public MacRenderer() { renderer = new JLabel(); renderer.setOpaque(Preferences.getBoolean("jeti", "bmw", true)); renderer.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Tree.selectionBackground")); renderer.setForeground(UIManager.getColor("Tree.textForeground")); renderer.setFont(UIManager.getFont("Tree.font")); }
public MyRenderComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int col) { super(); this.table = table; this.col = col; if (value != null) { setText(value.toString()); } else { setText(""); } setOpaque(false); setFont(UIManager.getFont("TableHeader.font")); setForeground(UIManager.getColor("TableHeader.foreground")); setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.LEADING); setBorder(UIManager.getBorder("TableHeader.cellBorder")); if ((JTattooUtilities.getJavaVersion() >= 1.6) && (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof AbstractLookAndFeel)) { RowSorter rowSorter = table == null ? null : table.getRowSorter(); List keyList = rowSorter == null ? null : rowSorter.getSortKeys(); if ((keyList != null) && (keyList.size() > 0)) { RowSorter.SortKey sortKey = (RowSorter.SortKey) keyList.get(0); if (sortKey.getColumn() == table.convertColumnIndexToModel(col)) { AbstractIconFactory iconFactory = ((AbstractLookAndFeel) UIManager.getLookAndFeel()).getIconFactory(); if (sortKey.getSortOrder().equals(SortOrder.ASCENDING)) { setIcon(iconFactory.getUpArrowIcon()); } else if (sortKey.getSortOrder().equals(SortOrder.DESCENDING)) { setIcon(iconFactory.getDownArrowIcon()); } } } } gv = ColorHelper.getGrayValue(AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getRolloverColor()); }
@Override public String convertValueToText( Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { String s = super.convertValueToText(value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); String newProp = jEdit.getProperty(HIGHLIGHT_PROP); if (newProp == null || newProp.isEmpty()) return s; DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) value; while (node != null && !(node.getUserObject() instanceof HyperSearchOperationNode)) { node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node.getParent(); } if (node == null) return s; if (!newProp.equals(prop)) { prop = newProp; Font f = (resultTree != null) ? resultTree.getFont() : UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); styleTag = HtmlUtilities.style2html(prop, f); } SearchMatcher matcher = ((HyperSearchOperationNode) node.getUserObject()).getSearchMatcher(); int i = s.indexOf(": "); if (i > 0) i += 2; else i = 0; Match m; List<Integer> matches = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while ((m = matcher.nextMatch(s.substring(i), true, true, true, false)) != null) { matches.add(i + m.start); matches.add(i + m.end); i += m.end; } return HtmlUtilities.highlightString(s, styleTag, matches); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object source = evt.getSource(); if (source == highlight) { String prop = jEdit.getProperty(HIGHLIGHT_PROP); Font f = (resultTree != null) ? resultTree.getFont() : UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); SyntaxStyle style = new StyleEditor( jEdit.getActiveView(), HtmlUtilities.parseHighlightStyle(prop, f), "hypersearch") .getStyle(); if (style != null) jEdit.setProperty(HIGHLIGHT_PROP, GUIUtilities.getStyleString(style)); updateHighlightStatus(); } else if (source == clear) { removeAllNodes(); } else if (source == multi) { multiStatus = !multiStatus; updateMultiStatus(); if (!multiStatus) { for (int i = resultTreeRoot.getChildCount() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { resultTreeModel.removeNodeFromParent((MutableTreeNode) resultTreeRoot.getChildAt(i)); } } } else if (source == stop) { jEdit.setTemporaryProperty("hyperSearch-stopButton", "true"); } }
HighlightingTree(DefaultTreeModel model) { super(model); prop = jEdit.getProperty(HIGHLIGHT_PROP); if (prop != null && !prop.isEmpty()) { Font f = (resultTree != null) ? resultTree.getFont() : UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); styleTag = HtmlUtilities.style2html(prop, f); } }
protected void installDefaults() { super.installDefaults(); setFont(UIManager.getFont("InternalFrame.titleFont")); paletteTitleHeight = UIManager.getInt("InternalFrame.paletteTitleHeight"); paletteCloseIcon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.paletteCloseIcon"); wasClosable = frame.isClosable(); selectedForegroundKey = selectedBackgroundKey = null; if (MetalLookAndFeel.usingOcean()) { setOpaque(true); } }
