public TextLocation findWordsRightEdge(TextLocation location) { for (int i = location.toIndex(getLines()); i <= text.length() - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) i = 1; if (isAtEndOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return getEndLocation(); }
public void deleteEnclosedText(TextLocation start, TextLocation end) { ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines = getLines(); int startIndex = start.toIndex(lines); int endIndex = end.toIndex(lines); synchronized (this) { text.delete(startIndex, endIndex); clearCache(); } setCaretLocation(start); setSelectionLocation(start); }
public void pasteClipboard() { String clipboard = getClipboardContents(); if (clipboard != null && clipboard.length() > 0) { int caretIndex = caretLocation.toIndex(getLines()); synchronized (this) { text.insert(caretIndex, clipboard); clearCache(); } setCaretLocation(TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), caretIndex + clipboard.length())); } }
public void moveCaretToNewLine(int lineDelta) { ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines = getLines(); int newLineNumber = caretLocation.line + lineDelta; if (newLineNumber >= 0 && newLineNumber < lines.size()) { TextLocation origin = verticalOrigin != null ? verticalOrigin : caretLocation; int desiredX = lines.get(origin.line).getX(origin.index); TypedLayout newLine = lines.get(newLineNumber); int newIndex = newLine.getIndexAt(desiredX); TextLocation newLocation =, newIndex); setCaretLocation(newLocation); verticalOrigin = origin; } }
public int getX(int index) { TextLocation location = TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), index); return getX(location); }
public TextLocation getSelectionEnd() { return caretLocation.before(selectionLocation) ? selectionLocation : caretLocation; }
public TextLocation getSelectionStart() { return caretLocation.before(selectionLocation) ? caretLocation : selectionLocation; }
public boolean hasSelection() { return selectionActivated && !selectionLocation.equals(caretLocation); }
public void sendCaretToEndOfLine() { final TextLocation caret = getCaretLocation(); TypedLayout caretLine = getLines().get(caret.line); setCaretLocation(, caretLine.visibleLength())); }
public void sendCaretToStartOfLine() { setCaretLocation(, 0)); }
public TextLocation getEndLocation() { return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), text.length()); }
protected TextLocation findNextWordSkippingSpacesOrNewLines(TextLocation startLocation) { for (int i = startLocation.toIndex(getLines()); i <= text.length() - 1; i++) { if (isAtStartOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return getEndLocation(); }
public TextLocation findWordsLeftEdge(TextLocation location) { for (int i = location.toIndex(getLines()); i > 1; i--) { if (isAtStartOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return TextLocation.origin; }
public abstract class TextModel implements ClipboardOwner { private TextContainer container; private StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); // TODO MDM Storing the text in both StringBuffer and List of TextLayouts // leads to some major inefficiencies. Should make an attempt to get rid // of StringBuffer. private ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines; private Point offset = new Point(0, 0); private boolean caretOn; private TypedLayoutFactory typedLayoutFactory = TextTypedLayoutFactory.instance; private TextLocation caretLocation =, 0); private boolean selectionActivated; private TextLocation selectionLocation =, 0); private TextLocation verticalOrigin; private boolean changeFlag; public abstract Box getCaretShape(); public abstract Dimension getTextDimensions(); public abstract TextLocation getLocationAt(Point point); public abstract ArrayList<Box> getSelectionRegions(); protected abstract void buildLines(ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines); protected abstract XOffsetStrategy getDefaultXOffsetStrategy(); protected abstract YOffsetStrategy getDefaultYOffsetStrategy(); public TextModel(TextContainer container) { this.container = container; } public Font getFont() { // TODO MDM This is inefficient... should cache value return Fonts.fromStyle(container.getStyle()); } public boolean isCaretOn() { return caretOn; } public void setCaretOn(boolean value) { caretOn = value; } public final synchronized ArrayList<TypedLayout> getLines() { if (lines == null) { lines = new ArrayList<TypedLayout>(); buildLines(lines); } return lines; } public int getXOffset() { return offset.x; } public int getXOffset(TypedLayout line) { HorizontalAlignmentValue horizontalAlignment = getContainer().getStyle().getCompiledHorizontalAlignment(); return horizontalAlignment.getX(line.getWidth(), getContainer().getBounds()); } public int getYOffset() { return offset.y; } public int getX(int index) { TextLocation location = TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), index); return getX(location); } public int getX(TextLocation location) { return getAbsoluteX(location) + getXOffset(); } public int getAbsoluteX(TextLocation location) { return getLines().get(location.line).getX(location.index); } public int getY(TextLocation location) { return getAbsoluteY(location) + getYOffset(); } public int getAbsoluteY(TextLocation location) { int height = 0; for (int i = 0; i < location.line; i++) { TypedLayout layout = getLines().get(i); height += layout.getHeightWithLeading(); } return height; } protected void recalculateOffset( XOffsetStrategy xOffsetStrategy, YOffsetStrategy yOffsetStrategy) { int xOffset = getXOffset(); int yOffset = getYOffset(); Box boundingBox = getContainer().getBounds(); Dimension textDimensions = getTextDimensions(); if (textDimensions.width < boundingBox.width) xOffset = getHorizontalAlignment().getX(textDimensions.width, boundingBox); else xOffset = xOffsetStrategy.calculateXOffset(this); if (textDimensions.height < boundingBox.height) yOffset = getVerticalAlignment().getY(textDimensions.height, boundingBox); else yOffset = yOffsetStrategy.calculateYOffset(this); setOffset(xOffset, yOffset); } public synchronized void clearCache() { changeFlag = true; lines = null; } public VerticalAlignmentValue getVerticalAlignment() { return container.getStyle().getCompiledVerticalAlignment(); } public HorizontalAlignmentValue getHorizontalAlignment() { return container.getStyle().getCompiledHorizontalAlignment(); } public boolean hasFocus() { return container.hasFocus(); } public String getClipboardContents() { Transferable contents = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); if (contents != null && contents.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { try { return (String) contents.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } return ""; } public void copySelection() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getSystemClipboard() .setContents(new StringSelection(getSelectedText()), this); } public void pasteClipboard() { String clipboard = getClipboardContents(); if (clipboard != null && clipboard.length() > 0) { int caretIndex = caretLocation.toIndex(getLines()); synchronized (this) { text.insert(caretIndex, clipboard); clearCache(); } setCaretLocation(TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), caretIndex + clipboard.length())); } } public void cutSelection() { if (!selectionActivated) return; copySelection(); deleteSelection(); } public void deleteSelection() { if (!selectionActivated) return; deleteEnclosedText(getSelectionStart(), getSelectionEnd()); deactivateSelection(); } public void deleteEnclosedText(TextLocation start, TextLocation end) { ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines = getLines(); int startIndex = start.toIndex(lines); int endIndex = end.toIndex(lines); synchronized (this) { text.delete(startIndex, endIndex); clearCache(); } setCaretLocation(start); setSelectionLocation(start); } public TextLocation findWordsRightEdge(TextLocation location) { for (int i = location.toIndex(getLines()); i <= text.length() - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) i = 1; if (isAtEndOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return getEndLocation(); } public TextLocation findWordsLeftEdge(TextLocation location) { for (int i = location.toIndex(getLines()); i > 1; i--) { if (isAtStartOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return TextLocation.origin; } public boolean isAtEndOfWord(int i) { return text.charAt(i - 1) != ' ' && text.charAt(i - 1) != '\n' && (text.charAt(i) == ' ' || text.charAt(i) == '\n'); } public boolean isAtStartOfWord(int i) { if (i < 0 || i > getText().length()) return true; return (text.charAt(i - 1) == ' ' || text.charAt(i - 1) == '\n') && (text.charAt(i) != ' ' && text.charAt(i) != '\n'); } public TextLocation getCaretLocation() { return caretLocation; } public void