public double cval(double td) { if (td == 0) return (1.0); else if ((td < -sz) || (td > sz)) return (0.0); double tdp = td * Math.PI; double wtdp = tdp / sz; return ((Math.sin(tdp) / tdp) * (Math.sin(wtdp) / wtdp)); }
public void method352( int i, int j, int ai[], int k, int ai1[], int i1, int j1, int k1, int l1, int i2) { try { int j2 = -l1 / 2; int k2 = -i / 2; int l2 = (int) (Math.sin((double) j / 326.11000000000001D) * 65536D); int i3 = (int) (Math.cos((double) j / 326.11000000000001D) * 65536D); l2 = l2 * k >> 8; i3 = i3 * k >> 8; int j3 = (i2 << 16) + (k2 * l2 + j2 * i3); int k3 = (i1 << 16) + (k2 * i3 - j2 * l2); int l3 = k1 + j1 * DrawingArea.width; for (j1 = 0; j1 < i; j1++) { int i4 = ai1[j1]; int j4 = l3 + i4; int k4 = j3 + i3 * i4; int l4 = k3 - l2 * i4; for (k1 = -ai[j1]; k1 < 0; k1++) { DrawingArea.pixels[j4++] = myPixels[(k4 >> 16) + (l4 >> 16) * myWidth]; k4 += i3; l4 -= l2; } j3 += l2; k3 += i3; l3 += DrawingArea.width; } } catch (Exception _ex) { } }
public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst) { if (dst == null) dst = createCompatibleDestImage(src, null); int width = src.getWidth(); int height = src.getHeight(); int numScratches = (int) (density * width * height / 100); ArrayList<Line2D> lines = new ArrayList<Line2D>(); { float l = length * width; Random random = new Random(seed); Graphics2D g = dst.createGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setColor(new Color(color)); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(this.width)); for (int i = 0; i < numScratches; i++) { float x = width * random.nextFloat(); float y = height * random.nextFloat(); float a = angle + ImageMath.TWO_PI * (angleVariation * (random.nextFloat() - 0.5f)); float s = (float) Math.sin(a) * l; float c = (float) Math.cos(a) * l; float x1 = x - c; float y1 = y - s; float x2 = x + c; float y2 = y + s; g.drawLine((int) x1, (int) y1, (int) x2, (int) y2); lines.add(new Line2D.Float(x1, y1, x2, y2)); } g.dispose(); } if (false) { // int[] inPixels = getRGB( src, 0, 0, width, height, null ); int[] inPixels = new int[width * height]; int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float sx = x, sy = y; for (int i = 0; i < numScratches; i++) { Line2D.Float l = (Line2D.Float) lines.get(i); float dot = (l.x2 - l.x1) * (sx - l.x1) + (l.y2 - l.y1) * (sy - l.y1); if (dot > 0) inPixels[index] |= (1 << i); } index++; } } Colormap colormap = new LinearColormap(); index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float f = (float) (inPixels[index] & 0x7fffffff) / 0x7fffffff; inPixels[index] = colormap.getColor(f); index++; } } setRGB(dst, 0, 0, width, height, inPixels); } return dst; }
private void initialize() { sinTable = new float[256]; cosTable = new float[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { float angle = ImageMath.TWO_PI * i / 256f * turbulence; sinTable[i] = (float) (-yScale * Math.sin(angle)); cosTable[i] = (float) (yScale * Math.cos(angle)); } }
/** * Prepare the light for rendering. * * @param width the output image width * @param height the output image height */ public void prepare(int width, int height) { float lx = (float) (Math.cos(azimuth) * Math.cos(elevation)); float ly = (float) (Math.sin(azimuth) * Math.cos(elevation)); float lz = (float) Math.sin(elevation); direction = new Vector3f(lx, ly, lz); direction.normalize(); if (type != DISTANT) { lx *= distance; ly *= distance; lz *= distance; lx += width * centreX; ly += height * centreY; } position = new Vector3f(lx, ly, lz); realColor.set(new Color(color)); realColor.scale(intensity); cosConeAngle = (float) Math.cos(coneAngle); }
public NTSCRenderer() { int hue = -512; double col_adjust = 1.2 / .707; for (int j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { float angle = (float) (Math.PI * ((hue + (j << 8)) / (12 * 128.0) - 33.0 / 180)); i_filter[j] = (float) (-col_adjust * Math.cos(angle)); q_filter[j] = (float) (col_adjust * Math.sin(angle)); } // utils.printarray(i_filter); // utils.printarray(q_filter); }
