private void sortList(List<PatientModel> list) { boolean sorted = true; for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NAMES.length; i++) { if (sorter.getSortingStatus(i) == 0) { Log.outputFuncLog( Log.LOG_LEVEL_0, Log.FUNCTIONLOG_KIND_INFORMATION, "ソート済み", String.valueOf(i)); sorted = false; break; } } if (!sorted) { switch (sortItem) { case 0: Log.outputFuncLog(Log.LOG_LEVEL_0, Log.FUNCTIONLOG_KIND_INFORMATION, "患者IDでソート"); Comparator c = new Comparator<PatientModel>() { @Override public int compare(PatientModel o1, PatientModel o2) { return o1.getPatientId().compareTo(o2.getPatientId()); } }; Collections.sort(list, c); break; case 1: Log.outputFuncLog(Log.LOG_LEVEL_0, Log.FUNCTIONLOG_KIND_INFORMATION, "患者カナでソート"); Comparator c2 = new Comparator<PatientModel>() { @Override public int compare(PatientModel p1, PatientModel p2) { String kana1 = p1.getKanaName(); String kana2 = p2.getKanaName(); if (kana1 != null && kana2 != null) { return p1.getKanaName().compareTo(p2.getKanaName()); } else if (kana1 != null && kana2 == null) { return -1; } else if (kana1 == null && kana2 != null) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }; Collections.sort(list, c2); break; } } }
public TDTree(Point[] pts, boolean cd) { this(); // for(Point p : pts) // insert(p); this.size = pts.length; // TreeNode newRoot = buildBalanced(new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(pts)), true); ArrayList<Point> xSorted = new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(pts)); ArrayList<Point> ySorted = new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(pts)); Collections.sort(xSorted, new PointComparator(true)); Collections.sort(ySorted, new PointComparator(false)); TreeNode newRoot = buildBalanced(xSorted, ySorted, cd); recalculateData(newRoot); root = newRoot; }
@Override @NotNull public List<Usage> getSortedUsages() { List<Usage> usages = new ArrayList<Usage>(getUsages()); Collections.sort(usages, USAGE_COMPARATOR); return usages; }
private JPanel getClickableTagsPanel() { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); pnl.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 3)); ArrayList<Commontags> listTags = new ArrayList<>(mapAllTags.values()); Collections.sort(listTags); for (final Commontags ctag : listTags) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(ctag.getText()); cb.setForeground(GUITools.getColor(ctag.getColor())); cb.setFont(ctag.getType() == 0 ? SYSConst.ARIAL12 : SYSConst.ARIAL12BOLD); cb.setSelected(listSelectedTags.contains(ctag)); cb.addItemListener( e -> { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { listSelectedTags.add(ctag); add(createButton(ctag)); } else { listSelectedTags.remove(ctag); mapButtons.remove(ctag); } notifyListeners(ctag); }); pnl.add(cb); } return pnl; }
void handleScanFiles(JTextField field, String[] extensions) { String[] dataFiles = scanDataFolderForFilesByType(extensions); if (dataFiles == null || dataFiles.length == 0) return; String[] oldFileList = field.getText().trim().split(","); ArrayList<String> newFileList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String c : oldFileList) { c = c.trim(); if (!c.equals("") && newFileList.indexOf(c) == -1) // TODO check exists() here? { newFileList.add(c); } } for (String c : dataFiles) { c = c.trim(); if (!c.equals("") && newFileList.indexOf(c) == -1) { newFileList.add(c); } } Collections.sort(newFileList); String finalFileList = ""; int i = 0; for (String s : newFileList) { finalFileList += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + s; i++; } field.setText(finalFileList); }
private static UsageGroupingRule[] getActiveGroupingRules(final Project project) { final UsageGroupingRuleProvider[] providers = Extensions.getExtensions(UsageGroupingRuleProvider.EP_NAME); List<UsageGroupingRule> list = new ArrayList<UsageGroupingRule>(providers.length); for (UsageGroupingRuleProvider provider : providers) { ContainerUtil.addAll(list, provider.getActiveRules(project)); } Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<UsageGroupingRule>() { @Override public int compare(final UsageGroupingRule o1, final UsageGroupingRule o2) { return getRank(o1) - getRank(o2); } private int getRank(final UsageGroupingRule rule) { if (rule instanceof OrderableUsageGroupingRule) { return ((OrderableUsageGroupingRule) rule).getRank(); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } }); return list.toArray(new UsageGroupingRule[list.size()]); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == add) { // int sel = userTable.getSelectedRow(); // if (sel < 0) // sel = 0; nameTf.setText(""); abbrTf.setText(""); if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( dialog, journalEditPanel, Localization.lang("Edit journal"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { journals.add(new JournalEntry(nameTf.getText(), abbrTf.getText())); // setValueAt(nameTf.getText(), sel, 0); // setValueAt(abbrTf.getText(), sel, 1); Collections.sort(journals); fireTableDataChanged(); } } else if (e.getSource() == remove) { int[] rows = userTable.getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length > 0) { for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { journals.remove(rows[i]); } fireTableDataChanged(); } } }
private static void sortNode(ParentNode node, final Comparator<ElementNode> sortComparator) { ArrayList<MemberNode> arrayList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); Enumeration<MemberNode> children = node.children(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { arrayList.add(children.nextElement()); } Collections.sort(arrayList, sortComparator); replaceChildren(node, arrayList); }
/** * Gets the list of the vnmrj users(operators) for the current unix user logged in * * @return the list of vnmrj users */ protected Object[] getOperators() { String strUser = System.getProperty(""); User user = LoginService.getDefault().getUser(strUser); ArrayList<String> aListOperators = user.getOperators(); if (aListOperators == null || aListOperators.isEmpty()) aListOperators = new ArrayList<String>(); Collections.sort(aListOperators); if (aListOperators.contains(strUser)) aListOperators.remove(strUser); aListOperators.add(0, strUser); return (aListOperators.toArray()); }
protected void restoreTree() { Pair<ElementNode, List<ElementNode>> selection = storeSelection(); DefaultMutableTreeNode root = getRootNode(); if (!myShowClasses || myContainerNodes.isEmpty()) { List<ParentNode> otherObjects = new ArrayList<ParentNode>(); Enumeration<ParentNode> children = getRootNodeChildren(); ParentNode newRoot = new ParentNode( null, new MemberChooserObjectBase(getAllContainersNodeName()), new Ref<Integer>(0)); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { final ParentNode nextElement = children.nextElement(); if (nextElement instanceof ContainerNode) { final ContainerNode containerNode = (ContainerNode) nextElement; Enumeration<MemberNode> memberNodes = containerNode.children(); List<MemberNode> memberNodesList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); while (memberNodes.hasMoreElements()) { memberNodesList.add(memberNodes.nextElement()); } for (MemberNode memberNode : memberNodesList) { newRoot.add(memberNode); } } else { otherObjects.add(nextElement); } } replaceChildren(root, otherObjects); sortNode(newRoot, myComparator); if (newRoot.children().hasMoreElements()) root.add(newRoot); } else { Enumeration<ParentNode> children = getRootNodeChildren(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { ParentNode allClassesNode = children.nextElement(); Enumeration<MemberNode> memberNodes = allClassesNode.children(); ArrayList<MemberNode> arrayList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); while (memberNodes.hasMoreElements()) { arrayList.add(memberNodes.nextElement()); } Collections.sort(arrayList, myComparator); for (MemberNode memberNode : arrayList) { myNodeToParentMap.get(memberNode).add(memberNode); } } replaceChildren(root, myContainerNodes); } myTreeModel.nodeStructureChanged(root); defaultExpandTree(); restoreSelection(selection); }
private void updateList() { ActionSet actionSet = (ActionSet) combo.getSelectedItem(); EditAction[] actions = actionSet.getActions(); Vector listModel = new Vector(actions.length); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { EditAction action = actions[i]; String label = action.getLabel(); if (label == null) continue; listModel.addElement(new ToolBarOptionPane.Button(action.getName(), null, null, label)); } Collections.sort(listModel, new ToolBarOptionPane.ButtonCompare()); list.setListData(listModel); }
// {{{ sort() method public void sort(int type) { Set<String> savedChecked = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> savedSelection = new HashSet<String>(); saveSelection(savedChecked, savedSelection); if (sortType != type) { sortDirection = 1; } sortType = type; if (isDownloadingList()) return; Collections.sort(entries, new EntryCompare(type, sortDirection)); updateFilteredEntries(); restoreSelection(savedChecked, savedSelection); table.getTableHeader().repaint(); }
protected void control(List nodes) { if (nodes.size() <= 1) return; Collections.sort(nodes, new YComparator()); // double d = Y_max - Y_min; // d = d / (nodes.size() - 1); // Note: X, Y are at node centers for (int i = 1; i < nodes.size(); i++) { ((NodeView) nodes.get(i)) .setYPosition( ((NodeView) nodes.get(i - 1)).getYPosition() + ((NodeView) nodes.get(i - 1)).getHeight() * 0.5 + ((NodeView) nodes.get(i)).getHeight() * 0.5); ((NodeView) nodes.get(i)).setXPosition(((NodeView) nodes.get(i - 1)).getXPosition()); } }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { TableColumnModel colModel = table.getColumnModel(); int columnModelIndex = colModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX()); int modelIndex = colModel.getColumn(columnModelIndex).getModelIndex(); if (modelIndex < 0) return; if (sortCol == modelIndex) isSortAsc = !isSortAsc; else sortCol = modelIndex; for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) { TableColumn column = colModel.getColumn(i); column.setHeaderValue(getColumnName(column.getModelIndex())); } table.getTableHeader().repaint(); Collections.sort(rowData, new MyComparator(isSortAsc)); table.tableChanged(new TableModelEvent(MyTableModel.this)); table.repaint(); }
