private void init() { setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("Strategy Information - " + strategy.getName()); this.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.getInstance(); dispatcher.removeListener(StrategyInformationDialog.this); } }); JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); getContentPane().add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); contentPanel.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel performancePanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); tabbedPane.addTab("Performance", performancePanel); NumberFormat nf2 = NumberFormatterFactory.getNumberFormatter(2); PerformanceManager pm = strategy.getPerformanceManager(); add(performancePanel, "Position", strategy.getPositionManager().getCurrentPosition()); add(performancePanel, "Trades", pm.getTrades()); add(performancePanel, "% Profitable", nf2.format(pm.getPercentProfitableTrades())); add(performancePanel, "Average trade", nf2.format(pm.getAverageProfitPerTrade())); add(performancePanel, "Net Profit", nf2.format(pm.getNetProfit())); add(performancePanel, "Max Drawdown", nf2.format(pm.getMaxDrawdown())); add(performancePanel, "Profit Factor", nf2.format(pm.getProfitFactor())); add(performancePanel, "Kelly", nf2.format(pm.getKellyCriterion())); add(performancePanel, "PI", nf2.format(pm.getPerformanceIndex())); add(performancePanel, "CPI", nf2.format(pm.getCPI())); makeCompactGrid(performancePanel); JPanel securityPanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); tabbedPane.addTab("Instrument", securityPanel); add(securityPanel, "Symbol", strategy.getContract().m_symbol); add(securityPanel, "Security Type", strategy.getContract().m_secType); add(securityPanel, "Exchange", strategy.getContract().m_exchange); add(securityPanel, "Multiplier", strategy.getContract().m_multiplier); add(securityPanel, "Commission", strategy.getPerformanceManager().getCommission().toString()); bidAskLabel = new JLabel(); securityPanel.add(new JLabel("Best bid-ask" + ":")); securityPanel.add(bidAskLabel); cumBidAskSizesLabel = new JLabel(); securityPanel.add(new JLabel("Book bid-ask size" + ":")); securityPanel.add(cumBidAskSizesLabel); makeCompactGrid(securityPanel); JPanel parametersPanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); tabbedPane.addTab("Parameters", parametersPanel); StrategyParams params = strategy.getParams(); add(parametersPanel, "Schedule", strategy.getTradingSchedule().toString()); for (StrategyParam param : params.getAll()) { add(parametersPanel, param.getName(), param.getValue()); } makeCompactGrid(parametersPanel); IndicatorManager indicatorManager = strategy.getIndicatorManager(); if (indicatorManager != null) { JPanel indicatorsPanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); tabbedPane.addTab("Indicators", indicatorsPanel); for (Indicator indicator : strategy.getIndicatorManager().getIndicators()) { add(indicatorsPanel, indicator.getKey(), indicator.getValue()); } makeCompactGrid(indicatorsPanel); } getContentPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(450, 400)); }
/** The main loop for the background thread. It is here that most of the work os orchestrated. */ public void run() { double thisCost = 500.0; double oldCost = 0.0; double dcost = 500.0; int countSame = 0; map.update(map.getGraphics()); while (countSame < 100) { generation++; int ioffset = matingPopulationSize; int mutated = 0; // Mate the chromosomes in the favoured population // with all in the mating population for (int i = 0; i < favoredPopulationSize; i++) { Chromosome cmother = chromosomes[i]; // Select partner from the mating population int father = (int) (0.999999 * Math.random() * (double) matingPopulationSize); Chromosome cfather = chromosomes[father]; mutated += cmother.mate(cfather, chromosomes[ioffset], chromosomes[ioffset + 1]); ioffset += 2; } // The new generation is in the matingPopulation area // move them to the correct area for sort. for (int i = 0; i < matingPopulationSize; i++) { chromosomes[i] = chromosomes[i + matingPopulationSize]; chromosomes[i].calculateCost(cities); } // Now sort the new mating population Chromosome.sortChromosomes(chromosomes, matingPopulationSize); double cost = chromosomes[0].getCost(); dcost = Math.abs(cost - thisCost); thisCost = cost; double mutationRate = 100.0 * (double) mutated / (double) matingPopulationSize; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); status.setText( "Generation " + generation + " Cost " + (int) thisCost + " Mutated " + nf.format(mutationRate) + "%"); if ((int) thisCost == (int) oldCost) { countSame++; } else { countSame = 0; oldCost = thisCost; } map.update(map.getGraphics()); } status.setText("Solution found after " + generation + " generations."); }
static { Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2); selectionShape = stroke.createStrokedShape(hitRect); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); format.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); }
/** Return a double parsed from the given string, possibly formatted with a "%" sign */ public static double parseDouble(String val) throws NumberFormatException, ParseException { NumberFormat formatPercent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US); // for zoom factor if (val.indexOf("%") == -1) { // not in percent format ! return Double.parseDouble(val); } // else it's a percent format -> parse it Number n = formatPercent.parse(val); return n.doubleValue(); }
// // Sets the frame rate text displayed in the lower left corner. // void setFrameRateText() { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); frameRateText.text( "frames/sec = " + nf.format((double) frameCount / ((double) (time - lastTime) / 1000.0))); }
/** A class to render numbers in scientific format. */ class ScientificRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); public ScientificRenderer(int sigfigs) { sigfigs = Math.min(sigfigs, 6); if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) { String pattern = "0.0"; // $NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < sigfigs - 1; i++) { pattern += "0"; // $NON-NLS-1$ } pattern += "E0"; // $NON-NLS-1$ ((DecimalFormat) format).applyPattern(pattern); } } public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { setFont( getDefaultRenderer(String.class) .getTableCellRendererComponent(DatasetStatisticsTable.this, "a", false, false, 0, 0) .getFont()); //$NON-NLS-1$ setText(format.format(value)); setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.TRAILING); return this; } }
public void label(Graphics g, String var, double m, String units, int adj) { g.setColor(; g.setFont(font); String s = format.format(m); g.drawString(var + ": " + s, x + 5, y + h / 2 - 5); g.drawString(units, x + w - adj, y + h / 2 - 5); }
/** * Formats the specified value and enters it in the text field. * * @param value the value to be entered */ public void setValue(double value) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (minValue != null) value = Math.max(value, minValue.doubleValue()); if (maxValue != null) value = Math.min(value, maxValue.doubleValue()); setFormatFor(value); setText(format.format(value)); prevValue = value; }
public void updateStates() { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); try { // System.out.println("getting variables."); status = cryo.cryoGetStatusCORBA(); frame.lblStatus.setText(statusString[status] + " "); heater = cryo.cryoGetHeaterCORBA(); frame.lblHeater.setText(nf.format(heater) + " watts"); temp = cryo.cryoGetTempCORBA(); frame.lblTemp.setText(nf.format(temp) + " deg"); cli = cryo.cryoGetCliCORBA(); if (Double.isNaN(cli)) { frame.lblCli.setText(cli + " "); } else frame.lblCli.setText(nf.format(cli) + " "); } catch (org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE cf) { // stop thread and try to reconnect to the server frame.lblStatus.setText("FAILURE!! Server connected?"); stop = true; return; } }
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { setFont( getDefaultRenderer(String.class) .getTableCellRendererComponent(DatasetStatisticsTable.this, "a", false, false, 0, 0) .getFont()); //$NON-NLS-1$ setText(format.format(value)); setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.TRAILING); return this; }
/** * Gets the value from the text field. * * @return the value */ public double getValue() { if (getText().equals(format.format(prevValue))) return prevValue; double retValue; try { retValue = format.parse(getText()).doubleValue(); if (minValue != null && retValue < minValue.doubleValue()) { setValue(minValue.doubleValue()); return minValue.doubleValue(); } if (maxValue != null && retValue > maxValue.doubleValue()) { setValue(maxValue.doubleValue()); return maxValue.doubleValue(); } } catch (ParseException e) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); setValue(prevValue); return prevValue; } return retValue; }
/** * @return a double parsed from the value associated with the given key in the given Properties. * returns "def" in key wasn't found, or if a parsing error occured. If "value" contains a "%" * sign, we use a <code>NumberFormat.getPercentInstance</code> to convert it to a double. */ public static double parseProperty(Properties preferences, String key, double def) { NumberFormat formatPercent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US); // for zoom factor String val = preferences.getProperty(key); if (val == null) return def; if (val.indexOf("%") == -1) { // not in percent format ! try { return Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); return def; } } // else it's a percent format -> parse it try { Number n = formatPercent.parse(val); return n.doubleValue(); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return def; } }
