// Set the colors of the filter buttons according to which filters are active
  private void setColors() {
    // Panel 1 - Bearing & Distance
    if (inpDist.getText().length() > 0
        || !(chkNW.state
            && chkNNW.state
            && chkN.state
            && chkNNE.state
            && chkNE.state
            && chkENE.state
            && chkE.state
            && chkESE.state
            && chkSE.state
            && chkSSE.state
            && chkS.state
            && chkSSW.state
            && chkSW.state
            && chkWSW.state
            && chkW.state
            && chkWNW.state)) btnBearing.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
    else btnBearing.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
    if (!(chkNW.state
        || chkNNW.state
        || chkN.state
        || chkNNE.state
        || chkNE.state
        || chkENE.state
        || chkE.state
        || chkESE.state
        || chkSE.state
        || chkSSE.state
        || chkS.state
        || chkSSW.state
        || chkSW.state
        || chkWSW.state
        || chkW.state
        || chkWNW.state)) btnBearing.backGround = COLOR_FILTERALL;

    // Panel 2 - Cache attributes
    if (!(chkArchived.state
        && chkAvailable.state
        && chkFound.state
        && chkOwned.state
        && chkNotArchived.state
        && chkNotAvailable.state
        && chkNotFound.state
        && chkNotOwned.state
        && chcStatus.getText().equals(""))) btnAttributes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
    else btnAttributes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
    if ((chkArchived.state == false && chkNotArchived.state == false)
        || (chkAvailable.state == false && chkNotAvailable.state == false)
        || (chkFound.state == false && chkNotFound.state == false)
        || (chkOwned.state == false && chkNotOwned.state == false))
      btnAttributes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERALL;

    // Panel 3 - Cache ratings
    if (inpDiff.getText().length() > 0 || inpTerr.getText().length() > 0)
      btnRatings.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
    else btnRatings.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;

    // Panel 5 - Addi Waypoints
    if (chkParking.state
        || chkStage.state
        || chkQuestion.state
        || chkFinal.state
        || chkTrailhead.state
        || chkReference.state) { // At least one tick
      btnAddi.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
      addiWptChk.state = true;
      if (chkParking.state
          && chkStage.state
          && chkQuestion.state
          && chkFinal.state
          && chkTrailhead.state
          && chkReference.state) { // All ticked?
        addiWptChk.bgColor = Color.White;
        btnAddi.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
      } else {
        addiWptChk.bgColor = Color.LightGray;
    } else { // All not ticked
      btnAddi.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
      addiWptChk.bgColor = Color.White;
      addiWptChk.state = false;

    // Panel 4 - Cache types
    boolean allAddis =
            && chkStage.state
            && chkQuestion.state
            && chkFinal.state
            && chkTrailhead.state
            && chkReference.state);
    if (!(chkTrad.state
        && chkMulti.state
        && chkVirtual.state
        && chkLetter.state
        && chkEvent.state
        && chkWebcam.state
        && chkMystery.state
        && chkEarth.state
        && chkLocless.state
        && chkMega.state
        && chkCito.state
        && chkWherigo.state
        && chkCustom.state
        && allAddis)) btnTypes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
    else btnTypes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
    if (!(chkTrad.state
        || chkMulti.state
        || chkVirtual.state
        || chkLetter.state
        || chkEvent.state
        || chkWebcam.state
        || chkMystery.state
        || chkEarth.state
        || chkLocless.state
        || chkMega.state
        || chkCustom.state
        || chkParking.state
        || chkStage.state
        || chkQuestion.state
        || chkFinal.state
        || chkTrailhead.state
        || chkCito.state
        || chkWherigo.state
        || chkReference.state)) btnTypes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERALL;

    // Panel 6 - Cache container
    if (!(chkMicro.state
        && chkSmall.state
        && chkRegular.state
        && chkLarge.state
        && chkVeryLarge.state
        && chkOther.state)) btnContainer.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
    else btnContainer.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
    if (!(chkMicro.state
        || chkSmall.state
        || chkRegular.state
        || chkLarge.state
        || chkVeryLarge.state
        || chkOther.state)) btnContainer.backGround = COLOR_FILTERALL;

    // Panel 7 - Search

    // Panel 8 - Cache attributes
    if (attV.selectionMaskYes == 0l && attV.selectionMaskNo == 0l)
      btnCacheAttributes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERINACTIVE;
    else btnCacheAttributes.backGround = COLOR_FILTERACTIVE;
  public void setData(FilterData data) {

