public CmdButton(String name, Widget icon, Command cmd, String label, String desc) { = name; this.command = cmd; = name; String htmlstr = label == null ? name : label; html = new HTML(htmlstr); if (desc != null) { html.setTitle(desc); } this.command = cmd; html.setWordWrap(false); if (command instanceof GeneralCommand) { addListeners(); setButtonEnabled(((GeneralCommand) command).isEnabled()); } GwtUtil.setStyles(iconHolderLeft, "padding", "none", "marginRight", "3px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(html, "padding", "6px 0"); container = GwtUtil.makeHoriPanel(null, null, iconHolderLeft, html, iconHolderRight); container.setCellVerticalAlignment(iconHolderLeft, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); container.setCellVerticalAlignment(iconHolderRight, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); setIconLeft(icon); setIconRight(null); GwtUtil.setStyle(container, "margin", "0px auto"); initWidget(new SimplePanel(container)); }
private static ServerEvent parseJsonEvent(String msg) { try { JSONObject eventJ = JSONParser.parseStrict(msg).isObject(); Name name = new Name(eventJ.get("name").isString().stringValue(), ""); ServerEvent.Scope scope = ServerEvent.Scope.valueOf(eventJ.get("scope").isString().stringValue()); ServerEvent.DataType dataType = eventJ.get("dataType") == null ? ServerEvent.DataType.STRING : ServerEvent.DataType.valueOf(eventJ.get("dataType").isString().stringValue()); Serializable data; String from = eventJ.get("from") == null ? null : eventJ.get("from").toString(); if (dataType == ServerEvent.DataType.BG_STATUS) { data = BackgroundStatus.parse(eventJ.get("data").isString().stringValue()); } else if (dataType == ServerEvent.DataType.JSON) { data = eventJ.get("data").isObject().toString(); } else { data = eventJ.get("data").isString().stringValue(); } ServerEvent sEvent = new ServerEvent(name, scope, dataType, data); sEvent.setFrom(from); return sEvent; } catch (Exception e) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger() .log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to parse json message into ServerEvent: " + msg, e); return null; } }
public Widget makeExtraUI(final WebLayerItem item) { final CheckBox cb = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox( "Offset Calculation", "Calculate the distance, delta(RA), delta(Dec), and PA between two points", _posAngle); cb.addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> ev) { _posAngle = ev.getValue(); redraw(); } }); SimpleInputField units = SimpleInputField.createByProp("PrefGroup.Generic.field.DistanceReadout"); String pref = Preferences.get(DIST_READOUT); units.setValue(pref == null ? DEG : pref); units .getField() .addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> ev) { Preferences.set(DIST_READOUT, ev.getValue()); redraw(); } }); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.add(cb); vp.add(units); return vp; }
private void layout(final SearchSummaryItem ssi, final int depth) { final int row = table.getRowCount(); final Image loading = new Image(GwtUtil.LOADING_ICON_URL); ssi.checkUpdate(); table.setWidget(row, iconColIdx, loading); if (ssi.isLoaded()) { ssi.renderItem(table, row, curGroupByName); GwtUtil.setStyles(loading, "visibility", "hidden"); } else { ssi.checkUpdate(); table.setWidget(row, iconColIdx, loading); Timer timer = new Timer() { public void run() { ssi.checkUpdate(); ssi.renderItem(table, row, curGroupByName); if (ssi.isLoaded()) { cancel(); GwtUtil.setStyles(loading, "visibility", "hidden"); } } }; bgList.add(timer); timer.scheduleRepeating(1000); } if (ssi.getChildren() != null && ssi.getChildren().size() > 0) { for (SearchSummaryItem child : ssi.getChildren()) { layout(child, depth + 1); } } }
public void setIconRight(Widget w) { iconHolderRight.setWidget(w); iconHolderRight.setVisible(w != null); if (w != null) { w.setSize("20px", "20px"); GwtUtil.setStyles(w, "verticalAlign", "middle", "margin", "0"); } }
public void addButton(Button button, Align align, int idx, String width) { TTabBar tb = align == Align.LEFT ? leftToolbar : align == Align.CENTER ? centerToolbar : rightToolbar; idx = idx < 0 || idx > tb.getTabCount() ? tb.getTabCount() : idx; tb.insertTab(button.asWidget(), idx); TabBar.Tab t = tb.getTab(idx); tabs.put(button.getName(), new TabHolder(t, button, tb)); width = StringUtils.isEmpty(width) ? defaultWidth : width; GwtUtil.setStyle(button.asWidget(), "minWidth", width); }
