private void moveUpAndDownPage(boolean _up) { int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) return; Editor page = pageList.get(index); if (page == null) return; if (_up) { if (index == 0) return; pageList.removeElementAt(index); pageList.insertElementAt(page, index - 1); tabbedPanel.removeTabAt(index); tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.isActive() ? page.getName() : page.getName() + " (D)", null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index - 1); } else { if (index == (pageList.size() - 1)) return; pageList.removeElementAt(index); pageList.insertElementAt(page, index + 1); tabbedPanel.removeTabAt(index); tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.isActive() ? page.getName() : page.getName() + " (D)", null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index + 1); } tabbedPanel.setSelectedComponent(page.getComponent()); changed = true; }
private void removeFromEditor() { Editor editor = mySearchResults.getEditor(); if (myReplacementBalloon != null) { myReplacementBalloon.hide(); } if (editor != null) { for (VisibleAreaListener visibleAreaListener : myVisibleAreaListenersToRemove) { editor.getScrollingModel().removeVisibleAreaListener(visibleAreaListener); } myVisibleAreaListenersToRemove.clear(); Project project = mySearchResults.getProject(); if (project != null && !project.isDisposed()) { for (RangeHighlighter h : myHighlighters) { HighlightManager.getInstance(project).removeSegmentHighlighter(editor, h); } if (myCursorHighlighter != null) { HighlightManager.getInstance(project) .removeSegmentHighlighter(editor, myCursorHighlighter); myCursorHighlighter = null; } } myHighlighters.clear(); if (myListeningSelection) { editor.getSelectionModel().removeSelectionListener(this); myListeningSelection = false; } } }
/** Creates a new page of the given type with the given code */ protected Editor createPage(String _type, String _name, String _code) { Editor page = new CodeEditor(ejs, this); page.setName(_name); if (_code != null) page.readString(_code); else page.clear(); return page; }
public StringBuffer saveStringBuffer() { StringBuffer save = new StringBuffer(); for (java.util.Enumeration<Editor> e = pageList.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Editor page = e.nextElement(); save.append( "<" + name + ".Page>\n" + "<Type>" + typeOfPage(page) + "</Type>\n" + "<Name>" + page.getName() + "</Name>\n" + "<Active>" + page.isActive() + "</Active>\n" + "<" + contentDelim + ">\n"); save.append(page.saveStringBuffer()); save.append("</" + contentDelim + ">\n" + "</" + name + ".Page>\n"); } return save; }
public StringBuffer generateCode(int _type, String _info) { StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(); String genName, passName; int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index >= 0) genName = name.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase(); else genName = name.toLowerCase(); if (_info != null && _info.trim().length() > 0) passName = _info; else { passName = getName(); if (passName.startsWith("Osejs.")) passName = passName.substring(6); } index = 0; for (Editor editor : pageList) { if (editor instanceof CodeEditor) { index++; ((CodeEditor) editor).setCodeName(genName + index); } else if (editor instanceof EquationEditor) { index++; ((EquationEditor) editor).setCodeName(genName + index); } // if (editor.isActive()) code.append(editor.generateCode(_type, passName)); } return code; }
/** * Configures given editor to wrap at given width, assuming characters are of given width * * @return whether any actual wraps of editor contents were created as a result of turning on soft * wraps */ @TestOnly public static boolean configureSoftWraps( Editor editor, final int visibleWidth, final int charWidthInPixels) { editor.getSettings().setUseSoftWraps(true); SoftWrapModelImpl model = (SoftWrapModelImpl) editor.getSoftWrapModel(); model.setSoftWrapPainter( new SoftWrapPainter() { @Override public int paint( @NotNull Graphics g, @NotNull SoftWrapDrawingType drawingType, int x, int y, int lineHeight) { return charWidthInPixels; } @Override public int getDrawingHorizontalOffset( @NotNull Graphics g, @NotNull SoftWrapDrawingType drawingType, int x, int y, int lineHeight) { return charWidthInPixels; } @Override public int getMinDrawingWidth(@NotNull SoftWrapDrawingType drawingType) { return charWidthInPixels; } @Override public boolean canUse() { return true; } @Override public void reinit() {} }); model.reinitSettings(); SoftWrapApplianceManager applianceManager = model.getApplianceManager(); applianceManager.setWidthProvider( new SoftWrapApplianceManager.VisibleAreaWidthProvider() { @Override public int getVisibleAreaWidth() { return visibleWidth; } }); model.setEditorTextRepresentationHelper( new DefaultEditorTextRepresentationHelper(editor) { @Override public int charWidth(char c, int fontType) { return charWidthInPixels; } }); applianceManager.registerSoftWrapIfNecessary(); return !model.getRegisteredSoftWraps().isEmpty(); }
