Esempio n. 1
  * Returns a List containing the nodes of the shortest path between v1 and v2, not including v1.
  * The size of this List will be the length of the path.
  * @param v1 The node to start at.
  * @param v2 The node to end with.
  * @return A List containing the shortest path, or null if no such path exists.
 public List<E> getShortestPath(V v1, V v2) {
   if (dijkstra == null) {
     // create a new DijkstraShortestPath
     dijkstra = new DijkstraShortestPath<V, E>(this);
     // listen for edge changes and reset DijkstraShortestPath
         new GraphItemChangeListener<E>() {
           public void stateChanged(GraphItemChangeEvent e) {
   try {
     return dijkstra.getPath(v1, v2);
   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
     return null;
Esempio n. 2
  public void solve() {
    while (true) {
      Mine mine = null;
      mine = initialMine.clone();
      Game game = new Game(mine);

      while (game.getState() == GameState.Game) {
        Cell robotCell = mine.getRobotCell();
        String map = mine.toText();
        String mapWithoutRobot = mine.toTextWithoutRobot();
        if (!loseMovs.containsKey(map)) {
          loseMovs.put(map, new HashSet<Movement>());
        if (!loseLinks.containsKey(map)) {
          loseLinks.put(map, new HashSet<CellsLink>());
        if (!noWay.containsKey(map)) {
          noWay.put(map, new HashSet<Coordinate>());
        if (!attendedWalkingAroundCoordinates.containsKey(mapWithoutRobot)) {
          attendedWalkingAroundCoordinates.put(mapWithoutRobot, new HashSet<Coordinate>());
        Set<Cell> targets = new HashSet<Cell>();
        boolean isFreeWay = false;
        for (Cell cell : mine.getAdjacentCells(robotCell)) {
          Movement mov = robotCell.getCoordinate().getNecessaryMovement(cell.getCoordinate());
          isFreeWay |=
                  && !loseMovs.get(map).contains(mov);
        if (isFreeWay) {
          if (targets.size() == 0) targets.addAll(mine.findCells(CellContent.OpenLambdaLift));
        } else {
          for (CellContent content : CellContent.getTrampolines()) {
          if (targets.size() == 0) {
        Graph<Cell, CellsLink> graph = getDirectedGraph(mine);
        DijkstraShortestPath<Cell, CellsLink> alg =
            new DijkstraShortestPath<Cell, CellsLink>(
                graph, new CellsLinkTransformer<CellsLink, Double>());
        Cell nextTarget = null;
        List<CellsLink> routeToNextTarget = null;
        double shortestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Cell target : targets) {
          List<CellsLink> route = null;
          Number dist = null;
          try {
            route = alg.getPath(mine.getRobotCell(), target);
            dist = alg.getDistance(mine.getRobotCell(), target);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          if (dist != null
              && route != null
              && route.size() > 0
              && dist.doubleValue() < shortestDist) {
            CellsLink firstLink = route.get(0);
            Movement mov =
            if (!loseMovs.get(map).contains(mov)
                && !attendedWalkingAroundCoordinates
                    .contains(target.getCoordinate())) {
              shortestDist = dist.doubleValue();
              nextTarget = target;
              routeToNextTarget = route;
        if (nextTarget != null) {
          for (CellsLink link : routeToNextTarget) {
            Cell source = link.getSource();
            Cell target = link.getTarget();
            if (isSafeMovement(mine, source, target)) {
              Movement mov = source.getCoordinate().getNecessaryMovement(target.getCoordinate());
              GameState state = game.move(mov);
              if (state == GameState.Lose || state == GameState.Abort) {
        } else {
          // Walking around
          for (Movement mov : Movement.values()) {
            if (!loseMovs.get(map).contains(mov)) {
              if (mov == Movement.RAZOR && mine.getRazorsCount() > 0) {
                boolean isRazorApplied = false;
                for (Cell cell : mine.getNeighboringCells(robotCell)) {
                  isRazorApplied |= cell.getContent() == CellContent.WadlersBeard;
                if (!isRazorApplied) continue;
              Cell movCell = null;
              for (Cell cell : mine.getAdjacentCells(robotCell)) {
                if (robotCell.getCoordinate().getNecessaryMovement(cell.getCoordinate()) == mov) {
                  if (!attendedWalkingAroundCoordinates
                      .contains(cell.getCoordinate())) {
                    movCell = cell;
              if (mov == Movement.WAIT
                  || mov == Movement.RAZOR
                  || movCell != null
                      && !attendedWalkingAroundCoordinates
                          .contains(movCell.getCoordinate())) {
                GameState state = game.move(mov);
                if (movCell != null && mapWithoutRobot.equals(mine.toTextWithoutRobot()))
                if (state == GameState.Game && map.equals(mine.toText())) {
  public static int[][] layerMalik(
      String path,
      DirectedGraph<NmvNode, NmvLink> myGraphMalik,
      DirectedGraph<NmvNode, NmvLink> myGraphGrid) {

