public Index(final Dictionary dict, final RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { this.dict = dict; shortName = raf.readUTF(); longName = raf.readUTF(); final String languageCode = raf.readUTF(); sortLanguage = Language.lookup(languageCode); normalizerRules = raf.readUTF(); swapPairEntries = raf.readBoolean(); if (sortLanguage == null) { throw new IOException("Unsupported language: " + languageCode); } if (dict.dictFileVersion >= 2) { mainTokenCount = raf.readInt(); } sortedIndexEntries = CachingList.create( RAFList.create(raf, indexEntrySerializer, raf.getFilePointer()), CACHE_SIZE); if (dict.dictFileVersion >= 4) { stoplist = new SerializableSerializer<Set<String>>().read(raf); } else { stoplist = Collections.emptySet(); } rows = CachingList.create( UniformRAFList.create(raf, new RowBase.Serializer(this), raf.getFilePointer()), CACHE_SIZE); }
@Override public ITmfEvent parseEvent(final ITmfContext context) { if (!(fEventStream instanceof TmfTraceStub)) { return null; } // Highly inefficient... final RandomAccessFile stream = ((TmfTraceStub) fEventStream).getStream(); if (stream == null) { return null; } // String name = eventStream.getName(); // name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // no need to use synchronized since it's already cover by the calling method long location = 0; if (context != null && context.getLocation() != null) { location = (Long) context.getLocation().getLocationInfo(); try {; final long ts = stream.readLong(); stream.readUTF(); /* Previously source, now unused */ final String type = stream.readUTF(); stream.readInt(); /* Previously reference, now unused */ final int typeIndex = Integer.parseInt(type.substring(typePrefix.length())); final String[] fields = new String[typeIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < typeIndex; i++) { fields[i] = stream.readUTF(); } final StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer("["); if (typeIndex > 0) { content.append(fields[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < typeIndex; i++) { content.append(", ").append(fields[i]); } content.append("]"); final TmfEventField root = new TmfEventField(ITmfEventField.ROOT_FIELD_ID, content.toString(), null); final ITmfEvent event = new TmfEvent( fEventStream, ITmfContext.UNKNOWN_RANK, fEventStream.createTimestamp(ts * 1000000L), fTypes[typeIndex], root); return event; } catch (final EOFException e) { } catch (final IOException e) { } } return null; }
public IndexEntry(final Index index, final RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { this.index = index; token = raf.readUTF(); startRow = raf.readInt(); numRows = raf.readInt(); final boolean hasNormalizedForm = raf.readBoolean(); normalizedToken = hasNormalizedForm ? raf.readUTF() : token; if (index.dict.dictFileVersion >= 6) { this.htmlEntries = CachingList.create( RAFList.create(raf, index.dict.htmlEntryIndexSerializer, raf.getFilePointer()), 1); } else { this.htmlEntries = Collections.emptyList(); } }
private void loadFromFile() throws IOException, ReflectiveOperationException { RandomAccessFile file = null; try { int fieldId = 0; file = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, "r"); while (file.getFilePointer() < file.length()) { String fieldName = file.readUTF(); int fieldType = file.readUnsignedByte(); BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(new byte[] {file.readByte()}); boolean indexed = bitSet.get(BIT_INDEX_INDEXED); boolean stored = bitSet.get(BIT_INDEX_STORED); Field f = new Field(); f.setFieldId(fieldId); f.setFieldName(fieldName); f.setIsIndexed(indexed); f.setIsStored(stored); f.setFieldType(fieldTypeStore.findTypeById(fieldType)); fieldIdMapping.add(f); fieldNameMapping.put(f.getFieldName(), f); fieldId++; } } finally { if (file != null) { file.close(); } } }
static void display() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { System.out.println("Value " + i + " : " + rf.readDouble()); } System.out.println(rf.readUTF()); rf.close(); }
public void testEmptyList() throws IOException { final File file = File.createTempFile("asdf", "asdf"); file.deleteOnExit(); final RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); raf.writeUTF("Hello World!"); final List<String> l1 = Collections.emptyList(); RAFList.write(raf, l1, RAFSerializer.STRING); raf.writeUTF("Goodbye World!");; assertEquals("Hello World!", raf.readUTF()); final RAFList<String> l1Copy = RAFList.create(raf, RAFSerializer.STRING, raf.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(l1, l1Copy);; assertEquals("Goodbye World!", raf.readUTF()); }
