/** * performs the action, adding the specified Annotation. Returns the position of the end of the * Annotation. */ @Override public int perform(Document doc, PatternApplication patap) { Span span; HashMap bindings = patap.bestBindings; // System.out.println ("bindings (for new annotation): " + bindings); if (spanVariable == null) { span = new Span(patap.startPosition, patap.bestPosition); } else if (spanVariable.name.toString() == "0") { span = new Span(patap.startPosition, patap.startPosition); } else { Object value = bindings.get(spanVariable.name); if (value instanceof Span) { span = (Span) value; } else if (value instanceof Annotation) { span = ((Annotation) value).span(); } else { System.out.println("Value of " + spanVariable.toString() + " is not a span.or annotation"); return -1; } } if (Pat.trace) Console.println( "Annotating " + doc.text(span) + " as " + type + " " + features.substitute(bindings).toSGMLString()); hideAnnotations(doc, type, span); hideAnnotations(doc, "token", span); Annotation newAnnotation = new Annotation(type, span, features.substitute(bindings)); doc.addAnnotation(newAnnotation); if (bindingVariable != null) bindings.put(bindingVariable.name, newAnnotation); return span.end(); }
@Override public String toString() { if (spanVariable == null) return "add [" + type + features.toSGMLString() + "]"; else return "add [" + type + features.toSGMLString() + "] over " + spanVariable.toString(); }