/** * Perform the action of the plugin. * * @param document the current document. */ public boolean perform(Document document) throws IOException { // Interact with the user to get the layer tag/ Tag layerTag = getLayerTagFromUser(document); if (layerTag == null) return false; // User cancled. Tag endTag = new Tag(layerTag.getName(), false); // Get the output stream to hold the new document text. PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(document.getOutput()); // Create a lexical stream to tokenize the old document text. LexicalStream in = new LexicalStream(new SelectedHTMLReader(document.getInput(), out)); for (; ; ) { // Get the next token of the document. Token token = in.next(); if (token == null) break; // Null means we've finished the document. else if (token instanceof Comment) { Comment comment = (Comment) token; if (comment.isSelectionStart()) { out.print(layerTag); } else if (comment.isSelectionEnd()) { out.print(comment); out.print(endTag); continue; // So comment isn't printed twice. } } out.print(token); } out.close(); return true; }
public ArrayList<UserComment> retrieveEntryComments(String userId, long partId) { Entry entry = dao.get(partId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.expectRead(userId, entry); // comments ArrayList<Comment> comments = commentDAO.retrieveComments(entry); ArrayList<UserComment> userComments = new ArrayList<>(); for (Comment comment : comments) { userComments.add(comment.toDataTransferObject()); } return userComments; }
public UserComment updateEntryComment( String userId, long partId, long commentId, UserComment userComment) { Entry entry = dao.get(partId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.canRead(userId, entry); Comment comment = commentDAO.get(commentId); if (comment == null) return createEntryComment(userId, partId, userComment); if (comment.getEntry().getId() != partId) return null; if (userComment.getMessage() == null || userComment.getMessage().isEmpty()) return null; comment.setBody(userComment.getMessage()); comment.setModificationTime(new Date()); return commentDAO.update(comment).toDataTransferObject(); }
public UserComment createEntryComment(String userId, long partId, UserComment newComment) { Entry entry = dao.get(partId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.canRead(userId, entry); Account account = accountController.getByEmail(userId); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setAccount(account); comment.setEntry(entry); comment.setBody(newComment.getMessage()); comment.setCreationTime(new Date()); comment = commentDAO.create(comment); if (newComment.getSamples() != null) { SampleDAO sampleDAO = DAOFactory.getSampleDAO(); for (PartSample partSample : newComment.getSamples()) { Sample sample = sampleDAO.get(partSample.getId()); if (sample == null) continue; comment.getSamples().add(sample); sample.getComments().add(comment); } } comment = commentDAO.update(comment); return comment.toDataTransferObject(); }
/** * Perform the action of the plugin. This plugin adds a "Netscape Now" button with a link to the * Netscape home page. * * @param document the current document. */ public boolean perform(Document document) throws IOException { // Create a print stream for the new document text. PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(document.getOutput()); // Create a lexical stream to tokenize the old document text. LexicalStream in = new LexicalStream(new SelectedHTMLReader(document.getInput(), out)); // Keep track of whether or not we are in the selected text. // At the beginning of the document we're outside the selection. // After we encounter the start-selection comment, we're inside // the selection. // After we encounter the end-selection comment, we're outside // the selection again. boolean inSelection = false; Comment selectionStart = null; for (; ; ) { // Get the next token of the document. Token token = in.next(); if (token == null) break; // Null means we've finished the document. else if (token instanceof Comment) { Comment comment = (Comment) token; if (comment.isSelectionStart()) { selectionStart = comment; inSelection = true; continue; // Don't print the selection start yet. } else if (comment.isSelectionEnd()) { inSelection = false; out.print(selectionStart); insertButton(document, out); } else { // don't output this generic comment. continue; } } out.print(token); } out.close(); return true; }
public int fetchHeaders(final Info info, final Comment comment, final int[] serialno, Page page) { if (page == null) { page = new Page(); final int retValue = this.getNextPage(page, this.m_chunkSize); if (retValue == -128) { return -128; } if (retValue < 0) { return -130; } } if (serialno != null) { serialno[0] = page.serialno(); } this.m_oggStreamState.init(page.serialno()); info.init(); comment.init(); final Packet packet = new Packet(); int i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.m_oggStreamState.pagein(page); while (i < 3) { final int result = this.m_oggStreamState.packetout(packet); if (result == 0) { break; } if (result == -1) { info.clear(); this.m_oggStreamState.clear(); return -1; } if (info.synthesis_headerin(comment, packet) != 0) { info.clear(); this.m_oggStreamState.clear(); return -1; } ++i; } if (i < 3 && this.getNextPage(page, 1L) < 0) { info.clear(); this.m_oggStreamState.clear(); return -1; } } return 0; }
public void updateTickets(JiraTickets tickets) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { for (JiraTicket t : tickets) { Promise<Issue> issuePromise = issueRestClient.getIssue(t.getId()); Issue i = issuePromise.get(); // find transition (we need ID) Iterable<Transition> transitions = issueRestClient.getTransitions(i.getTransitionsUri()).get(); String tName = "Hotfix Failed"; if (t.isValid()) { tName = "Out On Dev"; } Transition transition = find(transitions, tName); if (transition == null) { continue; } // prepare fields // List<FieldInput> fields = Arrays.asList( new FieldInput("resolution", // ComplexIssueInputFieldValue.with("name", "RerunPass"))); Comment comment = Comment.valueOf(StringUtils.join(t.getValidationMessages(), "\n")); issueRestClient.transition(i, new TransitionInput(transition.getId(), comment)); } }
