private static String getReadMeFileKey(String relativePath) { String answer = relativePath; if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(answer)) { return "<root>"; } // remove leading path which can be either unix or windows style int pos = relativePath.indexOf('/'); int pos2 = relativePath.indexOf('\\'); if (pos > 0 && pos2 > 0) { pos = Math.max(pos, pos2); } else if (pos2 > 0) { pos = pos2; } if (pos > -1) { answer = relativePath.substring(pos); } // and remove any leading path separators answer = Files.stripLeadingSeparator(answer); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(answer)) { answer = "<root>"; } return answer; }
/** * Resolves a logical environment name for a project, such as <code>Testing</code> to the physical * projcect/team specific namespace value. * * <p>It tries to find a fabric8.yml file in this folder or a parent folder and loads it and tries * to use it to find the namespace for the given environment or uses environment variables to * resolve the environment name -> physical namespace * * @return the namespace */ private static String findNamespaceForEnvironment(String environment, Map<String, String> map) { String namespace = null; if (!Strings.isNullOrBlank(environment)) { String basedir = System.getProperty("basedir", "."); File folder = new File(basedir); ProjectConfig projectConfig = ProjectConfigs.findFromFolder(folder); if (projectConfig != null) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> environments = projectConfig.getEnvironments(); if (environments != null) { namespace = environments.get(environment); } } String key = environment.toLowerCase() + ".namespace"; if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(namespace)) { // lets try find an environment variable or system property namespace = getStringProperty(key, map, null); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(namespace)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A fabric8 environment '" + environment + "' has been specified, but no matching namespace was found in the fabric8.yml file or '" + key + "' system property"); } } return namespace; }
private MQBrokerConfigDTO createDTO() { if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(username)) { username = ShellUtils.retrieveFabricUser(session); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(password)) { password = ShellUtils.retrieveFabricUserPassword(session); } MQBrokerConfigDTO dto = new MQBrokerConfigDTO(); dto.setConfigUrl(config); dto.setData(data); if (ports != null && ports.length > 0) { for (String port : ports) { addConfig(port, dto.getPorts()); } } dto.setGroup(group); dto.setJvmOpts(jvmOpts); dto.setBrokerName(name); dto.setProfile(profile); dto.setClientProfile(clientProfile); dto.setClientParentProfile(clientParentProfile); dto.setNetworks(networks); dto.setNetworksPassword(networksPassword); dto.setNetworksUserName(networksUserName); dto.setParentProfile(parentProfile); dto.setProperties(properties); dto.setVersion(version); dto.setMinimumInstances(minimumInstances); dto.setReplicas(replicas); if (kind != null) { dto.setKind(kind); } return dto; }
protected boolean overrideFromEnvVar(String name, boolean defaultValue) { String envVar = envVarPrefix + name; String value = null; try { value = System.getenv(envVar); LOG.debug("Checking env var: " + envVar); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(value)) { // lets try the generic value for all entities value = System.getProperty(ENV_VAR_PREFIX + name); } if (Strings.isNotBlank(value)) { Boolean b = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Failed to parse boolean value for env var " + envVar + " with value `" + value + "`. " + e, e); } return defaultValue; }
protected void createAndCheckoutBranch() throws MojoExecutionException, IOException, GitAPIException { if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(oldBranchName)) { // lets find the previous branch List<String> branches = new ArrayList<String>(RepositoryUtils.getBranches(git.getRepository())); int size = branches.size(); if (size > 0) { String last = branches.get(size - 1); int idx = last.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx > 0) { oldBranchName = last.substring(idx + 1); getLog().info("Using previous branch: " + oldBranchName); } } } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(oldBranchName)) { oldBranchName = "master"; getLog().warn("Could not deduce the old branch so setting it to: " + oldBranchName); } checkoutBranch(git, oldBranchName); getLog().info("Creating branch " + branchName + " in " + getGitBuildPathDescription()); createOrCheckoutBranch(git, branchName, remoteName); checkoutBranch(git, branchName); }