    // Panel 1 - Bearing & Distance
    if (data.getFilterDist().length() > 1) {
      if (data.getFilterDist().charAt(0) == 'L') chcDist.select(0);
      else chcDist.select(1);
      String dist = data.getFilterDist().substring(1);
      if (Global.getPref().metricSystem == Metrics.IMPERIAL) {
        double distValue = java.lang.Double.valueOf(dist).doubleValue();
        double newDistValue = Metrics.convertUnit(distValue, Metrics.KILOMETER, Metrics.MILES);
        dist = String.valueOf(newDistValue);
    } else {
    String fltRose = data.getFilterRose();
    chkNW.state = fltRose.charAt(0) == '1';
    chkNNW.state = fltRose.charAt(1) == '1';
    chkN.state = fltRose.charAt(2) == '1';
    chkNNE.state = fltRose.charAt(3) == '1';

    chkNE.state = fltRose.charAt(4) == '1';
    chkENE.state = fltRose.charAt(5) == '1';
    chkE.state = fltRose.charAt(6) == '1';
    chkESE.state = fltRose.charAt(7) == '1';

    chkSE.state = fltRose.charAt(8) == '1';
    chkSSE.state = fltRose.charAt(9) == '1';
    chkS.state = fltRose.charAt(10) == '1';
    chkSSW.state = fltRose.charAt(11) == '1';

    chkSW.state = fltRose.charAt(12) == '1';
    chkWSW.state = fltRose.charAt(13) == '1';
    chkW.state = fltRose.charAt(14) == '1';
    chkWNW.state = fltRose.charAt(15) == '1';

    // Panel 2 - Cache attributes
    String fltVar = data.getFilterVar();
    chkArchived.state = fltVar.charAt(0) == '1';
    chkAvailable.state = fltVar.charAt(1) == '1';
    chkFound.state = fltVar.charAt(2) == '1';
    chkOwned.state = fltVar.charAt(3) == '1';
    chkNotArchived.state = fltVar.charAt(4) == '1';
    chkNotAvailable.state = fltVar.charAt(5) == '1';
    chkNotFound.state = fltVar.charAt(6) == '1';
    chkNotOwned.state = fltVar.charAt(7) == '1';

    // Panel 3 - Cache ratings
    if (data.getFilterDiff().length() > 1) {
      if (data.getFilterDiff().charAt(0) == 'L') chcDiff.select(0);
      else if (data.getFilterDiff().charAt(0) == '=') chcDiff.select(1);
      else chcDiff.select(2);
    } else {

    if (data.getFilterTerr().length() > 1) {
      if (data.getFilterTerr().charAt(0) == 'L') chcTerr.select(0);
      else if (data.getFilterTerr().charAt(0) == '=') chcTerr.select(1);
      else chcTerr.select(2);
    } else {

    // Panel 4 - Cache types

    String fltType = data.getFilterType();
    chkTrad.state = fltType.charAt(0) == '1';
    chkMulti.state = fltType.charAt(1) == '1';
    chkVirtual.state = fltType.charAt(2) == '1';
    chkLetter.state = fltType.charAt(3) == '1';
    chkEvent.state = fltType.charAt(4) == '1';
    chkWebcam.state = fltType.charAt(5) == '1';
    chkMystery.state = fltType.charAt(6) == '1';
    chkEarth.state = fltType.charAt(7) == '1';
    chkLocless.state = fltType.charAt(8) == '1';
    chkMega.state = fltType.charAt(9) == '1';
    chkCustom.state = fltType.charAt(10) == '1';
    chkCito.state = fltType.charAt(17) == '1';
    chkWherigo.state = fltType.charAt(18) == '1';

    // Note addiWptState is set by setColors

    // Panel 5 - Additional waypoints
    chkParking.state = fltType.charAt(11) == '1';
    chkStage.state = fltType.charAt(12) == '1';
    chkQuestion.state = fltType.charAt(13) == '1';
    chkFinal.state = fltType.charAt(14) == '1';
    chkTrailhead.state = fltType.charAt(15) == '1';
    chkReference.state = fltType.charAt(16) == '1';
    addiWptChk.state = !fltType.substring(11, 17).equals("000000");

    // Panel 6 - Cache container
    String fltSize = data.getFilterSize();
    chkMicro.state = fltSize.charAt(0) == '1';
    chkSmall.state = fltSize.charAt(1) == '1';
    chkRegular.state = fltSize.charAt(2) == '1';
    chkLarge.state = fltSize.charAt(3) == '1';
    chkVeryLarge.state = fltSize.charAt(4) == '1';
    chkOther.state = fltSize.charAt(5) == '1';

    // Panel 7 - Search

    // Panel 8 - Cache attributes
    attV.setSelectionMasks(data.getFilterAttrYes(), data.getFilterAttrNo());

    // Adjust colors of buttons depending on which filters are active