public void init() { // 添加按钮 JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add(okButton); mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 3)); mainWin.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JFormattedTextField intField0 = new JFormattedTextField( new InternationalFormatter(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()) { protected DocumentFilter getDocumentFilter() { return new NumberFilter(); } }); intField0.setValue(100); addRow("只接受数字的文本框", intField0); JFormattedTextField intField1 = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()); intField1.setValue(new Integer(100)); // 添加输入校验器 intField1.setInputVerifier(new FormattedTextFieldVerifier()); addRow("带输入校验器的文本框", intField1); // 创建自定义格式器对象 IPAddressFormatter ipFormatter = new IPAddressFormatter(); ipFormatter.setOverwriteMode(false); // 以自定义格式器对象创建格式化文本框 JFormattedTextField ipField = new JFormattedTextField(ipFormatter); ipField.setValue(new byte[] {(byte) 192, (byte) 168, 4, 1}); addRow("IP地址格式", ipField); mainWin.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); mainWin.pack(); mainWin.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mainWin.setVisible(true); }
/** Update the statistic */ public void setStats(int mi, double me, int ma, double sd) { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); nf.setGroupingUsed(false); min.setText(Integer.toString(mi)); max.setText(Integer.toString(ma)); String s = nf.format(me); mean.setText(s); s = nf.format(sd); stdDev.setText(s); }
/** * A Step is associated with a single frame of a TTrack. It contains an array of TPoints that define * its image data and a Footprint that determines its screen appearance. This is an abstract class * and cannot be instantiated directly. * * @author Douglas Brown */ public abstract class Step implements Cloneable { // static fields protected static Rectangle hitRect = new Rectangle(-4, -4, 8, 8); protected static Shape selectionShape; protected static AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); protected static NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); protected static Font textLayoutFont = new JTextField().getFont(); protected static FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext( null, // no AffineTransform false, // no antialiasing false); // no fractional metrics static { Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2); selectionShape = stroke.createStrokedShape(hitRect); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); format.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); } // instance fields protected TTrack track; // track this belongs to protected int n; // frame number protected Footprint footprint; // determines appearance protected TPoint[] points; // defines image data protected Point[] screenPoints; // for transform conversions protected boolean valid; // invalid steps not drawn protected Map<TrackerPanel, Mark> marks // tracker panel to Mark = new HashMap<TrackerPanel, Mark>(); protected int defaultIndex = 0; // array index of default TPoint protected boolean dataVisible = true; // true if visible in plots, tables /** * Constructs a Step with the specified frame number. * * @param track the track * @param n the frame number */ protected Step(TTrack track, int n) { this.track = track; this.n = n; } /** * Gets the frame number. * * @return the frame number */ public int getFrameNumber() { return n; } /** * Sets the footprint. * * @param footprint the footprint */ public void setFootprint(Footprint footprint) { this.footprint = footprint; } /** * Gets the track. * * @return the track */ public TTrack getTrack() { return track; } /** * Gets the array of TPoints contained in this step. * * @return the TPoints array */ public TPoint[] getPoints() { return points; } /** * Gets the index of a point in the points[] array. * * @param p the point * @return the index, or -1 if not found */ public int getPointIndex(TPoint p) { for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i] == p) return i; } return -1; } /** * Gets the default point. The default point is the point initially selected when the step is * created. * * @return the default TPoint */ public TPoint getDefaultPoint() { return points[defaultIndex]; } /** * Sets