public static void main(String args[]) { try { String fname = "d:\\q.txt"; String mode; // mode = "r";//r : file must exist mode = "rw"; // rw : file will be created or opened // open the file RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fname, mode); /* //seek and write demo;//position file r/w pointer at index 10 wrt BOF //a seek beyond file size causes file to grow upto the seek value raf.write(65);//raf.write('A'); */ // r/w java datatypes int i1, i2; float f1, f2; char c1, c2; String s1, s2; i1 = -10; f1 = 1234.5678F; c1 = 'q'; s1 = "hello files";; // reach BOF raf.writeInt(i1); raf.writeFloat(f1); raf.writeChar(c1); raf.writeUTF(s1);; // reach BOF i2 = raf.readInt(); f2 = raf.readFloat(); c2 = raf.readChar(); s2 = raf.readUTF(); System.out.println(i2); System.out.println(f2); System.out.println(c2); System.out.println(s2); // close the file raf.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex); // ex converts into ex.toString() } } // main
public void testFileList(final RAFSerializer<String> serializer) throws IOException { final File file = File.createTempFile("asdf", "asdf"); file.deleteOnExit(); final RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); raf.writeUTF("Hello World!"); final List<String> l1 = Arrays.asList("1a", "1bc", "1def"); final List<String> l2 = Arrays.asList("2aa", "2abc", "2adef"); RAFList.write(raf, l1, serializer); RAFList.write(raf, l2, serializer); raf.writeUTF("Goodbye World!");; assertEquals("Hello World!", raf.readUTF()); final RAFList<String> l1Copy = RAFList.create(raf, serializer, raf.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(l1, l1Copy); final RAFList<String> l2Copy = RAFList.create(raf, serializer, l1Copy.getEndOffset()); assertEquals(l2, l2Copy);; assertEquals("Goodbye World!", raf.readUTF()); }
public static void main(String args[]) { RandomAccessFile classe = null; Scanner entrada = new Scanner(; Aluno b = new Aluno(); boolean achou = false; float media; try { classe = new RandomAccessFile("c:\\alunos.dat", "rw"); achou = false; while (true) { b.numero = classe.readInt(); b.nome = classe.readUTF(); b.curso = classe.readUTF(); b.nota1 = classe.readFloat(); b.nota2 = classe.readFloat(); media = (float) ((b.nota1 + b.nota2) / 2); if (media >= 7) { System.out.print("\nNome: " + b.nome); System.out.print("\nCurso: " + b.curso); System.out.print("\nNota1: " + b.nota1); System.out.print("\nNota2: " + b.nota2); System.out.print("\nMedia: " + media + "\n"); } } } // fim try catch (EOFException e) { try { classe.close(); } // fim try catch (IOException e2) { System.out.println("\nErro de I/O"); } } // fimn catch (EOFException e) catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Erro na criacao o arquivo"); } } // fim main
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public String readUTF() throws IOException { final String token; // peek ahead to determine the length of the String: final long position = dataInput.getChannel().position(); final int stringLength = readShort();; fileSize -= stringLength; if (fileSize < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } token = dataInput.readUTF(); return token; }
public My_Room_AC_db(String name) { y = new ArrayList<String>(); try { raf = new RandomAccessFile("ac_db.dat", "r"); String arr2[] = name.split("#"); while (true) { String rec = raf.readUTF(); String arr[] = rec.split("#"); if (arr[0].equals(arr2[0])) { y.add(name); } else { y.add(rec); } } } catch (Exception ep) { } finally { try { // if(raf!=null) raf.close(); File f = new File("ac_db.dat", "r"); f.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile("ac_db.dat", "rw"); for (String ss : y) { raf.writeUTF(ss); } } catch (Exception ef) { } finally { try { raf.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public T readObj(String fileName) { RandomAccessFile file = null; T retObj = null; if (!configDirExists(fileName)) { return null; } try { file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); if (debug) { System.out.printf("ConfigLoader reading:%s\n", fileName); } retObj = (T) xstream.fromXML(file.readUTF()); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.printf( "Warning: failed to read config:%s : %s -- %s\n", configPathToFile, fileName, getPathToConfigDir()); return null; } finally { try { if (file != null) { file.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (retObj != null && retObj instanceof ConfPortfolio) { ConfPortfolio config = (ConfPortfolio) retObj; if (config.useCurentDayAsEndingDate) { config.inputEndingDate = new DateTime(); } } return retObj; }
