/** * Return plugin + server commands [Subject to change]. * * @return Returns null if not CraftBukkit or CommandMap not available. */ public static CommandMap getCommandMap() { try { return NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getGenericInstance(MCAccess.class).getCommandMap(); } catch (Throwable t) { StaticLog.logSevere(t); return null; } }
public TestPassableRayTracing() { StaticLog.setUseLogManager(false); BlockTests.initBlockProperties(); StaticLog.setUseLogManager(true); }
/** * Kick and log. * * @param player */ public static void kickIllegalMove(final Player player) { player.kickPlayer("Illegal move."); StaticLog.logWarning("[NCP] Disconnect " + player.getName() + " due to illegal move!"); }
void kick(CommandSender sender, String name, String reason) { Player player = DataManager.getPlayer(name); if (player == null) return; player.kickPlayer(reason); StaticLog.logInfo("(" + sender.getName() + ") Kicked " + player.getName() + " : " + reason); }
/** * This will be called from within the plugin in onEnable, after registration of all core * listeners and components. After each components addition processQueuedSubComponentHolders() * will be called to allow registries for further optional components. * * @param plugin * @return */ public Collection<Object> getAvailableComponentsOnEnable(NoCheatPlus plugin) { final List<Object> available = new LinkedList<Object>(); // Add components (try-catch). // TODO: catch ClassNotFound, incompatibleXY rather !? // Check: inventory.fastconsume. try { // TODO: Static test methods !? FastConsume.testAvailability(); available.add(new FastConsume()); NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI() .addFeatureTags("checks", Arrays.asList(FastConsume.class.getSimpleName())); } catch (Throwable t) { StaticLog.logInfo("Inventory checks: FastConsume is not available."); } // Check: inventory.gutenberg. try { Gutenberg.testAvailability(); available.add(new Gutenberg()); NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI() .addFeatureTags("checks", Arrays.asList(Gutenberg.class.getSimpleName())); } catch (Throwable t) { StaticLog.logInfo("Inventory checks: Gutenberg is not available."); } // Hot fix: falling block end portal. try { HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter.testAvailability(); available.add(new HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter()); NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI() .addFeatureTags( "checks", Arrays.asList(HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter.class.getSimpleName())); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } // ProtocolLib dependencies. if (protocolLibPresent.isAvailable()) { // Check conditions. boolean protocolLibAvailable = false; for (final IActivation condition : protocolLibActivation) { if (condition.isAvailable()) { protocolLibAvailable = true; break; } } // Attempt to react. if (protocolLibAvailable) { try { available.add(new ProtocolLibComponent(plugin)); } catch (Throwable t) { StaticLog.logWarning("Failed to set up packet level access with ProtocolLib."); if (ConfigManager.getConfigFile().getBoolean(ConfPaths.LOGGING_EXTENDED_STATUS)) { NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.INIT, t); } } } else { List<String> parts = new LinkedList<String>(); parts.add("Packet level access via ProtocolLib not available, supported configurations: "); for (IDescriptiveActivation cond : protocolLibActivation) { parts.add(cond.getNeutralDescription()); } StaticLog.logWarning(StringUtil.join(parts, " | ")); } } else { StaticLog.logInfo("Packet level access: ProtocolLib is not available."); } return available; }