    ArrayList<NmvNode> nodeListGrid =
        new ArrayList<NmvNode>(TriGraphConstructor.myGraphGrid.getVertices());
    ArrayList<NmvNode> nodeListMalik =
        new ArrayList<NmvNode>(TriGraphConstructor.myGraphMalik.getVertices());

    int[][] assocList = new int[nodeListMalik.size()][4];
    boolean flag = false;
    boolean use = true;
    boolean repeat = true;
    Random randomGen = new Random();
    int[] taken = new int[nodeListMalik.size()];
    int hub = 2;
    int spokes = 5;
    int gen = 0;

    DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink> sPath =
        new DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink>(myGraphGrid);

    // place the hub nodes

    for (int i = 1; i <= hub; i++) {
      assocList[i - 1][0] = i; // Malik hub #
      flag = true;
      for (int u = 0; u < nodeListMalik.size(); u++) {
        if ((nodeListMalik.get(u).getId().equals(String.valueOf(assocList[i - 1][0]))) && (flag)) {
          flag = false;
          assocList[i - 1][1] = u; // Malik hub index
      // generate grid number and test for use
      repeat = true;
      while (repeat) {
        use = true;
        gen = randomGen.nextInt(101);
        // test if it's been used
        for (int t = 0; t < taken.length; t++) {
          if (taken[t] == gen) use = false;
        // don't use 0
        if (gen == 0) use = false;
        if (use) repeat = false;
      assocList[i - 1][2] = gen; // Grid number
      taken[i - 1] = gen;
      flag = true;
      for (int u = 0; u < nodeListGrid.size(); u++) {
        if ((nodeListGrid.get(u).getId().equals(String.valueOf(assocList[i - 1][2]))) && (flag)) {
          flag = false;
          assocList[i - 1][3] = u; // Grid index

    // place spoke nodes
    int count = hub;
    int[][] hubDist =
        new int[hub][5]; // hub-grid #, hub-grid index, spoke-grid #, spoke-grid index, distance
    int incumbent = 400;
    boolean beaten = false;
    // assign the grid numbers and indices to the hubDist array for the HUB nodes
    for (int y = 0; y < hub; y++) {
      hubDist[y][0] = assocList[y][2];
      hubDist[y][1] = assocList[y][3];

    for (int i = 0; i < hub; i++) {
      for (int k = hub + spokes * i; k <= hub + spokes * (i + 1) - 1; k++) {
        // assign spoke number and spoke list index to assocList
        assocList[count][0] = k + 1; // Malik hub #
        flag = true;
        for (int u = 0; u < nodeListMalik.size(); u++) {
          if ((nodeListMalik.get(u).getId().equals(String.valueOf(assocList[count][0])))
              && (flag)) {
            flag = false;
            assocList[count][1] = u; // Malik hub index

