Esempio n. 1
    public void onEnter() {
      final Game runningGame = GameInput.getRunningGame();
              runningGame.getWorld(), runningGame.getActivePlayerActor().getCoordinate(), null));

Esempio n. 2
    public void onEnter() {
      final Game runningGame = GameInput.getRunningGame();

Esempio n. 3
  public void cast() {
    int screenWidth = currentGame.getScreen().getResolutionX();
    double FOV = currentGame.getCamera().getFOV();
    double playerAngle = currentGame.getCamera().getAngle();
    double startingAngle = playerAngle + FOV / 2;
    double increment = FOV / screenWidth;
    double currentAngle = startingAngle;
    double maxX = currentGame.getWorld().getWidth() - 1;
    double maxY = currentGame.getWorld().getHeight() - 1;
    RayPoint playerPoint = currentGame.getPlayer().getPosition();
    double playerY = playerPoint.getY();
    double playerX = playerPoint.getX();

    for (int i = 0; i < screenWidth; ++i, currentAngle -= increment) {
      double fisheye = Math.cos(Math.abs(currentAngle - playerAngle));
      currentAngle = RayPoint.validateAngle(currentAngle);
      boolean posDirX = (currentAngle < Math.PI / 2) || (currentAngle > (Math.PI * (3.0 / 2.0)));
      boolean posDirY = currentAngle > Math.PI;
      double startX, startY, deltaX, deltaY, distFromPlayerX, distFromPlayerY;
      // checking horizontally
      if (posDirY) {
        startY = (int) playerY + 1;
        deltaY = 1;
      } else {
        startY = (int) playerY;
        deltaY = -1;

      distFromPlayerY = Math.abs(startY - playerY);
      distFromPlayerX = Math.abs((distFromPlayerY / Math.tan(currentAngle)));
      if (posDirX) {
        startX = playerX + distFromPlayerX;
        deltaX = Math.abs(deltaY / Math.tan(currentAngle));
      } else {
        startX = playerX - distFromPlayerX;
        deltaX = -Math.abs(deltaY / Math.tan(currentAngle));
      boolean hit = false;
      double currentX = startX;
      double currentY = startY;
      double checkX = currentX;
      double checkY = currentY;
      double insideCheckX = 0, insideCheckY = 0;

      ArrayList<Double> allHits = new ArrayList<Double>();
      ArrayList<Point> allPoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
      double checkingDistance;
      while (!hit) {
        checkX = currentX;
        if (posDirY) {
          insideCheckY = -1;
          checkY = (int) currentY;
        } else {
          insideCheckY = 1;
          checkY = (int) currentY - 1;
        if (checkX > maxX || checkY > maxY || checkX < 0 || checkY < 0) {
          hit = true;
        } else if (RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) > viewRange) {
          hit = true;
        } else {
          if (!currentGame
              .getTileAt(checkX, checkY + insideCheckY)
              .equals(Color.WHITE)) {
            checkingDistance = RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) * fisheye;
            // TODO: mess around with Double.MIN_VALUE
            if (checkingDistance
                < 0.00001) // super arbitrary. please don't hate me, hate floating point numbers
            checkingDistance = 0;
            int index = insertAllHits(checkingDistance, allHits);
            allHits.add(index, checkingDistance);
            allPoints.add(index, new Point((int) checkX, (int) (checkY + insideCheckY)));
          if (!currentGame.getWorld().getTileAt(checkX, checkY).getColor().equals(Color.WHITE)) {
            checkingDistance = RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) * fisheye;
            if (checkingDistance
                < 0.00001) // super arbitrary. please don't hate me, hate floating point numbers
            checkingDistance = 0;
            int index = insertAllHits(checkingDistance, allHits);
            allHits.add(index, checkingDistance);
            allPoints.add(index, new Point((int) checkX, (int) checkY));

        currentX += deltaX;
        currentY += deltaY;

      // checking vertically
      if (posDirX) {
        startX = (int) playerX + 1;
        deltaX = 1;
      } else {
        startX = (int) playerX;
        deltaX = -1;
      distFromPlayerX = Math.abs(startX - playerX);
      distFromPlayerY = Math.abs(distFromPlayerX * Math.tan(currentAngle));
      if (posDirY) {
        startY = playerY + distFromPlayerY;
        deltaY = Math.abs(Math.tan(currentAngle) * (deltaX));
      } else {
        startY = playerY - distFromPlayerY;
        deltaY = -Math.abs(Math.tan(currentAngle) * (deltaX));

      hit = false;
      currentX = startX;
      currentY = startY;
      insideCheckX = 0;
      insideCheckY = 0;
      while (!hit) {
        checkY = currentY;
        if (posDirX) {
          insideCheckX = -1;
          checkX = (int) currentX;
        } else {
          insideCheckX = 1;
          checkX = (int) currentX - 1;
        if (checkX > maxX || checkY > maxY || checkX < 0 || checkY < 0) {
          hit = true;
        } else if (RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) > viewRange) {
          hit = true;
        } else {
          if (!currentGame
              .getTileAt(checkX + insideCheckX, checkY)
              .equals(Color.WHITE)) {
            checkingDistance = RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) * fisheye;
            if (checkingDistance
                < 0.00001) // super arbitrary. please don't hate me, hate floating point numbers
            checkingDistance = 0;
            int index = insertAllHits(checkingDistance, allHits);
            allHits.add(index, checkingDistance);
            allPoints.add(index, new Point((int) (checkX + insideCheckX), (int) checkY));
          if (!currentGame.getWorld().getTileAt(checkX, checkY).getColor().equals(Color.WHITE)) {
            checkingDistance = RayPoint.distanceTo(playerX, playerY, currentX, currentY) * fisheye;
            if (checkingDistance
                < 0.00001) // super arbitrary. please don't hate me, hate floating point numbers
            checkingDistance = 0;
            int index = insertAllHits(checkingDistance, allHits);
            allHits.add(index, checkingDistance);
            allPoints.add(index, new Point((int) checkX, (int) checkY));
        currentX += deltaX;
        currentY += deltaY;

      allPoints.add(new Point((int) playerPoint.getX(), (int) playerPoint.getY()));
      if (!allHits.isEmpty()) {
        // System.out.println(i + " = " + allPoints);
        // System.out.println(allPoints);
      } else { // adding dummy values to the lists if empty
        ArrayList<Double> NaNList = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Color> whiteList = new ArrayList<Color>();
        ArrayList<Point> pointLess = new ArrayList<Point>();
        pointLess.add(new Point(0, 0));