Esempio n. 1
  * Overrides the protected Object.clone() method exposing it as public. It performs a 2 tier copy,
  * that is, it does a memcopy of the instance and then sets all the non-primitive data fields to
  * clones of themselves.
  * @return -A minimum 2 deep copy of this object.
 public Object clone() {
   GeneExpressionQuery myClone = null;
   myClone = (GeneExpressionQuery) super.clone();
   if (allGenesCrit != null) {
     myClone.allGenesCrit = (AllGenesCriteria) allGenesCrit.clone();
   if (arrayPlatformCriteria != null) {
     myClone.arrayPlatformCriteria = (ArrayPlatformCriteria) arrayPlatformCriteria.clone();
   if (cloneOrProbeIDCriteria != null) {
     myClone.cloneOrProbeIDCriteria = (CloneOrProbeIDCriteria) cloneOrProbeIDCriteria.clone();
   if (foldChgCrit != null) {
     myClone.foldChgCrit = (FoldChangeCriteria) foldChgCrit.clone();
   if (geneIDCrit != null) {
     myClone.geneIDCrit = (GeneIDCriteria) geneIDCrit.clone();
   if (geneOntologyCriteria != null) {
     myClone.geneOntologyCriteria = (GeneOntologyCriteria) geneOntologyCriteria.clone();
   if (pathwayCriteria != null) {
     myClone.pathwayCriteria = (PathwayCriteria) pathwayCriteria.clone();
   if (regionCrit != null) {
     myClone.regionCrit = (RegionCriteria) regionCrit.clone();
   return myClone;
Esempio n. 2
  public String toString() {
    ResourceBundle labels = null;
    String OutStr = "<B>Gene Expression Query</B>";
    OutStr += "<BR><B class='otherBold'>Query Name: </b>" + this.getQueryName();

    try {

      labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle(RembrandtConstants.APPLICATION_RESOURCES, Locale.US);

      FoldChangeCriteria thisFoldChangeCrit = this.getFoldChgCrit();

      if ((thisFoldChangeCrit != null) && !thisFoldChangeCrit.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
        String thisCriteria = thisFoldChangeCrit.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        Collection foldChangeObjects = thisFoldChangeCrit.getFoldChangeObjects();

        for (Iterator iter = foldChangeObjects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
          DomainElement de = (DomainElement);
          String thisDomainElement = de.getClass().getName();
          OutStr +=
                  + labels.getString(
                      thisDomainElement.substring(thisDomainElement.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                  + ": "
                  + de.getValue();
      } else {
        logger.debug("Fold Change Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");
      AllGenesCriteria thisAllGenesCrit = this.getAllGenesCrit();
      if (thisAllGenesCrit != null && !thisAllGenesCrit.isEmpty()) {
        OutStr += "<br /><b class='otherbold'>Gene</b><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All Genes";
      } else logger.debug("This is not an All Genes Query");

      GeneIDCriteria thisGeneIDCrit = this.getGeneIDCrit();
      if ((thisGeneIDCrit != null) && !thisGeneIDCrit.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
        String thisCriteria = thisGeneIDCrit.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        Collection geneIDObjects = thisGeneIDCrit.getGeneIdentifiers();
        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator iter = geneIDObjects.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && count < 5; ) {
          DomainElement de = (DomainElement);
          String thisDomainElement = de.getClass().getName();
          OutStr +=
                  + labels.getString(
                      thisDomainElement.substring(thisDomainElement.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                  + ": "
                  + de.getValue();
        if (geneIDObjects != null && geneIDObjects.size() > 5) {
          OutStr += "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;...";
      } else logger.debug("Gene ID Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");

      SampleCriteria thisSampleIDCrit = this.getSampleIDCrit();

      if ((thisSampleIDCrit != null) && !thisSampleIDCrit.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
        String thisCriteria = thisSampleIDCrit.getClass().getName();

        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        Collection sampleIDObjects = thisSampleIDCrit.getSampleIDs();
        int count = 0;

        if (sampleIDObjects != null) {
          for (Iterator iter = sampleIDObjects.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && count < 5; ) {
            DomainElement de = (DomainElement);
            String thisDomainElement = de.getClass().getName();
            OutStr +=
                    + labels.getString(
                        thisDomainElement.substring(thisDomainElement.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                    + ": "
                    + de.getValue();
        if (sampleIDObjects != null && sampleIDObjects.size() > 5) {
          OutStr += "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;...";
        if (thisSampleIDCrit.getExcludeResections() != null
            && thisSampleIDCrit.getExcludeResections() == true) {
          OutStr += "<BR>Exclude Re-Resection Sets";
      } else logger.debug("Sample ID Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");