the default point index. This defines the index of the points array used to get the point * initially selected when the step is created. * * @param index the index */ public void setDefaultPointIndex(int index) { index = Math.min(index, points.length - 1); defaultIndex = Math.max(0, index); } /** * Erases this on the specified tracker panel. Erasing adds the current bounds to the dirty region * and nulls the step's mark to trigger creation of a new one. * * @param trackerPanel the tracker panel */ public void erase(TrackerPanel trackerPanel) { if (marks.get(trackerPanel) == null) return; // already dirty trackerPanel.addDirtyRegion(getBounds(trackerPanel)); // old bounds marks.put(trackerPanel, null); // triggers new mark } /** * Erases and remarks this on the specified tracker panel. Remarking creates a new mark for the * step and adds both the old and new bounds to the tracker panel's dirty region. * * @param trackerPanel the tracker panel */ public void remark(TrackerPanel trackerPanel) { erase(trackerPanel); trackerPanel.addDirtyRegion(getBounds(trackerPanel)); // new bounds } /** * Repaints this on the specified tracker panel. Repainting a step first remarks it and then * requests a repaint of the panel's dirty region. * * @param trackerPanel the tracker panel */ public void repaint(TrackerPanel trackerPanel) { remark(trackerPanel); trackerPanel.repaintDirtyRegion(); } /** Erases this on all tracker panels. */ public void erase() { Iterator<TrackerPanel> it = marks.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) erase(; } /** Remarks this on all tracker panels. */ public void remark() { Iterator<TrackerPanel> it = marks.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) remark(; } /** Repaints this on all tracker panels. */ public void repaint() { Iterator<TrackerPanel> it = marks.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) repaint(; } /** * Draws this step. * * @param panel the drawing panel requesting the drawing * @param g the graphics context on which to draw */ public void draw(DrawingPanel panel, Graphics g) { if (track.trackerPanel == panel) { AutoTracker autoTracker = track.trackerPanel.getAutoTracker(); if (autoTracker.isInteracting(track)) return; } TrackerPanel trackerPanel = (TrackerPanel) panel; boolean highlighted = (trackerPanel.getFrameNumber() == n); if (trackerPanel.autoTracker != null && trackerPanel.autoTracker.getWizard().isVisible() && trackerPanel.autoTracker.getTrack() == track) { highlighted = false; } getMark(trackerPanel).draw((Graphics2D) g, highlighted); } /** * Finds the Interactive located at the specified pixel position. * * @param panel the drawing panel * @param xpix the x pixel position * @param ypix the y pixel position * @return the TPoint that is hit, or null */ public Interactive findInteractive(DrawingPanel panel, int xpix, int ypix) { boolean highlighted = (track.trackerPanel.getFrameNumber() == getFrameNumber()); AutoTracker autoTracker = track.trackerPanel.getAutoTracker(); TrackerPanel trackerPanel = (TrackerPanel) panel; setHitRectCenter(xpix, ypix); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i] == null || Double.isNaN(points[i].getX())) continue; if (hitRect.contains(points[i].getScreenPosition(trackerPanel))) { if (highlighted && autoTracker.isDrawingKeyFrameFor(track, i)) return null; return points[i]; } } return null; } /** * Gets the screen bounds of this step on the specified tracker panel. * * @param trackerPanel the tracker panel drawing the step * @return the bounding rectangle */ public Rectangle getBounds(TrackerPanel trackerPanel) { boolean highlighted = (trackerPanel.getFrameNumber() == n); return getMark(trackerPanel).getBounds(highlighted); } /** * Gets the mark for the specified panel. * * @param trackerPanel the tracker panel * @return the mark */ protected Mark getMark(TrackerPanel trackerPanel) { Mark mark = marks.get(trackerPanel); TPoint selection = null; if (mark == null) { selection = trackerPanel.getSelectedPoint(); Point p = null; valid = true; // assume true for (int n = 0; n < points.length; n++) { if (!valid) continue; // determine if point is valid (ie not NaN) valid = valid && !Double.isNaN(points[n].getX()) && !Double.isNaN(points[n].getY()); screenPoints[n] = points[n].getScreenPosition(trackerPanel); if (valid && selection == points[n]) p = screenPoints[n]; } mark = footprint.getMark(screenPoints); if (p != null) { // point is selected, so draw selection shape transform.setToTranslation(p.x, p.y); int scale = FontSizer.getIntegerFactor(); if (scale > 1) { transform.scale(scale, scale); } final Color color = footprint.getColor(); final Mark stepMark = mark; final