public static DisplayDeviceArea[] getPresentationAndImageDeviceAreas() { DisplayDeviceArea[] displayDeviceAreas = null; GraphicsDevice[] gs = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices(); if (gs.length == 1) { DisplayMode dm = gs[0].getDisplayMode(); int width = dm.getWidth(); int height = dm.getHeight(); float presentationAspectRatio = 5f / 4; // usual screen for presentations float imageAspectRatio = 3f / 4 * 2; // pair of portrait monitors float presentationHorizontalProportion = 0.33f; int presentationWidth = (int) (width * presentationHorizontalProportion); int presentationHeight = (int) (presentationWidth / presentationAspectRatio); if (presentationHeight > height) { presentationHeight = height; } int presentationX = 0; int presentationY = height - presentationHeight; int imageWidth = width - presentationWidth; int imageHeight = (int) (imageWidth / imageAspectRatio); if (imageHeight > height) { imageHeight = height; } int imageX = presentationWidth; int imageY = height - imageHeight; displayDeviceAreas = new DisplayDeviceArea[2]; displayDeviceAreas[0] = new DisplayDeviceArea( gs[0], presentationX, presentationY, presentationWidth, presentationHeight); displayDeviceAreas[1] = new DisplayDeviceArea(gs[0], imageX, imageY, imageWidth, imageHeight); } else if (gs.length == 2) { DisplayMode dm1 = gs[0].getDisplayMode(); DisplayMode dm2 = gs[1].getDisplayMode(); int width1 = dm1.getWidth(); int width2 = dm2.getWidth(); int height1 = dm1.getHeight(); int height2 = dm2.getHeight(); GraphicsDevice presentationDevice; GraphicsDevice imageDevice; if (width1 * height1 > width2 * height2) { presentationDevice = gs[1]; imageDevice = gs[0]; } else { presentationDevice = gs[0]; imageDevice = gs[1]; } displayDeviceAreas = new DisplayDeviceArea[2]; displayDeviceAreas[0] = new DisplayDeviceArea(presentationDevice); displayDeviceAreas[1] = new DisplayDeviceArea(imageDevice); } return displayDeviceAreas; }
public MainFrame(Coord isz) { super("Haven and Hearth"); version = "1.6 (12.22.2015)"; Coord sz; if (isz == null) { sz = Utils.getprefc("wndsz", new Coord(800, 600)); if (sz.x < 640) sz.x = 640; if (sz.y < 480) sz.y = 480; } else { sz = isz; } this.g = new ThreadGroup(, "Haven client"); = new HackThread(this.g, this, "Haven main thread"); p = new HavenPanel(sz.x, sz.y); if (fsmode == null) { Coord pfm = Utils.getprefc("fsmode", null); if (pfm != null) fsmode = findmode(pfm.x, pfm.y); } if (fsmode == null) { DisplayMode cm = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice().getDisplayMode(); fsmode = findmode(cm.getWidth(), cm.getHeight()); } if (fsmode == null) fsmode = findmode(800, 600); add(p); pack(); setResizable(!Utils.getprefb("wndlock", false)); p.requestFocusInWindow(); seticon(); setVisible(true); p.init(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { g.interrupt(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = false; } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = true; } }); if ((isz == null) && Utils.getprefb("wndmax", false)) setExtendedState(getExtendedState() | MAXIMIZED_BOTH); }
DisplayMode findmode(int w, int h) { GraphicsDevice dev = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice(); if (!dev.isFullScreenSupported()) return (null); DisplayMode b = null; for (DisplayMode m : dev.getDisplayModes()) { int d = m.getBitDepth(); if ((m.getWidth() == w) && (m.getHeight() == h) && ((d == 24) || (d == 32) || (d == DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI))) { if ((b == null) || (d > b.getBitDepth()) || ((d == b.getBitDepth()) && (m.getRefreshRate() > b.getRefreshRate()))) b = m; } } return (b); }