public void fellipse(Coord c, Coord r, int a1, int a2) { st.set(cur2d); apply(); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); vertex(c); for (int i = a1; i <= a2; i += 5) { double a = (i * Math.PI * 2) / 360.0; vertex(c.add((int) (Math.cos(a) * r.x), -(int) (Math.sin(a) * r.y))); } gl.glEnd(); checkerr(); }
protected void transformInverse(int x, int y, float[] out) { float dx = x - icentreX; float dy = y - icentreY; float distance = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (distance > radius2) { out[0] = x; out[1] = y; } else { distance = (float) Math.sqrt(distance); float a = (float) Math.atan2(dy, dx) + angle * (radius - distance) / radius; out[0] = icentreX + distance * (float) Math.cos(a); out[1] = icentreY + distance * (float) Math.sin(a); } }
/** Recalculates the (x,y) point used to indicate the selected color. */ private void regeneratePoint() { int size = Math.min( MAX_SIZE, Math.min( getWidth() - imagePadding.left - imagePadding.right, getHeight() - - imagePadding.bottom)); if (mode == ColorPicker.HUE || mode == ColorPicker.SAT || mode == ColorPicker.BRI) { if (mode == ColorPicker.HUE) { point = new Point((int) (sat * size), (int) (bri * size)); } else if (mode == ColorPicker.SAT) { double theta = hue * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2; if (theta < 0) theta += 2 * Math.PI; double r = bri * size / 2; point = new Point( (int) (r * Math.cos(theta) + .5 + size / 2.0), (int) (r * Math.sin(theta) + .5 + size / 2.0)); } else if (mode == ColorPicker.BRI) { double theta = hue * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2; if (theta < 0) theta += 2 * Math.PI; double r = sat * size / 2; point = new Point( (int) (r * Math.cos(theta) + .5 + size / 2.0), (int) (r * Math.sin(theta) + .5 + size / 2.0)); } } else if (mode == ColorPicker.RED) { point = new Point((int) (green * size / 255f + .49f), (int) (blue * size / 255f + .49f)); } else if (mode == ColorPicker.GREEN) { point = new Point((int) (red * size / 255f + .49f), (int) (blue * size / 255f + .49f)); } else if (mode == ColorPicker.BLUE) { point = new Point((int) (red * size / 255f + .49f), (int) (green * size / 255f + .49f)); } }
private Path2D.Double makeStar(int r1, int r2, int vc) { int or = Math.max(r1, r2); int ir = Math.min(r1, r2); double agl = 0d; double add = 2 * Math.PI / (vc * 2); Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(or * 1, or * 0); for (int i = 0; i < vc * 2 - 1; i++) { agl += add; int r = i % 2 == 0 ? ir : or; p.lineTo(r * Math.cos(agl), r * Math.sin(agl)); } p.closePath(); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(-Math.PI / 2, or, 0); return new Path2D.Double(p, at); }
public void method353(int i, double d, int l1) { // all of the following were parameters int j = 15; int k = 20; int l = 15; int j1 = 256; int k1 = 20; // all of the previous were parameters try { int i2 = -k / 2; int j2 = -k1 / 2; int k2 = (int) (Math.sin(d) * 65536D); int l2 = (int) (Math.cos(d) * 65536D); k2 = k2 * j1 >> 8; l2 = l2 * j1 >> 8; int i3 = (l << 16) + (j2 * k2 + i2 * l2); int j3 = (j << 16) + (j2 * l2 - i2 * k2); int k3 = l1 + i * DrawingArea.width; for (i = 0; i < k1; i++) { int l3 = k3; int i4 = i3; int j4 = j3; for (l1 = -k; l1 < 0; l1++) { int k4 = myPixels[(i4 >> 16) + (j4 >> 16) * myWidth]; if (k4 != 0) DrawingArea.pixels[l3++] = k4; else l3++; i4 += l2; j4 -= k2; } i3 += k2; j3 += l2; k3 += DrawingArea.width; } } catch (Exception _ex) { } }
private void spawnCircles() { if (circular) { for (int i = 0; i < ballN; i++) { double degree = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; float x = ((Player) players.get(0)).getX() + distance * (float) Math.sin(degree * i); float y = ((Player) players.get(0)).getY() + distance * (float) Math.cos(degree * i); enemies.add(new EnemyTypes.Circle(x, y, invSpeed)); } } else { for (int i = 1; i < (ballN / 2); i++) { float x = (i * 2 * width) / (ballN); float y = 0; enemies.add(new EnemyTypes.Circle(x, y, invSpeed)); } for (int i = (ballN / 2) + 1; i < ballN; i++) { float x = ((i - ballN / 2) * 2 * width) / ballN; float y = height; enemies.add(new EnemyTypes.Circle(x, y, invSpeed)); } } spawnIncrease = false; }