Shape selectedShape = transform.createTransformedShape(selectionShape); mark = new Mark() { public void draw(Graphics2D g, boolean highlighted) { stepMark.draw(g, false); Paint gpaint = g.getPaint(); g.setPaint(color); g.fill(selectedShape); g.setPaint(gpaint); } public Rectangle getBounds(boolean highlighted) { Rectangle bounds = selectedShape.getBounds(); bounds.add(stepMark.getBounds(false)); return bounds; } }; } final Mark theMark = mark; mark = new Mark() { public void draw(Graphics2D g, boolean highlighted) { if (!valid) return; theMark.draw(g, false); } public Rectangle getBounds(boolean highlighted) { return theMark.getBounds(highlighted); } }; marks.put(trackerPanel, mark); } return mark; } /** * Returns a String describing this step. * * @return a descriptive string */ public String toString() { return "Step " + n; // $NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Clones this Step. * * @return a clone of this step */ public Object clone() { try { Step step = (Step) super.clone(); step.points = new TPoint[points.length]; step.screenPoints = new Point[points.length]; step.marks = new HashMap<TrackerPanel, Mark>(); return step; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Centers the hit testing rectangle on the specified screen point. * * @param xpix the x pixel position * @param ypix the y pixel position */ protected void setHitRectCenter(int xpix, int ypix) { hitRect.setLocation(xpix - hitRect.width / 2, ypix - hitRect.height / 2); } /** * Gets the step length. Default length is 1. * * @return the length of the points array */ public static int getLength() { return 1; } /** An inner superclass of all handles. */ class Handle extends TPoint { /** * Constructs a Handle with specified image coordinates. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate */ public Handle(double x, double y) { super(x, y); } /** * Sets the position of this handle on the line nearest the specified screen position. * Subclasses must override. * * @param xScreen the x screen position * @param yScreen the y screen position * @param trackerPanel the trackerPanel drawing this step */ public void setPositionOnLine(int xScreen, int yScreen, TrackerPanel trackerPanel) {} } }
/** * This is a JTextField that accepts only numbers. * * @author Douglas Brown * @version 1.0 */ public class NumberField extends JTextField { // instance fields protected NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); protected double prevValue; protected Double maxValue; protected Double minValue; /** * Constructs a NumberField. * * @param columns the number of character columns */ public NumberField(int columns) { super(columns); } /** * Gets the value from the text field. * * @return the value */ public double getValue() { if (getText().equals(format.format(prevValue))) return prevValue; double retValue; try { retValue = format.parse(getText()).doubleValue(); if (minValue != null && retValue < minValue.doubleValue()) { setValue(minValue.doubleValue()); return minValue.doubleValue(); } if (maxValue != null && retValue > maxValue.doubleValue()) { setValue(maxValue.doubleValue()); return maxValue.doubleValue(); } } catch (ParseException e) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); setValue(prevValue); return prevValue; } return retValue; } /** * Formats the specified value and enters it in the text field. * * @param value the value to be entered */ public void setValue(double value) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (minValue != null) value = Math.max(value, minValue.doubleValue()); if (maxValue != null) value = Math.min(value, maxValue.doubleValue()); setFormatFor(value); setText(format.format(value)); prevValue = value; } /** * Sets the resolution for this number field. * * @param delta the change in value that must be resolvable */ public void setResolution(double delta) { /** implemented in subclasses */ } /** * Sets a minimum value for this field. * * @param min the minimum allowed value */ public void setMinValue(double min) { minValue = new Double(min); } /** * Sets a maximum value for this field. * * @param max the maximum allowed value */ public void setMaxValue(double max) { maxValue = new Double(max); } /** * Gets the format for this field. * * @return the format */ public NumberFormat getFormat() { return format; } /** * Sets the format for a specified value. Subclasses may override this to modify the format before * displaying the value. * * @param value the value to be displayed */ public void setFormatFor(double value) { /** implemented in subclasses */ } }