/** Add import statements to the current tab for the specified library */ public void importLibrary(UserLibrary lib) throws IOException { // make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder ensureExistence(); List<String> list = lib.getIncludes(); if (list == null) { File srcFolder = lib.getSrcFolder(); String[] headers = Base.headerListFromIncludePath(srcFolder); list = Arrays.asList(headers); } if (list.isEmpty()) { return; } // import statements into the main sketch file (code[0]) // if the current code is a .java file, insert into current // if (current.flavor == PDE) { SketchFile file = editor.getCurrentTab().getSketchFile(); if (file.isExtension(Sketch.SKETCH_EXTENSIONS)) editor.selectTab(0); // could also scan the text in the file to see if each import // statement is already in there, but if the user has the import // commented out, then this will be a problem. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (String aList : list) { buffer.append("#include <"); buffer.append(aList); buffer.append(">\n"); } buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append(editor.getCurrentTab().getText()); editor.getCurrentTab().setText(buffer.toString()); editor.getCurrentTab().setSelection(0, 0); // scroll to start }
private void altCommitToOriginal(@NotNull DocumentEvent e) { final PsiFile origPsiFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).getPsiFile(myOrigDocument); String newText = myNewDocument.getText(); // prepare guarded blocks LinkedHashMap<String, String> replacementMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); int count = 0; for (RangeMarker o : ContainerUtil.reverse(((DocumentEx) myNewDocument).getGuardedBlocks())) { String replacement = o.getUserData(REPLACEMENT_KEY); String tempText = "REPLACE" + (count++) + Long.toHexString(StringHash.calc(replacement)); newText = newText.substring(0, o.getStartOffset()) + tempText + newText.substring(o.getEndOffset()); replacementMap.put(tempText, replacement); } // run preformat processors final int hostStartOffset = myAltFullRange.getStartOffset(); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(hostStartOffset); for (CopyPastePreProcessor preProcessor : Extensions.getExtensions(CopyPastePreProcessor.EP_NAME)) { newText = preProcessor.preprocessOnPaste(myProject, origPsiFile, myEditor, newText, null); } myOrigDocument.replaceString(hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset(), newText); // replace temp strings for guarded blocks for (String tempText : replacementMap.keySet()) { int idx = CharArrayUtil.indexOf( myOrigDocument.getCharsSequence(), tempText, hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset()); myOrigDocument.replaceString(idx, idx + tempText.length(), replacementMap.get(tempText)); } // JAVA: fix occasional char literal concatenation fixDocumentQuotes(myOrigDocument, hostStartOffset - 1); fixDocumentQuotes(myOrigDocument, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset()); // reformat PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitDocument(myOrigDocument); Runnable task = () -> { try { CodeStyleManager.getInstance(myProject) .reformatRange(origPsiFile, hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset(), true); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e1) { // LOG.error(e); } }; DocumentUtil.executeInBulk(myOrigDocument, true, task); PsiElement newInjected = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(myProject) .findInjectedElementAt(origPsiFile, hostStartOffset); DocumentWindow documentWindow = newInjected == null ? null : InjectedLanguageUtil.getDocumentWindow(newInjected); if (documentWindow != null) { myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(documentWindow.injectedToHost(e.getOffset())); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE); } }
