Esempio n. 1
  /** line search */
  private void backtrackingLineSearch() throws AssertionError {
    double origDirDeriv = dirDeriv();
    // if a non-descent direction is chosen, the line search will break anyway, so throw here
    // The most likely reason for this is a bug in your function's gradient computation

    try {
      assert origDirDeriv < 0;
    } catch (AssertionError ae) {
      stderr.println("!! L-BFGS chose a non-descent direction: check your gradient!");
      // System.exit(1);

      throw new AssertionError(ae.toString());

    double alpha = 1.0;
    double backoff = 0.5;
    if (iter == 1) {
      double normDir = Math.sqrt(, dir));
      alpha = (1 / normDir);
      backoff = 0.1;

      if (DEBUG || verbose) {
        stderr.println("alpha:" + alpha);
        stderr.println("normDir:" + normDir);

    double oldValue = value;
    boolean first = true;
    while (true) {

      value = evalL1();

      if (DEBUG || verbose) {
        stderr.println("alpha:" + alpha);
        stderr.println("value:" + value);

        stderr.println("oldValue:" + oldValue);
        stderr.println("C1:" + C1);
        stderr.println("origDirDeriv:" + origDirDeriv);

        stderr.println("alpha:" + alpha);

        assert !Double.isNaN(value);
        assert !Double.isNaN(origDirDeriv);

      if (!first && value <= (oldValue + C1 * origDirDeriv * alpha)) {

      first = false;

      if (!quiet) {

      alpha *= backoff;

    if (!quiet) {