// {{{ parseHighlightStyle() SyntaxStyle parseHighlightStyle(String style) { Font f = (resultTree != null) ? resultTree.getFont() : UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); SyntaxStyle s; try { s = SyntaxUtilities.parseStyle(style, f.getFamily(), f.getSize(), true, null); } catch (Exception e) { style = "color:#000000"; s = SyntaxUtilities.parseStyle(style, f.getFamily(), f.getSize(), true); } return s; } // }}}
/** Set the time spinner's font. */ protected void setupTimeFont() { Font font; if (spinner == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (timeFont != null) { spinner.setFont(timeFont); } else { font = UIManager.getFont("Spinner.font"); spinner.setFont(font); } }
/** Set the font used to display today's date as text. */ protected void setupTodayFont() { Font font; if (todaysLabel == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (todayFont != null) { todaysLabel.setFont(todayFont); } else { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); todaysLabel.setFont(font); } }
/** Creates a new instance. */ public Crayons() { initComponents(); setForeground(new Color(0x808080)); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(195, 208)); setFont(UIManager.getFont("ColorChooser.crayonsFont")); crayonsImage = createCrayonsImage(); crayons = createCrayons(); mouseHandler = new MouseHandler(); addMouseListener(mouseHandler); }
protected void installDefaults() { Color defaultGridColor = UIManager.getColor("Table.gridColor"); Color defaultForegroundColor = UIManager.getColor("Table.foreground"); Color defaultBackgroundColor = UIManager.getColor("Table.background"); Border defaultBorder = UIManager.getBorder("Table.scrollPaneBorder"); Color defaultSelectionForeground = UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionForeground"); Color defaultSelectionBackground = UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionBackground"); Color defaultFocusCellForeground = UIManager.getColor("Table.focusCellForeground"); Color defaultFocusCellBackground = new Color(153, 153, 204); Font defaultFont = UIManager.getFont("Table.font"); Border defaultGridBorder = UIManager.getBorder("Table.border"); InputMap inputMap = (InputMap) UIManager.get("Table.ancestorInputMap"); if (!installed) { UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.gridColor", defaultGridColor); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.foreground", defaultForegroundColor); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.background", defaultBackgroundColor); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.selectionForegroundColor", defaultSelectionForeground); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.selectionBackgroundColor", defaultSelectionBackground); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.focusForegroundColor", defaultFocusCellForeground); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.focusBackgroundColor", defaultFocusCellBackground); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.border", defaultGridBorder); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.font", defaultFont); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.scrollPaneBorder", defaultBorder); UIManager.getDefaults().put("Grid.ancestorInputMap", inputMap); installed = true; } Color foregroundColor = grid.getForeground(); Color backgroundColor = grid.getBackground(); Font font = grid.getFont(); Border border = grid.getBorder(); Color gridColor = grid.getGridColor(); Color selectionForeground = grid.getSelectionForegroundColor(); Color selectionBackground = grid.getSelectionBackgroundColor(); Color focusForeground = grid.getFocusForegroundColor(); Color focusBackground = grid.getFocusBackgroundColor(); if (foregroundColor == null || foregroundColor instanceof UIResource) grid.setForeground(defaultForegroundColor); if (backgroundColor == null || backgroundColor instanceof UIResource) grid.setBackground(defaultBackgroundColor); if (font == null || font instanceof UIResource) grid.setFont(defaultFont); if (gridColor == null || gridColor instanceof UIResource) grid.setGridColor(defaultGridColor); if (border == null || border instanceof UIResource) grid.setBorder(defaultGridBorder); if (selectionForeground == null || selectionForeground instanceof UIResource) grid.setSelectionForegroundColor(defaultSelectionForeground); if (selectionBackground == null || selectionBackground instanceof UIResource) grid.setSelectionBackgroundColor(defaultSelectionBackground); if (focusForeground == null || focusForeground instanceof UIResource) grid.setFocusForegroundColor(defaultFocusCellForeground); if (focusBackground == null || focusBackground instanceof UIResource) grid.setFocusBackgroundColor(defaultFocusCellBackground); }
