private void saveNote() { Log.d(TAG, "saveNote() called"); String title = titleEditText.getText().toString(); String body = bodyEditText.getText().toString(); if (title.isEmpty()) { if (!body.isEmpty()) { note.setTitle(body.substring(0, DEFAULT_TITLE_LENGTH)); } else { note.setTitle(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FOR_DATABASE); } } if (body.isEmpty()) { note.setBody(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FOR_DATABASE); } note.setTitle(title); note.setBody(body); if (noteExistsInDatabase == false) { Log.d(TAG, "Adding the following note: " + note.toString()); noteProvider.addNote(note); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Updating the following note: " + note.toString()); noteProvider.updateNote(note); } noteExistsInDatabase = true; }
private void handleNoteData() { noteProvider = NoteProvider.get(getApplicationContext()); Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_CREATE_NEW_NOTE)) { note = new Note(); noteExistsInDatabase = false; showKeyboardOnTitleEditText(); } else if (intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_NOTE_ID)) { setUpNoteFromDatabase(intent); } }
private void setUpNoteFromDatabase(Intent intent) { long id = intent.getLongExtra(EXTRA_NOTE_ID, 1); Log.d(TAG, "Got ID " + id + " from intent extra"); note = noteProvider.getNote(id); Log.d(TAG, "Retrieved the following Note from the database: " + note.toString()); if (note.getTitle().equals(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FOR_DATABASE)) { note.setTitle(""); } if (note.getBody().equals(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FOR_DATABASE)) { note.setBody(""); } titleEditText.setText(note.getTitle()); bodyEditText.setText(note.getBody()); noteExistsInDatabase = true; }