private ImageStack loadImages() {

    String fileNameNumberRef = new String();
    String fileNameNumberCorr = new String();

    if (numOfIteration < 9) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "000" + numOfIteration;
      fileNameNumberCorr = "000" + (numOfIteration + 1);

    if (numOfIteration == 9) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "0009";
      fileNameNumberCorr = "0010";

    if (numOfIteration >= 10 && numOfIteration < 99) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "00" + numOfIteration;
      fileNameNumberCorr = "00" + (numOfIteration + 1);

    if (numOfIteration == 99) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "0099";
      fileNameNumberCorr = "0100";

    if (numOfIteration >= 100 && numOfIteration < 999) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "0" + numOfIteration;
      fileNameNumberCorr = "0" + (numOfIteration + 1);

    if (numOfIteration == 999) {
      fileNameNumberRef = "0999";
      fileNameNumberCorr = "1000";

    if (numOfIteration >= 1000) {
      fileNameNumberRef = String.valueOf(numOfIteration);
      fileNameNumberCorr = String.valueOf(numOfIteration + 1);

    ImagePlus ref = new ImagePlus(dir + name + fileNameNumberRef + format);
    ImagePlus corr = new ImagePlus(dir + name + (fileNameNumberCorr) + format);
    ImageStack tmp = ImageStack.create(ref.getWidth(), ref.getHeight(), 2, ref.getBitDepth());

    tmp.setPixels(ref.getProcessor().getPixels(), 1);
    tmp.setPixels(corr.getProcessor().getPixels(), 2);

    return tmp;
   * Resizes the current array to the given dimensions.
   * @param input the array to resize
   * @param lenX the desired length in x-direction (with, horizontal length)
   * @param lenY the desired length in y-direction (height, vertical length)
   * @return a new 2d float array with the specified dimensions, and values interpolated from the
   *     input array.
  public static float[][] resize(float[][] input, int lenX, int lenY) {
    float[] linearized = linearize2DArray(input);

    ImageStack is = ImageStack.create(input.length, input[0].length, 1, 32);
    is.setPixels(linearized, 1);

    ImageProcessor ip = new ImagePlus("", is).getProcessor();
    float[] resized = (float[]) ip.resize(lenX, lenY).getPixels();

    return linearizedArrayTo2D(resized, lenX, lenY);
 /** Splits the specified image into separate channels. */
 public static ImagePlus[] split(ImagePlus imp) {
   if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) {
     ImageStack[] stacks = splitRGB(imp.getStack(), true);
     ImagePlus[] images = new ImagePlus[3];
     images[0] = new ImagePlus("red", stacks[0]);
     images[1] = new ImagePlus("green", stacks[1]);
     images[2] = new ImagePlus("blue", stacks[2]);
     return images;
   int width = imp.getWidth();
   int height = imp.getHeight();
   int channels = imp.getNChannels();
   int slices = imp.getNSlices();
   int frames = imp.getNFrames();
   int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
   int size = slices * frames;
   Vector images = new Vector();
   HyperStackReducer reducer = new HyperStackReducer(imp);
   for (int c = 1; c <= channels; c++) {
     ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(width, height, size); // create empty stack
         imp.getProcessor().getPixels(), 1); // can't create ImagePlus will null 1st image
     ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("C" + c + "-" + imp.getTitle(), stack2);
     stack2.setPixels(null, 1);
     imp.setPosition(c, 1, 1);
     imp2.setDimensions(1, slices, frames);
     if (imp.isComposite() && ((CompositeImage) imp).getMode() == IJ.GRAYSCALE), "Grays", "");
     if (imp2.getNDimensions() > 3) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   ImagePlus[] array = new ImagePlus[images.size()];
   return (ImagePlus[]) images.toArray(array);
Esempio n. 4
  private ImagePlus findSurfaceVoxels(final ImagePlus imp) {
    final int w = imp.getWidth();
    final int h = imp.getHeight();
    final int d = imp.getImageStackSize();
    final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
    final ImageStack surfaceStack = new ImageStack(w, h, d);

    for (int z = 0; z < d; z++) {
      IJ.showStatus("Finding surface voxels");
      final byte[] pixels = (byte[]) stack.getPixels(z + 1);
      surfaceStack.setPixels(pixels.clone(), z + 1);
      final ImageProcessor surfaceIP = surfaceStack.getProcessor(z + 1);
      for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
          if (getPixel(stack, x, y, z, w, h, d) == (byte) 0) continue;
          for (int nz = -1; nz < 2; nz++) {
            final int znz = z + nz;
            for (int ny = -1; ny < 2; ny++) {
              final int yny = y + ny;
              for (int nx = -1; nx < 2; nx++) {
                final int xnx = x + nx;
                final byte pixel = getPixel(stack, xnx, yny, znz, w, h, d);
                if (pixel == (byte) 0) continue checkNeighbours;
          // we checked all the neighbours for a 0
          // but didn't find one, so this is not a surface voxel
          surfaceIP.set(x, y, (byte) 1);
    // turn all the 1's into 0's
    final int wh = w * h;
    for (int z = 0; z < d; z++) {
      IJ.showStatus("Finding surface voxels");
      final ImageProcessor ip = surfaceStack.getProcessor(z + 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
        if (ip.get(i) == (byte) 1) ip.set(i, (byte) 0);

