private static void finalize( Configuration conf, JobConf jobconf, final Path destPath, String presevedAttributes) throws IOException { if (presevedAttributes == null) { return; } EnumSet<FileAttribute> preseved = FileAttribute.parse(presevedAttributes); if (!preseved.contains(FileAttribute.USER) && !preseved.contains(FileAttribute.GROUP) && !preseved.contains(FileAttribute.PERMISSION)) { return; } FileSystem dstfs = destPath.getFileSystem(conf); Path dstdirlist = new Path(jobconf.get(DST_DIR_LIST_LABEL)); SequenceFile.Reader in = null; try { in = new SequenceFile.Reader(dstdirlist.getFileSystem(jobconf), dstdirlist, jobconf); Text dsttext = new Text(); FilePair pair = new FilePair(); for (;, pair); ) { Path absdst = new Path(destPath, pair.output); updatePermissions(pair.input, dstfs.getFileStatus(absdst), preseved, dstfs); } } finally { checkAndClose(in); } }
private static void updatePermissions( FileStatus src, FileStatus dst, EnumSet<FileAttribute> preseved, FileSystem destFileSys) throws IOException { String owner = null; String group = null; if (preseved.contains(FileAttribute.USER) && !src.getOwner().equals(dst.getOwner())) { owner = src.getOwner(); } if (preseved.contains(FileAttribute.GROUP) && !src.getGroup().equals(dst.getGroup())) { group = src.getGroup(); } if (owner != null || group != null) { destFileSys.setOwner(dst.getPath(), owner, group); } if (preseved.contains(FileAttribute.PERMISSION) && !src.getPermission().equals(dst.getPermission())) { destFileSys.setPermission(dst.getPath(), src.getPermission()); } }
private FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, Reporter reporter, FileStatus srcstat) throws IOException { if (destFileSys.exists(f)) { destFileSys.delete(f, false); } if (!preserve_status) { return destFileSys.create(f, true, sizeBuf, reporter); } FsPermission permission = preseved.contains(FileAttribute.PERMISSION) ? srcstat.getPermission() : null; short replication = preseved.contains(FileAttribute.REPLICATION) ? srcstat.getReplication() : destFileSys.getDefaultReplication(); long blockSize = preseved.contains(FileAttribute.BLOCK_SIZE) ? srcstat.getBlockSize() : destFileSys.getDefaultBlockSize(); return destFileSys.create(f, permission, true, sizeBuf, replication, blockSize, reporter); }
static EnumSet<FileAttribute> parse(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return EnumSet.allOf(FileAttribute.class); } EnumSet<FileAttribute> set = EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class); FileAttribute[] attributes = values(); for (char c : s.toCharArray()) { int i = 0; for (; i < attributes.length && c != attributes[i].symbol; i++) ; if (i < attributes.length) { if (!set.contains(attributes[i])) { set.add(attributes[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There are more than one '" + attributes[i].symbol + "' in " + s); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + c + "' in " + s + " is undefined."); } } return set; }
static Arguments valueOf(String[] args, Configuration conf) throws IOException { List<Path> srcs = new ArrayList<Path>(); Path dst = null; Path log = null; EnumSet<Options> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(Options.class); String presevedAttributes = null; String mapredSslConf = null; long filelimit = Long.MAX_VALUE; long sizelimit = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) { Options[] opt = Options.values(); int i = 0; for (; i < opt.length && !args[idx].startsWith(opt[i].cmd); i++) ; if (i < opt.length) { flags.add(opt[i]); if (opt[i] == Options.PRESERVE_STATUS) { presevedAttributes = args[idx].substring(2); FileAttribute.parse(presevedAttributes); // validation } else if (opt[i] == Options.FILE_LIMIT) { filelimit = Options.FILE_LIMIT.parseLong(args, ++idx); } else if (opt[i] == Options.SIZE_LIMIT) { sizelimit = Options.SIZE_LIMIT.parseLong(args, ++idx); } } else if ("-f".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("urilist_uri not specified in -f"); } srcs.addAll(fetchFileList(conf, new Path(args[idx]))); } else if ("-log".