   * Trims the double to the specified number of digits in the number format.
   * @param x the number to trim the string representation.
   * @param numDigits number of digits to limits the string representation to.
   * @return the string representation of the double limited to the specified number of digits in
   *     the number format.
  public static String trimDouble(double x, int numDigits) {
    if (defaultNumDigits != numDigits) {
      MNF.setMaximumFractionDigits(defaultNumDigits = numDigits);
    } // end if

    return MNF.format(x);
  } // end trimDouble
 * <code>MathUtil</code> is a math utility class.
 * @author Dan Dexter
 * @author Dr. Robert Shelton
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 1.0
public class MathUtil {

  private static final double[] inverseFactorials = {
  private static final int MAX_TERMS = inverseFactorials.length;
  private static final double[] terms = new double[MAX_TERMS];

  private static MdeNumberFormat MNF = MdeNumberFormat.getInstance();
  private static int defaultNumDigits = -1;

  private static final double INV_LOG2 = 1.0 / Math.log(2.0);
  private static final double INV_LOG10 = 1.0 / Math.log(10.0);

   * Calculates Log base 2 of a given number.
   * @param a the number to calculate the Log base 2 of.
   * @return the Log base 2 of the number <code>a</code>
  public static final double log2(double a) {
    return INV_LOG2 * Math.log(a);
  } // end log2

   * Calculates Log base 10 of a given number.
   * @param a the number to calculate the Log base 10 of.
   * @return the Log base 10 of the number <code>a</code>
  public static final double log10(double a) {
    return INV_LOG10 * Math.log(a);
  } // end log10

   * Calculates Log of a given number for the specified base.
   * @param a the number to calculate the Log of.
   * @param base the base for calculationg the log.
   * @return the Log of the number for the given <code>base</code>
  public static final double logBaseX(double a, double base) {
    return Math.log(a) / Math.log(base);

   * Calculates <code>log( 1 + x )</code>.
   * @param x the number to calculate the function over.
   * @return the value of <code>log( 1 + x )</code>.
  public static double logOnePlusX(double x) {
    if (Math.abs(x) > 0.1) {
      return Math.log(1.0 + x);
    if (x == 0.0) {
      return 0.0;

    double r = 0.0, t = x;
    int i, l;

    for (l = 0; l < MAX_TERMS; l++, t *= (-x)) {
      if (Math.abs(terms[l] = t / (l + 1)) < 1.0e-16 * Math.abs(x)) {

    if (l >= MAX_TERMS) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("logOnePlusX needed too many terms");

    for (i = l; i >= 0; i--) {
      r += terms[i];

    return r;
  } // end logOnePlusX

   * Determines the factor of a number for a given order.
   * @param x the number to stump
   * @param n the order
   * @return the stump of the number.
  public static double stump(double x, int n) {
    if (x == 0.0) {
      return (n <= 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

    int i, l;
    double r = 0.0, t = 1.0;

    if (Math.abs(x) < 0.1) {
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++, t *= x) {
        terms[i] = t * inverseFactorials[i];

      for (l = n; l < MAX_TERMS; l++, t *= x) {
        if (Math.abs(terms[l] = t * inverseFactorials[l]) < 1.0e-16 * Math.abs(terms[n])) {
      if (l >= MAX_TERMS) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stump index limit exceeded.");

      for (i = l; i >= n; i--) {
        r += terms[i];

      return r;
    } // end if

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++, t *= x) {
      terms[i] = inverseFactorials[i] * t;

    for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      r -= terms[i];

    return r + Math.exp(x);
  } // end stump

   * Returns a delta floating point number that represents a whole number division of the specified
   * number.
   * @param d the number to find the delta for.
   * @return a small delta (range) that represents a while number division of the specified number.
  public static final double findDelta(double d) {
    double z = Math.pow(10.0, Math.ceil(log10(d)));
    double d_div_7 = d / 7.0;

