public static Matrix averageColumnVector(Matrix... matrices) {
    int columns = matrices[0].getColumnDimension();
    if (matrices[0].getRowDimension() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // double[] avg = new double[columns];
    Matrix avg = new Matrix(1, columns);

    for (Matrix m : matrices) {
    avg.timesEquals(1.0 / matrices.length);
    return avg;
   * Update the covariance Matrix of the weight posterior distribution (SIGMA) along with its
   * cholesky factor:
   * <p>SIGMA = (A + beta * PHI^t * PHI)^{-1}
   * <p>SIGMA_chol with SIGMA_chol * SIGMA_chol^t = SIGMA
  protected void updateSIGMA() {

    Matrix SIGMA_inv = PHI_t.times(PHI_t.transpose());

    /** Update the factor ... */
    SECholeskyDecomposition CD = new SECholeskyDecomposition(SIGMA_inv.getArray());
    Matrix U = CD.getPTR().times(CD.getL());
    SIGMA_chol = U.inverse();

    /** Update SIGMA */
    SIGMA = (SIGMA_chol.transpose()).times(SIGMA_chol);
  * Update the mean of the weight posterior distribution (mu):
  * <p>mu = beta * SIGMA * PHI^t * t
 protected void updateMu() {
   mu = SIGMA.times(PHI_t.times(new Matrix(t)));
  public final void process(final Spot spot) {

    if (img.numDimensions() == 3) {

      // 3D case
      final SpotNeighborhood<T> neighborhood = new SpotNeighborhood<T>(spot, img);
      final SpotNeighborhoodCursor<T> cursor = neighborhood.cursor();

      double x, y, z;
      double x2, y2, z2;
      double mass, totalmass = 0;
      double Ixx = 0, Iyy = 0, Izz = 0, Ixy = 0, Ixz = 0, Iyz = 0;
      final double[] position = new double[img.numDimensions()];

      while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        mass = cursor.get().getRealDouble();
        x = position[0];
        y = position[1];
        z = position[2];
        totalmass += mass;
        x2 = x * x;
        y2 = y * y;
        z2 = z * z;
        Ixx += mass * (y2 + z2);
        Iyy += mass * (x2 + z2);
        Izz += mass * (x2 + y2);
        Ixy -= mass * x * y;
        Ixz -= mass * x * z;
        Iyz -= mass * y * z;

      final Matrix mat =
          new Matrix(new double[][] {{Ixx, Ixy, Ixz}, {Ixy, Iyy, Iyz}, {Ixz, Iyz, Izz}});
      mat.timesEquals(1 / totalmass);
      final EigenvalueDecomposition eigdec = mat.eig();
      final double[] eigenvalues = eigdec.getRealEigenvalues();
      final Matrix eigenvectors = eigdec.getV();

      final double I1 = eigenvalues[0];
      final double I2 = eigenvalues[1];
      final double I3 = eigenvalues[2];
      final double a = Math.sqrt(2.5 * (I2 + I3 - I1));
      final double b = Math.sqrt(2.5 * (I3 + I1 - I2));
      final double c = Math.sqrt(2.5 * (I1 + I2 - I3));
      final double[] semiaxes = new double[] {a, b, c};

      // Sort semi-axes by ascendent order and get the sorting index
      final double[] semiaxes_ordered = semiaxes.clone();
      final int[] order = new int[3];
      for (int i = 0; i < semiaxes_ordered.length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < semiaxes.length; j++)
          if (semiaxes_ordered[i] == semiaxes[j]) order[i] = j;

      // Get the sorted eigenvalues
      final double[][] uvectors = new double[3][3];
      for (int i = 0; i < eigenvalues.length; i++) {
        uvectors[i][0] = eigenvectors.get(0, order[i]);
        uvectors[i][1] = eigenvectors.get(1, order[i]);
        uvectors[i][2] = eigenvectors.get(2, order[i]);

      // Store in the Spot object
      double theta, phi;
      for (int i = 0; i < uvectors.length; i++) {
        theta =
                    / Math.sqrt(
                        uvectors[i][0] * uvectors[i][0]
                            + uvectors[i][1] * uvectors[i][1]
                            + uvectors[i][2] * uvectors[i][2]));
        phi = Math.atan2(uvectors[i][1], uvectors[i][0]);
        if (phi < -Math.PI / 2) phi += Math.PI; // For an ellipsoid we care only for the
        // angles in [-pi/2 , pi/2]
        if (phi > Math.PI / 2) phi -= Math.PI;

        // Store in descending order
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_sa[i], semiaxes_ordered[i]);
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_phi[i], phi);
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_theta[i], theta);

      // Store the Spot morphology (needs to be outside the above loop)
      spot.putFeature(MORPHOLOGY, estimateMorphology(semiaxes_ordered));

    } else if (img.numDimensions() == 2) {

      // 2D case
      final SpotNeighborhood<T> neighborhood = new SpotNeighborhood<T>(spot, img);
      final SpotNeighborhoodCursor<T> cursor = neighborhood.cursor();
      double x, y;
      double x2, y2;
      double mass, totalmass = 0;
      double Ixx = 0, Iyy = 0, Ixy = 0;
      final double[] position = new double[img.numDimensions()];

      while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        mass = cursor.get().getRealDouble();
        x = position[0];
        y = position[1];
        totalmass += mass;
        x2 = x * x;
        y2 = y * y;
        Ixx += mass * (y2);
        Iyy += mass * (x2);
        Ixy -= mass * x * y;

      final Matrix mat = new Matrix(new double[][] {{Ixx, Ixy}, {Ixy, Iyy}});
      mat.timesEquals(1 / totalmass);
      final EigenvalueDecomposition eigdec = mat.eig();
      final double[] eigenvalues = eigdec.getRealEigenvalues();
      final Matrix eigenvectors = eigdec.getV();

      final double I1 = eigenvalues[0];
      final double I2 = eigenvalues[1];
      final double a = Math.sqrt(4 * I1);
      final double b = Math.sqrt(4 * I2);
      final double[] semiaxes = new double[] {a, b};