public FormatTestFrame() { JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); okButton = new JButton("Ok"); buttonPanel.add(okButton); add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 3)); add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JFormattedTextField intField = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()); intField.setValue(new Integer(100)); addRow("Number:", intField); JFormattedTextField intField2 = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()); intField2.setValue(new Integer(100)); intField2.setFocusLostBehavior(JFormattedTextField.COMMIT); addRow("Number (Commit behavior):", intField2); JFormattedTextField intField3 = new JFormattedTextField( new InternationalFormatter(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()) { protected DocumentFilter getDocumentFilter() { return filter; } }); intField3.setValue(new Integer(100)); addRow("Filtered Number", intField3); JFormattedTextField intField4 = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()); intField4.setValue(new Integer(100)); intField4.setInputVerifier( new InputVerifier() { public boolean verify(JComponent component) { JFormattedTextField field = (JFormattedTextField) component; return field.isEditValid(); } }); addRow("Verified Number:", intField4); JFormattedTextField currencyField = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()); currencyField.setValue(new Double(10)); addRow("Currency:", currencyField); JFormattedTextField dateField = new JFormattedTextField(DateFormat.getDateInstance()); dateField.setValue(new Date()); addRow("Date (default):", dateField); DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); format.setLenient(false); JFormattedTextField dateField2 = new JFormattedTextField(format); dateField2.setValue(new Date()); addRow("Date (short, not lenient):", dateField2); try { DefaultFormatter formatter = new DefaultFormatter(); formatter.setOverwriteMode(false); JFormattedTextField urlField = new JFormattedTextField(formatter); urlField.setValue(new URL("")); addRow("URL:", urlField); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { MaskFormatter formatter = new MaskFormatter("###-##-####"); formatter.setPlaceholderCharacter('0'); JFormattedTextField ssnField = new JFormattedTextField(formatter); ssnField.setValue("078-05-1120"); addRow("SSN Mask:", ssnField); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } JFormattedTextField ipField = new JFormattedTextField(new IPAddressFormatter()); ipField.setValue(new byte[] {(byte) 130, 65, 86, 66}); addRow("IP Address:", ipField); pack(); }
public MainCitiesCriteriaPanel() { super(new BorderLayout()); CountryController countryc = Application.getCountryController(); CitiesController citiesc = Application.getCitiesController(); countryName = Application.getCountryName(); label = new JLabel(); labelPanel = new JPanel(); labelPanel.add(label); label.setText("Criteria to select main cities for " + countryName.replaceAll("_", " ")); listModel = new DefaultListModel(); Iterator<HashMap<String, String>> iter = citiesc.getToponymTypesIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String topTypeName ="code"); listModel.addElement(topTypeName); } list = new JList(listModel); list.addListSelectionListener(this); listPanel = new JScrollPane(list); NumberFormat nCitiesFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nCitiesFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); nCitiesFormat.setMaximumIntegerDigits(4); NumberFormat distFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); distFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); distFormat.setMaximumIntegerDigits(3); nCitiesField = new JFormattedTextField(nCitiesFormat); distField = new JFormattedTextField(distFormat); nCitiesField.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(50, 1)); distField.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(50, 1)); rb1 = new JRadioButton("Filter by type", true); rb2 = new JRadioButton("Filter by number", false); rb3 = new JRadioButton("Filter by distance to the borders (km)", false); ButtonGroup bgroup = new ButtonGroup(); bgroup.add(rb1); bgroup.add(rb2); bgroup.add(rb3); JPanel radioPanel = new JPanel(); radioPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(radioPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); radioPanel.add(rb1); radioPanel.add(listPanel); radioPanel.add(rb2); radioPanel.add(nCitiesField); radioPanel.add(rb3); radioPanel.add(distField); submit = new JButton(); back = new JButton(); submit.setText("OK"); back.setText("GO BACK"); submit.addActionListener(this); back.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add(back); buttonPanel.add(submit); add(labelPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }