private static void setDisplayModeAndFullscreenInternal(boolean fullscreen, DisplayMode mode) throws LWJGLException { synchronized (GlobalLock.lock) { if (mode == null) throw new NullPointerException("mode must be non-null"); DisplayMode old_mode = current_mode; current_mode = mode; boolean was_fullscreen = isFullscreen(); Display.fullscreen = fullscreen; if (was_fullscreen != isFullscreen() || !mode.equals(old_mode)) { if (!isCreated()) return; destroyWindow(); try { if (isFullscreen()) { switchDisplayMode(); } else { display_impl.resetDisplayMode(); } createWindow(); makeCurrentAndSetSwapInterval(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { drawable.destroy(); display_impl.resetDisplayMode(); throw e; } } } }
public static DisplayMode getDesktopDisplayMode() { GraphicsEnvironment genv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = genv.getDefaultScreenDevice(); java.awt.DisplayMode mode = device.getDisplayMode(); return new LwjglApplicationConfigurationDisplayMode( mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight(), mode.getRefreshRate(), mode.getBitDepth()); }
/** * <code>main</code> - pass in JFrame name * * @param args - <code>String[]</code> - */ public static void main(String[] args) { name = ""; String maxScreenValue = "false"; for (int argc = 0; argc < args.length; argc++) { // System.err.println( "argc " + argc + " " + args[argc]); if (argc == 0) { name = args[argc]; } else if (argc == 1) { maxScreenValue = args[argc]; } else { System.err.println("argument '" + args[argc] + "' not handled"); System.exit(-1); } } osType = System.getProperty("os.type"); // System.err.println( "osType " + osType); planWorksRoot = System.getProperty("planworks.root"); isMaxScreen = false; if (maxScreenValue.equals("true")) { isMaxScreen = true; } GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices(); for (int i = 0; i < gs.length; i++) { DisplayMode dm = gs[i].getDisplayMode(); System.err.println(dm.getWidth() + " " + dm.getHeight()); } planWorks = new PlanWorks(buildConstantMenus()); } // end main
/** Initializes the GUI. */ public void initGUI() { GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices(); DisplayMode dm = gs[0].getDisplayMode(); windowHeight = dm.getHeight() - 50; windowWidth = ((windowHeight * Board.WIDTH) / Board.HEIGHT) + MENU_WIDTH; this.setTitle("Kriegspiel Board Display"); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(windowWidth, windowHeight)); this.setResizable(false); Container content = this.getContentPane(); boardPanel = new JPanel(); boardPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(Board.HEIGHT, Board.WIDTH, windowHeight / 500, windowHeight / 500)); JPanel menuPanel = new MenuDisplayer(this, controller); content.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(menuPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); boardPanel.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); squares = new JPanel[Board.WIDTH][Board.HEIGHT]; }
JoglGraphicsConfiguration(GLCapabilities caps, int chosenIndex, GraphicsDevice device) { super(); this.caps = caps; this.chosenIndex = chosenIndex; this.device = device; // FIXME unit id? this.awtGraphicsDevice = new AWTGraphicsDevice(this.device, 0); DisplayMode m = device.getDisplayMode(); width = m.getWidth(); height = m.getHeight(); }
/** 将鼠标居中 */ public void mouseCenter() { try { GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); DisplayMode mode = device.getDisplayMode(); this.mouseX = this.lastMouseX = (mode.getWidth() / 2) - 10; this.mouseY = this.lastMouseY = (mode.getHeight() / 2) - 10; LSystem.RO_BOT.mouseMove(this.mouseX, this.mouseY); } catch (Exception e) { } }
private static int getWindowY() { if (!isFullscreen() && parent == null) { // if no display location set, center window if (y == -1) { return Math.max(0, (initial_mode.getHeight() - current_mode.getHeight()) / 2); } else { return y; } } else { return 0; } }
public static DisplayDeviceArea[] getPresentationAndImageDeviceAreas() { DisplayDeviceArea[] displayDeviceAreas = null; GraphicsDevice[] gs = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices(); if (gs.length == 1) { DisplayMode dm = gs[0].getDisplayMode(); int width = dm.getWidth(); int height = dm.getHeight(); float presentationAspectRatio = 5f / 4; // usual screen for presentations float imageAspectRatio = 3f / 4 * 2; // pair of portrait monitors float presentationHorizontalProportion = 0.33f; int presentationWidth = (int) (width * presentationHorizontalProportion); int presentationHeight = (int) (presentationWidth / presentationAspectRatio); if (presentationHeight > height) { presentationHeight = height; } int presentationX = 0; int presentationY = height - presentationHeight; int imageWidth = width - presentationWidth; int imageHeight = (int) (imageWidth / imageAspectRatio); if (imageHeight > height) { imageHeight = height; } int imageX = presentationWidth; int imageY = height - imageHeight; displayDeviceAreas = new DisplayDeviceArea[2]; displayDeviceAreas[0] = new DisplayDeviceArea( gs[0], presentationX, presentationY, presentationWidth, presentationHeight); displayDeviceAreas[1] = new DisplayDeviceArea(gs[0], imageX, imageY, imageWidth, imageHeight); } else if (gs.length == 2) { DisplayMode dm1 = gs[0].getDisplayMode(); DisplayMode dm2 = gs[1].getDisplayMode(); int width1 = dm1.getWidth(); int width2 = dm2.getWidth(); int height1 = dm1.getHeight(); int height2 = dm2.getHeight(); GraphicsDevice presentationDevice; GraphicsDevice imageDevice; if (width1 * height1 > width2 * height2) { presentationDevice = gs[1]; imageDevice = gs[0]; } else { presentationDevice = gs[0]; imageDevice = gs[1]; } displayDeviceAreas = new DisplayDeviceArea[2]; displayDeviceAreas[0] = new DisplayDeviceArea(presentationDevice); displayDeviceAreas[1] = new DisplayDeviceArea(imageDevice); } return displayDeviceAreas; }
private static void switchDisplayMode() throws LWJGLException { if (!current_mode.isFullscreenCapable()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Only modes acquired from getAvailableDisplayModes() can be used for fullscreen display"); } display_impl.switchDisplayMode(current_mode); }
public MainFrame(Coord isz) { super("Haven and Hearth"); version = "1.6 (12.22.2015)"; Coord sz; if (isz == null) { sz = Utils.getprefc("wndsz", new Coord(800, 600)); if (sz.x < 640) sz.x = 640; if (sz.y < 480) sz.y = 480; } else { sz = isz; } this.g = new ThreadGroup(, "Haven client"); = new HackThread(this.g, this, "Haven main thread"); p = new HavenPanel(sz.x, sz.y); if (fsmode == null) { Coord pfm = Utils.getprefc("fsmode", null); if (pfm != null) fsmode = findmode(pfm.x, pfm.y); } if (fsmode == null) { DisplayMode cm = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice().getDisplayMode(); fsmode = findmode(cm.getWidth(), cm.getHeight()); } if (fsmode == null) fsmode = findmode(800, 600); add(p); pack(); setResizable(!Utils.getprefb("wndlock", false)); p.requestFocusInWindow(); seticon(); setVisible(true); p.init(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { g.interrupt(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = false; } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = true; } }); if ((isz == null) && Utils.getprefb("wndmax", false)) setExtendedState(getExtendedState() | MAXIMIZED_BOTH); }
DisplayMode findmode(int w, int h) { GraphicsDevice dev = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice(); if (!dev.isFullScreenSupported()) return (null); DisplayMode b = null; for (DisplayMode m : dev.getDisplayModes()) { int d = m.getBitDepth(); if ((m.getWidth() == w) && (m.getHeight() == h) && ((d == 24) || (d == 32) || (d == DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI))) { if ((b == null) || (d > b.getBitDepth()) || ((d == b.getBitDepth()) && (m.getRefreshRate() > b.getRefreshRate()))) b = m; } } return (b); }
@Override public final synchronized void render() { final Graphics graphics = buffer.getDrawGraphics(); if (smoothScale) { ((Graphics2D) graphics) .setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); } if (inFullScreen) { graphics.setColor(Color.BLACK); DisplayMode dm = gd.getDisplayMode(); int scrnheight = dm.getHeight(); int scrnwidth = dm.getWidth(); // don't ask why this needs to be done every frame, // but it does b/c the canvas keeps resizing itself canvas.setSize(scrnwidth, scrnheight); graphics.fillRect(0, 0, scrnwidth, scrnheight); if (PrefsSingleton.get().getBoolean("maintainAspect", true)) { double scalefactor = getmaxscale(scrnwidth, scrnheight); int height = (int) (NES_HEIGHT * scalefactor); int width = (int) (256 * scalefactor * 1.1666667); graphics.drawImage( frame, ((scrnwidth / 2) - (width / 2)), ((scrnheight / 2) - (height / 2)), width, height, null); } else { graphics.drawImage(frame, 0, 0, scrnwidth, scrnheight, null); } graphics.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); graphics.drawString(this.getTitle(), 16, 16); } else { graphics.drawImage( frame, 0, 0, NES_WIDTH * screenScaleFactor, NES_HEIGHT * screenScaleFactor, null); } graphics.dispose();; }
/** * Populates user language, color depth, screen resolution, and character encoding. Can't get * flash version. */ public void populateFromSystem() { encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); String region = System.getProperty("user.region"); if (region == null) { region = System.getProperty(""); } userLanguage = System.getProperty("user.language") + "-" + region; int screenHeight = 0; int screenWidth = 0; GraphicsEnvironment ge = null; GraphicsDevice[] gs = null; try { ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); gs = ge.getScreenDevices(); // Get size of each screen for (int i = 0; i < gs.length; i++) { DisplayMode dm = gs[i].getDisplayMode(); screenWidth += dm.getWidth(); screenHeight += dm.getHeight(); } if (screenHeight != 0 && screenWidth != 0) { screenResolution = screenWidth + "x" + screenHeight; } if (gs[0] != null) { colorDepth = gs[0].getDisplayMode().getBitDepth() + ""; for (int i = 1; i < gs.length; i++) { colorDepth += ", " + gs[i].getDisplayMode().getBitDepth(); } } } catch (HeadlessException e) { // report reasonable defaults. screenHeight = 1024; screenWidth = 768; colorDepth = "32"; } }
/** @return whether the Display is in fullscreen mode */ public static boolean isFullscreen() { synchronized (GlobalLock.lock) { return fullscreen && current_mode.isFullscreenCapable(); } }
public void createWindow(DrawableLWJGL drawable, DisplayMode mode, Canvas parent, int x, int y) throws LWJGLException { close_requested = false; is_dirty = false; isMinimized = false; isFocused = false; redoMakeContextCurrent = false; maximized = false; this.parent = parent; hasParent = parent != null; parent_hwnd = parent != null ? getHwnd(parent) : 0; this.hwnd = nCreateWindow( x, y, mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight(), Display.isFullscreen() || isUndecorated(), parent != null, parent_hwnd); this.resizable = false; if (hwnd == 0) { throw new LWJGLException("Failed to create window"); } this.hdc = getDC(hwnd); if (hdc == 0) { nDestroyWindow(hwnd); throw new LWJGLException("Failed to get dc"); } try { if (drawable instanceof DrawableGL) { int format = WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat( getHdc(), 0, 0, (PixelFormat) drawable.getPixelFormat(), null, true, true, false, true); WindowsPeerInfo.setPixelFormat(getHdc(), format); } else { peer_info = new WindowsDisplayPeerInfo(true); ((DrawableGLES) drawable) .initialize( hwnd, hdc, EGL.EGL_WINDOW_BIT, (org.lwjgl.opengles.PixelFormat) drawable.getPixelFormat()); } peer_info.initDC(getHwnd(), getHdc()); showWindow(getHwnd(), SW_SHOWDEFAULT); updateWidthAndHeight(); if (parent == null) { if (Display.isResizable()) { setResizable(true); } setForegroundWindow(getHwnd()); } else { parent_focused = new AtomicBoolean(false); parent.addFocusListener( parent_focus_tracker = new FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { parent_focused.set(true); clearAWTFocus(); } }); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { clearAWTFocus(); } }); } grabFocus(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { nReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); nDestroyWindow(hwnd); throw e; } }
/** * Set the mode of the context. If no context has been created through create(), the mode will * apply when create() is called. If mode.isFullscreenCapable() is true, the context will become a * fullscreen context and the display mode is switched to the mode given by getDisplayMode(). If * mode.isFullscreenCapable() is false, the context will become a windowed context with the * dimensions given in the mode returned by getDisplayMode(). The native cursor position is also * reset. * * @param mode The new display mode to set. Must be non-null. * @throws LWJGLException If the mode switch fails. */ public static void setDisplayModeAndFullscreen(DisplayMode mode) throws LWJGLException { setDisplayModeAndFullscreenInternal(mode.isFullscreenCapable(), mode); }
private void enterFullscreen() { GraphicsDevice device = m_renderTarget.getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice(); if (!device.isFullScreenSupported()) m_logger.error("Cannot enter full-screen. Device does not support full-screen mode"); else { device.setFullScreenWindow(m_renderTarget); DisplayMode best = device.getDisplayMode(); if (!device.isDisplayChangeSupported()) m_logger.error( "Device does not support change of display modes. Using default display mode."); else { for (DisplayMode d : device.getDisplayModes()) { int dDeltaWidth = d.getWidth() - m_canvasRenderWidth; int dDeltaHeight = d.getHeight() - m_canvasRenderHeight; int dDeltaBitDepth = d.getBitDepth() - PREFERRED_BIT_DEPTH; int bestDeltaWidth = best.getWidth() - m_canvasRenderWidth; int bestDeltaHeight = best.getHeight() - m_canvasRenderHeight; int bestDeltaBitDepth = best.getBitDepth() - PREFERRED_BIT_DEPTH; if (dDeltaWidth == bestDeltaWidth && dDeltaHeight == bestDeltaHeight) { if (d.getBitDepth() > MIN_BIT_DEPTH && (Math.abs(dDeltaBitDepth) < Math.abs(bestDeltaBitDepth))) best = d; } else if (dDeltaWidth == 0 || (dDeltaWidth > 0 && dDeltaWidth < bestDeltaWidth) && dDeltaHeight == 0 || (dDeltaHeight > 0 && dDeltaHeight < bestDeltaWidth)) { best = d; } } device.setDisplayMode(best); } m_renderTarget.setBounds( new Rectangle( m_renderTarget.getLocation(), new Dimension(best.getWidth(), best.getHeight()))); } }
/** creates the lobby. */ public ClientLobby(User u) { this.user = u; /* * Get Infos about the screen * */ GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice screen = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); DisplayMode disp = screen.getDisplayMode(); screenX = disp.getWidth(); screenY = disp.getHeight(); JPanel bg = createBackground(); /* * Set up lobby / inputs * */ lobbyParent = new JFrame("SwissDefcon Lobby"); lobbyParent.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); lobbyParent.setSize(iLobbyX, iLobbyY); lobbyParent.setResizable(false); lobbyParent.setLocation(screenX / 2 - iLobbyX / 2, screenY / 2 - iLobbyY / 2); lobbyParent.setContentPane(bg); s = new SelectServer(user); s.addServerSelectedListener( new ServerSelectedListener() { public void serverSelected(final ServerSelectedEvent ev) { ServerAddress server = ev.getServer(); String desiredNick = ev.getUsername(); try { Log.InformationLog( "-->Connecting to " + ev.getServer().getServerName() + "(" + server.