    while (d_div_7 < z) {
      z *= 0.5;
      if (d_div_7 > z) {
        return z;
      z *= 0.2;
    } // end for

    double d_div_15 = d / 15.0;
    while (d_div_15 > z) {
      z *= 2.0;

    return z;
  } // end findDelta

   * Trims the double to the specified number of digits in the number format.
   * @param x the number to trim the string representation.
   * @param numDigits number of digits to limits the string representation to.
   * @return the string representation of the double limited to the specified number of digits in
   *     the number format.
  public static String trimDouble(double x, int numDigits) {
    if (defaultNumDigits != numDigits) {
      MNF.setMaximumFractionDigits(defaultNumDigits = numDigits);
    } // end if

    return MNF.format(x);
  } // end trimDouble

   * Returns the equivalent rational string of a number.
   * @param x the number.
   * @param lim the limit.
   * @return the equivalent rational string, or null if one does not exist.
  public static String getEquivalentRationalString(double x, int lim) {
    long startTime = MdeSettings.DEBUG ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;

    RationalExpression r = new RationalExpression.ContinuedFraction(x, 20).iterate();

    if (MdeSettings.DEBUG) {
      long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          "Call to \"RationalExpression.ContinuedFraction.iterate\" on x = "
              + x
              + " took "
              + (endTime - startTime)
              + " milliseconds");
    } // end if

    if (r == null) {
      return null;

    double d = r.getDenominator().toExpression().theValue.doubleValue();
    double n = r.getNumerator().toExpression().theValue.doubleValue();

    if (Math.abs(n) > lim || Math.abs(d) > lim) {
      return null;

    if (d == 1.0) {
      return "" + (int) n;

    return (int) n + "/" + (int) d;
  } // end getEquivalentRationalString

   * Returns the quadratic representation of a number.
   * @param x the number.
   * @param lim the limit.
   * @return the quadratic representation of the number.
  public static String getQuadraticRepresentationString(double x, int lim) {
    Object s = getRationalObject(x, lim);

    if (s == null) {
      return null;

    if (s instanceof String) {
      return (String) s;

    double[] r = (double[]) s;

    if (r.length != 3) {
      return null;

    int d = GCD(r);

    for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
      r[i] /= d;

    if (Math.abs(r[0]) > lim || Math.abs(r[1]) > lim || Math.abs(r[2]) > lim) {
      return null;

    Roots.RootFactor rf = new Roots.RootFactor(r[2] / r[0], r[1] / r[0]);

    if (Math.abs(x - rf.rootValues[0]) < Math.abs(x - rf.rootValues[1])) {
      return prettyPrintQRoot((int) r[0], (int) r[1], (int) r[2], 0, lim);
    return prettyPrintQRoot((int) r[0], (int) r[1], (int) r[2], 1, lim);
  } // end getQuadraticRepresentationString

   * Returns the rational equivalent of a number.
   * @param x the number.
   * @param lim the limit.
   * @return the rational equivalent of a number.
  public static String getRationalEquivalent(double x, int lim) {
    String s = getEquivalentRationalString(x, lim);

    if (s == null) {
      return "approx. " + trimDouble(x, 4);

    return s;
  } // end getRationalEquivalent

   * A printable version of the Quadratic root.
   * @param a the <code>a</code> value of the quadratic.
   * @param b the <code>b</code> value of the quadratic.
   * @param c the <code>c</code> value of the quadratic.
   * @param whichRoot either the <code>0</code> or <code>1</code> root.
   * @param lim the limit.
   * @return printable version of the quadratic root, or null if one does not exist.
  public static String prettyPrintQRoot(double a, double b, double c, int whichRoot, int lim) {
    String[] sign = {" - ", " + "};

    if (a == 0.0) {
      return getEquivalentRationalString(-b / c, lim);

    if (b == 0.0) {
      switch (whichRoot) {
        case 1:
          return "sqrt(" + getEquivalentRationalString(-c / a, lim) + ")";
        case 0:
          return "-sqrt(" + getEquivalentRationalString(-c / a, lim) + ")";
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("whichRoot must bbe 0 or 1");
      } // end switch

    double h = -0.5 * b / a;
    double d = h * h - c / a;
    String hString = getEquivalentRationalString(h, lim);
    String dString = getEquivalentRationalString(d, lim);

    if (hString == null || dString == null) {
      return null;

    return hString + sign[whichRoot] + "sqrt(" + dString + ")";
  } // end prettyPrintQRoot