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("logdir not specified in -log"); } log = new Path(args[idx]); } else if ("-mapredSslConf".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ssl conf file not specified in -mapredSslConf"); } mapredSslConf = args[idx]; } else if ("-m".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("num_maps not specified in -m"); } try { conf.setInt(MAX_MAPS_LABEL, Integer.valueOf(args[idx])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument to -m: " + args[idx]); } } else if ('-' == args[idx].codePointAt(0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid switch " + args[idx]); } else if (idx == args.length - 1) { dst = new Path(args[idx]); } else { srcs.add(new Path(args[idx])); } } // mandatory command-line parameters if (srcs.isEmpty() || dst == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing " + (dst == null ? "dst path" : "src")); } // incompatible command-line flags final boolean isOverwrite = flags.contains(Options.OVERWRITE); final boolean isUpdate = flags.contains(Options.UPDATE); final boolean isDelete = flags.contains(Options.DELETE); if (isOverwrite && isUpdate) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting overwrite policies"); } if (isDelete && !isOverwrite && !isUpdate) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( Options.DELETE.cmd + " must be specified with " + Options.OVERWRITE + " or " + Options.UPDATE + "."); } return new Arguments( srcs, dst, log, flags, presevedAttributes, filelimit, sizelimit, mapredSslConf); }
public final List<Sample> parse( Reader reader, EnumSet<MissingPedField> missingFields, SampleDB sampleDB) { final List<String> lines = new XReadLines(reader).readLines(); // What are the record offsets? final int familyPos = missingFields.contains(MissingPedField.NO_FAMILY_ID) ? -1 : 0; final int samplePos = familyPos + 1; final int paternalPos = missingFields.contains(MissingPedField.NO_PARENTS) ? -1 : samplePos + 1; final int maternalPos = missingFields.contains(MissingPedField.NO_PARENTS) ? -1 : paternalPos + 1; final int sexPos = missingFields.contains(MissingPedField.NO_SEX) ? -1 : Math.max(maternalPos, samplePos) + 1; final int phenotypePos = missingFields.contains(MissingPedField.NO_PHENOTYPE) ? -1 : Math.max(sexPos, Math.max(maternalPos, samplePos)) + 1; final int nExpectedFields = MathUtils.arrayMaxInt( Arrays.asList(samplePos, paternalPos, maternalPos, sexPos, phenotypePos)) + 1; // go through once and determine properties int lineNo = 1; boolean isQT = false; final List<String[]> splits = new ArrayList<String[]>(lines.size()); for (final String line : lines) { if (line.startsWith(commentMarker)) continue; if (line.trim().equals("")) continue; final String[] parts = line.split("\\s+"); if (parts.length != nExpectedFields) throw new UserException.MalformedFile( reader.toString(), "Bad PED line " + lineNo + ": wrong number of fields"); if (phenotypePos != -1) { isQT = isQT || !CATAGORICAL_TRAIT_VALUES.contains(parts[phenotypePos]); } splits.add(parts); lineNo++; }"Phenotype is other? " + isQT); // now go through and parse each record lineNo = 1; final List<Sample> samples = new ArrayList<Sample>(splits.size()); for (final String[] parts : splits) { String familyID = null, individualID, paternalID = null, maternalID = null; Gender sex = Gender.UNKNOWN; String quantitativePhenotype = Sample.UNSET_QT; Affection affection = Affection.UNKNOWN; if (familyPos != -1) familyID = maybeMissing(parts[familyPos]); individualID = parts[samplePos]; if (paternalPos != -1) paternalID = maybeMissing(parts[paternalPos]); if (maternalPos != -1) maternalID = maybeMissing(parts[maternalPos]); if (sexPos != -1) { if (parts[sexPos].equals(SEX_MALE)) sex = Gender.MALE; else if (parts[sexPos].equals(SEX_FEMALE)) sex = Gender.FEMALE; else sex = Gender.UNKNOWN; } if (phenotypePos != -1) { if (isQT) { if (parts[phenotypePos].equals(MISSING_VALUE1)) affection = Affection.UNKNOWN; else { affection = Affection.OTHER; quantitativePhenotype = parts[phenotypePos]; } } else { if (parts[phenotypePos].equals(MISSING_VALUE1)) affection = Affection.UNKNOWN; else