private void visitAllStartSegments( final RoutingContext ctx, RouteSegment start, PriorityQueue<RouteSegment> graphDirectSegments, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> visitedSegments, int startX, int startY) throws IOException { // mark as visited code seems to be duplicated long nt = (start.road.getId() << 8l) + start.segmentStart; visitedSegments.put(nt, start); graphDirectSegments.add(start); loadRoutes( ctx, (startX >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads())), (startY >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads()))); long ls = (((long) startX) << 31) + (long) startY; RouteSegment startNbs = ctx.routes.get(ls); while (startNbs != null) { // >> 1, >> 1 if (startNbs.road.getId() != start.road.getId()) { startNbs.parentRoute = start; startNbs.parentSegmentEnd = start.segmentStart; startNbs.distanceToEnd = start.distanceToEnd; // duplicated to be sure start is added nt = (startNbs.road.getId() << 8l) + startNbs.segmentStart; visitedSegments.put(nt, startNbs); graphDirectSegments.add(startNbs); } startNbs =; } }
private void loadAllObjects( final List<RouteDataObject> toFillIn, RoutingContext ctx, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject> excludeDuplications) { if (routes != null) { Iterator<RouteSegment> it = routes.valueCollection().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RouteSegment rs =; while (rs != null) { RouteDataObject ro = rs.road; if (!excludeDuplications.contains( { excludeDuplications.put(, ro); toFillIn.add(ro); } rs =; } } } else if (searchResult != null) { RouteDataObject[] objects = searchResult.objects; if (objects != null) { for (RouteDataObject ro : objects) { if (ro != null && !excludeDuplications.contains( { excludeDuplications.put(, ro); toFillIn.add(ro); } } } } }
private RouteSegment loadRouteSegment( int x31, int y31, RoutingContext ctx, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject> excludeDuplications, RouteSegment original) { if (searchResult == null && routes == null) { return original; } access++; if (searchResult == null) { long l = (((long) x31) << 31) + (long) y31; RouteSegment segment = routes.get(l); while (segment != null) { RouteDataObject ro = segment.road; RouteDataObject toCmp = excludeDuplications.get(calcRouteId(ro, segment.getSegmentStart())); if (toCmp == null || toCmp.getPointsLength() < ro.getPointsLength()) { excludeDuplications.put(calcRouteId(ro, segment.getSegmentStart()), ro); RouteSegment s = new RouteSegment(ro, segment.getSegmentStart()); = original; original = s; } segment =; } return original; } // Native use case long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); RouteDataObject[] res = ctx.nativeLib.getDataObjects(searchResult, x31, y31); ctx.timeToLoad += (System.nanoTime() - nanoTime); if (res != null) { for (RouteDataObject ro : res) { boolean accept = ro != null; if (ctx != null) { accept = ctx.getRouter().acceptLine(ro); } if (accept) { for (int i = 0; i < ro.pointsX.length; i++) { if (ro.getPoint31XTile(i) == x31 && ro.getPoint31YTile(i) == y31) { RouteDataObject toCmp = excludeDuplications.get(calcRouteId(ro, i)); if (toCmp == null || toCmp.getPointsLength() < ro.getPointsLength()) { RouteSegment segment = new RouteSegment(ro, i); = original; original = segment; excludeDuplications.put(calcRouteId(ro, i), ro); } } } } } } return original; }
@Override public void addWordVector(String word, Vector vector) { long l = md5Encode(word); if (vectors.containsKey(l)) { logger.error( "Warning: collision while reading matrix. The word " + word + " collides with " + String.valueOf(words.get(l))); } vectors.put(l, vector); words.put(l, word.toCharArray()); }
public RouteSegment loadRouteSegment(int x31, int y31, int memoryLimit) { long tileId = getRoutingTile(x31, y31, memoryLimit, OPTION_SMART_LOAD); TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject> excludeDuplications = new TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject>(); RouteSegment original = null; if (tileRoutes.containsKey(tileId)) { List<RouteDataObject> routes = tileRoutes.get(tileId); if (routes != null) { for (RouteDataObject ro : routes) { for (int i = 0; i < ro.pointsX.length; i++) { if (ro.getPoint31XTile(i) == x31 && ro.getPoint31YTile(i) == y31) { excludeDuplications.put(calcRouteId(ro, i), ro); RouteSegment segment = new RouteSegment(ro, i); = original; original = segment; } } } } } List<RoutingSubregionTile> subregions = indexedSubregions.get(tileId); if (subregions != null) { for (RoutingSubregionTile rs : subregions) { original = rs.loadRouteSegment(x31, y31, this, excludeDuplications, original); } } return original; }
private void getAllObjects(long tileId, final List<RouteDataObject> toFillIn) { TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject> excludeDuplications = new TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject>(); if (tileRoutes.containsKey(tileId)) { List<RouteDataObject> routes = tileRoutes.get(tileId); if (routes != null) { for (RouteDataObject ro : routes) { if (!excludeDuplications.contains( { excludeDuplications.put(, ro); toFillIn.add(ro); } } } } List<RoutingSubregionTile> subregions = indexedSubregions.get(tileId); if (subregions != null) { for (RoutingSubregionTile rs : subregions) { rs.loadAllObjects(toFillIn, this, excludeDuplications); } } }
