/** @param bioID */
  private boolean setBioID(String bioID) {
    boolean toRet = false;
    try {
      JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();
      JsonParser jparser = factory.createParser(bioID);

      String key = "";
      // Get StartObject for JSON, after first {
      while (jparser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
        key = jparser.getText();

        if (key.equals("id")) {
          key = jparser.nextTextValue();

          // Set bioID in Experiment

          toRet = true;
        } else {

    } catch (JsonParseException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return toRet;
  @Port(direction = Direction.INPUT, name = "Set Experiment to upload", order = 1)
  public void setExperiment(IExperiment selExp) {
    this.selExp = selExp;

    if (this.selExp.getMapIntraExpsColors() != null) {
      isInter = true;
    } else {
      isInter = false;

    try {
      // First step, send Experiment data
      String json = generateJSON();

      // Second step, receive Experiment bio_ID from BiofOmics
      String bioID = getBioID(json);

      if (!bioID.isEmpty()) {
        // Third step, set bio_ID in the Experiment
        boolean success = setBioID(bioID);
        if (success) {
          // Four step, create Experiment files and send them to
          // BiofOmics
          String zipPath = saveExpInTempFolder();
          json = generateJSON(zipPath);

          // Call webService to upload the file
          int serverCode = uploadExperiment(json);
          if (serverCode < 400) {
                    + selExp.getName()
                    + I18n.get("uploadOk2")
                    + BewConstants.USER
                    + ".");
          } else {
            if (serverCode == 401) {
              ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("uploadBadLogin"));
            } else if (serverCode == 500) {
              ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("uploadServerError"));
        } else {
          ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("uploadIDError"));
      } else {
        ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("uploadIDError"));
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("webServicesConnection"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      ShowDialog.showError(I18n.get("updloadErrorTitle"), I18n.get("updloadError"));
   * Method to fill the JSON with the experiment information. This JSON includes the files field.
   * @param json Input JSON to fill with data.
   * @param zipPath Path of the temporary zip files for the Experiment.
   * @return String with the new JSON.
   * @throws IOException
  private String getJSONExperiment(String json, String zipPath) throws IOException {
    // Get bioID
    json += "\"id\":\"" + selExp.getBioID() + "\"";
    // Set zip file
    Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(zipPath);
    json += ",\"file\":\"" + new String(Base64Coder.encode(Files.readAllBytes(path))) + "\"}";

    return json;
   * Method to save the selected Experiment, in xml and xls (if possible), in a temporary folder.
   * The files will be contained inside a zip.
   * @return String with the path of the zip file.
   * @throws IOException
  private String saveExpInTempFolder() throws IOException {
    String toRet = "";

    // Create temporary File
    String filePath = Files.createTempDirectory("").toString() + "/";
    filePath = filePath.replace("\\", "/");

    // Get bioID
    String bioID = selExp.getBioID();
    if (bioID.isEmpty()) {
      bioID = "bio_";

    DataToFile.saveXMLData(selExp, filePath + "xml");
    // Only save in XLS if the Experiment is an IntraExperiment
    if (!isInter) {
      DataToFile.saveXLSData(selExp, filePath + "xls");

    // Generate ZIP file with Java 7
    Map<String, String> zipProperties = new HashMap<>();
    zipProperties.put("create", "true");
    zipProperties.put("encoding", "UTF-8");

    // Create zip file
    URI zipDisk;
    toRet = filePath + bioID + ".zip";
    if (toRet.startsWith("/")) {
      zipDisk = URI.create("jar:file:" + toRet);
    } else {
      zipDisk = URI.create("jar:file:/" + toRet);

    // Adding files to zip
    try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipDisk, zipProperties)) {
      // Create file inside zip
      Path zipFilePath = zipfs.getPath(bioID + ".xml");
      // Path where the file to be added resides
      Path addNewFile = Paths.get(filePath + "xml.xml");
      // Append file to ZIP File
      Files.copy(addNewFile, zipFilePath);

      if (!isInter) {
        // Now go for the xls file
        zipFilePath = zipfs.getPath(bioID + ".xls");
        addNewFile = Paths.get(filePath + "xls.xls");
        Files.copy(addNewFile, zipFilePath);

    // Delete temp files
    Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(filePath + "xml.xml"));
    Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(filePath + "xls.xls"));

    return toRet;