public Component add(JInternalFrame frame) { JInternalFrame[] array = getAllFrames(); Point p; int w; int h; Component retval = super.add(frame); checkDesktopSize(); if (array.length > 0) { p = array[0].getLocation(); p.x = p.x + FRAME_OFFSET; p.y = p.y + FRAME_OFFSET; } else { p = new Point(0, 0); } frame.setLocation(p.x, p.y); /* Jimmy: this is a bit buggy (frames get constant size) if (frame.isResizable()) { w = getWidth() - (getWidth()/3); h = getHeight() - (getHeight()/3); if (w < frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth()) w = (int)frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth(); if (h < frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight()) h = (int)frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight(); frame.setSize(w, h); }*/ moveToFront(frame); frame.setVisible(true); try { frame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { frame.toBack(); } return retval; }
// ------------------------------ public void scrollToCaret() { // not called - fixed with putting visible scrollbars on JScrollPane // Rectangle rect1 = scroller1.getViewport().getViewRect(); double x1 = rect1.getX(); double y1 = rect1.getY(); double r1height = rect1.getHeight(); double r1width = rect1.getWidth(); Caret caret1 = editor1.getCaret(); Point pt2 = caret1.getMagicCaretPosition(); // the end of the string double x2 = pt2.getX(); double y2 = pt2.getY(); if (((x2 > x1) && (x2 < (x1 + r1width))) && ((y2 > y1) && (y2 < (y1 + r1height)))) { // inview } else { double newheight = r1height / 2; double newwidth = r1width / 2; double x3 = pt2.getX() - newwidth; double y3 = pt2.getY() - newheight; if (x3 < 0) x3 = 0; if (y3 < 0) y3 = 0; Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle((int) x3, (int) y3, (int) newwidth, (int) newheight); editor1.scrollRectToVisible(rect3); } } // end scrollToCaret
/** Write file with position and size of the login box */ public static void writePersistence() { Messages.postDebug("LoginBox", "LoginBox.writePersistence"); // If the panel has not been created, don't try to write a file if (position == null) return; String filepath = FileUtil.savePath("USER/PERSISTENCE/LoginPanel"); FileWriter fw; PrintWriter os; try { File file = new File(filepath); fw = new FileWriter(file); os = new PrintWriter(fw); os.println("Login Panel"); os.println(height); os.println(width); double xd = position.getX(); int xi = (int) xd; os.println(xi); double yd = position.getY(); int yi = (int) yd; os.println(yi); os.close(); } catch (Exception er) { Messages.postError("Problem creating " + filepath); Messages.writeStackTrace(er); } }
public Point getLocation() { if (inEditMode) { tmpLoc.x = defLoc.x; tmpLoc.y = defLoc.y; } else { tmpLoc.x = curLoc.x; tmpLoc.y = curLoc.y; } return tmpLoc; }
@Override protected Point getInitialSize() { Point size = super.getInitialSize(); if (size.x < MIN_WIDTH) { size.x = MIN_WIDTH; } if (size.y < MIN_HEIGHT) { size.y = MIN_HEIGHT; } return size; }
public void setSizeRatio(double x, double y) { xRatio = x; yRatio = y; if (x > 1.0) xRatio = x - 1.0; if (y > 1.0) yRatio = y - 1.0; if (defDim.width <= 0) defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = (int) ((double) defLoc.x * xRatio); curLoc.y = (int) ((double) defLoc.y * yRatio); curDim.width = (int) ((double) defDim.width * xRatio); curDim.height = (int) ((double) defDim.height * yRatio); if (!inEditMode) setBounds(curLoc.x, curLoc.y, curDim.width, curDim.height); }
/** * Returns an point which has been adjusted to take into account of the desktop bounds, taskbar * and multi-monitor configuration. * * <p>This adustment may be cancelled by invoking the application with * -Djavax.swing.adjustPopupLocationToFit=false */ Point adjustPopupLocationToFitScreen(int xPosition, int yPosition) { Point popupLocation = new Point(xPosition, yPosition); if (popupPostionFixDisabled == true || GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { return popupLocation; } // Get screen bounds Rectangle scrBounds; GraphicsConfiguration gc = getCurrentGraphicsConfiguration(popupLocation); Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (gc != null) { // If we have GraphicsConfiguration use it to get screen bounds scrBounds = gc.getBounds(); } else { // If we don't have GraphicsConfiguration use primary screen scrBounds = new Rectangle(toolkit.getScreenSize()); } // Calculate the screen size that popup should fit Dimension popupSize = JPopupMenu.this.getPreferredSize(); long popupRightX = (long) popupLocation.x + (long) popupSize.width; long popupBottomY = (long) popupLocation.y + (long) popupSize.height; int scrWidth = scrBounds.width; int scrHeight = scrBounds.height; if (!canPopupOverlapTaskBar()) { // Insets include the task bar. Take them into account. Insets scrInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(gc); scrBounds.x += scrInsets.left; scrBounds.y +=; scrWidth -= scrInsets.left + scrInsets.right; scrHeight -= + scrInsets.bottom; } int scrRightX = scrBounds.x + scrWidth; int scrBottomY = scrBounds.y + scrHeight; // Ensure that popup menu fits the screen if (popupRightX > (long) scrRightX) { popupLocation.x = scrRightX - popupSize.width; if (popupLocation.x < scrBounds.x) { popupLocation.x = scrBounds.x; } } if (popupBottomY > (long) scrBottomY) { popupLocation.y = scrBottomY - popupSize.height; if (popupLocation.y < scrBounds.y) { popupLocation.y = scrBounds.y; } } return popupLocation; }
public void setEditMode(boolean s) { twin.setEditMode(s); setOpaque(s); if (s) { addMouseListener(ml); curLoc.x = defLoc.x; curLoc.y = defLoc.y; defDim = getPreferredSize(); curDim.width = defDim.width; curDim.height = defDim.height; } else removeMouseListener(ml); inEditMode = s; }
public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (inEditMode) { defLoc.x = x; defLoc.y = y; defDim.width = w; defDim.height = h; } curLoc.x = x; curLoc.y = y; curDim.width = w; curDim.height = h; super.reshape(x, y, w, h); }
public void setSizeRatio(double x, double y) { double rx = x; double ry = y; if (rx > 1.0) rx = x - 1.0; if (ry > 1.0) ry = y - 1.0; if (defDim.width <= 0) defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = (int) ((double) defLoc.x * rx); curLoc.y = (int) ((double) defLoc.y * ry); curDim.width = (int) ((double) defDim.width * rx); curDim.height = (int) ((double) defDim.height * ry); if (!inEditMode) setBounds(curLoc.x, curLoc.y, curDim.width, curDim.height); twin.setSizeRatio(x, y); }
public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (inEditMode) { defLoc.x = x; defLoc.y = y; defDim.width = w; defDim.height = h; } curLoc.x = x; curLoc.y = y; curDim.width = w; curDim.height = h; if (!inEditMode) { if ((h != nHeight) || (h < rHeight)) { adjustFont(w, h); } } super.reshape(x, y, w, h); }
public void setEditMode(boolean s) { if (s) { addMouseListener(ml); setOpaque(s); if (font != null) { setFont(font); fontH = font.getSize(); rHeight = fontH; } defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = defLoc.x; curLoc.y = defLoc.y; curDim.width = defDim.width; curDim.height = defDim.height; xRatio = 1.0; yRatio = 1.0; } else { removeMouseListener(ml); if ((bg != null) || (isActive < 1)) setOpaque(true); else setOpaque(false); } inEditMode = s; }
public Point getDefLoc() { tmpLoc.x = defLoc.x; tmpLoc.y = defLoc.y; return tmpLoc; }
public void setDefLoc(int x, int y) { defLoc.x = x; defLoc.y = y; }
/** * Shows/hides the security panel. * * @param isVisible <tt>true</tt> to show the security panel, <tt>false</tt> to hide it */ public void setSecurityPanelVisible(final boolean isVisible) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { setSecurityPanelVisible(isVisible); } }); return; } final JFrame callFrame = callRenderer.getCallContainer().getCallWindow().getFrame(); final JPanel glassPane = (JPanel) callFrame.getGlassPane(); if (!isVisible) { // Need to hide the security panel explicitly in order to keep the // fade effect. securityPanel.setVisible(false); glassPane.setVisible(false); glassPane.removeAll(); } else { glassPane.setLayout(null); glassPane.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } }); Point securityLabelPoint = securityStatusLabel.getLocation(); Point newPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( securityStatusLabel.getParent(), securityLabelPoint.x, securityLabelPoint.y, callFrame); securityPanel.setBeginPoint(new Point((int) newPoint.getX() + 15, 0)); securityPanel.setBounds(0, (int) newPoint.getY() - 5, this.getWidth(), 130); glassPane.add(securityPanel); // Need to show the security panel explicitly in order to keep the // fade effect. securityPanel.setVisible(true); glassPane.setVisible(true); glassPane.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { /** Invoked when the component's size changes. */ @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { if (glassPane.isVisible()) { glassPane.setVisible(false); callFrame.removeComponentListener(this); } } }); } }
public void storeLocation() { storedLocation.x = location.x; storedLocation.y = location.y; }