public void withdraw(String withdrawAmount, String accountNum) { // actually performs the withdrawal service double withdrawal = Double.parseDouble(withdrawAmount); boolean accountFound = customer.removeMoney(withdrawal, accountNum); if (accountFound == true) { // creates the log file double logAmount = -withdrawal; timestamp = date.getTime(); String customerID = customer.returnID(); AdminLog newTransaction = new AdminLog(timestamp, transaction_counter, customerID, accountNum, logAmount); adminLogs.add(newTransaction); transaction_counter++; add_interest(); String infoMessage = customer.builderToString(); jf.displayInfo(infoMessage); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); saveFile(adminLogs, logFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { jf.errorMessage( "We cannot find that account number in our database"); // pops up an error message if the // account was not found } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; }
public void open_account(boolean save) { // actually opens the account customer.addAccount( starting_account_number, save); // addAccount will create a new account based on whether it is savings/checkings StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append("<html>Account created!<br>"); String result = customer.returnInfo(); String subResult = result.substring(6); text.append(subResult); String infoText = text.toString(); jf.displayInfo(infoText); transaction_counter++; add_interest(); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); saveFile(adminLogs, logFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; }
public void deposit(String accountNum, String depositAmount) { // actually deposits the appropriate amount into the account double deposit = Double.parseDouble( depositAmount); // the balance in the Account class is saved as a double so it must be // converted here boolean accountFound = customer.addMoney(deposit, accountNum); if (accountFound == true) { // create the log file timestamp = date.getTime(); String customerID = customer.returnID(); AdminLog newTransaction = new AdminLog(timestamp, transaction_counter, customerID, accountNum, deposit); adminLogs.add(newTransaction); transaction_counter++; add_interest(); String infoMessage = customer.builderToString(); jf.displayInfo(infoMessage); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); saveFile(adminLogs, logFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { jf.errorMessage( "We cannot find that account number in our database"); // pops up an error message if the // account was not found } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; }
public void create_account(String name, String newPin) { // Actually creates the customer account Customer customer = new Customer(starting_customer_number, newPin, name); cust.add(customer); String newCusID = customer.returnID(); String idString = String.format("Your new Customer ID is: %s\n", newCusID); transaction_counter++; add_interest(); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } jf.displayInfo(idString); }
public void transfer(String transferAmount, String accountFrom, String accountTo) { // actually transfers the model double transferDouble = Double.parseDouble(transferAmount); boolean accountFromFound = customer.removeMoney(transferDouble, accountFrom); boolean accountToFound = customer.addMoney(transferDouble, accountTo); if (accountFromFound == true && accountToFound == true) { // creates the log file double logAmount = -transferDouble; timestamp = date.getTime(); String customerID = customer.returnID(); AdminLog firstTransaction = new AdminLog(timestamp, transaction_counter, customerID, accountFrom, transferDouble); timestamp = date.getTime(); AdminLog secondTransaction = new AdminLog(timestamp, transaction_counter, customerID, accountTo, logAmount); adminLogs.add(firstTransaction); adminLogs.add(secondTransaction); for (AdminLog a : adminLogs) { long timestampe = a.getTimestamp(); } transaction_counter++; add_interest(); String infoMessage = customer.transferMessage(accountFrom, accountTo, transferDouble); jf.displayInfo(infoMessage); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); saveFile(adminLogs, logFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { jf.errorMessage( "We cannot find that account number in our database"); // pops up an error message if the // account was not found } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; }