private void releaseAllEditors() { for (final Editor editor : myEditors.values()) { if (!editor.isDisposed()) { EditorFactory.getInstance().releaseEditor(editor); } } myEditors.clear(); }
/** Remove a piece of code from the sketch and from the disk. */ public void handleDeleteCode() throws IOException { SketchFile current = editor.getCurrentTab().getSketchFile(); editor.status.clearState(); // make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder ensureExistence(); // if read-only, give an error if (isReadOnly( BaseNoGui.librariesIndexer.getInstalledLibraries(), BaseNoGui.getExamplesPath())) { // if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as". Base.showMessage( tr("Sketch is Read-Only"), tr( "Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" + "need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" + "and try again.")); return; } // confirm deletion with user, yes/no Object[] options = {tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")}; String prompt = current.isPrimary() ? tr("Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?") : I18n.format(tr("Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"), current.getPrettyName()); int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( editor, prompt, tr("Delete"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { if (current.isPrimary()) { sketch.delete(); editor.base.handleClose(editor); } else { // delete the file if (!current.delete(sketch.getBuildPath().toPath())) { Base.showMessage( tr("Couldn't do it"), I18n.format(tr("Could not delete \"{0}\"."), current.getFileName())); return; } // just set current tab to the main tab editor.selectTab(0); // update the tabs editor.header.repaint(); } } }
private void renameCurrentPage(String _name) { int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) return; _name = getUniqueName(_name); // Gonzalo 070128 tabbedPanel.setTitleAt(index, _name); Editor page = pageList.get(index); page.setName(_name); if (!page.isActive()) tabbedPanel.setTitleAt(index, page.getName() + " (D)"); changed = true; }
private void updateCursorHighlighting(boolean scroll) { hideBalloon(); if (myCursorHighlighter != null) { HighlightManager.getInstance(mySearchResults.getProject()) .removeSegmentHighlighter(mySearchResults.getEditor(), myCursorHighlighter); myCursorHighlighter = null; } final FindResult cursor = mySearchResults.getCursor(); Editor editor = mySearchResults.getEditor(); SelectionModel selection = editor.getSelectionModel(); if (cursor != null) { Set<RangeHighlighter> dummy = new HashSet<RangeHighlighter>(); highlightRange( cursor, new TextAttributes(null, null, Color.BLACK, EffectType.ROUNDED_BOX, 0), dummy); if (!dummy.isEmpty()) { myCursorHighlighter = dummy.iterator().next(); } if (scroll) { if (mySearchResults.getFindModel().isGlobal()) { FoldingModel foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); final FoldRegion[] allRegions = editor.getFoldingModel().getAllFoldRegions(); foldingModel.runBatchFoldingOperation( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (FoldRegion region : allRegions) { if (!region.isValid()) continue; if (cursor.intersects(TextRange.create(region))) { region.setExpanded(true); } } } }); selection.setSelection(cursor.getStartOffset(), cursor.getEndOffset()); editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(cursor.getEndOffset()); editor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.CENTER); } else { if (!SearchResults.insideVisibleArea(editor, cursor)) { LogicalPosition pos = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(cursor.getStartOffset()); editor.getScrollingModel().scrollTo(pos, ScrollType.CENTER); } } } editor .getScrollingModel() .runActionOnScrollingFinished( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showReplacementPreview(); } }); } }
public void showPage(Editor anEditor) { for (int i = 0, n = tabbedPanel.getComponentCount(); i < n; i++) { if (tabbedPanel.getComponent(i) == anEditor.getComponent()) { // System.out.println ("Found editor "+anEditor.getName()+ " at i="+i); ejs.showPanel(defaultHeader);, anEditor.getName()); tabbedPanel.setSelectedComponent(anEditor.getComponent()); return; } } }