public static void writePage(String docfile, String relative, String outfile) { HDF hdf = DroidDoc.makeHDF(); /* System.out.println("docfile='" + docfile + "' relative='" + relative + "'" + "' outfile='" + outfile + "'"); */ String filedata = readFile(docfile); // The document is properties up until the line "@jd:body". // Any blank lines are ignored. int start = -1; int lineno = 1; Matcher lines = LINE.matcher(filedata); String line = null; while (lines.find()) { line = lines.group(1); if (line.length() > 0) { if (line.equals("@jd:body")) { start = lines.end(); break; } Matcher prop = PROP.matcher(line); if (prop.matches()) { String key = prop.group(1); String value = prop.group(2); hdf.setValue(key, value); } else { break; } } lineno++; } if (start < 0) { System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ": error parsing docfile"); if (line != null) { System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ":" + line); } System.exit(1); } // if they asked to only be for a certain template, maybe skip it String fromTemplate = hdf.getValue("template.which", ""); String fromPage = hdf.getValue("page.onlyfortemplate", ""); if (!"".equals(fromPage) && !fromTemplate.equals(fromPage)) { return; } // and the actual text after that String commentText = filedata.substring(start); Comment comment = new Comment(commentText, null, new SourcePositionInfo(docfile, lineno, 1)); TagInfo[] tags = comment.tags(); TagInfo.makeHDF(hdf, "root.descr", tags); hdf.setValue("commentText", commentText); // write the page using the appropriate root template, based on the // whichdoc value supplied by build String fromWhichmodule = hdf.getValue("android.whichmodule", ""); if (fromWhichmodule.equals("online-pdk")) { // leaving this in just for temporary compatibility with pdk doc hdf.setValue("online-pdk", "true"); // add any conditional login for root template here (such as // for custom left nav based on tab etc. ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile); } else { if (outfile.indexOf("sdk/") != -1) { hdf.setValue("sdk", "true"); if ((outfile.indexOf("index.html") != -1) || (outfile.indexOf("features.html") != -1)) { ClearPage.write(hdf, "sdkpage.cs", outfile); } else { ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile); } } else if (outfile.indexOf("guide/") != -1) { hdf.setValue("guide", "true"); ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile); } else if (outfile.indexOf("resources/") != -1) { hdf.setValue("resources", "true"); ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile); } else { ClearPage.write(hdf, "nosidenavpage.cs", outfile); } } } // writePage
protected SCell importCell(Cell poiCell, int row, SSheet sheet) { SCell cell = sheet.getCell(row, poiCell.getColumnIndex()); cell.setCellStyle(importCellStyle(poiCell.getCellStyle())); switch (poiCell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: cell.setNumberValue(poiCell.getNumericCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: RichTextString poiRichTextString = poiCell.getRichStringCellValue(); if (poiRichTextString != null && poiRichTextString.numFormattingRuns() > 0) { SRichText richText = cell.setupRichTextValue(); importRichText(poiCell, poiRichTextString, richText); } else { cell.setStringValue(poiCell.getStringCellValue()); } break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: cell.setBooleanValue(poiCell.getBooleanCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: cell.setFormulaValue(poiCell.getCellFormula()); // ZSS-873 if (isImportCache() && !poiCell.isCalcOnLoad() && !mustCalc(cell)) { ValueEval val = null; switch (poiCell.getCachedFormulaResultType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: val = new NumberEval(poiCell.getNumericCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: RichTextString poiRichTextString0 = poiCell.getRichStringCellValue(); if (poiRichTextString0 != null && poiRichTextString0.numFormattingRuns() > 0) { SRichText richText = new RichTextImpl(); importRichText(poiCell, poiRichTextString0, richText); val = new StringEval(richText.getText()); } else { val = new StringEval(poiCell.getStringCellValue()); } break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: val = BoolEval.valueOf(poiCell.getBooleanCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: val = ErrorEval.valueOf(poiCell.getErrorCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: default: // do nothing } if (val != null) { ((AbstractCellAdv) cell).setFormulaResultValue(val); } } break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: cell.setErrorValue(PoiEnumConversion.toErrorCode(poiCell.getErrorCellValue())); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: // do nothing because spreadsheet model auto creates blank cells default: // TODO log: leave an unknown cell type as a blank cell. break; } Hyperlink poiHyperlink = poiCell.getHyperlink(); if (poiHyperlink != null) { String addr = poiHyperlink.getAddress(); String label = poiHyperlink.getLabel(); SHyperlink hyperlink = cell.setupHyperlink( PoiEnumConversion.toHyperlinkType(poiHyperlink.getType()), addr == null ? "" : addr, label == null ? "" : label); cell.setHyperlink(hyperlink); } Comment poiComment = poiCell.getCellComment(); if (poiComment != null) { SComment comment = cell.setupComment(); comment.setAuthor(poiComment.getAuthor()); comment.setVisible(poiComment.isVisible()); RichTextString poiRichTextString = poiComment.getString(); if (poiRichTextString != null && poiRichTextString.numFormattingRuns() > 0) { importRichText(poiCell, poiComment.getString(), comment.setupRichText()); } else { comment.setText(poiComment.toString()); } } return cell; }