      RegionCriteria thisRegionCrit = this.getRegionCrit();
      if ((thisRegionCrit != null) && !thisRegionCrit.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
        String thisCriteria = thisRegionCrit.getClass().getName();
        logger.debug("thisCriteria is :" + thisCriteria);
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        DomainElement cytoBandDE = thisRegionCrit.getCytoband();
        DomainElement cytoBandEndDE = thisRegionCrit.getEndCytoband();

        DomainElement chromosomeDE = thisRegionCrit.getChromNumber();
        DomainElement chrStartDE = thisRegionCrit.getStart();
        DomainElement chrEndDE = thisRegionCrit.getEnd();

        if (chromosomeDE != null) {
          String chromosomeDEStr = chromosomeDE.getClass().getName();
          OutStr +=
                  + labels.getString(
                      chromosomeDEStr.substring(chromosomeDEStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                  + ": "
                  + chromosomeDE.getValue();

          if (cytoBandDE != null && cytoBandEndDE != null) {
            String cytoBandStr = cytoBandDE.getClass().getName();
            String cytoBandEndStr = cytoBandEndDE.getClass().getName();
            OutStr +=
                    + labels.getString(cytoBandStr.substring(cytoBandStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                    + ": "
                    + cytoBandDE.getValue();
            OutStr += "&nbsp;&nbsp;to " + cytoBandEndDE.getValue();
          } else if (cytoBandDE != null && cytoBandEndDE == null) {
            String cytoBandStr = cytoBandDE.getClass().getName();
            OutStr +=
                    + labels.getString(cytoBandStr.substring(cytoBandStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                    + ": "
                    + cytoBandDE.getValue();
          } else {
            if (chrStartDE != null && chrEndDE != null) {
              String chrStartDEStr = chrStartDE.getClass().getName();
              String chrEndDEStr = chrEndDE.getClass().getName();
              OutStr +=
                      + labels.getString(
                              chrStartDEStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, chrStartDEStr.lastIndexOf("$")))
                      + "(kb)";
              OutStr +=
                      + labels.getString(
                          chrStartDEStr.substring(chrStartDEStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                      + ": "
                      + chrStartDE.getValue();
              OutStr +=
                      + labels.getString(chrEndDEStr.substring(chrEndDEStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                      + ": "
                      + chrEndDE.getValue();

      } else {
        logger.debug("Region Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");

      // starting DiseaseOrGradeCriteria
      DiseaseOrGradeCriteria thisDiseaseCrit = this.getDiseaseOrGradeCriteria();

      if ((thisDiseaseCrit != null) && !thisDiseaseCrit.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
        Collection diseaseColl = thisDiseaseCrit.getDiseases();

        String thisCriteria = thisDiseaseCrit.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B><BR>";

        Iterator iter = diseaseColl.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          DiseaseNameDE diseaseDE = (DiseaseNameDE);
          OutStr += "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ((String) diseaseDE.getValue()) + "<BR> ";
      } else {
        logger.debug("Disease Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");
      } // end of DiseaseOrGradeCriteria

      // starting cloneorProbeCriteria

      CloneOrProbeIDCriteria thisCloneOrProbeCriteria = this.getCloneOrProbeIDCriteria();
      if ((thisCloneOrProbeCriteria != null)
          && !thisCloneOrProbeCriteria.isEmpty()
          && labels != null) {
        String thisCriteria = thisCloneOrProbeCriteria.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        Collection cloneColl = thisCloneOrProbeCriteria.getIdentifiers();
        Iterator iter = cloneColl.iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext() && count < 5) {
          CloneIdentifierDE cloneIdentifierDE = (CloneIdentifierDE);
          String cloneStr = cloneIdentifierDE.getClass().getName();
          OutStr +=
                  + labels.getString(cloneStr.substring(cloneStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                  + ": "
                  + cloneIdentifierDE.getValue()
                  + "";
        if (cloneColl != null && cloneColl.size() > 5) {
          OutStr += "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;...";
      } else {
        logger.debug("Clone or Probe Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing.");
      } // end of cloneorProbeCriteria

