public Xow_special_mgr(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xol_lang_itm lang) { = wiki.App(); hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_u8(lang.Case_mgr()); page_allpages = new Xows_page_allpages(wiki); page_search = new Srch_special_page(wiki); Evt_lang_changed(wiki.Lang()); }
private void Write_body_wikitext( Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] data_raw, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xoae_page page, byte page_tid, int ns_id) { // dump and exit if pre-generated html from html dumps byte[] hdump_data = page.Db().Html().Html_bry(); if (Bry_.Len_gt_0(hdump_data)) { bfr.Add(hdump_data); return; } // dump and exit if MediaWiki message; if (ns_id == Xow_ns_ .Tid__mediawiki) { // if MediaWiki and wikitext, must be a message; convert args back to // php; DATE:2014-06-13 bfr.Add(Gfs_php_converter.Xto_php(tmp_bfr, Bool_.N, data_raw)); return; } // if [[File]], add boilerplate header; note that html is XOWA-generated so does not need to be // tidied if (ns_id == Xow_ns_.Tid__file) app.Ns_file_page_mgr() .Bld_html(wiki, ctx, page, bfr, page.Ttl(), wiki.Cfg_file_page(), page.File_queue()); // get separate bfr; note that bfr already has <html> and <head> written to it, so this can't be // passed to tidy; DATE:2014-06-11 Bry_bfr tidy_bfr = wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_m001(); // write wikitext if (page.Html_data().Skip_parse()) { tidy_bfr.Add(page.Html_data().Custom_body()); } else { if (page.Root() != null) { // NOTE: will be null if blank; occurs for one test: // Logo_has_correct_main_page; DATE:2015-09-29 page.Html_data() .Toc_mgr() .Clear(); // NOTE: always clear tocs before writing html; toc_itms added when writing // html_hdr; DATE:2016-07-17 wiki.Html_mgr() .Html_wtr() .Write_doc(tidy_bfr, ctx, hctx, page.Root().Data_mid(), page.Root()); if (wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Cfg().Toc__show()) gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.tocs.Xoh_toc_wtr.Write_toc(tidy_bfr, page, hctx); } } // if [[Category]], add catpage data if (ns_id == Xow_ns_.Tid__category) tidy_bfr.Add_safe(page.Html_data().Catpage_data()); // if (ns_id == Xow_ns_.Tid__category) wiki.Ctg__catpage_mgr().Write_catpage(tidy_bfr, page, // hctx); // tidy html wiki.Html_mgr().Tidy_mgr().Exec_tidy(tidy_bfr, !hctx.Mode_is_hdump(), page.Url_bry_safe()); // add back to main bfr bfr.Add_bfr_and_clear(tidy_bfr); tidy_bfr.Mkr_rls(); // handle Categories at bottom of page; note that html is XOWA-generated so does not need to be // tidied int ctgs_len = page.Wtxt().Ctgs__len(); if (ctgs_enabled && ctgs_len > 0 // skip if no categories found while parsing wikitext && !wiki.Html_mgr() .Importing_ctgs() // do not show categories if importing categories, page will wait for // category import to be done; DATE:2014-10-15 && !hctx.Mode_is_hdump() // do not dump categories during hdump; DATE:2016-10-12 ) { if (app.Mode().Tid_is_gui()) app.Usr_dlg().Prog_many("", "", "loading categories: count=~{0}", ctgs_len); Xoctg_pagebox_itm[] pagebox_itms = wiki.Ctg__pagebox_wtr().Get_catlinks_by_page(wiki, page); boolean hidden_enabled = wiki.App().Api_root().Addon().Wikis__ctgs__hidden_enabled(); wiki.Ctg__pagebox_wtr().Write_pagebox(hidden_enabled, bfr, wiki, page, pagebox_itms); } // translate if variants are enabled Xol_vnt_mgr vnt_mgr = wiki.Lang().Vnt_mgr(); if (vnt_mgr.Enabled()) bfr.Add( vnt_mgr.Convert_lang() .Parse_page(vnt_mgr.Cur_itm(), page.Db().Page().Id(), bfr.To_bry_and_clear())); }