        // generate grid number for spoke node and test for use

        repeat = true;
        while (repeat) {
          use = true;
          gen = randomGen.nextInt(101);
          // test if taken
          for (int t = 0; t < taken.length; t++) {
            if (taken[t] == gen) use = false;
          // test if 0
          if (gen == 0) use = false;
          // calculate the distance from the generated node to each of the hubs
          for (int y = 0; y < hub; y++) {
            hubDist[y][2] = gen;
            flag = true;
            for (int u = 0; u < nodeListGrid.size(); u++) {
              if ((nodeListGrid.get(u).getId().equals(String.valueOf(gen))) && (flag)) {
                flag = false;
                hubDist[y][3] = u; // List index
            List<NmvLink> shortestPath =
                sPath.getPath(nodeListGrid.get(hubDist[y][1]), nodeListGrid.get(hubDist[y][3]));
            hubDist[y][4] = shortestPath.size();
          // test whether the distance to the current hub i is not longer than shortest (can be
          // equal)
          incumbent = hubDist[i][4];
          beaten = false;
          for (int y = 0; y < hub; y++) {
            if (hubDist[y][4] < incumbent) beaten = true;

          if (beaten) use = false;
          if (use) repeat = false;
        // insert the tested gen into the assocList
        assocList[count][2] = gen; // Grid number
        taken[count] = gen;
        flag = true;
        for (int u = 0; u < nodeListGrid.size(); u++) {
          if ((nodeListGrid.get(u).getId().equals(String.valueOf(assocList[count][2]))) && (flag)) {
            flag = false;
            assocList[count][3] = u; // Grid index

    String assocFile = path + "assocList.csv";
    BufferedWriter bw = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(assocFile);
    try {
      bw.write("Malik id, Malik index,Grid id, Grid index");
      for (int j = 0; j < assocList.length; j++) {
                assocList[j][0], assocList[j][1], assocList[j][2], assocList[j][3]));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Association list written to file " + assocFile);
    return assocList;
  public static int[][] pathBuilder(
      DirectedGraph<NmvNode, NmvLink> myGraphGrid, ArrayList<NmvNode> gridNodes, int s, int t) {
    //				System.out.println("Source "+gridNodes.get(s).getId());
    //				System.out.println("Target "+gridNodes.get(t).getId());

    DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink> gPath =
        new DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink>(myGraphGrid);
    List<NmvLink> shortestPathGrid = gPath.getPath(gridNodes.get(s), gridNodes.get(t));
    //				System.out.println("Path length"+shortestPathGrid.size());
    int numSteps = shortestPathGrid.size();
    int count = 0;
    int nonzeroSize = 0;
    int[][] pathCollectInt = new int[500000][numSteps + 1];
    for (int[] row : pathCollectInt) {
      Arrays.fill(row, 999);
    pathCollectInt[0][0] = s;

    while (count <= numSteps) {
      int[][] NEWpathCollect = new int[50000][numSteps + 1];
      for (int[] row : NEWpathCollect) {
        Arrays.fill(row, 999);

      int countRows = 0;
      int cycle = 0;
      while (pathCollectInt[cycle][0]
          == s) { // while there is still a row in pathCollect with entries

        int currentNode = pathCollectInt[cycle][count];

        Collection<NmvNode> success =
            new LinkedList<NmvNode>(myGraphGrid.getSuccessors(gridNodes.get(currentNode)));
        // need to prevent from going back

        for (NmvNode sucNode : success) {
          boolean contin = false;
          List<NmvLink> path1 = gPath.getPath(gridNodes.get(s), sucNode);
          List<NmvLink> path2 = gPath.getPath(sucNode, gridNodes.get(t));

          // make sure it doesn't move further away
          // path2 must now be shorter than it was in the previous iteration

          List<NmvLink> path2Prev = gPath.getPath(gridNodes.get(currentNode), gridNodes.get(t));
          if (numSteps == (path1.size() + path2.size()) && (path2.size() < path2Prev.size())) {
            contin = true;

          if (contin) {
            for (int k = 0; k <= count; k++) {
              NEWpathCollect[countRows][k] =
                  pathCollectInt[cycle][k]; // populate row in NEW matrix with existing values
            NEWpathCollect[countRows][count + 1] =
                gridNodes.indexOf(sucNode); // add the successor node
            nonzeroSize = countRows;
        //				System.out.println("NEWpathCollect");
        //				int check2 = 0;
        //				while (NEWpathCollect[check2][0]==s){
        //					for (int r = 0; r<=count+1;r++){
        //						System.out.print(gridNodes.get(NEWpathCollect[check2][r]).getId()+" ");
        //					}
        //					check2++;
        //					System.out.println();
        //				}
        //				System.out.println();
        //				System.out.println("CountRows "+countRows);


