Esempio n. 1
   * Finds any bundle in the graph with the same ObjectIdentifier. If there is no bundle with this
   * identifier, it is created. If it exists and a Description in the given language exists from the
   * same source file, the description is replaced. If the description is from another source, it is
   * added to the bundle's descriptions.
   * @param unit the DocumentaryUnit to be saved
   * @param descBundle the documentsDescription to replace any previous ones with this language
   * @param idPath the ID path of this bundle (will be relative to the ID path of the permission
   *     scope)
   * @return A bundle with description relationships merged.
  protected Bundle mergeWithPreviousAndSave(Bundle unit, Bundle descBundle, List<String> idPath)
      throws ValidationError {
    final String languageOfDesc = descBundle.getDataValue(Ontology.LANGUAGE_OF_DESCRIPTION);
    final String thisSourceFileId = descBundle.getDataValue(Ontology.SOURCEFILE_KEY);

        "merging: descBundle's language = {}, sourceFileId = {}", languageOfDesc, thisSourceFileId);
     * for some reason, the idpath from the permissionscope does not contain the parent documentary unit.
     * TODO: so for now, it is added manually
    List<String> itemIdPath = Lists.newArrayList(getPermissionScope().idPath());

    Bundle unitWithIds = unit.generateIds(itemIdPath);
    logger.debug("merging: docUnit's graph id = {}", unitWithIds.getId());
    // If the bundle exists, we merge
    if (manager.exists(unitWithIds.getId())) {
      try {
        // read the current item’s bundle
        Bundle oldBundle = mergeSerializer.vertexToBundle(manager.getVertex(unitWithIds.getId()));

        // filter out dependents that a) are descriptions, b) have the same language/code,
        // and c) have the same source file ID
        BiPredicate<String, Bundle> filter =
            (relationLabel, bundle) -> {
              String lang = bundle.getDataValue(Ontology.LANGUAGE);
              String oldSourceFileId = bundle.getDataValue(Ontology.SOURCEFILE_KEY);
              return relationLabel.equals(Ontology.DESCRIPTION_FOR_ENTITY)
                  && bundle.getType().equals(EntityClass.DOCUMENTARY_UNIT_DESCRIPTION)
                  && (lang != null && lang.equals(languageOfDesc))
                  && (oldSourceFileId != null && oldSourceFileId.equals(thisSourceFileId));
        Bundle filtered = oldBundle.filterRelations(filter);

        return unitWithIds
            .withRelation(Ontology.DESCRIPTION_FOR_ENTITY, descBundle);
      } catch (SerializationError ex) {
        throw new ValidationError(unit, "serialization error", ex.getMessage());
      } catch (ItemNotFound ex) {
        throw new ValidationError(unit, "item not found exception", ex.getMessage());
    } else { // else we create a new bundle.
      return unit.withRelation(Ontology.DESCRIPTION_FOR_ENTITY, descBundle);
Esempio n. 2
   * Import a single archdesc or c01-12 item, keeping a reference to the hierarchical depth.
   * @param itemData The raw data map
   * @param idPath The identifiers of parent documents, not including those of the overall
   *     permission scope
   * @throws ValidationError when the itemData does not contain an identifier for the unit or...
  public AbstractUnit importItem(Map<String, Object> itemData, List<String> idPath)
      throws ValidationError {

    BundleManager persister = getPersister(idPath);

    Bundle description = getDescription(itemData);

    // extractDocumentaryUnit does not throw ValidationError on missing ID
    Bundle unit = new Bundle(unitEntity, extractDocumentaryUnit(itemData));

    // Check for missing identifier, throw an exception when there is no ID.
    if (unit.getDataValue(Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY) == null) {
      throw new ValidationError(
          unit, Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY, "Missing identifier " + Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY);
    logger.debug("Imported item: {}", itemData.get("name"));

    Mutation<DocumentaryUnit> mutation =
            mergeWithPreviousAndSave(unit, description, idPath), DocumentaryUnit.class);
    DocumentaryUnit frame = mutation.getNode();

    // Set the repository/item relationship
    if (idPath.isEmpty() && mutation.created()) {
      EntityClass scopeType = manager.getEntityClass(permissionScope);
      if (scopeType.equals(EntityClass.REPOSITORY)) {
        Repository repository = framedGraph.frame(permissionScope.asVertex(), Repository.class);
      } else if (scopeType.equals(unitEntity)) {
        DocumentaryUnit parent =
            framedGraph.frame(permissionScope.asVertex(), DocumentaryUnit.class);
      } else {
        logger.error("Unknown scope type for documentary unit: {}", scopeType);
    logger.debug("============== {} state: {}", frame.getId(), mutation.getState());
    if (mutation.created()) {
    return frame;