDataPath()).mkdirs(); int i = 0; for (Element element : list) { final String name; final Element parent = (Element) element.getParent(); final String s = parent.getName(); final String t = parent.getAttribute("id") == null ? "" : parent.getAttribute("id").getValue() + "-"; if (!"tests".equals(s)) { name = s + "/test-" + t + ++i + ".regexp"; } else { name = "test-" + t + ++i + ".regexp"; } final Result result = Result.valueOf((String) XPath.selectSingleNode(element, "string(expected)")); final boolean warn = !"false".equals(element.getAttributeValue("warning")); final boolean info = "true".equals(element.getAttributeValue("info")); myMap.put(name, new Test(result, warn, info)); final File file = new File(getTestDataPath(), name); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); final FileWriter stream = new FileWriter(file); final String pattern = (String) XPath.selectSingleNode(element, "string(pattern)"); if (!"false".equals(element.getAttributeValue("verify"))) try { Pattern.compile(pattern); if (result == Result.ERR) { System.out.println("Incorrect FAIL value for " + pattern); } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { if (result == Result.OK) { System.out.println("Incorrect OK value for " + pattern); } } stream.write(pattern); stream.close(); } super.setUp(); myOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setErr(new PrintStream(myOut)); }
/** * Caches the output. * * @param out cached output * @param c command * @param r result * @throws QueryException query exception */ public void cacheText(final ArrayOutput out, final Command c, final Result r) throws QueryException { // cache command or node set cmd = null; ns = null; final int mh = gui.context.options.get(MainOptions.MAXHITS); boolean parse = false; if (mh >= 0 && r != null && r.size() >= mh) { parse = true; } else if (out.finished()) { if (r instanceof DBNodes) ns = (DBNodes) r; else parse = true; } // create new command instance if (parse) cmd = new CommandParser(c.toString(), gui.context).parseSingle(); }
@DataBoundConstructor public SelfHealingMatrixExecutionStrategy( String logPattern, Result worseThanOrEqualTo, Result betterThanOrEqualTo, int maxRetries, boolean stopRetryingAfterOneFails) { this.logPattern = logPattern == null ? "" : logPattern; this.worseThanOrEqualTo = worseThanOrEqualTo == null ? Result.FAILURE : worseThanOrEqualTo; this.betterThanOrEqualTo = betterThanOrEqualTo == null ? Result.ABORTED : betterThanOrEqualTo.isWorseOrEqualTo(this.worseThanOrEqualTo) ? betterThanOrEqualTo : this.worseThanOrEqualTo; this.maxRetries = maxRetries < 0 ? 1 : maxRetries; this.stopRetryingAfterOneFails = stopRetryingAfterOneFails; }
/** * The Web form-error-page value defines the location in the web application where the page can be * used for error page can be found within web application test * * @param descriptor the Web deployment descriptor * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion */ public Result check(WebBundleDescriptor descriptor) { Result result = getInitializedResult(); ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor(); if (descriptor.getLoginConfiguration() != null) { boolean foundIt = false; // ZipEntry ze=null; // JarFile jar=null; FileArchive arch = null; String formErrorPage = descriptor.getLoginConfiguration().getFormErrorPage(); if (formErrorPage.length() > 0) { try { // File f = // Verifier.getArchiveFile(descriptor.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri()); // if(f==null){ String uri = getAbstractArchiveUri(descriptor); try { arch = new FileArchive(); arch.open(uri); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } // }else{ // jar = new JarFile(f); // } if (formErrorPage.startsWith("/")) formErrorPage = formErrorPage.substring(1); // if (f!=null){ // ze = jar.getEntry(formErrorPage); // foundIt = (ze != null); // } // else{ File fep = new File(new File(arch.getURI()), formErrorPage); if (fep.exists()) foundIt = true; fep = null; // } // if (jar!=null) // jar.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // should be aldready set? foundIt = false; } if (foundIt) { result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.passed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".passed", "The form-error-page [ {0} ] value defines the location in the web application where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found within web application [ {1} ]", new Object[] {formErrorPage, descriptor.getName()})); } else { result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: The form-error-page [ {0} ] value does not define the location in the web application where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found within web application [ {1} ]", new Object[] {formErrorPage, descriptor.getName()})); } } else { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "There are no form-error-page elements within this web archive [ {0} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getName()})); } } else { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "There are no form-error-page elements within this web archive [ {0} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getName()})); } return result; }