    final ImagePlus surfaceImp = new ImagePlus("Surface");
    return surfaceImp;
   * Combination of {@link ImageJInterpolation#crop(float[][], float, float, float, float)} and
   * {@link ImageJInterpolation#resize(float[][], int, int)}. Crops and resizes the input array into
   * a new output array.
   * @param input the array to work on
   * @param lenX the desired length in x-direction (with, horizontal length)
   * @param lenY the desired length in y-direction (height, vertical length)
   * @param minX the lower index in x-direction
   * @param minY the lower index in y-direction
   * @param maxX the higher index in x-direction
   * @param maxY the higher index in y-direction
   * @return a new cropped and resized version of the input array
  public static float[][] cropAndResize(
      float[][] input, int lenX, int lenY, float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY) {

    float[] linearized = linearize2DArray(input);

    ImageStack is = ImageStack.create(input[0].length, input.length, 1, 32);
    is.setPixels(linearized, 1);

    ImageProcessor ip = new ImagePlus("", is).getProcessor();
    ip.setRoi((int) minX, (int) minY, (int) Math.ceil(maxX - minX), (int) Math.ceil(maxY - minY));

    float[] resized = (float[]) ip.crop().resize(lenX, lenY).getPixels();

    return linearizedArrayTo2D(resized, lenX, lenY);
Esempio n. 6
   * Makes a color {@link ImagePlus} from a color {@link Dataset}. The ImagePlus will have the same
   * X, Y, Z, & T dimensions. C will be 1. The data values and metadata are not assigned. Throws an
   * exception if the dataset is not color compatible.
  private ImagePlus makeColorImagePlus(final Dataset ds) {
    if (!LegacyUtils.isColorCompatible(ds)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dataset is not color compatible");

    final int[] dimIndices = new int[5];
    final int[] dimValues = new int[5];
    LegacyUtils.getImagePlusDims(ds, dimIndices, dimValues);
    final int w = dimValues[0];
    final int h = dimValues[1];
    final int c = dimValues[2] / 3;
    final int z = dimValues[3];
    final int t = dimValues[4];

    final ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(w, h, c * z * t);

    for (int i = 0; i < c * z * t; i++) stack.setPixels(new int[w * h], i + 1);

    final ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(ds.getName(), stack);

    imp.setDimensions(c, z, t);

    return imp;
Esempio n. 7
  /** Called by the PlugInFilterRunner to process the image or one frame of a stack */
  public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
    if (interrupted) return;
    int width = ip.getWidth();
    int height = ip.getHeight();

    int backgroundValue =
        (processType == VORONOI)
            ? (background255 ? 0 : (byte) 255)
            : // Voronoi needs EDM of the background
            (background255 ? (byte) 255 : 0); // all others do EDM of the foreground
    if (USES_WATERSHED[processType]) nPasses = 0; // watershed has its own progress bar
    FloatProcessor floatEdm = makeFloatEDM(ip, backgroundValue, false);

    ByteProcessor maxIp = null;
    if (USES_MAX_FINDER[processType]) {
      if (processType == VORONOI) floatEdm.multiply(-1); // Voronoi starts from minima of EDM
      int maxOutputType =
          USES_WATERSHED[processType] ? MaximumFinder.SEGMENTED : MaximumFinder.SINGLE_POINTS;
      boolean isEDM = processType != VORONOI;
      maxIp =
      if (maxIp == null) { // segmentation cancelled by user?
        interrupted = true;
      } else if (processType != WATERSHED) {
        if (processType == VORONOI) floatEdm.multiply(-1);
        resetMasked(floatEdm, maxIp, processType == VORONOI ? -1 : 0);

    ImageProcessor outIp = null;
    if (processType == WATERSHED) {
      if (background255) maxIp.invert();
      ip.copyBits(maxIp, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY);
    } else
      switch (outImageType) { // for all these, output contains the values of the EDM
        case FLOAT:
          outIp = floatEdm;
        case SHORT:
          floatEdm.setMinAndMax(0., 65535.);
          outIp = floatEdm.convertToShort(true);
        case BYTE:
          floatEdm.setMinAndMax(0., 255.);
          outIp = floatEdm.convertToByte(true);
        case BYTE_OVERWRITE:
          ip.setPixels(0, floatEdm);
          if (floatEdm.getMax() > 255.) ip.resetMinAndMax(); // otherwise we have max of floatEdm

    if (outImageType != BYTE_OVERWRITE) { // new output image
      if (outStack == null) {
        outImp = new ImagePlus(TITLE_PREFIX[processType] + imp.getShortTitle(), outIp);
      } else outStack.setPixels(outIp.getPixels(), pfr.getSliceNumber());
  } // public void run
  public void Calc_5Fr(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) {
    if (imp1.getType() != imp2.getType()) {
    if (imp1.getType() == 0) { // getType returns 0 for 8-bit, 1 for 16-bit
      bitDepth = "8-bit";
      Prefs.set("ps.bitDepth", bitDepth);
    } else {
      bitDepth = "16-bit";
      Prefs.set("ps.bitDepth", bitDepth);
    int width = imp1.getWidth();
    int height = imp1.getHeight();
    if (width != imp2.getWidth() || height != imp2.getHeight()) {