private int getEnvironmentMap(Vector3f normal, int[] inPixels, int width, int height) { if (environmentMap != null) { float angle = (float) Math.acos(-normal.y); float x, y; y = angle / ImageMath.PI; if (y == 0.0f || y == 1.0f) x = 0.0f; else { float f = normal.x / (float) Math.sin(angle); if (f > 1.0f) f = 1.0f; else if (f < -1.0f) f = -1.0f; x = (float) Math.acos(f) / ImageMath.PI; } // A bit of empirical scaling.... x = ImageMath.clamp(x * envWidth, 0, envWidth - 1); y = ImageMath.clamp(y * envHeight, 0, envHeight - 1); int ix = (int) x; int iy = (int) y; float xWeight = x - ix; float yWeight = y - iy; int i = envWidth * iy + ix; int dx = ix == envWidth - 1 ? 0 : 1; int dy = iy == envHeight - 1 ? 0 : envWidth; return ImageMath.bilinearInterpolate( xWeight, yWeight, envPixels[i], envPixels[i + dx], envPixels[i + dy], envPixels[i + dx + dy]); } return 0; }
/** Rotate theta degrees about the x axis */ void xrot(double theta) { theta *= (pi / 180); double ct = Math.cos(theta); double st = Math.sin(theta); double Nyx = (yx * ct + zx * st); double Nyy = (yy * ct + zy * st); double Nyz = (yz * ct + zz * st); double Nyo = (yo * ct + zo * st); double Nzx = (zx * ct - yx * st); double Nzy = (zy * ct - yy * st); double Nzz = (zz * ct - yz * st); double Nzo = (zo * ct - yo * st); yo = Nyo; yx = Nyx; yy = Nyy; yz = Nyz; zo = Nzo; zx = Nzx; zy = Nzy; zz = Nzz; }
/** Rotate theta degrees about the z axis */ void zrot(double theta) { theta *= pi / 180; double ct = Math.cos(theta); double st = Math.sin(theta); double Nyx = (yx * ct + xx * st); double Nyy = (yy * ct + xy * st); double Nyz = (yz * ct + xz * st); double Nyo = (yo * ct + xo * st); double Nxx = (xx * ct - yx * st); double Nxy = (xy * ct - yy * st); double Nxz = (xz * ct - yz * st); double Nxo = (xo * ct - yo * st); yo = Nyo; yx = Nyx; yy = Nyy; yz = Nyz; xo = Nxo; xx = Nxx; xy = Nxy; xz = Nxz; }
/** Rotate theta degrees around the y axis */ void yrot(double theta) { theta *= (pi / 180); double ct = Math.cos(theta); double st = Math.sin(theta); double Nxx = (xx * ct + zx * st); double Nxy = (xy * ct + zy * st); double Nxz = (xz * ct + zz * st); double Nxo = (xo * ct + zo * st); double Nzx = (zx * ct - xx * st); double Nzy = (zy * ct - xy * st); double Nzz = (zz * ct - xz * st); double Nzo = (zo * ct - xo * st); xo = Nxo; xx = Nxx; xy = Nxy; xz = Nxz; zo = Nzo; zx = Nzx; zy = Nzy; zz = Nzz; }
/** * Specifies the angle of the texture. * * @param angle the angle of the texture. * @angle * @see #getAngle */ public void setAngle(float angle) { this.angle = angle; p2 = new Point((int) (64 * Math.cos(angle)), (int) (64 * Math.sin(angle))); }
protected void transformInverse(int x, int y, float[] out) { float theta, t; float m, xmax, ymax; float r = 0; switch (type) { case RECT_TO_POLAR: theta = 0; if (x >= centreX) { if (y > centreY) { theta = ImageMath.PI - (float) Math.atan(((float) (x - centreX)) / ((float) (y - centreY))); r = (float) Math.sqrt(sqr(x - centreX) + sqr(y - centreY)); } else if (y < centreY) { theta = (float) Math.atan(((float) (x - centreX)) / ((float) (centreY - y))); r = (float) Math.sqrt(sqr(x - centreX) + sqr(centreY - y)); } else { theta = ImageMath.HALF_PI; r = x - centreX; } } else if (x < centreX) { if (y < centreY) { theta = ImageMath.TWO_PI - (float) Math.atan(((float) (centreX - x)) / ((float) (centreY - y))); r = (float) Math.sqrt(sqr(centreX - x) + sqr(centreY - y)); } else if (y > centreY) { theta = ImageMath.PI + (float) Math.atan(((float) (centreX - x)) / ((float) (y - centreY))); r = (float) Math.sqrt(sqr(centreX - x) + sqr(y - centreY)); } else { theta = 1.5f * ImageMath.PI; r = centreX - x; } } if (x != centreX) m = Math.abs(((float) (y - centreY)) / ((float) (x - centreX))); else m = 0; if (m <= ((float) height / (float) width)) { if (x == centreX) { xmax = 0; ymax = centreY; } else { xmax = centreX; ymax = m * xmax; } } else { ymax = centreY; xmax = ymax / m; } out[0] = (width - 1) - (width - 