/** * The alt-dd element specifies a URI to the post-assembly deployment descriptor relative to the * root of the application * * @param descriptor the Application deployment descriptor * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion */ public Result check(Application descriptor) { Result result = getInitializedResult(); if (descriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptors().size() > 0) { boolean oneFailed = false; int na = 0; for (Iterator itr = descriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptors().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { EjbBundleDescriptor ejbd = (EjbBundleDescriptor) itr.next(); if (ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor() != null) { if (!(ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor().equals(""))) { JarFile jarFile = null; InputStream deploymentEntry = null; // File f = null; // if (Verifier.getEarFile() != null) // f = new File(Verifier.getEarFile()); try { // if (f==null){ String uri = getAbstractArchiveUri(descriptor); // try { FileArchive arch = new FileArchive(); arch.open(uri); deploymentEntry = arch.getEntry(ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor()); // }catch (Exception e) { } // }else{ // // jarFile = new JarFile(f); // ZipEntry deploymentEntry1 = // jarFile.getEntry(ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor()); // if (deploymentEntry1 != null){ // deploymentEntry = // jarFile.getInputStream(deploymentEntry1); // } // } if (deploymentEntry != null) { result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".passed", "Found alternate EJB deployment descriptor URI file [ {0} ] within [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor(), ejbd.getName() })); } else { if (!oneFailed) { oneFailed = true; } result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: No alternate EJB deployment descriptor URI file found, looking for [ {0} ] within [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor(), ejbd.getName() })); } // jarFile.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Verifier.debug(ex); if (!oneFailed) { oneFailed = true; } result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failedException", "Error: File not found trying to read deployment descriptor file [ {0} ] within [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor(), ejbd.getName() })); } catch (IOException ex) { Verifier.debug(ex); if (!oneFailed) { oneFailed = true; } result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failedException1", "Error: IO Error trying to read deployment descriptor file [ {0} ] within [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ejbd.getModuleDescriptor().getAlternateDescriptor(), ejbd.getName() })); } finally { try { if (deploymentEntry != null) deploymentEntry.close(); } catch (Exception x) { } } } } else { na++; result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable1", "There is no java EJB alternative deployment descriptor in [ {0} ]", new Object[] {ejbd.getName()})); } } if (oneFailed) { result.setStatus(Result.FAILED); } else if (na == descriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptors().size()) { result.setStatus(Result.NOT_APPLICABLE); } else { result.setStatus(Result.PASSED); } } else { result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "There are no EJB components in application [ {0} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getName()})); } return result; }
private ArrayList<Result> accumulateResults(ArrayList<RaceRun> runs) { Result res; results = new ArrayList<Result>(); for (RaceRun r : runs) { res = findRacer(r); if (res == null) { res = new Result(); results.add(res); } res.setRacer(r.getBoat().getRacer()); res.setBoat(r.getBoat()); switch (r.getRunNumber()) { case 1: res.setRun1(r); break; case 2: res.setRun2(r); break; } } float run1Time; float run2Time; for (Result res1 : results) { // run1Time = (float)999999.99; // run2Time = (float)999999.99; try { if (res1.getRun1() == null || res1.getRun2() == null) { if (res1.getRun1() == null) { res1.setBestRun(res1.getRun2()); } if (res1.getRun2() == null) { res1.setBestRun(res1.getRun1()); } } else { run1Time = res1.getRun1().getElapsed() + res1.getRun1().getTotalPenalties(); run2Time = res1.getRun2().getElapsed() + res1.getRun2().getTotalPenalties(); if (run1Time <= run2Time) { res1.setBestRun(res1.getRun1()); } else { res1.setBestRun(res1.getRun2()); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.write(e); } } ArrayList<Result> sorted = Result.getResultsByClassTime(results); results = sorted; // A10112013 String lastBoatClass = ""; int place = 1; for (Result r : sorted) { try { r.getRun1() .setGold(false); // / TODO: if skipping 1st runs fro some reason, this will cause a null // pointer reference r.getRun1().setSilver(false); r.getRun1().setBronze(false); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Intentionally empty exception block } try { r.getRun2().setGold(false); r.getRun2().setSilver(false); r.getRun2().setBronze(false); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Intentionally empty exception block } // todo check this logic 20141122 try { if (lastBoatClass.compareTo(r.getBoat().getBoatClass()) != 0) { lastBoatClass = r.getBoat().getBoatClass(); place = 1; } switch (place) { case 1: r.getBestRun().setGold(true); break; case 2: r.getBestRun().setSilver(true); break; case 3: r.getBestRun().setBronze(true); break; default: break; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Intentionally empty exception block } r.getBestRun().setPlaceInClass(place++); } return (sorted); }
/** * Waits for the given configurations to finish, retrying any that qualify to be rerun. * * @param execution Provided by the plugin. * @param patterns List of regular expression patterns used to scan the log to determine if a * build should be rerun. * @param retries Mutable map that tracks the number of times a specific configuration has been * retried. * @param configurations The configurations that have already been scheduled to run that should be * waited for to finish. * @return The worst result of all the runs. If a build was rerun, only the result of the rerun is * considered. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ private Result waitForMatrixRuns( MatrixBuild.MatrixBuildExecution execution, List<Pattern> patterns, Map<MatrixConfiguration, Integer> retries, LinkedList<MatrixConfiguration> configurations) throws InterruptedException, IOException { BuildListener listener = execution.getListener(); PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); Map<String, String> whyBlockedMap = new HashMap< String, String>(); // keep track of why builds are blocked so we can print unique messages when // they change. Result finalResult = Result.SUCCESS; int iteration = 0; boolean continueRetrying = true; while (!configurations.isEmpty()) { ++iteration; MatrixConfiguration configuration = configurations.removeFirst(); if (isBuilding(execution, configuration, whyBlockedMap)) { if (iteration >= configurations.size()) { // Every time we loop through all the configurations, sleep for a bit. // This is to prevent polling too often while everything is still building. iteration = 0; Thread.sleep(1000); } configurations.add(configuration); continue; } Run parentBuild = execution.getBuild(); MatrixRun matrixRun = configuration.getBuildByNumber(parentBuild.getNumber()); Result runResult = matrixRun.getResult(); if (continueRetrying && runResult.isWorseOrEqualTo(getWorseThanOrEqualTo()) && runResult.isBetterOrEqualTo(getBetterThanOrEqualTo())) { if (matchesPattern(matrixRun, patterns)) { int retriedCount = retries.get(configuration); if (retriedCount < getMaxRetries()) { ++retriedCount; retries.put(configuration, retriedCount); // rerun String logMessage = String.format( "%s was %s. Matched pattern to rerun. Rerunning (%d).", matrixRun, runResult, retriedCount); listener.error(logMessage); HealedAction action = parentBuild.getAction(HealedAction.class); if (action == null) { //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter synchronized (parentBuild.getActions()) { action = parentBuild.getAction(HealedAction.class); if (action == null) { action = new HealedAction(matrixRun.getCharset()); parentBuild.addAction(action); } } } action.addAutoHealedJob(matrixRun); MatrixConfiguration parent = matrixRun.getParent(); if (parent != null) { // I'm paranoid about NPEs parent.removeRun(matrixRun); matrixRun.delete(); } else { LOGGER.severe( "couldn't remove old run, parent was null. This is a Jenkins core bug."); } scheduleConfigurationBuild( execution, configuration, new SelfHealingCause(parentBuild, retriedCount)); configurations.add(configuration); continue; } else { String logMessage = String.format( "%s was %s. Matched pattern to rerun, but the max number of retries (%d) has been met.", matrixRun, runResult, getMaxRetries()); listener.error(logMessage); if (getStopRetryingAfterOneFails()) { listener.error("Not retrying any more builds."); continueRetrying = false; } } } else { String logMessage = String.format( "%s was %s. It did not match the pattern to rerun. Accepting result.", matrixRun, runResult); logger.println(logMessage); } } notifyEndRun(matrixRun, execution.getAggregators(), execution.getListener()); finalResult = finalResult.combine(runResult); } return finalResult; }
/** Read text */ public void characters(char[] ch, int offset, int length) { result.append(new String(ch, offset, length)); }