      // write out both matrices to check before overwriting

      //			System.out.println("pathCollect");
      //			int check1 = 0;
      //			while (pathCollectInt[check1][0]==s){
      //				for (int r = 0; r<=count;r++){
      //					System.out.print(gridNodes.get(pathCollectInt[check1][r]).getId()+" ");
      //				}
      //				check1++;
      //				System.out.println();
      //			}

      if (NEWpathCollect[0][0] != 999) {
        pathCollectInt = NEWpathCollect;

      //			System.out.println("count "+cycle);
      //			System.out.println("countRows "+ countRows);
      //			System.out.println("cycle "+cycle);

    //		System.out.println("pathCollectINT");
    //		for (int t1 =0;t1<100;t1++){
    //			for (int t2=0; t2<numSteps+1;t2++){
    //				System.out.print(pathCollectInt[t1][t2]+" ");
    ////				System.out.print(gridNodes.get(pathCollectFin[t1][t2]).getId()+" ");
    //			}
    //			System.out.println();
    //		}
    //		System.out.println("NonZeroSize "+nonzeroSize);
    int[][] pathCollectFin = new int[nonzeroSize][numSteps + 1];
    for (int t1 = 0; t1 < nonzeroSize; t1++) {
      for (int t2 = 0; t2 < numSteps + 1; t2++) {
        pathCollectFin[t1][t2] = pathCollectInt[t1][t2];
    //		System.out.println("pathCollectFIN");
    //		for (int t1 =0;t1<nonzeroSize;t1++){
    //			for (int t2=0; t2<numSteps+1;t2++){
    ////				System.out.print(pathCollectFin[t1][t2]+" ");
    //				System.out.print(gridNodes.get(pathCollectFin[t1][t2]).getId()+" ");
    //			}
    //			System.out.println();
    //		}

    return pathCollectFin;
  public static DirectedGraph<NmvNode, NmvLink> constructGhostGraph(
      String path, int[][] assocList, int fullPathSize, int segSize) {
    ArrayList<NmvNode> nodeListGrid =
        new ArrayList<NmvNode>(TriGraphConstructor.myGraphGrid.getVertices());
    ArrayList<NmvLink> linkListMalik =
        new ArrayList<NmvLink>(TriGraphConstructor.myGraphMalik.getEdges());
    ArrayList<NmvNode> nodeListMalik =
        new ArrayList<NmvNode>(TriGraphConstructor.myGraphMalik.getVertices());

    // Create the shortest path sets for each link in the Malik Graph

    // The 0= FROM(MalikId), 1 = TO(MalikId), 2 = FROM(GridId), 3 = TO(GridId), 4 = # of shortest
    // paths between the two, the rest is the shortest path Grid ids
    int[][] logicalPathCollect = new int[50000][10 + 10 + 1 + 5];
    for (int[] row : logicalPathCollect) {
      Arrays.fill(row, 999);
    int rowMarker = 0;
    Collection<NmvLink> linkTrack = null;
    Iterator<NmvLink> LinkIterator = linkListMalik.iterator();
    Collection<NmvNode> nodeTrack = null;
    while (LinkIterator.hasNext()) {
      nodeTrack =
          myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(; // gets incident vertices to a link
      if (nodeTrack.size() != 2) {
        System.out.println("Incident vertices !=2:  " + nodeTrack.size());

      Iterator<NmvNode> NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();

      logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0] =
    ; // place Malik id of incident vertices in array
      //			System.out.println("FROM= "+logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0]);
      logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1] =
    ; // place Malik id of incident vertices in array
      //			System.out.println("TO= "+logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1]);
      int source = 0;
      int target = 0;
      for (int s = 0;
          s < assocList.length;
          s++) { // find the matching grid ids and put it in the array
        if (logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0] == assocList[s][0]) {
          logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][2] = assocList[s][2];
          source = s; // position in the assocList for the source node
      for (int t = 0; t < assocList.length; t++) {
        if (logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1] == assocList[t][0]) {
          logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][3] = assocList[t][2];
          target = t; // position in the assocList for the target node
      //						System.out.println(String.format("%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
      // logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][2],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][3]));