/** * Emulates pressing <code>Enter</code> at current caret position. * * @param editor target editor * @param project target project * @param shifts two-elements array which is expected to be filled with the following info: 1. The * first element holds added lines number; 2. The second element holds added symbols number; */ private static void emulateEnter( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull Project project, int[] shifts) { final DataContext dataContext = prepareContext(editor.getComponent(), project); int caretOffset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); int startSelectionOffset = 0; int endSelectionOffset = 0; boolean restoreSelection = selectionModel.hasSelection(); if (restoreSelection) { startSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionStart(); endSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(); selectionModel.removeSelection(); } int textLengthBeforeWrap = document.getTextLength(); int lineCountBeforeWrap = document.getLineCount(); DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, true); CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); try { Runnable command = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EditorActionManager.getInstance() .getActionHandler(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_ENTER) .execute(editor, dataContext); } }; if (commandProcessor.getCurrentCommand() == null) { commandProcessor.executeCommand(editor.getProject(), command, WRAP_LINE_COMMAND_NAME, null); } else {; } } finally { DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, null); } int symbolsDiff = document.getTextLength() - textLengthBeforeWrap; if (restoreSelection) { int newSelectionStart = startSelectionOffset; int newSelectionEnd = endSelectionOffset; if (startSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionStart += symbolsDiff; } if (endSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionEnd += symbolsDiff; } selectionModel.setSelection(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); } shifts[0] = document.getLineCount() - lineCountBeforeWrap; shifts[1] = symbolsDiff; }
private void copyPage() { int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) return; Editor page = pageList.get(index); if (page == null) return; addPage( typeOfPage(page), this.getUniqueName(page.getName()), page.saveStringBuffer().toString(), true); changed = true; }
private void setStructureViewSelectionFromPropertiesFile(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { int line = propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); if (line >= document.getLineCount()) { return; } final String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, line); if (propertyName == null) { return; } setStructureViewSelection(propertyName); }
private boolean upload(String suggestedClassName, boolean usingProgrammer) throws Exception { UploaderUtils uploaderInstance = new UploaderUtils(); Uploader uploader = uploaderInstance.getUploaderByPreferences(false); boolean success = false; do { if (uploader.requiresAuthorization() && !PreferencesData.has(uploader.getAuthorizationKey())) { PasswordAuthorizationDialog dialog = new PasswordAuthorizationDialog( editor, tr("Type board password to upload a new sketch")); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(editor); dialog.setVisible(true); if (dialog.isCancelled()) { editor.statusNotice(tr("Upload cancelled")); return false; } PreferencesData.set(uploader.getAuthorizationKey(), dialog.getPassword()); } List<String> warningsAccumulator = new LinkedList<>(); try { success = uploaderInstance.upload( sketch, uploader, suggestedClassName, usingProgrammer, false, warningsAccumulator); } finally { if (uploader.requiresAuthorization() && !success) { PreferencesData.remove(uploader.getAuthorizationKey()); } } for (String warning : warningsAccumulator) { System.out.print(tr("Warning")); System.out.print(": "); System.out.println(warning); } } while (uploader.requiresAuthorization() && !success); if (!success) { String errorMessage = uploader.getFailureMessage(); if (errorMessage.equals("")) { errorMessage = tr("An error occurred while uploading the sketch"); } editor.statusError(errorMessage); } return success; }