   * Returns the greatest common divisor.
   * @param c the first integer.
   * @param d the second integer.
   * @return the greatest common divisor of the two integer numbers.
  public static int GCD(int c, int d) {
    int c1 = Math.abs(c);
    int d1 = Math.abs(d);
    int big = Math.max(c1, d1);
    int little = Math.min(c1, d1);

    if (little == 0) {
      return big;

    return getGCD(big, little);
  } // end GCD

   * Returns the greatest common divisor of an array of numbers.
   * @param r array of numbers.
   * @return the the greatest common divisor of an array of numbers.
  public static int GCD(double[] r) {
    int i, n = r.length, z;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (Math.abs(r[i]) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        return 1;

    switch (n) {
      case 1:
        return (int) r[0];

      case 0:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find GCD of empty array.");

        z = (int) r[0];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
          z = GCD(z, (int) r[i]);

        return z;
    } // end switch
  } // end GCD

  private static int getGCD(int big, int little) {
    int r = big % little;

    if (r == 0) {
      return little;

    return getGCD(little, r);
  } // end getGCD

  //    // A utility method to translate between ragged arrays and MultiPoints --
  //    // probably should eventually be private to discourage use of ragged arrays
  //    static MultiPointXY[] raggedToMulti(double[][] r) {
  //        int d, i, j, n = r.length;
  //        MultiPointXY[] m = new MultiPointXY[n];
  //        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  //            m[i] = new MultiPointXY(r[i][0]);
  //            m[i].yArray = new double[d = (r[i].length - 1)];
  //            for (j = 0; j < d; j++) {
  //                m[i].yArray[j] = r[i][j + 1];
  //            }
  //        } // end for i
  //        return m;
  //    } // end raggedToMulti

   * Utility to translate from MultiPoints to a ragged array.
   * @param m the multipoint array.
   * @return the ragged array.
  static double[][] multiToRagged(MultiPointXY[] m) {
    int d, i, j, n = m.length;
    double[][] r = new double[n][1];

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (m[i] != null) {
        if ((d = 1 + m[i].yArray.length) > 1) {
          r[i] = new double[d];

        r[i][0] = m[i].x;

        for (j = 1; j < d; j++) {
          r[i][j] = m[i].yArray[j - 1];
    } // end for i

    return r;
  } // end multiToRagged

  private static Object getRationalObject(double x, int lim) {
    if (x == 0) return "0";

    double[] r = new RationalExpression.ContinuedFraction(x, 20).getPolynomialCoefficients();

    if (r.length != 2) {
      return r;

    if (Math.abs(r[0]) > lim || Math.abs(r[1]) > lim) {
      return null;

    r[1] = -r[1];

    if (r[0] < 0) {
      r[0] = -r[0];
      r[1] = -r[1];
    } // end if

    if (r[0] == 1.0) {
      return "" + (int) r[1];

    return "" + (int) r[1] + "/" + (int) r[0];
  } // end getRationalObject

  //    public static void main(String[] args) {
  //        gov.nasa.ial.mde.solver.symbolic.Expression e =
  //            new gov.nasa.ial.mde.solver.symbolic.Expression(MathUtil.combineArgs(args));
  //        if (e.theValue == null)
  //            return;
  //        String s = MathUtil.getQuadraticRepresentationString(e.theValue.doubleValue(), 1000);
  //        System.out.println("The value = " + s);
  //    } // end main
