public static void main(String[] args) throws WebApiException, JSONException {
    SCWebApiClient client =
        SCWebApiClient.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH, "", 8080);
    // SCWebApiClient client = SCWebApiClient.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH,
    // "", 8080);
    if (! {
      throw new RuntimeException("Ping failed");
    // user 1 and its EB
    System.out.println("Creating an entity base 1...");
    EntityBase eb1 = new EntityBase();
    eb1.setLabel("TEST_SC_EB_1_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    Long ebId1 = client.create(eb1);
    // Re-read to get the ID of the default KB
    eb1 = client.readEntityBase(ebId1);
    System.out.println("Created an entity base 1 " + eb1.getLabel() + " with ID " + ebId1);
    long uid1 = createUser(client, eb1);

    // user 2 and its EB
    System.out.println("Creating an entity base 2...");
    EntityBase eb2 = new EntityBase();
    eb2.setLabel("TEST_SC_EB_2_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    Long ebId2 = client.create(eb2);
    // Re-read to get the ID of the default KB
    eb2 = client.readEntityBase(ebId2);
    System.out.println("Created an entity base 1 " + eb2.getLabel() + " with ID " + ebId2);
    long uid2 = createUser(client, eb2);

    // compute shared entities with user 2
    LiveTopic filter = new LiveTopic();
    LiveTopicSource filterSource = new LiveTopicSource();
    filter.setActorId(uid2); // <-- mandatory
    filterSource.setUserIds(new HashSet<Long>(Arrays.asList(new Long[] {uid1})));
    LiveTopicContentType type = new LiveTopicContentType();
    filter.setType(type); // <-- mandatory
    filter.setStatus(LiveTopicStatus.ACTIVE); // <-- mandatory
    LiveTopicSubject lts = new LiveTopicSubject();
    Set<LiveTopicSubject> subjects = new HashSet<LiveTopicSubject>();

    List<Long> sharedId = client.computeEntitiesForLiveTopic(filter, null, null);

        "Shared entities IDs (should be empty even if user 1 has an entity): " + sharedId);

    // entity of user 1
    EntityType et = client.readEntityType("entity", eb1.getKbLabel());
    Entity entity = new Entity();

    long entityId = client.create(entity);

    // share entity with user 2
    LiveTopicSource assignments = client.readAssignments(entityId, Operation.READ, uid1);
    if (!assignments.getUserIds().contains(uid2)) {
    client.updateAssignments(entityId, Operation.READ, uid1, assignments);

    // compute shared entities
    sharedId = client.computeEntitiesForLiveTopic(filter, null, null);

    System.out.println("Shared entities IDs (should be one shared entity): " + sharedId);

    // check for public entities
    sharedId = client.computeEntitiesForLiveTopic(filter, null, null);
        "Shared entities IDs (should be empty as there are no public entities): " + sharedId);

    System.out.println("Public sharing");