setCaretLocation(TextLocation location) { setCaretLocation(location, getDefaultXOffsetStrategy(), getDefaultYOffsetStrategy()); } public void setCaretLocation( TextLocation location, XOffsetStrategy xOffsetStrategy, YOffsetStrategy yOffsetStrategy) { caretLocation = location; verticalOrigin = null; recalculateOffset(xOffsetStrategy, yOffsetStrategy); } public TextLocation getSelectionLocation() { return selectionLocation; } public void setSelectionLocation(TextLocation location) { selectionLocation = location; } public synchronized void setText(String newText) { if (newText == null) newText = ""; if (newText.length() == text.length() && newText.equals(getText())) return; text = new StringBuffer(newText); clearCache(); setCaretLocation(getEndLocation()); } public String getText() { return text.toString(); } public synchronized void insertChar(char c) { if (c == KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) return; if (selectionActivated) deleteSelection(); text.insert(getCaretLocation().toIndex(getLines()), c); clearCache(); setCaretLocation(getCaretLocation().moved(getLines(), 1)); } public TextLocation locateNearestWordToTheLeft() { return findWordsLeftEdge(getCaretLocation().moved(getLines(), -1)); } public TextLocation locateNearestWordToTheRight() { return findNextWordSkippingSpacesOrNewLines(findWordsRightEdge(caretLocation)); } protected TextLocation findNextWordSkippingSpacesOrNewLines(TextLocation startLocation) { for (int i = startLocation.toIndex(getLines()); i <= text.length() - 1; i++) { if (isAtStartOfWord(i)) return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), i); } return getEndLocation(); } public TextLocation getEndLocation() { return TextLocation.fromIndex(getLines(), text.length()); } public void selectAll() { startSelection(TextLocation.origin); setCaretLocation(getEndLocation()); } public void moveCaret(int places) { setCaretLocation(getCaretLocation().moved(getLines(), places)); } public void moveCaretUpALine() { moveCaretToNewLine(-1); } public void moveCaretDownALine() { moveCaretToNewLine(1); } public void moveCaretToNewLine(int lineDelta) { ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines = getLines(); int newLineNumber = caretLocation.line + lineDelta; if (newLineNumber >= 0 && newLineNumber < lines.size()) { TextLocation origin = verticalOrigin != null ? verticalOrigin : caretLocation; int desiredX = lines.get(origin.line).getX(origin.index); TypedLayout newLine = lines.get(newLineNumber); int newIndex = newLine.getIndexAt(desiredX); TextLocation newLocation =, newIndex); setCaretLocation(newLocation); verticalOrigin = origin; } } public void sendCaretToStartOfLine() { setCaretLocation(, 0)); } public void sendCaretToEndOfLine() { final TextLocation caret = getCaretLocation(); TypedLayout caretLine = getLines().get(caret.line); setCaretLocation(, caretLine.visibleLength())); } public void startSelection(TextLocation location) { selectionLocation = location; selectionActivated = true; } public void deactivateSelection() { selectionActivated = false; } public boolean hasSelection() { return selectionActivated && !selectionLocation.equals(caretLocation); } public boolean isSelectionActivated() { return selectionActivated; } public String getSelectedText() { if (!hasSelection()) return ""; int startIndex = getSelectionStart().toIndex(getLines()); int endIndex = getSelectionEnd().toIndex(getLines()); return text.substring(startIndex, endIndex); } public TextLocation getSelectionStart() { return caretLocation.before(selectionLocation) ? caretLocation : selectionLocation; } public TextLocation getSelectionEnd() { return caretLocation.before(selectionLocation) ? selectionLocation : caretLocation; } public TextContainer getContainer() { return container; } public Point getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(int x, int y) { offset.setLocation(x, y); } public void lostOwnership(Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents) { // this doesn't have to do anything... } protected TypedLayout createLayout(String text) { return typedLayoutFactory.createLayout(text, getFont(), TextPanel.getRenderContext()); } public void setTypedLayoutFactory(TypedLayoutFactory factory) { typedLayoutFactory = factory; } public int getCaretWidth() { return 1; } public void resetChangeFlag() { changeFlag = false; } public boolean hasChanged() { return changeFlag; } public boolean isSingleLine() { return false; } }