protected void configureBranch(String branch) { // lets update the merge config if (Strings.isNotBlank(branch) && hasRemoteRepo()) { StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(config.getString("branch", branch, "remote")) || Strings.isNullOrBlank(config.getString("branch", branch, "merge"))) { config.setString("branch", branch, "remote", remoteName); config.setString("branch", branch, "merge", "refs/heads/" + branch); try {; } catch (IOException e) { getLog() .error( "Failed to save the git configuration into " + new File(buildDir, ".git") + " with branch " + branch + " on remote repo: " + gitUrl + " due: " + e.getMessage() + ". This exception is ignored.", e); } } } }
public static Configuration fromMap(Map<String, String> map) { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); try { configuration.masterUrl = getStringProperty(KUBERNETES_MASTER, map, FALLBACK_CONFIG.getMasterUrl()); configuration.environment = getStringProperty(FABRIC8_ENVIRONMENT, map, null); configuration.environmentInitEnabled = getBooleanProperty(ENVIRONMENT_INIT_ENABLED, map, true); configuration.environmentConfigUrl = getKubernetesConfigurationUrl(map); configuration.environmentDependencies = Strings.splitAndTrimAsList(getStringProperty(ENVIRONMENT_DEPENDENCIES, map, ""), " "); configuration.namespaceLazyCreateEnabled = getBooleanProperty( NAMESPACE_LAZY_CREATE_ENABLED, map, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LAZY_CREATE_ENABLED); String existingNamespace = getStringProperty(NAMESPACE_TO_USE, map, null); String environmentNamespace = findNamespaceForEnvironment(configuration.environment, map); configuration.namespaceToUse = selectNamespace(environmentNamespace, existingNamespace); // We default to "cleanup=true" when generating namespace and "cleanup=false" when using // existing namespace. configuration.namespaceCleanupEnabled = getBooleanProperty( NAMESPACE_CLEANUP_ENABLED, map, Strings.isNullOrBlank(configuration.namespaceToUse)); configuration.namespaceCleanupConfirmationEnabled = getBooleanProperty(NAMESPACE_CLEANUP_CONFIRM_ENABLED, map, false); configuration.namespaceCleanupTimeout = getLongProperty(NAMESPACE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, map, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT); configuration.waitTimeout = getLongProperty(WAIT_TIMEOUT, map, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT); configuration.waitPollInterval = getLongProperty(WAIT_POLL_INTERVAL, map, DEFAULT_WAIT_POLL_INTERVAL); configuration.waitForServiceList = Strings.splitAndTrimAsList(getStringProperty(WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_LIST, map, ""), " "); configuration.waitForServiceConnectionEnabled = getBooleanProperty( WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_CONNECTION_ENABLED, map, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_CONNECTION_ENABLED); configuration.waitForServiceConnectionTimeout = getLongProperty( WAIT_FOR_SERVICE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, map, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT); configuration.ansiLoggerEnabled = getBooleanProperty(ANSI_LOGGER_ENABLED, map, true); configuration.kubernetesDomain = getStringProperty(KUBERNETES_DOMAIN, map, "vagrant.f8"); configuration.gofabric8Enabled = getBooleanProperty(GOFABRIC8_ENABLED, map, false); = map; } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } else { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } return configuration; }
/** * Returns true if the remote git url is defined or the local git repo has a remote url defined */ protected boolean hasRemoteRepo() { if (Strings.isNotBlank(gitUrl)) { return true; } Repository repository = git.getRepository(); StoredConfig config = repository.getConfig(); String url = config.getString("remote", remoteName, "url"); if (Strings.isNotBlank(url)) { return true; } return false; }
protected void doPull() throws MojoExecutionException { // CredentialsProvider cp = getCredentials(); CredentialsProvider cp = null; try { Repository repository = git.getRepository(); StoredConfig config = repository.getConfig(); String url = config.getString("remote", "origin", "url"); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(url)) { getLog() .info( "No remote repository defined for the git repository at " + getGitBuildPathDescription() + " so not doing a pull"); return; } String branch = repository.getBranch(); String mergeUrl = config.getString("branch", branch, "merge"); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(mergeUrl)) { getLog() .info( "No merge spec for branch." + branch + ".merge in the git repository at " + getGitBuildPathDescription() + " so not doing a pull"); return; } getLog() .info( "Performing a pull in git repository " + getGitBuildPathDescription() + " on remote URL: " + url); git.pull().setCredentialsProvider(cp).setRebase(true).call(); } catch (Throwable e) { String credText = ""; if (cp instanceof UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider) {} String message = "Failed to pull from the remote git repo with credentials " + cp + " due: " + e.getMessage() + ". This exception is ignored."; getLog().error(message, e); throw new MojoExecutionException(message, e); } }