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ") as " + ev.getUsername() + "(desired Username)"); // stop discovery s.stopSearch(); s.setVisible(false); // make Connection socket = new Clientsocket(server); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(lobbyParent, "Verbunden mit Server"); l = new InnerLobby(socket, user); lobbyParent.add(l); // request nick socket.sendData(Protocol.CON_NICK.str() + desiredNick); // TODO Game Listener to start game here. socket.addInfoEventListener( new InfoEventListener() { @Override public void received(final InfoEvent evt) { if (evt.getId() == -1) { Log.InformationLog("Connection to server broken, starting ServerSelect"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( lobbyParent, "Verbindungsunterbruch", "Connection Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // TODO remove the game if it exists. socket.disconnect(); lobbyParent.remove(l); lobbyParent.validate(); lobbyParent.repaint(); s.setVisible(true); s.startSearch(); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Log.WarningLog("-->connection broken, could not connect"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( lobbyParent, "Konnte nicht mit Server verbinden: ", "Connection Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); if (socket != null) { socket.disconnect(); } s.setVisible(true); s.startSearch(); } } }); lobbyParent.add(s); Log.InformationLog("you can now select a server"); lobbyParent.setVisible(true); }
private static void reshape() { DisplayMode mode = getEffectiveMode(); display_impl.reshape(getWindowX(), getWindowY(), mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight()); }
/** @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(DisplayMode a, DisplayMode b) { // Width if (a.getWidth() != b.getWidth()) return (a.getWidth() > b.getWidth()) ? 1 : -1; // Height if (a.getHeight() != b.getHeight()) return (a.getHeight() > b.getHeight()) ? 1 : -1; // Bit depth if (a.getBitDepth() != b.getBitDepth()) return (a.getBitDepth() > b.getBitDepth()) ? 1 : -1; // Refresh rate if (a.getRefreshRate() != b.getRefreshRate()) return (a.getRefreshRate() > b.getRefreshRate()) ? 1 : -1; // All fields are equal return 0; }
public boolean displayModesMatch(DisplayMode m1, DisplayMode m2) { if (m1.getWidth() != m2.getWidth() || m1.getHeight() != m2.getHeight()) { return false; } else { } if (m1.getBitDepth() != DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI && m2.getBitDepth() != DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI && m1.getBitDepth() != m2.getBitDepth()) { return false; } else { } if (m1.getRefreshRate() != DisplayMode.REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN && m2.getRefreshRate() != DisplayMode.REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN && m1.getRefreshRate() != m2.getRefreshRate()) { return false; } else { } return true; }
public static DisplayMode[] getDisplayModes() { GraphicsEnvironment genv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = genv.getDefaultScreenDevice(); java.awt.DisplayMode desktopMode = device.getDisplayMode(); java.awt.DisplayMode[] displayModes = device.getDisplayModes(); ArrayList<DisplayMode> modes = new ArrayList<DisplayMode>(); int idx = 0; for (java.awt.DisplayMode mode : displayModes) { boolean duplicate = false; for (int i = 0; i < modes.size(); i++) { if (modes.get(i).width == mode.getWidth() && modes.get(i).height == mode.getHeight() && modes.get(i).bitsPerPixel == mode.getBitDepth()) { duplicate = true; break; } } if (duplicate) continue; if (mode.getBitDepth() != desktopMode.getBitDepth()) continue; modes.add( new LwjglApplicationConfigurationDisplayMode( mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight(), mode.getRefreshRate(), mode.getBitDepth())); } return modes.toArray(new DisplayMode[modes.size()]); }
/** * Retorna si 2 modos son iguales. * * @param mode1 * @param mode2 * @return True en caso de que ambos sean iguales. */ private boolean sonIguales(DisplayMode mode1, DisplayMode mode2) { if (mode1.getWidth() != mode2.getWidth() || mode1.getHeight() != mode2.getHeight()) { return false; } if (mode1.getBitDepth() != DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI && mode2.getBitDepth() != DisplayMode.BIT_DEPTH_MULTI && mode1.getBitDepth() != mode2.getBitDepth()) { return false; } if (mode1.getRefreshRate() != DisplayMode.REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN && mode2.getRefreshRate() != DisplayMode.REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN && mode1.getRefreshRate() != mode2.getRefreshRate()) { return false; } return true; }