synchronized Result formatSummary() { Result result = new Result(); ProxyClient proxyClient = vmPanel.getProxyClient(); if (proxyClient.isDead()) { return null; } buf = new StringBuilder(); append("<table cellpadding=1>"); try { RuntimeMXBean rmBean = proxyClient.getRuntimeMXBean(); CompilationMXBean cmpMBean = proxyClient.getCompilationMXBean(); ThreadMXBean tmBean = proxyClient.getThreadMXBean(); MemoryMXBean memoryBean = proxyClient.getMemoryMXBean(); ClassLoadingMXBean clMBean = proxyClient.getClassLoadingMXBean(); OperatingSystemMXBean osMBean = proxyClient.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean sunOSMBean = proxyClient.getSunOperatingSystemMXBean(); append("<tr><td colspan=4>"); append("<center><b>" + Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_TAB_NAME + "</b></center>"); String dateTime = headerDateTimeFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); append("<center>" + dateTime + "</center>"); append(newDivider); { // VM info append(newLeftTable); append(Messages.CONNECTION_NAME, vmPanel.getDisplayName()); append( Messages.VIRTUAL_MACHINE, Resources.format( Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_VM_VERSION, rmBean.getVmName(), rmBean.getVmVersion())); append(Messages.VENDOR, rmBean.getVmVendor()); append(Messages.NAME, rmBean.getName()); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); result.upTime = rmBean.getUptime(); append(Messages.UPTIME, formatTime(result.upTime)); if (sunOSMBean != null) { result.processCpuTime = sunOSMBean.getProcessCpuTime(); append(Messages.PROCESS_CPU_TIME, formatNanoTime(result.processCpuTime)); } if (cmpMBean != null) { append(Messages.JIT_COMPILER, cmpMBean.getName()); append( Messages.TOTAL_COMPILE_TIME, cmpMBean.isCompilationTimeMonitoringSupported() ? formatTime(cmpMBean.getTotalCompilationTime()) : Messages.UNAVAILABLE); } else { append(Messages.JIT_COMPILER, Messages.UNAVAILABLE); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Threads and Classes append(newLeftTable); int tlCount = tmBean.getThreadCount(); int tdCount = tmBean.getDaemonThreadCount(); int tpCount = tmBean.getPeakThreadCount(); long ttCount = tmBean.getTotalStartedThreadCount(); String[] strings1 = formatLongs( tlCount, tpCount, tdCount, ttCount); append(Messages.LIVE_THREADS, strings1[0]); append(Messages.PEAK, strings1[1]); append(Messages.DAEMON_THREADS, strings1[2]); append(Messages.TOTAL_THREADS_STARTED, strings1[3]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); long clCount = clMBean.getLoadedClassCount(); long cuCount = clMBean.getUnloadedClassCount(); long ctCount = clMBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount(); String[] strings2 = formatLongs(clCount, cuCount, ctCount); append(Messages.CURRENT_CLASSES_LOADED, strings2[0]); append(Messages.TOTAL_CLASSES_LOADED, strings2[2]); append(Messages.TOTAL_CLASSES_UNLOADED, strings2[1]); append(null, ""); append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Memory MemoryUsage u = memoryBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); append(newLeftTable); String[] strings1 = formatKByteStrings(u.getUsed(), u.getMax()); append(Messages.CURRENT_HEAP_SIZE, strings1[0]); append(Messages.MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE, strings1[1]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); String[] strings2 = formatKByteStrings(u.getCommitted()); append(Messages.COMMITTED_MEMORY, strings2[0]); append( Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_PENDING_FINALIZATION_LABEL, Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_PENDING_FINALIZATION_VALUE, memoryBean.getObjectPendingFinalizationCount()); append(endTable); append(newTable); Collection<GarbageCollectorMXBean> garbageCollectors = proxyClient.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); for (GarbageCollectorMXBean garbageCollectorMBean : garbageCollectors) { String gcName = garbageCollectorMBean.getName(); long gcCount = garbageCollectorMBean.getCollectionCount(); long gcTime = garbageCollectorMBean.getCollectionTime(); append( Messages.GARBAGE_COLLECTOR, Resources.format( Messages.GC_INFO, gcName, gcCount, (gcTime >= 0) ? formatTime(gcTime) : Messages.UNAVAILABLE), 4); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Operating System info append(newLeftTable); String osName = osMBean.getName(); String osVersion = osMBean.getVersion(); String osArch = osMBean.getArch(); result.nCPUs = osMBean.getAvailableProcessors(); append(Messages.OPERATING_SYSTEM, osName + " " + osVersion); append(Messages.ARCHITECTURE, osArch); append(Messages.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS, result.nCPUs + ""); if (pathSeparator == null) { // Must use separator of remote OS, not File.pathSeparator // from this local VM. In the future, consider using // RuntimeMXBean to get the remote system property. pathSeparator = osName.startsWith("Windows ") ? ";" : ":"; } if (sunOSMBean != null) { String[] kbStrings1 = formatKByteStrings(sunOSMBean.getCommittedVirtualMemorySize()); String[] kbStrings2 = formatKByteStrings( sunOSMBean.