public static String getFabric8ConsoleLink() { String answer = System.getenv("FABRIC8_CONSOLE"); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(answer)) { answer = DEFAULT_FABRIC8_CONSOLE; } return answer; }
/** If a slug is not supplied then lets generate it from the project name */ protected String validateSlug(String slug, String name) { if (Strings.isNotBlank(slug)) { return slug; } else { return getUsername() + "-" + name; } }
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers = requestContext.getHeaders(); String authenticationHeader = getAuthenticationHeader(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(authenticationHeader)) { headers.add("Authorization", authenticationHeader); } }
public static final String toAlias( String serviceName, String serviceProtocol, String servicePort, String servicePath, Boolean endpoint, Boolean external, String suffix) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (external) { sb.append("external"); } else { sb.append("internal"); } sb.append("-"); if (endpoint) { sb.append("endpoint"); } else { sb.append("service"); } sb.append("-").append(serviceName); if (Strings.isNotBlank(serviceProtocol)) { sb.append("-").append(serviceProtocol); } else { sb.append("-").append("tcp"); } if (Strings.isNotBlank(servicePort)) { sb.append("-").append(serviceProtocol); } else { sb.append("-").append("single"); } if (Strings.isNotBlank(servicePath)) { sb.append("-").append(servicePath); } else { sb.append("-").append("root"); } sb.append("-").append(suffix); return sb.toString(); }
private String getAuthenticationHeader() { String token = getAuthToken(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(token)) { return "Bearer " + token; } else { return null; } }
public static String or(String... candidates) { for (String candidate : candidates) { if (Strings.isNotBlank(candidate)) { return candidate; } } return null; }
private static ServicePort toNamedServicePort(String serviceId, ServicePort servicePort) { String portName = servicePort.getName(); String protocol = servicePort.getProtocol(); Integer nodePort = servicePort.getNodePort(); IntOrString targetPort = servicePort.getTargetPort(); String name = !Strings.isNullOrBlank(portName) ? portName : serviceId + "-" + targetPort.toString(); int port = KubernetesHelper.intOrStringToInteger(targetPort, "service: " + name); return new ServicePort(name, nodePort, port, protocol, targetPort); }
@Override public ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome( ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { String masterUrl = Utils.getSystemPropertyOrEnvVar(Config.KUBERNETES_MASTER_SYSTEM_PROPERTY); if (!Strings.isNullOrBlank(masterUrl)) { return ConditionOutcome.match(); } return ConditionOutcome.noMatch( "Url to kubernetes master, not found in environment variables or system properties."); }
protected PipelineDTO getPipelineForValue(UIContext context, String value) { if (Strings.isNotBlank(value)) { Iterable<PipelineDTO> pipelines = getPipelines(context, false); for (PipelineDTO pipelineDTO : pipelines) { if (pipelineDTO.getValue().equals(value) || pipelineDTO.toString().equals(value)) { return pipelineDTO; } } } return null; }
public void addController(ReplicationController controller) { String id = getId(controller); if (Strings.isNotBlank(id)) { controllers.put(id, controller); // now lets find all the pods that are active for this List<Pod> pods = snapshot.podsForReplicationController(controller); for (Pod pod : pods) { addPod(pod); } } }
/** * Returns the webhook URL for the given module. * * <p>The module webhook might not use the correct public host name so lets convert it. */ public String getPublicWebhookUrl(ModuleDTO module) { if (module != null) { String webhooksUrl = module.getWebhooksUrl(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(webhooksUrl)) { int idx = webhooksUrl.indexOf("/api/v"); if (idx > 0) { return URLUtils.pathJoin(getAddress(), webhooksUrl.substring(idx)); } } return webhooksUrl; } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void uploadAppZip(boolean newUserAdded) throws Exception { File file = getZipFile(); if (!file.exists()) { getLog() .error( "No App Zip file at " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". Did you execute the fabric8:zip goal?"); return; } if (!file.isFile()) { getLog() .error( "Invalid App Zip file at " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". This should be a file not a directory!"); return; } String user = fabricServer.getUsername(); String password = fabricServer.getPassword(); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(user)) { getLog() .warn( "No <username> value defined for the server " + serverId + " in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. Please add a value!"); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(password)) { getLog() .warn( "No <password> value defined for the server " + serverId + " in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. Please add a value!"); } Apps.postFileToGit(file, user, password, consoleUrl, branch, deployPath, LOG); }
