private void printWorkflows() { // Get the list of workflows Set<WorkflowReader> set = monitor.getWorkflows(); /* Print the header of the table */ System.out.println("#"); System.out.println("#Number of Workflows: " + set.size()); System.out.println("#"); String header = new String("#List of workflows:"); printHeader(header); // For each workflow print related data for (WorkflowReader wfr : set) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Data for Workflow " + wfr.getName()); System.out.println(); // Print actions System.out.println("Actions:"); Set<ActionReader> setAct = wfr.getActions(); printHeader( "Action Name\tRole\t\tAutom.Inst.\tSimple/Process\tWorkflow\tNext Possible Actions"); for (ActionReader ar : setAct) { System.out.print( ar.getName() + "\t" + ar.getRole() + "\t" + ar.isAutomaticallyInstantiated() + "\t"); if (ar instanceof SimpleActionReader) { System.out.print("\tSimple\t\t" + "-\t\t"); // Print next actions Set<ActionReader> setNxt = ((SimpleActionReader) ar).getPossibleNextActions(); for (ActionReader nAct : setNxt) System.out.print(nAct.getName() + " "); System.out.println(); } else if (ar instanceof ProcessActionReader) { System.out.print("\tProcess\t\t"); // print workflow System.out.println(((ProcessActionReader) ar).getActionWorkflow().getName()); } } System.out.println("#"); } System.out.println("#End of Workflows"); System.out.println("#"); }
private void printProcesses() { // Get the list of processes Set<ProcessReader> set = monitor.getProcesses(); /* Print the header of the table */ System.out.println("#"); System.out.println("#Number of Processes: " + set.size()); System.out.println("#"); String header = new String("#List of processes:"); printHeader(header); // For each process print related data for (ProcessReader wfr : set) { System.out.println( "Process started at " + dateFormat.format(wfr.getStartTime().getTime()) + " " + "- Workflow " + wfr.getWorkflow().getName()); System.out.println("Status:"); List<ActionStatusReader> statusSet = wfr.getStatus(); printHeader("Action Name\tTaken in charge by\tTerminated"); for (ActionStatusReader asr : statusSet) { System.out.print(asr.getActionName() + "\t"); if (asr.isTakenInCharge()) System.out.print(asr.getActor().getName() + "\t\t"); else System.out.print("-" + "\t\t\t"); if (asr.isTerminated()) System.out.println(dateFormat.format(asr.getTerminationTime().getTime())); else System.out.println("-"); } System.out.println("#"); } System.out.println("#End of Processes"); System.out.println("#"); }