      // this call gives you all the shortest paths between two connected malik nodes
      //			System.out.println("Source Grid ID: "+assocList[source][3]+" Target Grid ID:
      // "+assocList[target][3]);
      int[][] interimPathCollect =
          pathBuilder(myGraphGrid, nodeListGrid, assocList[source][3], assocList[target][3]);

      //			System.out.println(interimPathCollect.length);
      // now add it to the logicalPathCollect

      int mFId = logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0];
      int mTId = logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1];
      int gFId = logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][2];
      int gTId = logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][3];
      //						System.out.println(String.format("%d,%d,%d,%d\n", mFId,mTId,gFId,gTId));
      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < interimPathCollect.length; i1++) {
        logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0] = mFId;
        logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1] = mTId;
        logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][2] = gFId;
        logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][3] = gTId;
        logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][4] = interimPathCollect[0].length;
        for (int r = 1; r <= interimPathCollect[0].length; r++) {
          logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][4 + r] = interimPathCollect[i1][r - 1];
        } // add nodes to path
        //	System.out.println(String.format("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][0],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][1],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][2],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][3],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][4],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][5],logicalPathCollect[rowMarker][4+interimPathCollect[0].length]));
      } // while there are still paths in interimPathCollect
    } // linklist iterator loop end

    // write to file
    String filenameL = path + "segmentPaths.csv";
    BufferedWriter bl = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(filenameL);
    try {
      for (int j = 0; j < rowMarker; j++) {
        for (int r = 0; r < logicalPathCollect[0].length; r++) {
          if (logicalPathCollect[j][r] != 999) {
            if (r <= 4) {

              bl.write(logicalPathCollect[j][r] + " ");
            } else bl.write(nodeListGrid.get(logicalPathCollect[j][r]).getId() + " ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Segment paths written to " + filenameL);

    // Now you have all the shortest paths for all the directly connected Malik links. Put them
    // together to build the whole set.

    //		Create set of all shortest paths for Ghost Network
    int[][] fullPathCollect = new int[fullPathSize][55];
    for (int[] row : fullPathCollect) {
      Arrays.fill(row, 999);
    DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink> mPath =
        new DijkstraShortestPath<NmvNode, NmvLink>(myGraphMalik);
    //		int marker =0;
    //		int test =0;
    // for each node pair in the assocList - remember that shortest path sets may eventually not be
    // symmetric and therefore you have to do all

    int rows = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < assocList.length; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < assocList.length; x++) {

        //		for (int y = 0; y<3;y++){ //test
        //			for (int x = 1; x<8;x++){ //test
        if (x != y) {

          int[][] segment1 = new int[segSize][19];
          for (int[] row : segment1) {
            Arrays.fill(row, 999);
          int seg1C = 0;
          int[][] segment2 = new int[segSize][19];
          for (int[] row : segment2) {
            Arrays.fill(row, 999);
          int seg2C = 0;
          int[][] segment3 = new int[segSize][19];
          for (int[] row : segment3) {
            Arrays.fill(row, 999);
          int seg3C = 0;

          // get the logical shortest path first
          List<NmvLink> shortestPathMalik =
              mPath.getPath(nodeListMalik.get(assocList[y][1]), nodeListMalik.get(assocList[x][1]));
          NmvNode FROM = null;
          NmvNode TO = null;
          // decide which loop depending on the logical path length
          if (shortestPathMalik.size() == 1) {
            Iterator<NmvLink> PathIterator = shortestPathMalik.iterator();
            nodeTrack =
          ; // gets incident vertices to a link
            Iterator<NmvNode> NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();
            // if only one leg
            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment1
            int w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {
                //								System.out.println("In here 1");
                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment1[seg1C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 1

            //						for(int q=0;q<seg1C;q++){
            //	System.out.println(String.format("%s,%s,%s\n",nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][0]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][1]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][2]).getId()));
            //						}
            // transfer to fullPathCollect
            int v = 0;
            for (int u = 0; u < seg1C; u++) {
              v = 0;
              while (segment1[u][v] != 999) {
                fullPathCollect[rows + u][v] = segment1[u][v];
            rows = rows + seg1C;
            //						System.out.println("Fullpath rows: "+rows);