public KubernetesClient getKubernetes() { if (kubernetes == null) { String kubernetesAddress = kubernetesUrl.getValue(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(kubernetesAddress)) { kubernetes = new DefaultKubernetesClient( new ConfigBuilder().withMasterUrl(kubernetesAddress).build()); } else { kubernetes = new DefaultKubernetesClient(); } } Objects.notNull(kubernetes, "kubernetes"); return kubernetes; }
/** * Returns all the environment variable properties defined in the pom.xml which are prefixed with * "fabric8.env." */ public Map<String, String> getEnvironmentVariableProperties() { Map<String, String> rawProperties = findPropertiesWithPrefix( getProject().getProperties(), "fabric8.env.", Strings.toEnvironmentVariableFunction()); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = rawProperties.entrySet(); Map<String, String> answer = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); value = unquoteTemplateExpression(value); answer.put(key, value); } return answer; }
@Override public Result execute(UIExecutionContext context) throws Exception { String buildConfigName = buildName.getValue(); Objects.assertNotNull(buildConfigName, "buildName"); Map<String, String> labels = BuildConfigs.createBuildLabels(buildConfigName); String ouputImageName = imageName.getValue(); String gitUrlText = getOrFindGitUrl(context, gitUri.getValue()); String imageText = outputImage.getValue(); Model mavenModel = getMavenModel(context); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(imageText) && mavenModel != null) { imageText = mavenModel.getProperties().getProperty("docker.image"); } String webhookSecretText = webHookSecret.getValue(); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(webhookSecretText)) { // TODO generate a really good secret! webhookSecretText = "secret101"; } BuildConfig buildConfig = BuildConfigs.createBuildConfig( buildConfigName, labels, gitUrlText, ouputImageName, imageText, webhookSecretText); System.out.println("Generated BuildConfig: " + toJson(buildConfig)); ImageStream imageRepository = BuildConfigs.imageRepository(buildConfigName, labels); Controller controller = createController(); controller.applyImageStream( imageRepository, "generated ImageStream: " + toJson(imageRepository)); controller.applyBuildConfig(buildConfig, "generated BuildConfig: " + toJson(buildConfig)); return Results.success( "Added BuildConfig: " + Builds.getName(buildConfig) + " to OpenShift at master: " + getKubernetes().getAddress()); }
/** * Applies the kubernetes json url to the configuration. * * @param map The arquillian configuration. */ private static URL getKubernetesConfigurationUrl(Map<String, String> map) throws MalformedURLException { if (map.containsKey(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_URL)) { return new URL(map.get(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_URL)); } else if (map.containsKey(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME)) { String resourceName = map.get(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME); return findConfigResource(resourceName); } else if (Strings.isNotBlank(Utils.getSystemPropertyOrEnvVar(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_URL, ""))) { return new URL(Utils.getSystemPropertyOrEnvVar(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_URL, "")); } else { String defaultValue = "/" + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME; String resourceName = Utils.getSystemPropertyOrEnvVar(ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME, defaultValue); URL answer = findConfigResource(resourceName); if (answer == null) {} return answer; } }
/** * Iterates through all nested directories and generates archetypes for all found, non-pom Maven * projects. * * @param baseDir a directory to look for projects which may be converted to Maven Archetypes * @param outputDir target directory where Maven Archetype projects will be generated * @param clean regenerate the archetypes (clean the archetype target dir)? * @throws IOException */ public void generateArchetypes( String containerType, File baseDir, File outputDir, boolean clean, List<String> dirs) throws IOException { LOG.debug( "Generating archetypes from {} to {}", baseDir.getCanonicalPath(), outputDir.getCanonicalPath()); File[] files = baseDir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { File projectDir = file; File projectPom = new File(projectDir, "pom.xml"); if (projectPom.exists() && !skipImport(projectDir)) { if (archetypeUtils.isValidProjectPom(projectPom)) { String fileName = file.getName(); String archetypeDirName = fileName.replace("example", "archetype"); if (fileName.equals(archetypeDirName)) { archetypeDirName += "-archetype"; } archetypeDirName = containerType + "-" + archetypeDirName; File archetypeDir = new File(outputDir, archetypeDirName); generateArchetype(projectDir, projectPom, archetypeDir, clean, dirs); File archetypePom = new File(archetypeDir, "pom.xml"); if (archetypePom.exists()) { addArchetypeMetaData(archetypePom, archetypeDirName); } } else { // lets iterate through the children String childContainerType = file.getName(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(containerType)) { childContainerType = containerType + "-" + childContainerType; } generateArchetypes(childContainerType, file, outputDir, clean, dirs); } } } } } }