private int widestEditor(final List<Editor> editors) { int maxWidth = 0; int idxMax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < editors.size(); i++) { Editor editor = editors.get(i); final int wholeWidth = editor.getContentComponent().getWidth(); if (wholeWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = wholeWidth; idxMax = i; } } return idxMax; }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // jdf if (!isEnabled()) return; final int x = e.getX(); final int y = e.getY(); int sel = findSelection(x, y); ///if (sel == -1) return false; if (sel == -1) return; currentRollover = -1; switch (sel) { case RUN: editor.handleRun(e.isShiftDown()); break; // case STOP: // editor.handleStop(); // break; // case OPEN: popup = menu.getPopupMenu();, x, y); break; case NEW: if (shiftPressed) { editor.base.handleNew(); } else { editor.base.handleNewReplace(); } break; case SAVE: editor.handleSave(false); break; case EXPORT: boolean t = e.isControlDown(); editor.handleExport(e.isShiftDown(),autoOpenSerialMonitor ? !t : t); // Control is down if autoOpenSerialMonitor is true in preferences break; case SERIAL: editor.handleSerial(); handleMouse(e); break; } }
private void recalculateMaxValues() { myIdxLeft = widestEditor(myLeftEditors); final Editor leftEditor = myLeftEditors.get(myIdxLeft); final int wholeWidth = leftEditor.getContentComponent().getWidth(); final Rectangle va = leftEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea(); final int visibleLeft = leftEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(va.width, 0)).column; myMaxColumnsLeft = (int) (visibleLeft * ((double) wholeWidth / va.getWidth())); myIdxRight = widestEditor(myRightEditors); final Editor rightEditor = myRightEditors.get(myIdxRight); final int wholeWidthRight = rightEditor.getContentComponent().getWidth(); final Rectangle vaRight = rightEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea(); final int visibleRight = rightEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(va.width, 0)).column; myMaxColumnsRight = (int) (visibleRight * ((double) wholeWidthRight / vaRight.getWidth())); myByLeft = !(myMaxColumnsLeft <= visibleLeft); if (!myByLeft) { // check right editor if (myLeftScroll.getVisibleAmount() != visibleRight) { myLeftScroll.setVisibleAmount(visibleRight); } myLeftScroll.setMaximum(myMaxColumnsRight); } else { if (myLeftScroll.getVisibleAmount() != visibleLeft) { myLeftScroll.setVisibleAmount(visibleLeft); } myLeftScroll.setMaximum(myMaxColumnsLeft); } }
private void setPropertiesFileSelectionFromStructureView(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { String selectedPropertyName = getSelectedPropertyName(); if (selectedPropertyName == null) { return; } Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < document.getLineCount(); i++) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, i); if (selectedPropertyName.equals(propertyName)) { propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().moveToLogicalPosition(new LogicalPosition(i, 0)); return; } } }
/** Add an assignment to the Editor for processing. */ public void addAssignment(Assignment a) throws Exception { try { editor.addAssignment(a); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
public static void setEditorVisibleSize(Editor editor, int widthInChars, int heightInChars) { Dimension size = new Dimension( widthInChars * EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor), heightInChars * editor.getLineHeight()); ((EditorEx) editor).getScrollPane().getViewport().setExtentSize(size); }
private void scrollMain(int scrollPosCorrected, final List<ScrollingModel> models) { final int pointX = (int) myEditor.logicalPositionToXY(new LogicalPosition(0, scrollPosCorrected)).getX(); for (ScrollingModel model : models) { model.scrollHorizontally(pointX); } }
/** Handler for the Rename Code menu option. */ public void handleRenameCode() { SketchFile current = editor.getCurrentTab().getSketchFile(); editor.status.clearState(); // make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder ensureExistence(); if (current.isPrimary() && editor.untitled) { Base.showMessage( tr("Sketch is Untitled"), tr("How about saving the sketch first \n" + "before trying to rename it?")); return; } // if read-only, give an error if (isReadOnly( BaseNoGui.librariesIndexer.getInstalledLibraries(), BaseNoGui.getExamplesPath())) { // if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as". Base.showMessage( tr("Sketch is Read-Only"), tr( "Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" + "need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" + "and try again.")); return; } // ask for new name of file (internal to window) // TODO maybe just popup a text area? renamingCode = true; String prompt = current.isPrimary() ? "New name for sketch:" : "New name for file:"; String oldName = current.getPrettyName(); editor.status.edit(prompt, oldName); }