@Override public void installUI(JComponent c) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) c; ButtonInfo info = new ButtonInfo(button, this); button.putClientProperty(BUTTON_INFO_KEY, info); button.addMouseListener(info.basicListener); button.addMouseMotionListener(info.basicListener); button.addFocusListener(info.basicListener); button.addPropertyChangeListener(info.basicListener); button.addChangeListener(info.basicListener); button.addKeyListener(focusArrowListener); button.addComponentListener(componentListener); button.addKeyListener(keyArmingListener); button.setRequestFocusEnabled(false); button.setFocusable(true); button.addPropertyChangeListener(positionAndShapeListener); button.setOpaque(false); button.setRolloverEnabled(true); if (button.getIcon() != null) { Font font = UIManager.getFont("IconButton.font"); if (font != null) button.setFont(font); // miniature-ish } super.installUI(c); updateLayout(button, info); if (button.getFont() == null) { Font font = UIManager.getFont("Button.font"); if (font == null) { font = new Font("Default", 0, 13); } button.setFont(font); } }
/** Set the title's font. */ protected void setupTitleFont() { Font font; if (monthYearLabel == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (titleFont != null) { monthYearLabel.setFont(titleFont); } // Otherwise, use the L&F default for a label else { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); monthYearLabel.setFont(font); } }
public void addColorChooserPanel(final AbstractColorChooserPanel ccp) { final String displayName = ccp.getDisplayName(); if (displayName == null) { // Return if we haven't initialized yet return; } if (ccp.getClass() .getName() .equals("ch.randelshofer.quaqua.colorchooser.Quaqua15ColorPicker")) { northPanel.add(ccp, BorderLayout.WEST); } else { Icon displayIcon = ccp.getLargeDisplayIcon(); JToggleButton tb = new JToggleButton(null, displayIcon); tb.setToolTipText(displayName); tb.setFocusable(false); tb.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); tb.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); tb.setFont(UIManager.getFont("ColorChooser.font")); tb.putClientProperty("", "toolBarTab"); JPanel centerView = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); centerView.add(ccp); chooserPanelHolder.add(centerView, displayName); toolBarButtonGroup.add(tb); toolBar.add(tb); if (toolBar.getComponentCount() == 1 || lastSelectedChooserName != null && lastSelectedChooserName.equals(displayName)) { tb.setSelected(true); CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) chooserPanelHolder.getLayout();, displayName); } tb.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { if (evt.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) chooserPanelHolder.getLayout();, displayName); lastSelectedChooserName = displayName; } } }); } }
AboutPanel() { setFont(UIManager.getFont("Label.font")); fm = getFontMetrics(getFont()); setForeground(new Color(96, 96, 96)); image = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/org/gjt/sp/jedit/icons/about.png")); setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 1, Color.gray)); text = new Vector(50); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(jEdit.getProperty("about.text"), "\n"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String line = st.nextToken(); text.addElement(line); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, fm.stringWidth(line) + 10); } scrollPosition = -250; thread = new AnimationThread(); }
/** Set the day-of-week labels' font. */ protected void setupDayOfWeekFonts() { Font font; if (dayOfWeekLabels == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us font = dayOfWeekFont; // Otherwise, use 9/11 of the L&F default for a label if (font == null) { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); font = font.deriveFont((float) (font.getSize2D() * 9.0 / 11.0)); } // Set the day of week labels' font for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { dayOfWeekLabels[day].setFont(font); } }
/** Set the day labels' font. */ protected void setupDayFonts() { Font font; if (dayButtons == null) return; // If null, use what the user gave us font = dayFont; // Otherwise, use 9/11 of the L&F default for a button if (font == null) { font = UIManager.getFont("Button.font"); font = font.deriveFont((float) (font.getSize2D() * 9.0 / 11.0)); } // Set the day labels' font for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { dayButtons[row][day].setFont(font); } } }
ParentDirectoryRenderer() { plainFont = UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); if (plainFont == null) plainFont = jEdit.getFontProperty("metal.secondary.font"); boldFont = new Font(plainFont.getName(), Font.BOLD, plainFont.getSize()); }
protected void installDefaults() { setFont(UIManager.getFont("InternalFrame.titleFont")); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, BUTTON_SIZE)); }