private RoutePair processRouteSegment( final RoutingContext ctx, RouteSegment end, boolean reverseWaySearch, PriorityQueue<RouteSegment> graphSegments, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> visitedSegments, int targetEndX, int targetEndY, RouteSegment segment, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> oppositeSegments) throws IOException { // Always start from segmentStart (!), not from segmentEnd // It makes difference only for the first start segment // Middle point will always be skipped from observation considering already visited final BinaryMapDataObject road = segment.road; final int middle = segment.segmentStart; int middlex = road.getPoint31XTile(middle); int middley = road.getPoint31YTile(middle); // 0. mark route segment as visited long nt = (road.getId() << 8l) + middle; // avoid empty segments to connect but mark the point as visited visitedSegments.put(nt, null); if (oppositeSegments.contains(nt) && oppositeSegments.get(nt) != null) { segment.segmentEnd = middle; RouteSegment opposite = oppositeSegments.get(nt); opposite.segmentEnd = middle; return new RoutePair(segment, opposite); } boolean oneway = ctx.getRouter().isOneWay(road); boolean minusAllowed = !oneway || reverseWaySearch; boolean plusAllowed = !oneway || !reverseWaySearch; // +/- diff from middle point int d = plusAllowed ? 1 : -1; // Go through all point of the way and find ways to continue // ! Actually there is small bug when there is restriction to move forward on way (it doesn't // take into account) while (minusAllowed || plusAllowed) { // 1. calculate point not equal to middle // (algorithm should visit all point on way if it is not oneway) int segmentEnd = middle + d; if (!minusAllowed && d > 0) { d++; } else if (!plusAllowed && d < 0) { d--; } else { if (d <= 0) { d = -d + 1; } else { d = -d; } } if (segmentEnd < 0) { minusAllowed = false; continue; } if (segmentEnd >= road.getPointsLength()) { plusAllowed = false; continue; } // if we found end point break cycle long nts = (road.getId() << 8l) + segmentEnd; if (oppositeSegments.contains(nts) && oppositeSegments.get(nt) != null) { segment.segmentEnd = segmentEnd; RouteSegment opposite = oppositeSegments.get(nts); opposite.segmentEnd = segmentEnd; return new RoutePair(segment, opposite); } visitedSegments.put(nts, segment); // 2. calculate point and try to load neighbor ways if they are not loaded int x = road.getPoint31XTile(segmentEnd); int y = road.getPoint31YTile(segmentEnd); loadRoutes( ctx, (x >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads())), (y >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads()))); long l = (((long) x) << 31) + (long) y; RouteSegment next = ctx.routes.get(l); // 3. get intersected ways if (next != null) { double distOnRoadToPass = squareRootDist(x, y, middlex, middley); double distToFinalPoint = squareRootDist(x, y, targetEndX, targetEndY); RouteSegment foundIntersection = processIntersectionsWithWays( ctx, graphSegments, visitedSegments, oppositeSegments, distOnRoadToPass, distToFinalPoint, segment, road, d == 0, segmentEnd, next, reverseWaySearch); if (foundIntersection != null) { segment.segmentEnd = segmentEnd; return new RoutePair(segment, foundIntersection); } } } return null; }
private void readRouteTreeData( RouteSubregion routeTree, TLongArrayList idTables, TLongObjectHashMap<TLongArrayList> restrictions) throws IOException { routeTree.dataObjects = new ArrayList<RouteDataObject>(); idTables.clear(); restrictions.clear(); List<String> stringTable = null; while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: TLongObjectIterator<TLongArrayList> it = restrictions.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.advance(); int from = (int) it.key(); RouteDataObject fromr = routeTree.dataObjects.get(from); fromr.restrictions = new long[it.value().size()]; for (int k = 0; k < fromr.restrictions.length; k++) { int to = (int) (it.value().get(k) >> RouteDataObject.RESTRICTION_SHIFT); long valto = (idTables.get(to) << RouteDataObject.RESTRICTION_SHIFT) | ((long) it.value().get(k) & RouteDataObject.RESTRICTION_MASK); fromr.restrictions[k] = valto; } } for (RouteDataObject o : routeTree.dataObjects) { if (o != null) { if ( < idTables.size()) { = idTables.get((int); } if (o.names != null && stringTable != null) { int[] keys = o.names.keys(); for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { o.names.put(keys[j], stringTable.get(o.names.get(keys[j]).charAt(0))); } } } } return; case RouteDataBlock.DATAOBJECTS_FIELD_NUMBER: int length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); RouteDataObject obj = readRouteDataObject(routeTree.routeReg, routeTree.left,; while ( >= routeTree.dataObjects.size()) { routeTree.dataObjects.add(null); } routeTree.dataObjects.set((int), obj); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case RouteDataBlock.IDTABLE_FIELD_NUMBER: long routeId = 0; length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); idLoop: while (true) { int ts = codedIS.readTag(); int tags = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(ts); switch (tags) { case 0: break idLoop; case IdTable.ROUTEID_FIELD_NUMBER: routeId += codedIS.readSInt64(); idTables.add(routeId); break; default: skipUnknownField(ts); break; } } codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case RouteDataBlock.RESTRICTIONS_FIELD_NUMBER: length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); long from = 0; long to = 0; long type = 0; idLoop: while (true) { int ts = codedIS.readTag(); int tags = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(ts); switch (tags) { case 0: break idLoop; case RestrictionData.FROM_FIELD_NUMBER: from = codedIS.readInt32(); break; case RestrictionData.TO_FIELD_NUMBER: to = codedIS.readInt32(); break; case RestrictionData.TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER: type = codedIS.readInt32(); break; default: skipUnknownField(ts); break; } } if (!restrictions.containsKey(from)) { restrictions.put(from, new TLongArrayList()); } restrictions.get(from).add((to << RouteDataObject.RESTRICTION_SHIFT) + type); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case RouteDataBlock.STRINGTABLE_FIELD_NUMBER: length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); stringTable = map.readStringTable(); // codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } }
public K put(int key1, int key2, K value) { long key = (((long) key1) << 32) | (((long) key2) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); return map.put(key, value); }