/** Refreshes the currently visible editor with new info. */ public void refreshEditors(DXEntry entry, DataBrokerQueryInterface ds) { if (currentEditor != null) { this.entry = entry; // TE: make sure everything is in sink. dataSource = ds; currentEditor.getDataSink().displayEntry(entry, ds); // checks for unsaved changes... // check that the editor hasn't changed display component JComponent display = currentEditor.getDisplayComponent(); // XXX hack alert - some editor writers change their display component // XXX mid-flight, and expect JX to magically notice, and change the // XXX the display. This code attempts to do this. if (indexOfComponent(display) == -1) // we have a problem - the display component has changed { String title = currentEditor.getName(); ImageIcon icon = currentEditor.getIcon(); String toolTip = currentEditor.getToolTip(); int index = getSelectedIndex(); // find the index of the editor (XXX - this relies on the // activeEditor vector tracking the inherent tab pane order) super.remove(index); super.insertTab(title, icon, display, toolTip, index); super.setSelectedIndex(index); } } else log.warning("internal error - no editor available in AttributeDisplay"); }
private void assertTabCount(Content content) { // PluginSettingsBean bean = (PluginSettingsBean) // SharedObjectPool.getUserData(SharedConstants.PLUGIN_SETTINGS); PluginSettingsBean bean = PluginKeys.PLUGIN_SETTINGS.getData(); if (bean == null) { bean = new PluginSettingsBean(); } int max = bean.getNumberOfTabs(); if (max <= getTabComponent(content).getTabCount()) { // remove the oldest tab JTabbedPane tabbedPane = getTabComponent(content); long lastMin = Long.MAX_VALUE; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) { JComponent tab = (JComponent) tabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(i); Long time = (Long) tab.getClientProperty(CREATE_TIME); if (time != null && lastMin < time) { lastMin = time; index = i; } } tabbedPane.remove(index); } }
public void setMetricsResults(MetricDisplaySpecification displaySpecification, MetricsRun run) { final MetricCategory[] categories = MetricCategory.values(); for (final MetricCategory category : categories) { final JTable table = tables.get(category); final String type = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getShortNameForCategory(category); final MetricTableSpecification tableSpecification = displaySpecification.getSpecification(category); final MetricsResult results = run.getResultsForCategory(category); final MetricTableModel model = new MetricTableModel(results, type, tableSpecification); table.setModel(model); final Container tab = table.getParent().getParent(); if (model.getRowCount() == 0) { tabbedPane.remove(tab); continue; } final String longName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getLongNameForCategory(category); tabbedPane.add(tab, longName); final MyColumnListener columnListener = new MyColumnListener(tableSpecification, table); final TableColumnModel columnModel = table.getColumnModel(); columnModel.addColumnModelListener(columnListener); final int columnCount = columnModel.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { final TableColumn column = columnModel.getColumn(i); column.addPropertyChangeListener(columnListener); } setRenderers(table, type); setColumnWidths(table, tableSpecification); } }
private void closeResultTab(ResultTab tab) { if (tab == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null ResultTab passed"); } s_log.debug("SQLPanel.closeResultTab(" + tab.getIdentifier().toString() + ")"); tab.closeTab(); _tabbedExecutionsPanel.remove(tab); }
public void remove(int index) { if (activeEditors.size() == 0) return; // it can get a bit excitable about removing element 0 ... PluggableEditor ed = (PluggableEditor) activeEditors.remove(index); ed.unload(); super.remove(index); }
private void closeTab(Component tab) { if (tab instanceof ErrorPanel) { _tabbedExecutionsPanel.remove(tab); } else if (tab instanceof ResultTab) { closeResultTab((ResultTab) tab); } else if (tab instanceof CancelPanel) { ((CancelPanel) tab).closeBtn.doClick(); } }
private void removeTab(@NotNull Content content, String displayName) { // Component[] comps = (content.getComponent()).getComponents(); // JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) comps[1]; JTabbedPane tabbedPane = getTabComponent(content); int index = tabbedPane.indexOfTab(displayName); if (index == -1) { return; } tabbedPane.remove(index); }
protected void deleteCurrentPanel() { JComponent tabPane = (JComponent) tabbedPane.getSelectedComponent(); if (tabPane == null) return; WMSPanel wmsPanel = (WMSPanel) tabPane.getClientProperty(Constants.FEATURE_OWNER_PROPERTY); if (tabbedPane.getTabCount() > 2) // actually remove the tab only if there is more than one (plus the "+" tab) tabbedPane.remove(tabPane); else tabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, "New Server"); if (wmsPanel != null) wmsPanel.clearPanel(); }
/** * Create an internal frame for the specified tab and display the tab in the internal frame after * removing it from the tabbed pane. * * @param tab <TT>ResultTab</TT> to be displayed in an internal frame. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if a <TT>null</TT> <TT>ResultTab</TT> passed. */ private void createSQLResultFrame(ResultTab tab) { if (tab == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null ResultTab passed"); } s_log.debug("SQLPanel.createSQLResultFrame(" + tab.getIdentifier().toString() + ")"); _tabbedExecutionsPanel.remove(tab); ResultFrameListener resultFrameListener = new ResultFrameListener() { @Override public void frameReplaced(ResultFrame oldFrame, ResultFrame newFrame) { onFrameReplaced(oldFrame, newFrame); } }; ResultFrame frame = new ResultFrame(_session, tab, _resultTabFactory, resultFrameListener, true, false); _sqlResultFrames.add(frame); }
public void removeDiffOverlay(MetricDisplaySpecification displaySpecification) { final MetricCategory[] categories = MetricCategory.values(); for (final MetricCategory category : categories) { final JTable table = tables.get(category); final MetricTableModel model = (MetricTableModel) table.getModel(); model.setPrevResults(null); final Container tab = table.getParent().getParent(); if (model.getRowCount() == 0) { tabbedPane.remove(tab); continue; } final String longName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getLongNameForCategory(category); tabbedPane.add(tab, longName); final String shortName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getShortNameForCategory(category); setRenderers(table, shortName); final MetricTableSpecification specification = displaySpecification.getSpecification(category); setColumnWidths(table, specification); } hasOverlay = false; }
/** * Method for removing a Panel by object reference * * @param object The object to remove */ public void removePanel(GPropertiesPanel object) { pane.remove(object); objects.remove(object); }
/** * Method for removing a Panel by index reference * * @param index The index of the object to remove */ public void removePanel(int index) { pane.remove((GPropertiesPanel) objects.get(index)); objects.remove(index); }
public void unloadThread(String strThreadID) { PanelThreadMonitor pnlThrMonitor = getPanelThreadMonitor(strThreadID); pnlThread.remove(pnlThrMonitor); }
private void removeErrorPanel(ErrorPanel errorPanel) { _tabbedExecutionsPanel.remove(errorPanel); }