      // Sort semi-axes by ascendent order and get the sorting index
      final double[] semiaxes_ordered = semiaxes.clone();
      final int[] order = new int[2];
      for (int i = 0; i < semiaxes_ordered.length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < semiaxes.length; j++)
          if (semiaxes_ordered[i] == semiaxes[j]) order[i] = j;

      // Get the sorted eigenvalues
      final double[][] uvectors = new double[2][2];
      for (int i = 0; i < eigenvalues.length; i++) {
        uvectors[i][0] = eigenvectors.get(0, order[i]);
        uvectors[i][1] = eigenvectors.get(1, order[i]);

      // Store in the Spot object
      double theta, phi;
      for (int i = 0; i < uvectors.length; i++) {
        theta = 0;
        phi = Math.atan2(uvectors[i][1], uvectors[i][0]);
        if (phi < -Math.PI / 2) phi += Math.PI; // For an ellipsoid we care only for the
        // angles in [-pi/2 , pi/2]
        if (phi > Math.PI / 2) phi -= Math.PI;

        // Store in descending order
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_sa[i], semiaxes_ordered[i]);
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_phi[i], phi);
        spot.putFeature(featurelist_theta[i], theta);
      spot.putFeature(featurelist_sa[2], Double.valueOf(0));
      spot.putFeature(featurelist_phi[2], Double.valueOf(0));
      spot.putFeature(featurelist_theta[2], Double.valueOf(0));

      // Store the Spot morphology (needs to be outside the above loop)
      spot.putFeature(MORPHOLOGY, estimateMorphology(semiaxes_ordered));
Esempio n. 5
   * Get mean covariance matrix C2 for given pixel.
   * @param x X coordinate of the given pixel.
   * @param y Y coordinate of the given pixel.
   * @param halfWindowSizeX The sliding window width /2
   * @param halfWindowSizeY The sliding window height /2
   * @param sourceImageWidth Source image width.
   * @param sourceImageHeight Source image height.
   * @param sourceProductType The source product type.
   * @param sourceTiles The source tiles for all bands.
   * @param dataBuffers Source tile data buffers.
   * @param Cr The real part of the mean covariance matrix.
   * @param Ci The imaginary part of the mean covariance matrix.
  public static void getMeanCovarianceMatrixC2(
      final int x,
      final int y,
      final int halfWindowSizeX,
      final int halfWindowSizeY,
      final int sourceImageWidth,
      final int sourceImageHeight,
      final PolBandUtils.MATRIX sourceProductType,
      final Tile[] sourceTiles,
      final ProductData[] dataBuffers,
      final double[][] Cr,
      final double[][] Ci) {

    final double[][] tempCr = new double[2][2];
    final double[][] tempCi = new double[2][2];

    final int xSt = Math.max(x - halfWindowSizeX, 0);
    final int xEd = Math.min(x + halfWindowSizeX, sourceImageWidth - 1);
    final int ySt = Math.max(y - halfWindowSizeY, 0);
    final int yEd = Math.min(y + halfWindowSizeY, sourceImageHeight - 1);
    final int num = (yEd - ySt + 1) * (xEd - xSt + 1);

    final TileIndex srcIndex = new TileIndex(sourceTiles[0]);

    final Matrix CrMat = new Matrix(2, 2);
    final Matrix CiMat = new Matrix(2, 2);

    if (sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.C2) {

      for (int yy = ySt; yy <= yEd; ++yy) {
        for (int xx = xSt; xx <= xEd; ++xx) {
          getCovarianceMatrixC2(srcIndex.getIndex(xx), dataBuffers, tempCr, tempCi);
          CrMat.plusEquals(new Matrix(tempCr));
          CiMat.plusEquals(new Matrix(tempCi));

    } else if (sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.LCHCP
        || sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.RCHCP
        || sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.DUAL_HH_HV
        || sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.DUAL_VH_VV
        || sourceProductType == PolBandUtils.MATRIX.DUAL_HH_VV) {

      final double[] tempKr = new double[2];
      final double[] tempKi = new double[2];

      for (int yy = ySt; yy <= yEd; ++yy) {
        for (int xx = xSt; xx <= xEd; ++xx) {
          getScatterVector(srcIndex.getIndex(xx), dataBuffers, tempKr, tempKi);
          computeCovarianceMatrixC2(tempKr, tempKi, tempCr, tempCi);
          CrMat.plusEquals(new Matrix(tempCr));
          CiMat.plusEquals(new Matrix(tempCi));

    } else {
      throw new OperatorException("getMeanCovarianceMatrixC2 not implemented for raw dual pol");

    CrMat.timesEquals(1.0 / num);
    CiMat.timesEquals(1.0 / num);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      Cr[i][0] = CrMat.get(i, 0);
      Ci[i][0] = CiMat.get(i, 0);

      Cr[i][1] = CrMat.get(i, 1);
      Ci[i][1] = CiMat.get(i, 1);