    ImageStack stack1 = imp1.getStack();
    //		if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack();
    ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack();

    ImageProcessor ip = imp1.getProcessor();
    int dimension = width * height;
    byte[] pixB;
    short[] pixS;
    float[][] pixF = new float[5][dimension];
    float[][] pixFBg = new float[5][dimension];

    float a;
    float b;
    float den;
    float aSmp;
    float bSmp;
    float denSmp;
    float aBg;
    float bBg;
    float denBg;
    float retF;
    float azimF;

    byte[] retB = new byte[dimension];
    short[] retS = new short[dimension];
    byte[] azimB = new byte[dimension];
    short[] azimS = new short[dimension];
    // Derived Variables:
    float swingAngle = 2f * (float) Math.PI * swing;
    float tanSwingAngleDiv2 = (float) Math.tan(swingAngle / 2.f);
    float tanSwingAngleDiv2DivSqrt2 = (float) (Math.tan(swingAngle / 2.f) / Math.sqrt(2));
    float wavelengthDiv2Pi = wavelength / (2f * (float) Math.PI);

    // get the pixels of each slice in the stack and convert to float
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if (bitDepth == "8-bit") {
        pixB = (byte[]) stack1.getPixels(i + 3);
        for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixF[i][j] = 0xff & pixB[j];
        if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") {
          pixB = (byte[]) stack2.getPixels(i + 3);
          for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixFBg[i][j] = 0xff & pixB[j];
      } else {
        pixS = (short[]) stack1.getPixels(i + 3);
        for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixF[i][j] = (float) pixS[j];
        if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") {
          pixS = (short[]) stack2.getPixels(i + 3);
          for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixFBg[i][j] = (float) pixS[j];

    // Algorithm
    // terms a and b
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
      denSmp = (pixF[1][j] + pixF[2][j] + pixF[3][j] + pixF[4][j] - 4 * pixF[0][j]) / 2;
      denBg = denSmp;
      a = (pixF[4][j] - pixF[1][j]);
      aSmp = a;
      aBg = a;
      b = (pixF[2][j] - pixF[3][j]);
      bSmp = b;
      bBg = b;
      if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") {
        denBg = (pixFBg[1][j] + pixFBg[2][j] + pixFBg[3][j] + pixFBg[4][j] - 4 * pixFBg[0][j]) / 2;
        aBg = pixFBg[4][j] - pixFBg[1][j];
        bBg = pixFBg[2][j] - pixFBg[3][j];
      // Special case of sample retardance half wave, denSmp = 0
      if (denSmp == 0) {
        retF = (float) wavelength / 4;
        azimF =
            (float) (a == 0 & b == 0 ? 0 : (azimRef + 90 + 90 * Math.atan2(a, b) / Math.PI) % 180);
      } else {
        // Retardance, the background correction can be improved by separately considering sample
        // retardance values larger than a quarter wave
        if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") {
          a = aSmp / denSmp - aBg / denBg;
          b = bSmp / denSmp - bBg / denBg;
        } else {
          a = aSmp / denSmp;
          b = bSmp / denSmp;
        retF = (float) Math.atan(tanSwingAngleDiv2 * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b));
        if (denSmp < 0) retF = (float) Math.PI - retF;
        retF = retF * wavelengthDiv2Pi; // convert to nm
        if (retF > retCeiling) retF = retCeiling;

        // Orientation
        if ((bgStackTitle == "NoBg") || ((bgStackTitle != "NoBg") && (Math.abs(denSmp) < 1))) {
          a = aSmp;
          b = bSmp;
        azimF =
            (float) (a == 0 & b == 0 ? 0 : (azimRef + 90 + 90 * Math.atan2(a, b) / Math.PI) % 180);
      if (bitDepth == "8-bit") retB[j] = (byte) (((int) (255 * retF / retCeiling)) & 0xff);
      else retS[j] = (short) (4095 * retF / retCeiling);
      if (mirror == "Yes") azimF = 180 - azimF;
      if (bitDepth == "8-bit") azimB[j] = (byte) (((int) azimF) & 0xff);
      else azimS[j] = (short) (azimF * 10f);
    // show the resulting images in slice 1 and 2
    if (bitDepth == "8-bit") {
      stack1.setPixels(retB, 1);
      stack1.setPixels(azimB, 2);
    } else {
      stack1.setPixels(retS, 1);
      stack1.setPixels(azimS, 2);

    Prefs.set("ps.sampleStackTitle", sampleStackTitle);
    Prefs.set("ps.bgStackTitle", bgStackTitle);
    Prefs.set("ps.mirror", mirror);
    Prefs.set("ps.wavelength", wavelength);
    Prefs.set("ps.swing", swing);
    Prefs.set("ps.retCeiling", retCeiling);
    Prefs.set("ps.azimRef", azimRef);