      // starting of GeneOntologyCriteria
      GeneOntologyCriteria thisGeneOntologyCriteria = this.getGeneOntologyCriteria();
      if ((thisGeneOntologyCriteria != null)
          && !thisGeneOntologyCriteria.isEmpty()
          && labels != null) {
        Collection goColl = thisGeneOntologyCriteria.getGOIdentifiers();
        Iterator iter = goColl.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          GeneOntologyDE geneOntologyDE = (GeneOntologyDE);
          String goStr = geneOntologyDE.getClass().getName();
          OutStr +=
                  + labels.getString(goStr.substring(goStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                  + ": "
                  + geneOntologyDE.getValue()
                  + "";
      } else {
        logger.debug("GeneOntolgoy Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing.");
      } // end of GeneOntologyCriteria

      // starting PathwayCriteria
      PathwayCriteria thisPathwayCriteria = this.getPathwayCriteria();

      if ((thisPathwayCriteria != null) && !thisPathwayCriteria.isEmpty() && labels != null) {

        String thisCriteria = thisPathwayCriteria.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        Collection pathwayColl = thisPathwayCriteria.getPathwayNames();
        Iterator iter = pathwayColl.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          PathwayDE pathwayDE = (PathwayDE);
          String pathwayStr = pathwayDE.getClass().getName();
          OutStr += "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + pathwayDE.getValue();
      } else {
        logger.debug("PathwayCriteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing");

       * TODO: Prashant Can you please fix this commented code. I have
       * changed the PathwayCriteria class definition So the below code
       * needs to be readjusted
       * // start of pathway criteria PathwayCriteria thisPathwayCriteria =
       * this.getPathwayCriteria(); if(!thisPathwayCriteria.isEmpty() &&
       * labels != null){ PathwayDE pathwayDE =
       * thisPathwayCriteria.getPathwayNames(); String pathwayStr =
       * pathwayDE.getClass().getName(); OutStr += " <BR>
       * "+labels.getString(pathwayStr.substring(pathwayStr.lastIndexOf(".")+1))+":
       * "+pathwayDE.getValue()+""; } else{ logger.debug("PathwayCriteria
       * is empty or Application Resources file is missing."); } // end of
       * PathwayCriteria

      // start of ArrayPlatformCriteria
      ArrayPlatformCriteria thisArrayPlatformCriteria = this.getArrayPlatformCriteria();
      if ((thisArrayPlatformCriteria != null)
          && !thisArrayPlatformCriteria.isEmpty()
          && labels != null) {
        ArrayPlatformDE arrayPlatformDE = thisArrayPlatformCriteria.getPlatform();
        String arrayPlatformStr = arrayPlatformDE.getClass().getName();
        OutStr +=
            "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
                + labels.getString(
                    arrayPlatformStr.substring(arrayPlatformStr.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))
                + "</B>";
        OutStr += "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + arrayPlatformDE.getValue() + " ";
      } else {
        logger.debug("ArrayPlatformCriteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing.");
      } // end of PathwayCriteria
      //			 start institution Criteria
      /*		InstitutionCriteria thisInstitutionCriteria = this.getInstitutionCriteria();
      			if ((thisInstitutionCriteria != null)&& !thisInstitutionCriteria.isEmpty() && labels != null) {
      				Collection institutionColl = thisInstitutionCriteria.getInstitutions();
      				String thisCriteria = thisInstitutionCriteria.getClass().getName();
      				OutStr += "<BR><B class='otherBold'>"
      					+ labels.getString(thisCriteria.substring(thisCriteria
      							.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)) + "</B><BR>";
      				Iterator iter = institutionColl.iterator();
      				while (iter.hasNext()) {
      					InstitutionDE institutionDE= (InstitutionDE);
      					OutStr += "" + ((String) institutionDE.getInstituteName())
      							+ "<BR>";


      			else {
      				logger.debug("institution Criteria is empty or Application Resources file is missing.");
      			}// end of institution Criteria

    } // end of try
    catch (Exception ie) {
      logger.error("Error in ResourceBundle - ");

    OutStr += "<BR><BR>";
    return OutStr;