public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { Object objFocus = e.getSource(); boolean bSaveCmd = false; if (objFocus instanceof DataField) { DataField compFocus = (DataField) objFocus; Component comp = e.getOppositeComponent(); if (comp instanceof JButton) { String strTxt = ((JButton) comp).getText(); if (strTxt != null && strTxt.equals(WGlobal.SAVEUSER)) bSaveCmd = true; } // if the focus is not in the panel then write the file. /*if ((comp == null || !m_pnlDisplay.equals(comp.getParent())) && !bSaveCmd) { String strPrevValue = compFocus.getValue(); String strTxt = compFocus.getText(); if (!strPrevValue.equals(strTxt)) { // save the data by writing it to the file AppIF appIf = Util.getAppIF(); if (appIf instanceof VAdminIF) ((VAdminIF)appIf).getUserToolBar().doSave(); compFocus.setValue(strTxt); } }*/ } }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getSource() == txtName && txtName.getText().equals("")) txtName.setText("<Enter your name here>"); if (arg0.getSource() == txtPhone) validatePhone(); if (arg0.getSource() == txtEmail) validateEmail(); }
// msg from JTextfield public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == textField) { textField.setBackground(GUIGlobals.theme.InactiveTextField); this.fireFocusLost(e.isTemporary()); this.repaint(); } }
// msg from JTextfield public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == textField) { this.fireFocusGained(e.isTemporary()); } else // if the label get's the focus then delegate it to textfield { textField.grabFocus(); // !!! field could be not visible (scrollpane!) // insert mechanism to ensure visibility } textField.setBackground(GUIGlobals.theme.ActiveTextField); }
void canvasFocusLost(FocusEvent e) { if (isXEmbedActive() && !e.isTemporary()) { xembedLog.fine("Forwarding FOCUS_LOST"); int num = 0; if (AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.xembed.testing"))) { Component opp = e.getOppositeComponent(); try { num = Integer.parseInt(opp.getName()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } xembed.sendMessage(xembed.handle, XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT, num, 0, 0); } }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { for (int i = 0; i < textfield.length; i++) { if (e.getSource() == textfield[i]) { textfield[i].setText(""); } } }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // We will still paint focus even if lost temporarily focusLostTemporarily = e.isTemporary(); if (!focusLostTemporarily) { comp.repaint(); } }
public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { if (myPanel.getProject().isDisposed()) { myPanel.setContextComponent(null); myPanel.hideHint(); return; } final DialogWrapper dialog = DialogWrapper.findInstance(e.getOppositeComponent()); shouldFocusEditor = dialog != null; if (dialog != null) { Disposer.register( dialog.getDisposable(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { if (dialog.getExitCode() == DialogWrapper.CANCEL_EXIT_CODE) { shouldFocusEditor = false; } } }); } // required invokeLater since in current call sequence KeyboardFocusManager is not initialized // yet // but future focused component //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { processFocusLost(e); } }); }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { for (int i = 0; i < textfield.length; i++) { if (e.getSource() == textfield[i]) { textfield[i].setForeground(; if (textfield[i].getText().equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT[i])) { textfield[i].setText(""); } } } }
public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) { if (e.getOppositeComponent() == null && shouldFocusEditor) { shouldFocusEditor = false; ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myPanel.getProject()).activateEditorComponent(); return; } myPanel.updateItems(); final List<NavBarItem> items = myPanel.getItems(); if (!myPanel.isInFloatingMode() && items.size() > 0) { myPanel.setContextComponent(items.get(items.size() - 1)); } else { myPanel.setContextComponent(null); } }
private void processFocusLost(FocusEvent e) { final Component opposite = e.getOppositeComponent(); if (myPanel.isInFloatingMode() && opposite != null && DialogWrapper.findInstance(opposite) != null) { myPanel.hideHint(); return; } final boolean nodePopupInactive = !myPanel.isNodePopupActive(); boolean childPopupInactive = !JBPopupFactory.getInstance().isChildPopupFocused(myPanel); if (nodePopupInactive && childPopupInactive) { if (opposite != null && opposite != myPanel && !myPanel.isAncestorOf(opposite) && !e.isTemporary()) { myPanel.setContextComponent(null); myPanel.hideHint(); } } myPanel.updateItems(); }
@Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Object obj = e.getSource(); if (obj.equals(jtf)) { jtf.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(hi)) { hi.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(pi)) { pi.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(localport)) { localport.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(lpw)) { lpw.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(lid)) { lid.setText(""); } }
protected void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e) { boolean lbContinuar = true; int id = e.getID(); switch (id) { case FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED: super.setText(moTipo.getText()); moBackColor = getBackground(); setBackgroundP(moBackColorConFoco); setSelectionStart(0); setSelectionEnd(moTipo.getText().length()); break; case FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST: setBackgroundP(moBackColor); String lsTexto = super.getText(); if (moTipo.isTipoCorrecto(lsTexto)) { moTipo.lostFocus(lsTexto); super.setText(moTipo.getTextFormateado()); } else { lbContinuar = !moTipo.isTipoCorrectoObligatorio(); if (lbContinuar) { moTipo.lostFocus(lsTexto); super.setText(moTipo.getTextFormateado()); } utilesGUI.msgbox.JDialogo.showDialog(null, moTipo.getTextoError(lsTexto)); } // anulamos la seleccion para que solo haya un campo con todo seleccionado if (lbContinuar) { setSelectionStart(0); setSelectionEnd(0); ponerColorSiCambio(); } break; default: } super.processFocusEvent(e); // no se hace esto pq en windows se mete en un bucle infinito // if(lbContinuar) // super.processFocusEvent(e); // else // this.requestFocus(); }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { Component c = e.getComponent(); if (c instanceof TextField) ((TextField) c).select(0, 0); }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getSource() == txtName && txtName.getText().equals("<Enter your name here>")) txtName.setText(""); }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { fieldWithFocus = e.getSource(); if (fieldWithFocus == widthField) constainAspectRatio = true; else if (fieldWithFocus == yField) constainAspectRatio = false; }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { Component c = e.getComponent(); if (c instanceof TextField) ((TextField) c).selectAll(); }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { int id = 0; boolean res = false; JTextField t = (JTextField) e.getSource(); if (t == tpid) { try { id = Integer.parseInt(tpid.getText()); res = patient.psearch(id); } catch (Exception e1) { } if (res) { int no, ag = 0, fee = 0; String pfn = "", bg = "", pmn = "", dt1 = "", pln = "", add = "", sym = "", dn = "", dig = "", cn = "", gender = "", wgt = ""; try { dt1 =; no =; pfn =; pmn =; pln =; gender =; ag =; wgt =; add =; cn =; dn =; sym =; dig =; fee =; bg =; dir =; s = dir; repaint(); j13 = new JLabel("OLD IMAGE"); j13.setBounds(840, 5, 300, 300); JLabel j12 = new JLabel("OLD PHOTO") { public void paint(Graphics g) { ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(s); Image img = ic.getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 150, 150, this); } }; // q.flushAll() /*ImageIcon ic=new ImageIcon(dir); JLabel j12=new JLabel("",ic,JLabel.CENTER);*/ j12.setBounds(670, 70, 300, 300); // image.setBounds(700,300,100,100); q.add(j12); q.add(j13); repaint(); System.out.println("8743t32874" + dir); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (gender.equals("Male")) cm.setState(true); else cf.setState(true); tdt.setText(dt1); tpfnm.setText(pfn); tpmnm.setText(pmn); tplnm.setText(pln); tage.setText("" + ag); tfee.setText("" + fee); tadd.setText(add); tdig.setText(dig); tdnm.setText(dn); tsym.setText(sym); tcno.setText(cn); twt.setText(wgt); tbg.setText(bg); // cm.setState(set1State()); // cf.setSelectedCheckbox(gender); ba.setEnabled(false); bm.setEnabled(true); bd.setEnabled(true); } else { if (id == 0) { bl.setEnabled(true); ba.setEnabled(false); } else ba.setEnabled(true); bm.setEnabled(false); bd.setEnabled(false); } } }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { if (!focusLostEvents) return; actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), 0, "focusLost")); }