protected Iterable<PipelineDTO> getPipelines(UIContext context, boolean filterPipelines) { Set<String> builders = null; ProjectOverviewDTO projectOveriew = null; if (filterPipelines) { projectOveriew = getProjectOverview(context); builders = projectOveriew.getBuilders(); } File dir = getJenkinsWorkflowFolder(context); Set<String> buildersFound = new HashSet<>(); if (dir != null) { Filter<File> filter = new Filter<File>() { @Override public boolean matches(File file) { return file.isFile() && Objects.equal(JENKINSFILE, file.getName()); } }; Set<File> files = Files.findRecursive(dir, filter); List<PipelineDTO> pipelines = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : files) { try { String relativePath = Files.getRelativePath(dir, file); String value = Strings.stripPrefix(relativePath, "/"); String label = value; String postfix = "/" + JENKINSFILE; if (label.endsWith(postfix)) { label = label.substring(0, label.length() - postfix.length()); } if (label.startsWith(jenkinsFilePrefix)) { label = label.substring(jenkinsFilePrefix.length()); } // Lets ignore the fabric8 specific pipelines if (label.startsWith("fabric8-release/")) { continue; } String builder = null; int idx = label.indexOf("/"); if (idx > 0) { builder = label.substring(0, idx); if (filterPipelines && !builders.contains(builder)) { // ignore this builder continue; } else { buildersFound.add(builder); } } String descriptionMarkdown = null; File markdownFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), ""); if (Files.isFile(markdownFile)) { descriptionMarkdown = IOHelpers.readFully(markdownFile); } PipelineDTO pipeline = new PipelineDTO(value, label, builder, descriptionMarkdown); File yamlFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), "metadata.yml"); if (Files.isFile(yamlFile)) { PipelineMetadata metadata = null; try { metadata = loadYaml(yamlFile, PipelineMetadata.class); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse yaml file " + yamlFile + ". " + e, e); } if (metadata != null) { metadata.configurePipeline(pipeline); } } pipelines.add(pipeline); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn( "Failed to find relative path for folder " + dir + " and file " + file + ". " + e, e); } } if (buildersFound.size() == 1) { // lets trim the builder prefix from the labels for (String first : buildersFound) { String prefix = first + "/"; for (PipelineDTO pipeline : pipelines) { String label = pipeline.getLabel(); if (label.startsWith(prefix)) { label = label.substring(prefix.length()); pipeline.setLabel(label); } } break; } } Collections.sort(pipelines); return pipelines; } else { LOG.warn("No jenkinsWorkflowFolder!"); return new ArrayList<>(); } }
protected String getStringAttribute( Map<Object, Object> attributeMap, String name, String defaultValue) { String answer = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, name); return Strings.isNullOrBlank(answer) ? defaultValue : answer; }
@Override public Result execute(UIExecutionContext context) throws Exception {"Creating the fabric8.yml file"); String fileName = ProjectConfigs.FILE_NAME; Project project = getSelectedProject(context); File configFile = getProjectConfigFile(context.getUIContext(), getSelectedProject(context)); if (configFile == null) { // lets not fail as we typically want to execute SaveDevOpsStep next... return Results.success(); } ProjectConfig config = null; boolean hasFile = false; if (configFile.exists()) { config = ProjectConfigs.parseProjectConfig(configFile); hasFile = true; } if (config == null) { config = new ProjectConfig(); } CommandHelpers.putComponentValuesInAttributeMap(context, inputComponents); updateConfiguration(context, config);"Result: " + config); String message; if (config.isEmpty() && !hasFile) { message = "No " + fileName + " need be generated as there is no configuration"; return Results.success(message); } else { String operation = "Updated"; if (!configFile.exists()) { operation = "Created"; } ProjectConfigs.saveConfig(config, configFile); message = operation + " " + fileName; } // now lets update the devops stuff UIContext uiContext = context.getUIContext(); Map<Object, Object> attributeMap = uiContext.getAttributeMap(); String gitUrl = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitUrl"); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) { gitUrl = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitAddress"); } Object object = attributeMap.get(Project.class); String user = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitUser"); String named = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "projectName"); ; File