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize(), sunOSMBean.getFreePhysicalMemorySize(), sunOSMBean.getTotalSwapSpaceSize(), sunOSMBean.getFreeSwapSpaceSize()); append(Messages.COMMITTED_VIRTUAL_MEMORY, kbStrings1[0]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); append(Messages.TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, kbStrings2[0]); append(Messages.FREE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, kbStrings2[1]); append(Messages.TOTAL_SWAP_SPACE, kbStrings2[2]); append(Messages.FREE_SWAP_SPACE, kbStrings2[3]); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // VM arguments and paths append(newTable); String args = ""; java.util.List<String> inputArguments = rmBean.getInputArguments(); for (String arg : inputArguments) { args += arg + " "; } append(Messages.VM_ARGUMENTS, args, 4); append(Messages.CLASS_PATH, rmBean.getClassPath(), 4); append(Messages.LIBRARY_PATH, rmBean.getLibraryPath(), 4); append( Messages.BOOT_CLASS_PATH, rmBean.isBootClassPathSupported() ? rmBean.getBootClassPath() : Messages.UNAVAILABLE, 4); append(endTable); } } catch (IOException e) { if (JConsole.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } proxyClient.markAsDead(); return null; } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { if (JConsole.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } proxyClient.markAsDead(); return null; } append("</table>"); result.timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.summary = buf.toString(); return result; }
public static void main(String[] arg) { Vector<Boolean> containerTypes = new Vector<Boolean>(); Vector<String> environmentTypes = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> testNames = new Vector<String>(); Vector<Class> argTests = new Vector<Class>(); Class[] tests = {}; for (int i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { if (arg[i].startsWith("-")) { switch (arg[i].charAt(1)) { case 'c': String cType = arg[++i]; if (cType.equalsIgnoreCase(NODE)) containerTypes.add(true); else if (cType.equalsIgnoreCase(WHOLE)) containerTypes.add(false); else if (cType.equalsIgnoreCase(ALL)) { containerTypes.add(true); containerTypes.add(false); } else usage(); break; case 'e': String eType = arg[++i]; if (eType.equalsIgnoreCase(NONE) || eType.equalsIgnoreCase(TXN) || eType.equalsIgnoreCase(CDS)) environmentTypes.add(eType); else if (eType.equalsIgnoreCase(ALL)) { environmentTypes.add(NONE); environmentTypes.add(TXN); environmentTypes.add(CDS); } else usage(); break; default: usage(); } } else testNames.add(arg[i]); } if (containerTypes.size() == 0) { containerTypes.add(true); containerTypes.add(false); } if (environmentTypes.size() == 0) { environmentTypes.add(NONE); environmentTypes.add(TXN); environmentTypes.add(CDS); } // Get the tests to run if (testNames.size() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < testNames.size(); i++) { Class testClass = null; try { testClass = Class.forName("dbxmltest." + testNames.get(i)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Skipping test " + testClass + ". Test not found."); } if (testClass != null) argTests.add(testClass); } if (argTests.size() != 0) tests = argTests.toArray(tests); else tests = allTests; } else tests = allTests; // Run the tests int failureCount = 0; boolean success = true; File errorFile = new File(getEnvironmentPath() + "/errorLog.txt"); try { if (errorFile.exists()) errorFile.delete(); errorFile.createNewFile(); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(errorFile))); } catch (IOException e) { } for (int j = 0; j < environmentTypes.size(); j++) { System.out.println("Testing env type " + environmentTypes.get(j)); for (int i = 0; i < containerTypes.size(); i++) { System.out.println("\tContainer type " + (containerTypes.get(i) ? "node" : "whole")); NODE_CONTAINER = containerTypes.get(i); ENV_TYPE = environmentTypes.get(j); Result res = org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(tests); if (!res.wasSuccessful()) { System.err.println( "Number of failures for environment type " + ENV_TYPE + " and is node container " + NODE_CONTAINER + " are " + res.getFailureCount()); List<Failure> testFailures = res.getFailures(); ListIterator<Failure> iter = testFailures.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Failure fail = iter.next(); System.err.println(fail.getDescription()); Throwable e = fail.getException(); if (e != null) e.printStackTrace(); else System.err.println(fail.getTrace()); } failureCount += res.getFailureCount(); success = res.wasSuccessful(); } } } if (success) System.out.println("All tests successful."); else System.out.println(failureCount + " tests failed."); System.out.println("Failures printed to " + errorFile.getName()); }