public static void onMessage(String msg) { try { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "onMessage: " + msg); ServerEvent sEvent = parseJsonEvent(msg); Name name = sEvent == null ? null : sEvent.getName(); Serializable data = sEvent.getData(); if (name == null) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Failed to evaluate: " + msg); } if (name.equals(Name.EVT_CONN_EST)) { JSONObject dataJ = JSONParser.parseStrict(sEvent.getData().toString()).isObject(); String sEventInfo = dataJ.get("connID").isString().stringValue() + "_" + dataJ.get("channel").isString().stringValue(); Cookies.setCookie("seinfo", sEventInfo); GwtUtil.getClientLogger() .log(Level.INFO, "Websocket connection established: " + sEventInfo); } else if (data instanceof BackgroundStatus) { WebEvent<String> ev = new WebEvent<String>( ClientEventQueue.class, name, ((BackgroundStatus) data).serialize()); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().fireEvent(ev); GwtUtil.getClientLogger() .log(Level.INFO, "Event: Name:" + name.getName() + ", Data: " + ev.getData()); } else { WebEvent<String> ev = new WebEvent<String>(ClientEventQueue.class, name, String.valueOf(data)); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().fireEvent(ev); GwtUtil.getClientLogger() .log(Level.INFO, "Event: Name:" + name.getName() + ", Data: " + sEvent.getData()); } } catch (Exception e) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger() .log(Level.WARNING, "Exception interpreting incoming message: " + msg, e); } }
public static void onClose(String reason) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "onClose"); }
public static void onError(String error) { GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "onError: " + error); }
public static void onOpen() { retries = 0; GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.INFO, "event manager started"); }
private void setButtonEnabled(boolean enabled) { GwtUtil.setStyle(html, "color", enabled ? "black" : "gray"); }
public SearchSummaryPanel(String name, String shortDesc) { setName(name); setShortDesc(shortDesc); initWidget(mainPanel); GwtUtil.setStyle(this, "marginTop", "10px"); }
public void layout() { // clear any backgrounded processes. for (Timer t : bgList) { t.cancel(); } table = new FlexTable(); mainPanel.clear(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name) || !StringUtils.isEmpty(helpId)) { String n = StringUtils.isEmpty(name) ? "" : name.trim(); HorizontalPanel h = new HorizontalPanel(); h.setWidth("100%"); HTML lname = new HTML("<b>" + n + "</b>"); if (shortDesc != null) { lname.setTitle(shortDesc); } GwtUtil.setStyles(lname, "textAlign", "center"); h.add(lname); h.setCellWidth(lname, "100%"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(helpId)) { final Widget helpIcon = HelpManager.makeHelpIcon(helpId); h.add(helpIcon); GwtUtil.setStyles(helpIcon, "marginRight", "11px"); } mainPanel.addNorth(h, 20); } // setup group by selection if (groupByCols != null && groupByCols.size() > 1) { EnumFieldDef gb = new EnumFieldDef("groupBy"); gb.setLabel("Group By"); gb.setDesc("Select a group by column to update the data table"); gb.setPreferWidth(200); gb.setDefaultValue(curGroupByName); for (TableDataView.Column item : headers) { if (groupByCols.contains(item.getName())) { gb.addItem(item.getName(), item.getTitle()); } } final SimpleInputField sif = SimpleInputField.createByDef(gb); mainPanel.addNorth(sif, 28); sif.getField() .addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent ve) { curGroupByName = sif.getValue(); layout(); } }); } ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(); sp.add(table); mainPanel.add(sp); table.setStyleName("firefly-summary-table"); table.setSize("100%", "100%"); iconColIdx = headers.size(); String titleCol = null; // render headers int colIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) { TableDataView.Column col = headers.get(i); if (curGroupByName == null || !curGroupByName.equals(col.getName())) { table.setText(0, colIdx, col.getTitle()); table.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, colIdx, "title-bar"); colIdx++; if (titleCol == null) { titleCol = col.getName(); } } } table.setText(0, headers.size(), ""); table.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, headers.size(), "100%"); ArrayList<SearchSummaryItem> itemList = searchItems; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(curGroupByName)) { itemList = new ArrayList<SearchSummaryItem>(); GroupFinder finder = new GroupFinder(""); List<GroupedSummaryItem> groupList = new ArrayList<GroupedSummaryItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < searchItems.size(); i++) { SearchSummaryItem dsi = searchItems.get(i); String cGroupValue = dsi.getValue(curGroupByName); GroupedSummaryItem cGroup = CollectionUtil.findFirst(groupList, finder.setName(cGroupValue)); if (cGroup == null) { cGroup = new GroupedSummaryItem(cGroupValue); groupList.add(cGroup); itemList.add(cGroup); } cGroup.addChild(dsi); } } for (SearchSummaryItem ssi : itemList) { ssi.setTitleCol(titleCol); layout(ssi, 0); } }