basedir = CommandHelpers.getBaseDir(project); if (basedir == null && configFile != null) { basedir = configFile.getParentFile(); } if (object instanceof Project) { Project newProject = (Project) object; MetadataFacet facet = newProject.getFacet(MetadataFacet.class); if (facet != null) { if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(named)) { named = facet.getProjectName(); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) { String address = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitAddress"); gitUrl = address + user + "/" + named + ".git"; } } else { LOG.error("No MetadataFacet for newly created project " + newProject); } } else { // updating an existing project - so lets try find the git url from the current source code if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) { gitUrl = GitHelpers.extractGitUrl(basedir); } if (basedir != null) { if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(named)) { named = basedir.getName(); } } } // lets default the environments from the pipeline PipelineDTO pipelineValue = pipeline.getValue();"Using pipeline " + pipelineValue); String buildName = config.getBuildName(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(buildName)) { if (pipelineValue != null) { List<String> environments = pipelineValue.getEnvironments(); if (environments == null) { environments = new ArrayList<>(); } LinkedHashMap<String, String> environmentMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (environments.isEmpty()) { environmentMap.put("Current", namespace); } else { for (String environment : environments) { String envNamespace = namespace + "-" + environment.toLowerCase(); environmentMap.put(environment, envNamespace); } } config.setEnvironments(environmentMap); } }"Configured project " + buildName + " environments: " + config.getEnvironments()); ProjectConfigs.defaultEnvironments(config, namespace); String projectName = config.getBuildName(); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(projectName)) { projectName = named; config.setBuildName(projectName); }"Project name is: " + projectName); if (Strings.isNotBlank(projectName) && project != null) { MavenFacet maven = project.getFacet(MavenFacet.class); Model pom = maven.getModel(); if (pom != null && !isFunktionParentPom(project) && !isFabric8MavenPlugin3OrGreater(project)) { Properties properties = pom.getProperties(); boolean updated = false; updated = MavenHelpers.updatePomProperty( properties, "fabric8.label.project", projectName, updated); updated = MavenHelpers.updatePomProperty( properties, "fabric8.label.version", "${project.version}", updated); if (updated) {"Updating pom.xml properties!"); maven.setModel(pom); } else { LOG.warn("Did not update pom.xml properties!"); } } else { LOG.warn("No pom.xml found!"); } } Boolean copyFlowToProjectValue = copyPipelineToProject.getValue(); if (copyFlowToProjectValue != null && copyFlowToProjectValue.booleanValue()) { if (basedir == null || !basedir.isDirectory()) { LOG.warn("Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no basedir!"); } else { String flow = null; PipelineDTO pipelineDTO = pipelineValue; if (pipelineDTO != null) { flow = pipelineDTO.getValue(); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(flow)) { LOG.warn("Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no pipeline selected!"); } else { String flowText = getFlowContent(flow, uiContext); if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(flowText)) { LOG.warn( "Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no pipeline text could be loaded!"); } else { flowText = Strings.replaceAllWithoutRegex(flowText, "GIT_URL", "'" + gitUrl + "'"); File newFile = new File(basedir, ProjectConfigs.LOCAL_FLOW_FILE_NAME); Files.writeToFile(newFile, flowText.getBytes());"Written pipeline to " + newFile); if (config != null) { config.setPipeline(null); config.setUseLocalFlow(true); } } } } } final DevOpsConnector connector = new DevOpsConnector(); connector.setProjectConfig(config); connector.setTryLoadConfigFileFromRemoteGit(false); connector.setUsername(user); connector.setPassword(getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitPassword")); connector.setBranch(getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitBranch", "master")); connector.setBasedir(basedir); connector.setGitUrl(gitUrl); connector.setRepoName(named); connector.setRegisterWebHooks(true); // lets not trigger the jenkins webhook yet as the git push should trigger the build connector.setTriggerJenkinsJob(false);"Using connector: " + connector); /* attributeMap.put("registerWebHooks", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {"Now registering webhooks!"); connector.registerWebHooks(); } }); */ try { connector.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to update DevOps resources: " + e, e); } return Results.success(message); }
public void addPod(Pod pod) { String id = getId(pod); if (Strings.isNotBlank(id)) { pods.put(id, pod); } }