private static void renderHull(PtEntry pt) { Inf inf = Inf.create(); int count = 30; PtEntry ptStart = pt; do { inf.update(); if (pt.prev(true) != null) { boolean valley = false; valley = (pt.prev(true).source() == pt.source() && pt.prev(true).orig().next(true) != pt.orig()); V.pushColor(MyColor.cBLUE); V.pushStroke(valley ? STRK_RUBBERBAND : STRK_THICK); V.drawLine(pt.prev(true), pt); V.pop(2); } V.pushColor(MyColor.cDARKGREEN); V.mark(pt, MARK_DISC, .6); V.pop(); if (Editor.withLabels(true)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" #" +; if (pt.source() != null) sb.append(" <" + pt.source() + ">"); V.pushScale(.6); V.draw(sb.toString(), MyMath.ptOnCircle(pt, MyMath.radians(30), 3), TX_FRAME | TX_BGND); V.pop(); } pt =; if (count-- == 0) V.draw("too many points rendering!", 50, 50, TX_CLAMP); } while (pt != ptStart && count > 0); }
/** Add an assignment to a specific client for processing. */ public void addAssignment(int ClientID, Assignment a) throws Exception { try { editor.addAssignment(ClientID, a); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
private void updateTextElement(final PsiElement elt) { final String newText = getNewText(elt); if (newText == null || Comparing.strEqual(newText, myEditor.getDocument().getText())) return; CommandProcessor.getInstance() .runUndoTransparentAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Document fragmentDoc = myEditor.getDocument(); fragmentDoc.setReadOnly(false); fragmentDoc.replaceString(0, fragmentDoc.getTextLength(), newText); fragmentDoc.setReadOnly(true); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(0); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); } }); } }); }
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (Editor.get() == null) return; TileMap map = Editor.get().getTileMap(); TextureManager textureManager = Editor.get().getWindow().getTextureManager(); clear(g, getWidth() / Window.TEXTURES_SIZE + 1, getHeight() / Window.TEXTURES_SIZE + 1, map); if (map != null) { for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) { Tile tile = map.getTile(x, y); if (!tile.getTexture().equals(Texture.AIR)) textureManager.drawTexture( g, tile.getTexture(), x * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE, y * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE, Window.TEXTURES_SIZE); } } g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.drawRect( (int) (map.getSpawnX() * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE) + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE, (int) (map.getSpawnY() * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE) + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE - Window.TEXTURES_SIZE * 2, Window.TEXTURES_SIZE, Window.TEXTURES_SIZE * 2); g.drawString( "SPAWN", (int) (map.getSpawnX() * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE) + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE - 1, (int) (map.getSpawnY() * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE) + OFFSET * Window.TEXTURES_SIZE); } g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawLine(selectX * 32 - 1, selectY * 32 - 1, selectX * 32 + 32, selectY * 32 - 1); g.drawLine(selectX * 32 - 1, selectY * 32 - 1, selectX * 32 - 1, selectY * 32 + 32); g.drawLine(selectX * 32 + 32, selectY * 32 - 1, selectX * 32 + 32, selectY * 32 + 32); g.drawLine(selectX * 32 - 1, selectY * 32 + 32, selectX * 32 + 32, selectY * 32 + 32); // g.fillRect(100, 100, 200, 200); }
public void nextPanel(final BeforeAfter<ShiftedSimpleContent> diff, final DiffPanel diffPanel) { final Editor editor1 = ((DiffPanelImpl) diffPanel).getEditor1(); myLeftModels.add(editor1.getScrollingModel()); final Editor editor2 = ((DiffPanelImpl) diffPanel).getEditor2(); myRightModels.add(editor2.getScrollingModel()); if (myEditor == null) { myEditor = editor1; } myLeftEditors.add(editor1); myRightEditors.add(editor2); ((EditorEx) editor1).setHorizontalScrollbarVisible(false); ((EditorEx) editor1).setVerticalScrollbarVisible(false); ((EditorEx) editor1).getScrollPane().setWheelScrollingEnabled(false); ((EditorEx) editor2).setHorizontalScrollbarVisible(false); ((EditorEx) editor2).setVerticalScrollbarVisible(false); ((EditorEx) editor2).getScrollPane().setWheelScrollingEnabled(false); }