protected long readHeader(RandomAccessFile raFile) throws IOException {; if (raFile.length() == 0) return -1; String versionHint = raFile.readUTF(); if (!"GH".equals(versionHint)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a GraphHopper file! Expected 'GH' as file marker but was " + versionHint); // use a separate version field int majorVersion = raFile.readInt(); if (majorVersion != version()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This GraphHopper file has the wrong version! " + "Expected " + version() + " but was " + majorVersion); long bytes = raFile.readLong(); segmentSize(raFile.readInt()); for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { header[i] = raFile.readInt(); } return bytes; }
private String readString(long strOffset) throws IOException {; return stringFile.readUTF(); }
/* @see */ public String readUTF() throws IOException {; String utf8 = raf.readUTF(); buffer(raf.getFilePointer(), 0); return utf8; }
private java.nio.channels.FileLock lock(FileLockManager.LockMode lockMode) throws Throwable { LOGGER.debug( "Waiting to acquire {} lock on {}.", lockMode.toString().toLowerCase(), displayName); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + lockTimeoutMs; // Lock the state region, with the requested mode java.nio.channels.FileLock stateRegionLock = lockStateRegion(lockMode, timeout); if (stateRegionLock == null) { // Can't acquire lock, get details of owner to include in the error message String ownerPid = "unknown"; String ownerOperation = "unknown"; java.nio.channels.FileLock informationRegionLock = lockInformationRegion(LockMode.Shared, timeout); if (informationRegionLock == null) { LOGGER.debug("Could not lock information region for {}. Ignoring.", displayName); } else { try { if (lockFileAccess.length() <= INFORMATION_REGION_POS) { LOGGER.debug( "Lock file for {} is too short to contain information region. Ignoring.", displayName); } else {; if (lockFileAccess.readByte() != INFORMATION_REGION_PROTOCOL) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Unexpected lock protocol found in lock file '%s' for %s.", lockFile, displayName)); } ownerPid = lockFileAccess.readUTF(); ownerOperation = lockFileAccess.readUTF(); } } finally { informationRegionLock.release(); } } throw new LockTimeoutException( String.format( "Timeout waiting to lock %s. It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.%nOwner PID: %s%nOur PID: %s%nOwner Operation: %s%nOur operation: %s%nLock file: %s", displayName, ownerPid, metaDataProvider.getProcessIdentifier(), ownerOperation, operationDisplayName, lockFile)); } try { if (lockFileAccess.length() > 0) {; if (lockFileAccess.readByte() != STATE_REGION_PROTOCOL) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Unexpected lock protocol found in lock file '%s' for %s.", lockFile, displayName)); } } if (!stateRegionLock.isShared()) { // We have an exclusive lock (whether we asked for it or not). // Update the state region if (lockFileAccess.length() < STATE_REGION_SIZE) { // File did not exist before locking; lockFileAccess.writeByte(STATE_REGION_PROTOCOL); lockFileAccess.writeBoolean(false); } // Acquire an exclusive lock on the information region and write our details there java.nio.channels.FileLock informationRegionLock = lockInformationRegion(LockMode.Exclusive, timeout); if (informationRegionLock == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Timeout waiting to lock the information region for lock %s", displayName)); } // check that the length of the reserved region is enough for storing our content try {; lockFileAccess.writeByte(INFORMATION_REGION_PROTOCOL); lockFileAccess.writeUTF(trimIfNecessary(metaDataProvider.getProcessIdentifier())); lockFileAccess.writeUTF(trimIfNecessary(operationDisplayName)); lockFileAccess.setLength(lockFileAccess.getFilePointer()); } finally { informationRegionLock.release(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { stateRegionLock.release(); throw t; } LOGGER.debug("Lock acquired."); return stateRegionLock; }
/* @see */ public String readUTF() throws IOException { return raf.readUTF(); }