private MyExistLocalesListModel() { myLocales = new ArrayList<>(); myLocales.add(PropertiesUtil.DEFAULT_LOCALE); PropertiesReferenceManager.getInstance(myProject) .processPropertiesFiles( GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(myProject), new PropertiesFileProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(String baseName, PropertiesFile propertiesFile) { final Locale locale = propertiesFile.getLocale(); if (locale != PropertiesUtil.DEFAULT_LOCALE && !myLocales.contains(locale)) { myLocales.add(locale); } return true; } }, BundleNameEvaluator.DEFAULT); Collections.sort(myLocales, LOCALE_COMPARATOR); }
protected void updateCategoryChooser() { if (categoryChooser != null) { ArrayList<String> categories; categoryChooser.removeAllItems(); categories = new ArrayList<String>(contribListing.getCategories(filter)); // for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) { // System.out.println(i + " category: " + categories.get(i)); // } Collections.sort(categories); // categories.add(0, ContributionManagerDialog.ANY_CATEGORY); boolean categoriesFound = false; categoryChooser.addItem(ContributionManagerDialog.ANY_CATEGORY); for (String s : categories) { categoryChooser.addItem(s); if (!s.equals(Contribution.UNKNOWN_CATEGORY)) { categoriesFound = true; } } categoryChooser.setVisible(categoriesFound); } }
private void rulesChanged() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); final ArrayList<UsageState> states = new ArrayList<UsageState>(); captureUsagesExpandState(new TreePath(myTree.getModel().getRoot()), states); final List<Usage> allUsages = new ArrayList<Usage>(myUsageNodes.keySet()); Collections.sort(allUsages, USAGE_COMPARATOR); final Set<Usage> excludedUsages = getExcludedUsages(); reset(); myBuilder.setGroupingRules(getActiveGroupingRules(myProject)); myBuilder.setFilteringRules(getActiveFilteringRules(myProject)); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Usage usage : allUsages) { if (!usage.isValid()) { continue; } if (usage instanceof MergeableUsage) { ((MergeableUsage) usage).reset(); } appendUsage(usage); } } }); excludeUsages(excludedUsages.toArray(new Usage[excludedUsages.size()])); if (myCentralPanel != null) { setupCentralPanel(); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed) return; restoreUsageExpandState(states); updateImmediately(); } }); }
public Vector<PADEmotion> sort(Vector<PADEmotion> in) { for (PADEmotion e : in) e.setDistance(p, a, d); Collections.sort(in); return in; }
public void run() { while (true) { BALL = null; ball_t ballLCM = new ball_t(); synchronized (depthMonitor) { try { depthMonitor.wait(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ballLCM.nanoTime = depthStream.latestTimestamp; ArrayList<Statistics> blobs; depthStream.getReadLock().lock(); try { blobs = finder.analyze2(depthStream.getValidImageArray()); } finally { depthStream.getReadLock().unlock(); } Statistics ball = null; Statistics robot = null; int minSize ="blobThresh"); // find robot and ball by blob size Collections.sort(blobs, ComparatorFactory.getStatisticsCompareSize()); // find robot and ball by y pixel // Collections.sort(blobs, ComparatorFactory.getStatisticsCompareYPix()); // if (tracking) { // System.out.println("num blobs: " + blobs.size()); // System.out.println("biggest blob size: " + blobs.get(0).N); // } // for (Statistics blob : blobs) { // if (blob.N > 10) { // System.out.println("blob size: " + blob.N); // } // else { // break; // } // } if (blobs.size() == 1) { Statistics first = blobs.get(0); if (first.N > minSize) { ball = first; } } else if (blobs.size() >= 2) { Statistics first = blobs.get(0); Statistics second = blobs.get(1); if (first.N > minSize) { ball = first; } if (second.N > minSize) { robot = first; ball = second; } } // System.out.println("balls points " + depthStream.trajectory.size()); // if not tracking keep kv.depthStream.trajectory to just one index if (!tracking) { depthStream.trajectory.clear(); } if (ball != null) { depthStream.trajectory.add(ball); Point depthPix =; Point depthCoord = new Point(); depthCoord.x = depthPix.x - KinectVideo.C_X; depthCoord.y = KinectVideo.C_Y - depthPix.y; // System.out.println("avg depth " + ball.Uz()); // get depth from average depth of blob double realDepth = raw_depth_to_meters(ball.Uz()); Point3D coord = depthStream.getWorldCoords(depthCoord, realDepth); if (depthPix != null) { for (int y = depthPix.y - 3; y < depthPix.y + 3; y++) { for (int x = depthPix.x - 3; x < depthPix.x + 3; x++) { try { depthImg.setRGB(x, y, 0xFFFF0000); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println(x + " " + y); } ; } } // if (tracking) { // //save image // depthStream.getReadLock().lock(); // try { // File imgFile = new File("image" + ballNum++ + ".png"); // try { // ImageIO.write(depthImg, "png", imgFile); // } // catch(Exception e) { // System.out.println("can't save img"); // } // } // finally { // depthStream.getReadLock().unlock(); // } // } if (tracking) { ballLCM.x = coord.x; ballLCM.y = coord.y; ballLCM.z = coord.z; // if(tracking) System.out.println("updating new ball (" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ")"); // if (ballLCM.x > CatchController.TARGET_MAX_X) lcm.publish("6_BALL", ballLCM); // else // System.out.println("ball past target zone"); } } } } }