private static void screenCaptureToFile(AbstractBuild build, AndroidDeviceContext device)
     throws IOException, InterruptedException {
   FilePath screencapFile = build.getWorkspace().createTempFile("screencap", ".png");
   OutputStream screencapStream = screencapFile.write();
   FilterOutputStream replaceFilterStream = new ReplaceFilterOutputStream(screencapStream);
   screencapFile.copyTo(new FilePath(build.getArtifactsDir()).child("screencap.png"));
Esempio n. 2
 /** Check the location of the POM, alternate settings file, etc - any file. */
 public FormValidation doCheckFileInWorkspace(@QueryParameter String value)
     throws IOException, ServletException {
   MavenModuleSetBuild lb = getLastBuild();
   if (lb != null) {
     FilePath ws = lb.getModuleRoot();
     if (ws != null) return ws.validateRelativePath(value, true, true);
   return FormValidation.ok();
Esempio n. 3
  /** Check that the provided file is a relative path. And check that it exists, just in case. */
  public FormValidation doCheckFileRelative(@QueryParameter String value)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    String v = fixEmpty(value);
    if ((v == null) || (v.length() == 0)) {
      // Null values are allowed.
      return FormValidation.ok();
    if ((v.startsWith("/")) || (v.startsWith("\\")) || (v.matches("^\\w\\:\\\\.*"))) {
      return FormValidation.error("Alternate settings file must be a relative path.");

    MavenModuleSetBuild lb = getLastBuild();
    if (lb != null) {
      FilePath ws = lb.getWorkspace();
      if (ws != null) return ws.validateRelativePath(value, true, true);
    return FormValidation.ok();
  private ArgumentListBuilder buildMavenCmdLine(
      AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener, EnvVars env)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    FilePath mavenHome = getMavenHomeDir(build, listener, env);

    if (!mavenHome.exists()) {
      listener.error("Couldn't find Maven home: " + mavenHome.getRemote());
      throw new Run.RunnerAbortedException();

    ArgumentListBuilder args = new ArgumentListBuilder();

    FilePath mavenBootDir = new FilePath(mavenHome, "boot");
    FilePath[] classworldsCandidates = mavenBootDir.list("plexus-classworlds*.jar");
    if (classworldsCandidates == null || classworldsCandidates.length == 0) {
      listener.error("Couldn't find classworlds jar under " + mavenBootDir.getRemote());
      throw new Run.RunnerAbortedException();

    FilePath classWorldsJar = classworldsCandidates[0];

    // classpath
    // String cpSeparator = launcher.isUnix() ? ":" : ";";


    // maven home
    args.addKeyValuePair("-D", "maven.home", mavenHome.getRemote(), false);

    String buildInfoPropertiesFile = env.get(BuildInfoConfigProperties.PROP_PROPS_FILE);
    boolean artifactoryIntegration = StringUtils.isNotBlank(buildInfoPropertiesFile);
        .println("Artifactory integration is " + (artifactoryIntegration ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
    String classworldsConfPath;
    if (artifactoryIntegration) {

          "-D", BuildInfoConfigProperties.PROP_PROPS_FILE, buildInfoPropertiesFile, false);

      // use the classworlds conf packaged with this plugin and resolve the extractor libs
      File maven3ExtractorJar = Which.jarFile(Maven3BuildInfoLogger.class);
      FilePath actualDependencyDirectory =
          PluginDependencyHelper.getActualDependencyDirectory(build, maven3ExtractorJar);

      if (getMavenOpts() == null || !getMavenOpts().contains("-Dm3plugin.lib")) {
        args.addKeyValuePair("-D", "m3plugin.lib", actualDependencyDirectory.getRemote(), false);

      URL classworldsResource =

      File classworldsConfFile =
          new File(URLDecoder.decode(classworldsResource.getFile(), "utf-8"));
      if (!classworldsConfFile.exists()) {
            "Unable to locate classworlds configuration file under "
                + classworldsConfFile.getAbsolutePath());
        throw new Run.RunnerAbortedException();

      // If we are on a remote slave, make a temp copy of the customized classworlds conf
      if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof SlaveComputer) {

        FilePath remoteClassworlds =
            build.getWorkspace().createTextTempFile("classworlds", "conf", "", false);
        classworldsConfPath = remoteClassworlds.getRemote();
      } else {
        classworldsConfPath = classworldsConfFile.getCanonicalPath();
    } else {
      classworldsConfPath = new FilePath(mavenHome, "bin/m2.conf").getRemote();

    args.addKeyValuePair("-D", "classworlds.conf", classworldsConfPath, false);

    // maven opts
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getMavenOpts())) {
      String mavenOpts = Util.replaceMacro(getMavenOpts(), build.getBuildVariableResolver());

    // classworlds launcher main class

    // pom file to build
    String rootPom = getRootPom();
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rootPom)) {
      args.add("-f", rootPom);

    // maven goals

    return args;