1) / ImageMath.TWO_PI * theta; out[1] = height * r / radius; break; case POLAR_TO_RECT: theta = x / width * ImageMath.TWO_PI; float theta2; if (theta >= 1.5f * ImageMath.PI) theta2 = ImageMath.TWO_PI - theta; else if (theta >= ImageMath.PI) theta2 = theta - ImageMath.PI; else if (theta >= 0.5f * ImageMath.PI) theta2 = ImageMath.PI - theta; else theta2 = theta; t = (float) Math.tan(theta2); if (t != 0) m = 1.0f / t; else m = 0; if (m <= ((float) (height) / (float) (width))) { if (theta2 == 0) { xmax = 0; ymax = centreY; } else { xmax = centreX; ymax = m * xmax; } } else { ymax = centreY; xmax = ymax / m; } r = radius * (float) (y / (float) (height)); float nx = -r * (float) Math.sin(theta2); float ny = r * (float) Math.cos(theta2); if (theta >= 1.5f * ImageMath.PI) { out[0] = (float) centreX - nx; out[1] = (float) centreY - ny; } else if (theta >= Math.PI) { out[0] = (float) centreX - nx; out[1] = (float) centreY + ny; } else if (theta >= 0.5 * Math.PI) { out[0] = (float) centreX + nx; out[1] = (float) centreY + ny; } else { out[0] = (float) centreX + nx; out[1] = (float) centreY - ny; } break; case INVERT_IN_CIRCLE: float dx = x - centreX; float dy = y - centreY; float distance2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; out[0] = centreX + centreX * centreX * dx / distance2; out[1] = centreY + centreY * centreY * dy / distance2; break; } }
private int xCor(int len, double dir) { return (int) (len * Math.sin(dir)); }
/** * Gets the template location at which the best match occurs in a rectangle and along a line. May * return null. * * @param target the image to search * @param searchRect the rectangle to search within the target image * @param x0 the x-component of a point on the line * @param y0 the y-component of a point on the line * @param slope the slope of the line * @param spread the spread of the line (line width = 1+2*spread) * @return the optimized template location of the best match, if any */ public TPoint getMatchLocation( BufferedImage target, Rectangle searchRect, double x0, double y0, double theta, int spread) { wTarget = target.getWidth(); hTarget = target.getHeight(); // determine insets needed to accommodate template int left = wTemplate / 2, right = left; if (wTemplate % 2 > 0) right++; int top = hTemplate / 2, bottom = top; if (hTemplate % 2 > 0) bottom++; // trim search rectangle if necessary searchRect.x = Math.max(left, Math.min(wTarget - right, searchRect.x)); searchRect.y = Math.max(top, Math.min(hTarget - bottom, searchRect.y)); searchRect.width = Math.min(wTarget - searchRect.x - right, searchRect.width); searchRect.height = Math.min(hTarget - searchRect.y - bottom, searchRect.height); if (searchRect.width <= 0 || searchRect.height <= 0) { peakHeight = Double.NaN; peakWidth = Double.NaN; return null; } // set up test pixels to search (rectangle plus template) int xMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.x - left); int xMax = Math.min(wTarget, searchRect.x + searchRect.width + right); int yMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.y - top); int yMax = Math.min(hTarget, searchRect.y + searchRect.height + bottom); wTest = xMax - xMin; hTest = yMax - yMin; if (target.getType() != BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(wTarget, hTarget, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); image.createGraphics().drawImage(target, 0, 0, null); target = image; } targetPixels = new int[wTest * hTest]; target.getRaster().getDataElements(xMin, yMin, wTest, hTest, targetPixels); // get the points to search along the line ArrayList<Point2D> searchPts = getSearchPoints(searchRect, x0, y0, theta); if (searchPts == null) { peakHeight = Double.NaN; peakWidth = Double.NaN; return null; } // collect differences in a map as they are measured HashMap<Point2D, Double> diffs = new HashMap<Point2D, Double>(); // find the point with the minimum difference from template double matchDiff = largeNumber; // larger than typical differences int xMatch = 0, yMatch = 0; double avgDiff = 0; Point2D matchPt = null; for (Point2D pt : searchPts) { int x = (int) pt.getX(); int y = (int) pt.getY(); double diff = getDifferenceAtTestPoint(x, y); diffs.put(pt, diff); avgDiff += diff; if (diff < matchDiff) { matchDiff = diff; xMatch = x; yMatch = y; matchPt = pt; } } avgDiff /= searchPts.size(); peakHeight = avgDiff / matchDiff - 1; peakWidth = Double.NaN; double dl = 0; int matchIndex = searchPts.indexOf(matchPt); // if match is not exact, fit a Gaussian and find peak if (!Double.isInfinite(peakHeight) && matchIndex > 0 && matchIndex < searchPts.size() - 1) { // fill data arrays Point2D pt = searchPts.get(matchIndex - 1); double diff = diffs.get(pt); xValues[0] = -pt.distance(matchPt); yValues[0] = avgDiff / diff - 1; xValues[1] = 0; yValues[1] = peakHeight; pt = searchPts.get(matchIndex + 1); diff = diffs.get(pt); xValues[2] = pt.distance(matchPt); yValues[2] = avgDiff / diff - 1; // determine approximate offset (dl) and width (w) values double pull = -xValues[0] / (yValues[1] - yValues[0]); double push = xValues[2] / (yValues[1] - yValues[2]); if (Double.isNaN(pull)) pull = LARGE_NUMBER; if (Double.isNaN(push)) push = LARGE_NUMBER; dl = 0.3 * (xValues[2] - xValues[0]) * (push - pull) / (push + pull); double ratio = dl > 0 ? peakHeight / yValues[0] : peakHeight / yValues[2]; double w = dl > 0 ? dl - xValues[0] : dl - xValues[2]; w = w * w / Math.log(ratio); // set parameters and fit to x data dataset.clear(); dataset.append(xValues, yValues); double rmsDev = 1; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { double c = k == 0 ? w : k == 1 ? w / 3 : w * 3; f.setParameterValue(0, peakHeight); f.setParameterValue(1, dl); f.setParameterValue(2, c); rmsDev =; if (rmsDev < 0.01) { // fitter succeeded (3-point fit should be exact) dl = f.getParameterValue(1); peakWidth = f.getParameterValue(2); break; } } } double dx = dl * Math.cos(theta); double dy = dl * Math.sin(theta); double xImage = xMatch + searchRect.x - left - trimLeft + dx; double yImage = yMatch + searchRect.y - top - trimTop + dy; return new TPoint(xImage, yImage); }
public double cval(double td) { if (td == 0) return (1.0); else if ((td < -sz) || (td > sz)) return (0.0); double tdp = td * Math.PI; return ((Math.sin(tdp) / tdp) * (0.54 + (0.46 * Math.cos(tdp / sz)))); }
public void Hough() { // for polar we need accumulator of 180degress * the longest length in the image // rmax = (int)Math.sqrt(width*width + height*height); System.out.println("w: " + width + " h: " + height + " rmax: " + rmax); acc = new int[width * height][accRMax]; int rOffset; for (int x = 0; x < height; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) { rOffset = 0; for (int r = rmin; r < rmax; r += offset) { acc[x * width + y][rOffset++] = 0; } } } System.out.println("accumulating"); int x0, y0; double t; int[] val = new int[1]; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { // if ((nonMax.getRaster().getPixel(x, y, val)[0])== -1) { if ((data[y * width + x] & 0xFF) == 255) { rOffset = 0; for (int r = rmin; r < rmax; r += offset) { for (int theta = 0; theta < 360; theta += 2) { t = (theta * 3.14159265) / 180; x0 = (int) Math.round(x - r * Math.cos(t)); y0 = (int) Math.round(y - r * Math.sin(t)); if (x0 < width && x0 > 0 && y0 < height && y0 > 0) { acc[x0 + (y0 * width)][rOffset] += 1; } } rOffset++; } } } } // now normalise to 255 and put in format for a pixel array int max = 0; // Find max acc value System.out.println("Finding Max"); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { rOffset = 0; for (int r = rmin; r < rmax; r += offset) { if (acc[x + (y * width)][rOffset] > max) { max = acc[x + (y * width)][rOffset]; } rOffset++; } } } // Normalise all the values int value; System.out.println("Normalising"); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { rOffset = 0; for (int r = rmin; r < rmax; r += offset) { value = (int) (((double) acc[x + (y * width)][rOffset] / (double) max) * 255.0); acc[x + (y * width)][rOffset] = 0xff000000 | (value << 16 | value << 8 | value); rOffset++; } } } findMaxima(); System.out.println("done"); }