if (parts[phenotypePos].equals(MISSING_VALUE2)) affection = Affection.UNKNOWN; else if (parts[phenotypePos].equals(PHENOTYPE_UNAFFECTED)) affection = Affection.UNAFFECTED; else if (parts[phenotypePos].equals(PHENOTYPE_AFFECTED)) affection = Affection.AFFECTED; else throw new ReviewedGATKException( "Unexpected phenotype type " + parts[phenotypePos] + " at line " + lineNo); } } final Sample s = new Sample( individualID, sampleDB, familyID, paternalID, maternalID, sex, affection, quantitativePhenotype); samples.add(s); sampleDB.addSample(s); lineNo++; } for (final Sample sample : new ArrayList<Sample>(samples)) { Sample dad = maybeAddImplicitSample( sampleDB, sample.getPaternalID(), sample.getFamilyID(), Gender.MALE); if (dad != null) samples.add(dad); Sample mom = maybeAddImplicitSample( sampleDB, sample.getMaternalID(), sample.getFamilyID(), Gender.FEMALE); if (mom != null) samples.add(mom); } return samples; }
public List<Revision> filter(Collection<Revision> list, EnumSet<Library.Phase> phases) { List<Revision> filtered = new ArrayList<Library.Revision>(); for (Revision r : list) if (phases.contains(r.phase)) filtered.add(r); return filtered; }
/** * Checks if an HTTP request matches this function and its constraints. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ boolean matches(final HTTPContext http) { // check method, path, consumed and produced media type return methods.contains(http.method) && pathMatches(http) && consumes(http) && produces(http); }
/** * Checks a function for RESTFful annotations. * * @return {@code true} if module contains relevant annotations * @throws QueryException query exception */ boolean analyze() throws QueryException { // parse all annotations final EnumSet<HTTPMethod> mth = EnumSet.noneOf(HTTPMethod.class); final boolean[] declared = new boolean[function.args.length]; boolean found = false; final int as = function.ann.size(); for (int a = 0; a < as; a++) { final QNm name = function.ann.names[a]; final Value value = function.ann.values[a]; final byte[] local = name.local(); final byte[] uri = name.uri(); final boolean rexq = eq(uri, QueryText.RESTXQURI); if (rexq) { if (eq(PATH, local)) { // annotation "path" if (path != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); path = new RestXqPath(toString(value, name)); for (final String s : path) { if (s.trim().startsWith("{")) checkVariable(s, AtomType.AAT, declared); } } else if (eq(CONSUMES, local)) { // annotation "consumes" strings(value, name, consumes); } else if (eq(PRODUCES, local)) { // annotation "produces" strings(value, name, produces); } else if (eq(QUERY_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "query-param" queryParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(FORM_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "form-param" formParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(HEADER_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "header-param" headerParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(COOKIE_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "cookie-param" cookieParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else { // method annotations final HTTPMethod m = HTTPMethod.get(string(local)); if (m == null) error(ANN_UNKNOWN, "%", name.string()); if (!value.isEmpty()) { // remember post/put variable if (requestBody != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); if (m != POST && m != PUT) error(METHOD_VALUE, m); requestBody = checkVariable(toString(value, name), declared); } if (mth.contains(m)) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); mth.add(m); } } else if (eq(uri, QueryText.OUTPUTURI)) { // serialization parameters final String key = string(local); final String val = toString(value, name); if (output.get(key) == null) error(UNKNOWN_SER, key); output.set(key, val); } found |= rexq; } if (!mth.isEmpty()) methods = mth; if (found) { if (path == null) error(ANN_MISSING, PATH); for (int i = 0; i < declared.length; i++) if (!declared[i]) error(VAR_UNDEFINED, function.args[i].name.string()); } return found; }