private void Write_page_by_tid( Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, byte html_gen_tid, Bry_bfr bfr, Bry_fmtr fmtr, byte[] page_data) { // if custom_html, use it and exit; needed for Default_tab byte[] custom_html = page.Html_data().Custom_html(); if (custom_html != null) { bfr.Add(custom_html); return; } // temp variables if (root_dir_bry == null) this.root_dir_bry = app.Fsys_mgr().Root_dir().To_http_file_bry(); Xoa_ttl page_ttl = page.Ttl(); int page_ns_id = page_ttl.Ns().Id(); byte page_tid = Xow_page_tid.Identify(wiki.Domain_tid(), page_ns_id, page_ttl.Page_db()); DateAdp modified_on = page.Db().Page().Modified_on(); byte[] modified_on_msg = wiki.Msg_mgr() .Val_by_id_args( Xol_msg_itm_.Id_portal_lastmodified, modified_on.XtoStr_fmt_yyyy_MM_dd(), modified_on.XtoStr_fmt_HHmm()); byte[] page_body_class = Xoh_page_body_cls.Calc(tmp_bfr, page_ttl, page_tid); byte[] html_content_editable = wiki.Gui_mgr().Cfg_browser().Content_editable() ? Content_editable_bry : Bry_.Empty; byte[] page_content_sub = Xoh_page_wtr_wkr_.Bld_page_content_sub(app, wiki, page, tmp_bfr); byte[] js_edit_toolbar_bry = html_gen_tid == Xopg_page_.Tid_edit ? wiki.Fragment_mgr().Html_js_edit_toolbar() : Bry_.Empty; Xol_vnt_mgr vnt_mgr = wiki.Lang().Vnt_mgr(); if (vnt_mgr.Enabled()) { byte[] converted_title = vnt_mgr.Convert_lang().Converted_title(); // prefer converted title if (converted_title == null) // converted title does not exist; use regular page title and convert it converted_title = vnt_mgr.Convert_lang().Auto_convert(vnt_mgr.Cur_itm(), page_ttl.Page_txt()); page_ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, page_ttl.Ns().Id(), converted_title); } byte[] page_name = Xoh_page_wtr_wkr_.Bld_page_name( tmp_bfr, page_ttl, null); // NOTE: page_name does not show display_title (<i>). always pass in null byte[] page_display_title = Xoh_page_wtr_wkr_.Bld_page_name(tmp_bfr, page_ttl, page.Html_data().Display_ttl()); page.Html_data() .Custom_tab_name_( page_name); // set tab_name to page_name; note that if null, gui code will ignore and // use Ttl.Page_txt; PAGE: zh.w:釣魚臺列嶼主權問題 DATE:2015-10-05 Xow_portal_mgr portal_mgr = wiki.Html_mgr().Portal_mgr().Init_assert(); fmtr.Bld_bfr_many( bfr, root_dir_bry, Xoa_app_.Version, Xoa_app_.Build_date, app.Tcp_server().Running_str(), page.Db().Page().Id(), page.Ttl().Full_db(), page_name, page.Html_data().Page_heading().Init(page.Html_data(), page_display_title), modified_on_msg, mgr.Css_common_bry(), mgr.Css_wiki_bry(), page.Html_data().Head_mgr().Init(app, wiki, page).Init_dflts(), page.Lang().Dir_ltr_bry(), page.Html_data().Indicators(), page_content_sub, wiki.Html_mgr().Portal_mgr().Div_jump_to(), wiki.Xtn_mgr().Xtn_pgbnr().Write_html(page, ctx, hctx), page_body_class, html_content_editable, page_data, wdata_lang_wtr // sidebar divs , portal_mgr.Div_personal_bry(), portal_mgr.Div_ns_bry(wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr(), page_ttl, wiki.Ns_mgr()), portal_mgr.Div_view_bry( wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr(), html_gen_tid, page.Html_data().Xtn_search_text()), portal_mgr.Div_logo_bry(), portal_mgr.Div_home_bry(), new Xopg_xtn_skin_fmtr_arg(page, Xopg_xtn_skin_itm_tid.Tid_sidebar), portal_mgr.Div_sync_bry( tmp_bfr, app.Api_root().Addon().Bldr().Sync().Manual_enabled(), wiki, page), portal_mgr.Div_wikis_bry(wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr()), portal_mgr.Sidebar_mgr().Html_bry(), mgr.Edit_rename_div_bry(page_ttl), page.Html_data().Edit_preview_w_dbg(), js_edit_toolbar_bry); Xoh_page_wtr_wkr_.Bld_head_end(bfr, tmp_bfr, page); // add after </head> Xoh_page_wtr_wkr_.Bld_html_end(bfr, tmp_bfr, page); // add after </html> }