            //						for (int q=0;q<seg1C;q++){
            //	System.out.print(String.format("%s,%s,%s\n",nodeListGrid.get(fullPathCollect[q][0]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(fullPathCollect[q][1]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(fullPathCollect[q][2]).getId()));
            //						}

          } else if (shortestPathMalik.size() == 2) {
            // if two legs
            Iterator<NmvLink> PathIterator = shortestPathMalik.iterator();
            // FIRST SEGMENT
            nodeTrack = myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(;
            Iterator<NmvNode> NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();
            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment1
            int w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {
                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment1[seg1C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 1
            //						System.out.println("Segment 1");
            //						for(int q=0;q<seg1C;q++){
            //	System.out.print(String.format("%s,%s,%s\n",nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][0]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][1]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment1[q][2]).getId()));
            //						}

            // SECOND SEGMENT
            nodeTrack = myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(;

            NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();
            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment2
            w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {

                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment2[seg2C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 2
            //						System.out.println("Segment 2");
            //						for(int q=0;q<seg2C;q++){
            //	System.out.print(String.format("%s,%s,%s\n",nodeListGrid.get(segment2[q][0]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment2[q][1]).getId(),nodeListGrid.get(segment2[q][2]).getId()));
            //						}

            // transfer to fullPathCollect
            int v = 0;
            int v1 = 1;

            for (int u = 0; u < seg1C; u++) {
              for (int r = 0; r < seg2C; r++) {
                v = 0;
                v1 = 1;
                while (segment1[u][v] != 999) { // add first segment
                  fullPathCollect[rows][v] = segment1[u][v];
                while (segment2[r][v1] != 999) { // add second segment
                  fullPathCollect[rows][v] = segment2[r][v1];
            //						System.out.println("Fullpath rows: "+rows);

          } else if (shortestPathMalik.size() == 3) {
            Iterator<NmvLink> PathIterator = shortestPathMalik.iterator();

            // FIRST SEGMENT
            nodeTrack = myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(;
            Iterator<NmvNode> NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();

            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment1
            int w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {
                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment1[seg1C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 1

            // SECOND SEGMENT
            nodeTrack = myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(;
            NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();
            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment2
            w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {
                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment2[seg2C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 2

            // THIRD SEGMENT
            nodeTrack = myGraphMalik.getIncidentVertices(;
            NodeIterator = nodeTrack.iterator();
            // populate the segment from the LogicalPathCollect
            FROM =;
            TO =;
            // first find the paths and populate segment3
            w = 0;
            for (int q = 0; q < rowMarker; q++) {
              if ((logicalPathCollect[q][0] == Integer.parseInt(FROM.getId()))
                  && (logicalPathCollect[q][1] == Integer.parseInt(TO.getId()))) {
                w = 0;
                while (logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w] != 999) {
                  segment3[seg3C][w] = logicalPathCollect[q][5 + w];
            } // now all the paths are transferred to segment 3

            // transfer to fullPathCollect
            int v = 0;
            int v1 = 1;
            int v2 = 1;

            for (int u = 0; u < seg1C; u++) {
              for (int r = 0; r < seg2C; r++) {
                for (int p = 0; p < seg3C; p++) {
                  v = 0;
                  v1 = 1;
                  v2 = 1;
                  while (segment1[u][v] != 999) { // add first segment
                    fullPathCollect[rows][v] = segment1[u][v];
                  while (segment2[r][v1] != 999) { // add second segment
                    fullPathCollect[rows][v] = segment2[r][v1];
                  while (segment3[p][v2] != 999) { // add third segment
                    fullPathCollect[rows][v] = segment3[p][v2];

          } else System.out.println("YOUR LOGICAL PATH HAS MORE THAN THREE SEGMENTS");

