   * The basic method for splitting off a clause of a tree. This modifies the tree in place. This
   * method addtionally follows ref edges.
   * @param tree The tree to split a clause from.
   * @param toKeep The edge representing the clause to keep.
  private void simpleClause(SemanticGraph tree, SemanticGraphEdge toKeep) {
    splitToChildOfEdge(tree, toKeep);

    // Follow 'ref' edges
    Map<IndexedWord, IndexedWord> refReplaceMap = new HashMap<>();
    // (find replacements)
    for (IndexedWord vertex : tree.vertexSet()) {
      for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : extraEdgesByDependent.get(vertex)) {
        if ("ref".equals(edge.getRelation().toString())
            && // it's a ref edge...
                edge.getGovernor())) { // ...that doesn't already exist in the tree.
          refReplaceMap.put(vertex, edge.getGovernor());
    // (do replacements)
    for (Map.Entry<IndexedWord, IndexedWord> entry : refReplaceMap.entrySet()) {
      Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> iter = tree.incomingEdgeIterator(entry.getKey());
      if (!iter.hasNext()) {
      SemanticGraphEdge incomingEdge = iter.next();
      IndexedWord governor = incomingEdge.getGovernor();
  private Counter<String> uniformRandom() {
    Counter<String> uniformRandom =
        new ClassicCounter<>(MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>linkedHashMapFactory());
    for (Map<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> impl : this.impl) {
      for (Map.Entry<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> entry : impl.entrySet()) {
        uniformRandom.setCount(entry.getKey().sentenceHash, 1.0);

    return uniformRandom;
  private Counter<String> highKLFromMean() {
    // Get confidences
    Counter<String> kl =
        new ClassicCounter<>(MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>linkedHashMapFactory());
    for (Map<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> impl : this.impl) {
      for (Map.Entry<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> entry : impl.entrySet()) {
        kl.setCount(entry.getKey().sentenceHash, entry.getValue().averageKLFromMean());

    return kl;
 public SentenceStatistics mean() {
   double sumConfidence = 0;
   int countWithConfidence = 0;
   Counter<String> avePredictions =
       new ClassicCounter<>(MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>linkedHashMapFactory());
   // Sum
   for (SentenceStatistics stat : this.statisticsForClassifiers) {
     for (Double confidence : stat.confidence) {
       sumConfidence += confidence;
       countWithConfidence += 1;
     assert Math.abs(stat.relationDistribution.totalCount() - 1.0) < 1e-5;
     for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : stat.relationDistribution.entrySet()) {
       assert entry.getValue() >= 0.0;
       assert entry.getValue() == stat.relationDistribution.getCount(entry.getKey());
       avePredictions.incrementCount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
       assert stat.relationDistribution.getCount(entry.getKey())
           == stat.relationDistribution.getCount(entry.getKey());
   // Normalize
   double aveConfidence = sumConfidence / ((double) countWithConfidence);
   // Return
   if (this.statisticsForClassifiers.size() > 1) {
     Counters.divideInPlace(avePredictions, (double) this.statisticsForClassifiers.size());
   if (Math.abs(avePredictions.totalCount() - 1.0) > 1e-5) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Mean relation distribution is not a distribution!");
   assert this.statisticsForClassifiers.size() > 1
       || this.statisticsForClassifiers.size() == 0
       || Counters.equals(
   return countWithConfidence > 0
       ? new SentenceStatistics(avePredictions, aveConfidence)
       : new SentenceStatistics(avePredictions);
 private Counter<String> lowAverageConfidence() {
   // Get confidences
   Counter<String> lowConfidence =
       new ClassicCounter<>(MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>linkedHashMapFactory());
   for (Map<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> impl : this.impl) {
     for (Map.Entry<SentenceKey, EnsembleStatistics> entry : impl.entrySet()) {
       SentenceStatistics average = entry.getValue().mean();
       for (double confidence : average.confidence) {
         lowConfidence.setCount(entry.getKey().sentenceHash, 1 - confidence);
   return lowConfidence;