          //				int [][] interimPathCollect = pathBuilder(myGraphGrid, nodeListGrid,assocList[y][3],
          // assocList[x][3]);
          //				//					int [][] interimPathCollect = pathBuilder(myGraphGrid,
          // nodeListGrid,assocList[1][3], assocList[2][3]);
          //				//insert into fullPathCollect
          //				for (int u = 0; u<interimPathCollect.length;u++){
          //					for (int g=0;g<interimPathCollect[0].length;g++){
          //						fullPathCollect[marker][g]=interimPathCollect[u][g];
          //					}
          //					marker++;
          //				}
          //				test=test+interimPathCollect.length;
    // write out full path set (on screen)

    // write fullPathCollect out
    String filename = path + "shortestPathSet.csv";
    BufferedWriter bf = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(filename);
    try {
      for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
        for (int r = 0; r < fullPathCollect[0].length; r++) {
          if (fullPathCollect[j][r] != 999) {
            bf.write(nodeListGrid.get(fullPathCollect[j][r]).getId() + " ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Full path set written to file " + filename);

    // trim fullpathset
    int[][] fullPathTrim = new int[rows][55];
    for (int[] row : fullPathTrim) {
      Arrays.fill(row, 999);
    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
      for (int t = 0; t < 55; t++) {
        if (fullPathCollect[j][t] != 999) {
          fullPathTrim[j][t] = Integer.parseInt(nodeListGrid.get(fullPathCollect[j][t]).getId());

    //				System.out.println("fullPathTrim.length = "+fullPathTrim.length);
    //				System.out.println();
    //				for (int y = 0;y<5;y++){
    //					System.out.println("# of entries"+fullPathTrim[y].length);
    //					for (int r=0;r<21;r++){
    //						System.out.print(fullPathTrim[y][r]+" ");
    //					}
    //					System.out.println();
    //				}

    String filename2 = path + "shortestPathSetTRIM.csv";
    BufferedWriter bt = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(filename2);
    try {
      for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
        for (int r = 0; r < fullPathTrim[0].length; r++) {
          if (fullPathTrim[j][r] != 999) {
            bt.write(fullPathTrim[j][r] + " ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Full path set TRIM written to file " + filename2);

    // get the linklist
    //		int[][] linkList= GhostLinkList.linkList(path, fullPathTrim);
    int[][] linkList = GhostLinkList.linkList(path, rows);

    double defaultTransProb = 1;

    myGraphGhost = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<NmvNode, NmvLink>();
    // create the node list
    int[] uniqueNodesTemp = new int[linkList.length * 2];
    int count = 0;
    boolean flag = true;
    int cur1 = 0;
    int cur2 = 0;
    int r = 0;
    uniqueNodesTemp[0] = linkList[0][0];
    for (int y = 0; y < linkList.length; y++) {
      cur1 = linkList[y][0];
      cur2 = linkList[y][1];
      r = 0;
      flag = true;
      while ((flag) && (r <= count)) {
        if (uniqueNodesTemp[r] == cur1) {
          flag = false;
        } else r++;
      if (flag) {
        uniqueNodesTemp[count] = cur1;
      r = 0;
      flag = true;
      while ((flag) && (r <= count)) {
        if (uniqueNodesTemp[r] == cur2) {
          flag = false;
        } else r++;
      if (flag) {
        uniqueNodesTemp[count] = cur2;
    int[] uniqueNodes = new int[count + 1];
    for (int w = 0; w <= count; w++) {
      uniqueNodes[w] = uniqueNodesTemp[w];

    ArrayList<NmvNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<NmvNode>();
    // what you have in linkList is the grid graph ID not the index
    for (int m = 0; m < uniqueNodes.length; m++) {
      NmvNode currentNode = new NmvNode("", "", 0, 0);
      currentNode = new NmvNode(Integer.toString(m), Integer.toString(uniqueNodes[m]), 0, 0);
      nodeList.add(m, currentNode);
    int indexTo = 0;
    int indexFrom = 0;
    for (int w = 0; w < linkList.length; w++) {
      for (int q = 0; q < uniqueNodes.length; q++) {
        if (uniqueNodes[q] == linkList[w][0]) {
          indexFrom = q;
      for (int p = 0; p < uniqueNodes.length; p++) {
        if (uniqueNodes[p] == linkList[w][1]) {
          indexTo = p;
          new NmvLink(Integer.toString(w), linkList[w][2], defaultTransProb),
    return myGraphGhost;